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DGriffin Fri, Dec-14-01 11:12

Good Afternoon to you all...I fit right into the 190's..I've lost a bit..I've gotten down from 218 to 213, and now I'm 193(A young lady I work with came up to me and said..what in the world are doing, please tell me..that is a boost to the esteem)..I am also hoping to get down to 180 very soon...Sure, let's encourage each other down to the 150 mark...

DGriffin Fri, Dec-14-01 11:16

Spatzei...sorry about the job thing...keep your head up...hope you find what you need...way to go on the 7 pounds..I think you can reach your goal in 1week and 1/2!

E&J Fri, Dec-14-01 11:51

Happy Friday
It's great to see others here. The more the merrier.
--Spatzei, good luck on the job thing. You may actually
be getting a better job.
I hit 30 last April, and it feels like over the hill, but I am
sure once I get done to a comfortable size things will
look up.


spatzei Fri, Dec-14-01 17:10

Thanks E&J! My second interview went really well this afternoon and should know by next week! And your right, it would be a better job and more moola too!!

deb :wave:

kyfaithly Sat, Dec-15-01 09:01

Hey, hey, hey!!
Gee, get busy and don't journal a day or two and come back and have a whole bunch of things going on.

Welcome E&J, DGriffin, sunsight13, and Tikerberi!!

Shirlfe looks like your 190's club is taking off! And with you and Lee, let me say, she's loves a competition , good luck to you both :D

Is anyone doing the OWL, or are all of you on Induction??

Leebugboo Sat, Dec-15-01 15:54

DGriffin...........I am with you! LETS support each other and drag each other kicking and screaming into the new, thinner, healthier us world! :D

Shirlfe Sat, Dec-15-01 19:15

Hi Everybody
Deb, Keep your head up, a job is right around the corner. Keep up with the low carb.
I am losing, but had to take some meds. for my sinus infection, that keeps hanging on. Hope it don't slow me up.
I had some chilli tonight and hadn't eaten nothing but celery all day. Was so busy, I didn't take time to eat and I know it's a no,no.
I Will weigh next Friday and let you know about the weight loss.
Getting close to XMAS. I Still have a few thing's to do.
OK everyone, let's get down into those 180's. More fun when we do it together. Hug's Shirl :thup:

kyfaithly Sun, Dec-16-01 11:54

Hi Guys!
I am so bored with this way of eating, but it's my own fault. I am not the plan ahead type of cook. I am more the "what's in the fridge, fly be the seat of my pants, is what's for dinner type."

Spatzei, hope the job is in the bag :D.

OWL sucks, not losing, but thankfully not gaining either. Atkins says it takes a couple of weeks to figure out a losing rate but I'm sooooooooo impatient. I want losses, lots and lots of losses :mad:. If I continue on OWL, I will not have any more weight off by Christmas :thdown:. The thing I don't understand is that I'm not getting more than 20 to 30 carbs per day, you would think I'd still be losing.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

I still continue to be totally unhungry (is this the way anorexia starts?). Who would have thought that I would ever have trouble getting enough food in me. All this excess weight didn't get here by not being hungry. In fact, it's pretty weird being not hungry enough to even binge. I have Oreo's, Fudge Striped Cookies, and M&Ms all around, no desire to even look at them. And the ice cream is getting old in the freezer. HA HA, that's a first from a total ice cream shake freak! :D.

wawtigress Mon, Dec-17-01 06:00

Hi , i'm back
Hi, I tried the 190's but my inexperience with the computer made me think this was inactive since no post since Dec. 1. But a nice person helped me and said i needed to click on the pages out to the side . presto , I found you.I'm down to 190 from 200 and my next goal is 180. I posted my journal under t-z and finding a lot of good info . Like to hear about your experiences with your weight losses and slowdowns.Wawtigress

alto Mon, Dec-17-01 09:46

Hi, WAWTigress -- you found it!!! (It takes some exploring to figure out all the nooks and crannies of this forum :) )

I hope you get a lot of info and support from the 190s Club :)

kyfaithly Tue, Dec-18-01 07:32

Welcome Waw-gon
Welcome to the 190's Waw. Yours is one of the journals I tried to read daily. We can do this, we can, we can :D

AngelaR Fri, Dec-21-01 05:08

Howdy everyone. This looks like a place where I can fit in too. Seems like we have a little bit of a mix of people who want to hit 190, and people who's start weight was in the 190's. That's okey dokey. I'm sure we will have lots to share.

I had a wonderful conversation this week with a dear friend of mine. We haven't seen each other in person for about 3 years, but are in touch regularly by phone and by email. We had lapsed into a 3 month void, and got caught up with a Christmas phone call. She told me she had lost 57 pounds this year (she started at 240) and is now around my weight. Turns out she's "sort of LCing" without knowing it. She's eating healthier, cut out bread, potatoes, rice, pasta and is eating more dairy, fruit and healthier stuff. I'm going to send her a copy of Protein Power as a surprise. Even though she's not being true to the purist LC way of life, she's made remarkable progress.

I guess it just goes to show that this WOL can work with great flexibility for some people. We all just need to find the right "groove" and learn what our wiggle room is!

I had a bit of a slip this week and learned that I have very little wiggle room. (6 cookies, 2 sausage mcmuffins and way too many macadamia nuts rewarded me very quickly with 3 pounds of water weight). Looks to me like I'm going to need to stay pretty tight, like living inside a LC girdle. If I wiggle and jiggle the plan even a bit, my body gets even real fast. Has anyone else found they react the same way?

I'll be checking in regularly. Everyone have a great day! :wave:

AngelaR Fri, Dec-21-01 05:18

Re: Hi Guys!
Originally posted by kyfaithly
Atkins says it takes a couple of weeks to figure out a losing rate but I'm sooooooooo impatient. I want losses, lots and lots of losses :mad:. If I continue on OWL, I will not have any more weight off by Christmas :thdown:. The thing I don't understand is that I'm not getting more than 20 to 30 carbs per day, you would think I'd still be losing.

Have you tried keeping track of your weight loss on a chart? Either pencil and paper, or a graph in an electronic spreadsheet will do. I started right from day 1 (I weigh myself daily) and it has helped me realize that I loose weight in steps. After the initial starting whoosh, it was a pound off, then hang there for a week or so, then another pound and so on. My chart looks like a set of stairs. Knowing that helped me to be more patient.

Cher Sat, Dec-22-01 12:10

Wow! A 190's Club...Can i join :-)
Well, this is just where I am...sort of struggling in the 190's. I'm down from 230...which is nice, but, it would be great if I could hang out with this group for a while (I feel a little lost on this's so big). I'm 5'8 1/ my first goal is to get to 165 and then access where I am...and possibly go for 145. Anyway, it would be nice to be with a support group that has the same amount of weight to lose...although...I sort of relater to everyone on the board :-)

sunshine2 Thu, Dec-27-01 10:12

I want to join the club
Well, I am definitely in this club! I've been stuck in the 190's for three months, thats right THREE MONTHS. Finally broke 195 and down to 193 (but I'm up this week because water weight). This is a wonderful idea. Maybe we all can set some goals, like 10 pounds loss by certain date or something. Just to get us all motivated, just an idea. The xmas challenge was kinda kewl that someone started, I think it was 25 pounds by xmas. We could do something of that sort, but make it a holiday a little closer than xmas ;) . Weigh in every Monday and report our stats? Any suggestions?

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