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black57 Wed, Apr-07-04 15:56

Don't get it for free
I have been going to Curves on a regular basis since November. This is the longest that I have stuck to an exercise program. I walked in the neighborhood park, I went to my old apartment's weight room. I did these because they were free. Sad to say those freebies make it very easy to slack off. But knowing that I have a membership that I paid for makes me more determined to take advantage of the exercise.

IMHO, if you want motivation, pay for it. :agree:

Rocky_Cdn Wed, Apr-07-04 16:05

1. To kick start that metabolism!

2. Have an exercise buddy if possible. I have a walking buddy at lunch hours (Teresamay :wave: ) and we motivate each other every day! Not to mention motivating each other to exercise outside of work hours.

3. To feel better! Every time I walk my injuries feel a little less severe (at least for an hour) - it's an addicting feeling!!

4. Almost forgot - I keep it consistent. Lunch hours is easy. At home, same time in evenings; same time in weekends - only extreme excuses accepted.

polz Wed, Apr-07-04 17:56

I am fortunate that I love exercise. I walk to work and back everyday (4.6km each way). And I do a 2km walk in my lunch break. If its cold I wear a jacket, if its raining I take my umbrella. I do it alone because in the past I have found having a buddy to be a letdown. All my buddies have quit on me, and really, I'm doing it for myself, not someone else. I actually stopped doing atkins for a week at xmas and my 'week' ended on 27th March LOL. So I have gained 10kgs since xmas and lost 4kgs of that since march 27 *sigh*. I've been excersising this whole time, but its obvious to me to lose weight I have to do low carb as well. Just walking over 10km per day, unfortunately is not going to work for me. This morning I had to drive to work so I got up at 5.30am and did a walk around my neighbourhood then. Tonite after my daughter goes to bed(probably around 7pm) I will be out in the dark and the cold walking again. Not walking for me is just not an option.

patricia52 Wed, Apr-07-04 18:58

I can't rely on willpower. I lay out all my gym clothes the night before, and then get up at 6:30 twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday). By the time I wake up and don't want to work out -- I'm already at the gym! Then it's too much bother to go home.
Sundays I go again, but I have to use my willpower. Luckily I have a lot left over from Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Kris2 Wed, Apr-07-04 19:28

How cool, pookalee! I am from Louisiana too. Grew up in the country, also (out in the middle of no where!)

Dawna Wed, Apr-07-04 21:30

I do 70 min. on my treadmill at an incline at 3 mph most every day unless I've had a Chiro appt. or joint inflamation makes it too painful. For me that's fantastic. I do it because I can. As a result of an injury almost 5 years ago, I can't take mobility for granted. The exercise strengthens the muscles that help my SI joints which in turn keeps that hip replacement surgery from being later rather than sooner. That's my primary motivation.

Another strong motivator for me is the memory of how I looked in my 26W jeans just 8 months ago. I now wear Old Navy size 16 in the classic cut with the slimmer hips and thighs and tapered legs. That makes it a no-brainer for me.

If I feel my resolve and determination slipping on a day when I am physically able to exercise, I watch a home movie from a year ago while I'm on the treadmill. That act of "tough love" is always good for another 70 minutes.

DaddioM Wed, Apr-07-04 22:00

Originally Posted by pookalee
Thanks so much for all the responses. I think I have been thinking myself out of exercising by thinking too big. I need to say 15 mins a day no matter what, then I know Ill do 30, instead of thinking I need to do an hour a day and doing none. (P.S. I live in the country so I dont have any gyms nearby and with 3 kids under the age of 10, I have to stay close to home) I do have a gazelle and a big home gym, just have been too lazy to use them. Okay... I start tommorrow. Anyone want to join me? 30 mins at least 5 times a week of any kind of exercise!

Hi...with 3 kids all under the age of 10 you could easily do what Ohio Kim does. Take the kids out for a walk every day. I lift weights with my son and now it's very special time for us.

You could plan a picnic a mile or two away...get a backpack and carry the food....sausage and cheese for you, sausage and crackers for them.

If you get out with your kids every day it's nice, then you only have to "make" yourself do the home gym/gazelle occasionally.


jun keater Thu, Apr-08-04 03:46

I work at a gym, so I get a free family membership. That is my motivation. How could I possibly work there and NOT use it? That would just be stupid! :lol:

CindyLJP37 Thu, Apr-08-04 06:04

Well I keep motivated a lot of different ways.

1) I NEED to do it because I have a medical problem that exercise tremendously helps. The fatc that I could end up in a wheelchair if I don't is reason enough!

2) I would gain a lot if I didn't. Exercise keeps my metabolism high.

3) I'm trying to set a healthy example for my kids...particularly my 13yo son who needs to lose some weight.

4) It helps me to not "cheat" or "binge". If I feel a craving or a binge coming on (like I find myself obsessing about something in the fridge that I just HAVE to have some of) I'll go ride the bike even for 5 minutes. Most of the time once I get on I'll do more than that since I am already there (exercise room is in another building here where I live and I don't have the luxury of having a bike inmy house).

Bill L Thu, Apr-08-04 06:23

I won't excersize just to be excersizing. Too boring for me.

BUT......I happen to love driving clean cars and I love cleaning cars.

So (having 4 cars, mine, my wife's, and my 2 sons).....I have a car to clean almost every night.

Clean exterior
clean interior
door jambs
etc etc etc....

I have also started a small detailing business on the weekends, so I have some cars to clean on the weekends.

It's an excellent cardio-vascular workout and I GET PAID TO DO IT!

If you don't believe it's a workout, go try it!!!! You'll be surprized!

pookalee Thu, Apr-08-04 07:22

Yall are all so very AWEOME and inspiring. You have really given me motivation and lots of great ideas, and I realize how lame my excuses to myself are :nono: . I told my kids DD 9, DS 7, and DS 4 that this summer we will be bringing bikes to the park and I will walk while they ride, and we will also do this around our street. (this is a big promise considering how hot it gets here in Louisiana in the summer) Just telling them is going to make it happen or they will make mom crazy :lol:. I just gotta do it for me and them, and not psyche myself out by overplanning timewise.

KRIS, whereabouts in LA are you from. Port Allen area here, outside of Baton Rouge.

Thanks again everyone!

BlitzedAng Thu, Apr-08-04 07:22

My motivation is my daughter being a pain in my lazy butt. "Come on mom, lets go walking." "MOM when are we going to the nature trails?" MOM, my oh my, she is a real pistol.. Thank God tho cause sometimes I need that lil PUSH.

Kris2 Thu, Apr-08-04 09:01

Pookalee, I'm from right outside Shreveport.

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