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J.K. Sat, Jun-26-04 08:17


Time for an update. :)

Today is Saturday. This week I've worked out M,T,W & T so far. Friday was an off day, and today I think I'll lift weights. I had set Saturday aside for some kind of outdoor sport (i.e bicycling), but my newly ordered bike is not in yet and today rather than working in the yard - weather pending - I'm going to ride my motorcycle.

Tis good for the soul. ;)


I also wanted to add this link for those who may be interested in adding meditation to their program.

How To Become Your Own Thermogenic

I posted that today. It's a short recap of how Tibetan Yogis generate their own bodyheat. It is said that an accomplished Tibetan Yogi will become so adapt at this technique that while sitting in the snow and practicing it he will litereally melt the snow around him for several feet.

Think I'll also add that while I'm still testing positive for burning fat I did go above 20g of net carbs yesterday. A bad case of the munchies late last night led me to a pack of Atkins Peanut Butter cups and 1/3 container of Chocholate/Peanut Butter Atkins Endluge ice cream. I think that pushed me up to about 24g for the day.

I also wanna add or ask for some tips on that. I understand the 'net' carb thing but sincerely I'm having a problem with it.. lol

I'm starting each day with my mind on net carbs but really only Net carbs in terms of those I can get from natural things like spinich, eggs, cheese, asparagus, etc.. All these "net carb" products really kinda freak me out. I just don't trust em.

Seems to me that one of the greatest things about this diet is that it gets us away from processed food. With some of these 'low net carb' products that are being advertised though I wonder if we are taking processed to another extreem.i

In a nutshell, I just don't want chemists in my food.

Anyone have any ideas on that?

Hope you are having a good weekend. Back later with the workout report. Oh - I should also add that I got a 'before' pic up.

Don't laugh.. :D

And cheers!

(edited to correct sp)

Built Sat, Jun-26-04 10:50

Net carbs - hmmm - yes -

My .02? Stay away from frankenfoods. If it says "sugar alcohol" or "maltitol" or any other sugar-"ol", stay away from it. I think it's a lie.

You have cravings if you don't get in enough fat in the evening.

If you're JONESING, try my tablespoon of natty-pb mixed with couple tablespoons of heavy cream and splenda trick (drop of vanilla if you like)
Make a low-carb cocoa with heavy cream, hot water, teaspoon of cocoa, splenda and vanilla if you want it.

Hell, have 'em together. This will KILL cravings for sweets, and doesn't involve any frankenfoods, other than the sweetener.

J.K. Sat, Jun-26-04 11:00

Thanks, Built..

I think I may try that trick.

Me' thinks you should become a trainer for this.

Got the knowlege for it. And it seems the body too. ;)

Built Sat, Jun-26-04 11:03

Thanks bud! What a sweetie!

Hope it works for you. It does the trick for me, and I DO have to be a bit careful, especially when I'm carb-cycling because it's a little easier to let carb-cravings sneak up. They die off easy, but it's good to have a game plan.


J.K. Sat, Jun-26-04 18:07

HA! :)

Well, my game plan came out better than I expected today. Once again I did abs, Stairmaster, and weights but better than before.

20 minutes Stairmaster / Fatburner /. Level 4
3 sets of 33 inclined abs...
3 sets of flat dumbell press
4 sets of dumbell flys
I can't remember how much I did for shoulders or triceps.
Just know it was a lot.. Also most sets were to failure..
1 more set of 33 inclined abs
10 minutes on the Stairmaster / Interval Speed Training / Level 4

I'm really missing having a couple of things at home though. Missing having a rope pulldown for tricep pulldown. I really like that one. Not having a pully pulldown is also hampering me from working on my back. No need to worry though. I know that ultimately I'm going to join the gym - prolly sometime around my birthday which is August 24th..

I also want to add that I'm starting to see a change in my body. It's slight, but it's there and I can see it. I also measured my waist (which really where most of my problem is - trust me it's hidden by the black shirt - :D ) - and that's come down one inch so far.

Then finally I think I want to set a goal for myself. When I was younger one of my favorite exercises was dips. Today, however, I'd bust my ass just doing one.. rofl..

By the time I get to my goal then I hope I'm pumping those out again. I'm not sure what a realistic goal is. I just know that when I weighed in the 170's eons ago I could pump em out like a speed demon.

Being able to do that again would be cool.. :cool:

All for today. And cheers!

bellybuton Sat, Jun-26-04 21:24

Originally Posted by J.K.
I also want to add that I'm starting to see a change in my body.

Good for you J.K. You are rockin' it!!!!

And what about feeling it?!? I notice no soreness level today. YEAH!!!!

Cool beans baby!

J.K. Sun, Jun-27-04 07:38

Hey ya, Dawn..

How am I feeling today? hmmmmm..

Well, 'soreness' isn't really the best way to describe it. That initial shock that I associate with pain is gone now. What's left is really tightness. Increased awareness of each muscle. It's tempting to flex just for no reason other than to feel it.

I guess we could put that on the soreness scale but again, sore really isn't the right word for it. This is where sorness (for lack of a better word) actually starts to feel good.

:cool: HA!

DarkLotus Sun, Jun-27-04 08:50

Your gym log was a fun read J.K.! I'm nosing around for inspiration. Congrats on the progress and inch losses! Keep up the hard work :)

J.K. Sun, Jun-27-04 08:56

Hey Lotus,

Nice to meet ya. I'll have to get over and check out your neck of the woods too...

In the meantime, here's a poem for ya.... I think it's kinda in your theme.. ;)

Purple Lotus

I gave my love a purple lotus
she drank it in like wine
Then she gave it back to me
and asked if it was Thine
I held the purple lotus then
it's petals now turned white
And captured in a verse for her
my songs of love and life

I give my love the purple lotus
because it grows from in my heart
And the color that you drank of it
is only but a start
I grow many differnet colors
And I hope in time you'll see
The colors that I grow for you
are your gift to me.

J.K. Sun, Jun-27-04 18:26


Time to wrap up another day.. :cool:

No workout today. This was an off day.

Spent a good bit of time in the kitchen though.

Made zero carb crepes. (froze em)
Made 1 carb AMAZING Hamburger Buns (froze em)
Then for dinner tonight I made Low Carb Memphis Dry Rub Ribs.

:yum: yum


Hitting it hard tomorrow. :agree:

J.K. Mon, Jun-28-04 21:57

HA! :cool:

Fantastic workout today..

back, biceps, abs, and stairmaster.

Soaked two shirts.. :thup:

20 minutes Stairmaster/Fatburner - Levels 5 & 4
3 sets of 33 - inclined abs / crunch at top
8 sets bent over dumbell rows
4 sets dumbell curls / standing
4 sets curlbar / standing
1 set of 33 - inclined abs / crunch at top
10 minutes Stairmaster/Speed Training - Level 4

To failure on just about every set..

Also, decided to dress my gym log up a bit.

I got my mirror up today....

This is what it looks like from where I work out..

And most importantly - this is my workout buddy... ;) lol


He isn't worth a damn at spotting but since he seems to be hanging out with me non-stop through all these workouts I thought he outta be in here too....

Cheers everybody! :D

bellybuton Tue, Jun-29-04 21:06

You got a mighty good lookin' work out buddy there J.K.!!!!!

So just for you......
If dogs could talk, it would take a lot of fun out of owning one.

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a dog licking your face.

And one more for the road.....
If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Digit only two of them!

Wink! Wink!

J.K. Tue, Jun-29-04 21:20

lol.. ;)

Hey ya, Dawn.

I thought I was going to get out of here without posting in the Gym Log today, but after closing my Daily Journal out I checked my User Control Panel and saw I needed to take a trip down here.

I didn't work out today.. although I was supposed to.. :D

Got up at 4 this morning. This afternoon hit the Stairmaster and just realized I was tired. As a result I decided that instead of taking Thursday and Sunday off this week I'd take Tuesday and Sunday.

Today I took a nap.. lol

J.K. Thu, Jul-01-04 10:35


Great workout yesterday. :cool:

20 minutes Level 4 / Fatburner
Inclined Abs:
3 sets of 33

Weights: (pushing)
9 sets chest - db bench press / db flys
9 sets shoulders - db military press / reverse flys / side arm lifts
9 sets triceps - curl bar extensions laying / close grip press laying / dumbell ext. behind neck.

Inclined Abs:
1 set of 33
13 minutes Level 4 / Speed Training

I'm weighing consistently at 245 right now rather than tapping it but weighing consistent at 246-247. That said, I know there is some weight loss in there somewhere. Also, today I got out some Levi's.

I guess everyone need some 'measuring pants.' ;-)

I can get into mine. (waist size 42) But I have to be honest. No way in hell would I wear them withou a large overhanging shirt. lol.. Today, however, I'm going to take a pic of myself in those pants for comparison.

I've decided that I'm setting my goal waist size at 33. From experience, I know I'm pleased with that. That's actually 3 inches away from what I feel confident reaching. I'm pretty sure I can hit 36 given my current level of motivation and commitement. But I know the path between 36 and 33 is a very difficult one - at least for me.

Back, Biceps, Abs, and Stairmaster on tap for today.

I'm gonna win this one yet.. :cool:

Never Quit

Built Thu, Jul-01-04 10:43

Hey there -

Might I be so bold as to suggest that you switch your workout order? START with the weights. Do the cardio after.

From November Men's Health: why you should lift BEFORE you do cardio, and not the other way around:

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