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KathyD Tue, Aug-10-04 07:00

Good Morning!!!

I know what you mean about cross roads... And yes you are right. Something is better than nothing. Nothing equals going in the wrong direction. Something means we don't go that way.

Keep doing what you are doing. Once the baby comes you will be able to do more complete WOs.

Have a great day!!!!!

A~Hope~ Tue, Aug-10-04 07:09

After my wo last night, I think I really have come to the conclusion that I just can't keep up with some of what I have been doing. I really did think about be sure it wasn't me just being wimpy and whiny. I think I have really hit the point where I am not physically capable.

The 4# weights I have been using are just about impossible to use now. I don't know if it was the wk away, or if my body is changing that much. Probably a combo of both. Anyhow, after missing a wk, I am finding it difficult, even painful to use them so I have been scaling way back on them. I hate to do it, because I think my arms need it. However, I think I am going to have to give them up. I have some 2# weights (the very first pair I ever bought, probably 15 yrs ago) so I will be using those from now on.

So, I am going to continue my 40 min step wo through this wk. I go back to work on Fri, then I will have to settle for the 20 min Denise Austin pregnancy wo. I think I should be able to do that til the end.

Kind of a big long babble, but I wanted to get that off of my chest. And it also helps me to think things through as I write them down....

DA PG WO :yay:

KathyD Wed, Aug-11-04 13:40

:lol: So are both halves of your body in pain today? Looks like you are doing awesome! I can't wait til I can really work out again!

No they weren't, well slight pain in the quads but not what I was expecting.. Must be getting stronger?!?!?!

Hey works for me!

After my wo last night, I think I really have come to the conclusion that I just can't keep up with some of what I have been doing. I really did think about be sure it wasn't me just being wimpy and whiny. I think I have really hit the point where I am not physically capable.

All you need to do is keep moving. With lesser weights then none. Just keep active for as long as is possible. You are not being wimpy and whiney, you are pregnant. You could take long walks if the wt reduction / removal doesn't work. We could always come up with something else!

Let me know how the new plan works out.

Take it easy girl, there will be plenty of time later!

Have a good evening.

A~Hope~ Sat, Aug-14-04 09:00

Well, well, my plan to continue working out has hit a wall for a moment. I was so busy the last few days that I didn't have time. Honestly and truly. However, I do think I did enough physical activity to make up for the cheesy pregnancy wo I have been doing.

I spent one day moving furniture and scrubbing/polishing (on hands and knees) my kitchen floor and dining room. Then moved on to scrubbing bathrooms (all 3) so I think that was, in the long run, more work than a video. Then the next day I took down our 18' vinyl pool all on my own. That left me so stiff and sore I was wimpering for ibuprofen--which I can't have, but dh wasn't around to help and I get it in my head that I am going to do something, and I do it. Looking back, I never should have. That thing was slippery, heavier than he!!, cumbersome, and oh-so filthy!!!! (The pump broke :mad: so it got pretty gross really fast). It took me nearly 3 hours and I broke 2 nails. Don't get me wrong....I am not one to wimper about a broken nail, but when it breaks it so that it bends back and I have blood trickling down my hand, then yes, I may wimper!!! :D

Off to do some step aerobics, then I need to get ready to go racing with dh....

A~Hope~ Mon, Aug-16-04 19:16

Back to work....WO on hold indefinitely. This wk is nuts. No time, seriously. Ds's birthday and I will be working from about 7-3 every day and running errands (hockey practice, grocery shopping, pictures w/dh and his cousin, etc) til about 7 every night, then when I get home, I have his birthday party to get ready for (house to clean, yard to straighten, food/cake to make, presents to wrap, etc). I will be sooooo happy when this wk is over. Anyhow, just making note of it in case I look back in the future and wonder what the gap is from....

A~Hope~ Sat, Aug-21-04 14:04

As if I need any more excuses.... :rolleyes:

This past Monday I started having mild contractions. By Wed they were pretty constant and I was really starting to get worried. I thought I would give it another day (it was Zack's birthday party that night) and they did die down on Thurs. Now yesterday and today they are about what I would expect Braxton Hicks to be like. I would like to start working out again, but I think I will wait til Mon. Just to give my body some time to get on track. Just walking was setting them off on Wed. It was kind of a stressful week though, not that my life is stressful, just stressful compared to normal.

So, anyhow, that all leads to hoping I can start back with an easy wo on Mon without feeling worried....

A~Hope~ Fri, Aug-27-04 06:05


You will resume wo this weekend!! No excuses! And keep them up til the day you deliver!

A~Hope~ Tue, Nov-09-04 17:19

:blush: Ok, I have not worked out since that last post!! Til tonight. Got the ok yesterday to do very light, low impact aerobics and work in small hand weights. Sucky old c sections!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

Anyhow...did my cheesy old Denise Austin tape as it's the only low impact tape I have. Teensy bit sore right now (at the incision site), but not any worse than when I walk up a lot of stairs.

As much as I complain about the boring workout I figure it will serve 2 purposes:

#1 I can slowly add hand weights and work my way up so that when I get the dr's approval I can hopefully jump into some of my favorite workouts (Tae Bo, The Firm, DA Kickboxing) and 8 Minute Abs (cannot wait to start that one!!!!)

#2 At least I will be in the habit of working out. I am assuming transitioning right in to my other work outs will be easy...or at least easier had I not been working out at all. I am speaking of the "habit" of working out.

Running out of time before Costa Rica. Want to lose about 50#. I know that is a lot, but I am still losing baby blubber. I figure if I shoot high (or should I say low) and get even close, I will be satisfied.

So, for today:

A~Hope~ Wed, Nov-10-04 12:30

40 min low impact aerobics, 15 min w/2# hand weights

Hmmm, my big pile of blubber (aka post baby fat tummy) seems to pull on my incision when I work out. Going to look for an old pair of work out shorts. I am hoping if I find a pair that is tight enough, it'll stop the jiggling and therefore stop tugging at the incision. The last thing I need are any complications. I want to get back to REAL workouts.

A~Hope~ Thu, Nov-11-04 16:02

Surprise surprise, I found a pair of work out pants that are too tight (note the sarcasm). Wore them today and they helped with the jiggly tummy. I didn't feel it in my incision at all. Quite a relief because the last thing I can deal with right now is a set back.

20 min DA w/3# handweights (AM work out)

A~Hope~ Mon, Nov-15-04 10:36

20 min DA w/2# weights

20 min DA w/2# weights (AM WO)
20 min DA w/2# weights (PM WO)

A~Hope~ Tue, Nov-16-04 13:48

40 min DA 4# weights

A~Hope~ Wed, Nov-17-04 14:15

Officially one month post baby and I am not looking so good. Not that I had expected to look "good" but I would settle for decent. I am just plain old flubbery.

I think I am going to try to add an extra 20 min to my work outs. These just feel so chintzy. I can't wait to do Tae Bo. I used to do that with 4# hand weights. Now it's a struggle to do these lame pregnancy wo w/4# weights. Sheesh. What have I done to my body!?!?!?! :mad:

I wonder if I will even be able to do Tae Bo, or The Firm. I am soooooo out of shape. :mad:

20 min DA WO 4# weights and 20 min dropping to 2# weights

A~Hope~ Thu, Nov-18-04 15:44

:eek: Omg!!!!!!!! I took my measurements today. Granted my stomach is still hugely baby flubber...but it is 18 1/2 inches bigger than it was in high school!! It's bigger than dh's :tears: !! (Oh, gosh, did I just admit that? :( ) I just keep thinking How could I have done this to myself?!?! Not the baby weight either....I've been fat now for 7 years, since I got pregnant with Zack. I just really need to get motivated and get it off for good. I loved the level of lc I was at during pregnancy. It was very, very doable and I know once I get the weight off, I could maintain, it's just going to be such a darn fight to get it off though....

35 min step aerobics w/ 2 or 4# weights (basically up-down, up-down and varied the weights)
20 min DA WO w/4# weights
15 min DA WO w/2# weights

A~Hope~ Fri, Nov-19-04 09:54

Ick Ick Ick Ick Ick
I am obsessing....I know I am obsessing...but my stomach is totally freaking me out. It's been over a month and I still look a good 4-5 months pregnant. Shouldn't it have gone down by now?! It's gone down a lot, but that's just because it was horribly bad before. Omg....I don't know what I will do if this is as "flat" as it's going to get on it's own. It's just huge and jiggly and just hangs there and it's still a good 2 weeks til I am allowed to even think of attempting ab work. :tears: Is it too much to hope that in the next 2 weeks it'll shrink significantly?!?!? I am afraid so. I think it's been the same the last 2 weeks. Any shrinking that did occur, occured in weeks 1-2. It's so gross it makes me sick to look at.

On another note, I don't have to wear my "too-tight" pants to work out. My incision seems to be healed enough that all the jiggling doesn't bother it. I am hoping (if Nick naps long enough) that I can try a low impact step aerobic video. Yesterday I just did my own thing while watching TV for 40 min. That's pretty much always been my rule. I don't EVER watch TV unless I am working out in the day time. In the evening I'll watch with family, but never in the day.

Goals for today
20 min DA WO 4# weights :agree:
15 min DA WO 2# weights :agree:
30 min step aerobics
--ok, didn't do this one--didn't have the video I thought I had...and Nick wasn't cooperating anyway....

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