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Mythymna Wed, Oct-29-03 15:45

Well, it's the case that I can't give up the wine now. It is a way for me to relax in the evenings. I have severe scoliosis which causes a lot of back pain. I have found in the past even with diets that have been more forgiving with carb consumption that a daily glass of wine has not altered my ability to loose weight when I am strict with the diet. I have approx. 30 pounds to loose and I am in no rush. I need to find a way to sustain as you say my "lifestyle" which is important while keeping fit and loosing the weight. I will see how it goes with keeping these "essentials" to me and my husbands daily routine together which we both enjoy and couldn't discontinue.

CalicoCat Wed, Oct-29-03 16:56

I understand the pain. Fifteen years ago I had a whiplash. Ever since, I had a constant headache. That’s one long headache and it’s still going on! A glass of wine really helps to relax and lower the pain, especially at family reunion when there is much noise with everyone talking! Good luck with your back!

hellraiser Wed, Oct-29-03 18:36

Mythymna: add cream with high fat contect to your tea instead of milk that has too many carbs. The taste is almost the same.

CalicoCat: wise words there about chocolate; there's no way around it, chocolates and deserts are supposed to be ocasional treats and no everyday things.


hellraiser Thu, Oct-30-03 08:19

Hi all,

I'm leaving tomorrow for my wedding trip and my wedding on Nov 7. I lost 19 pounds since the begining of my Atkins diet - too bad I didn't find Atkins a few month before or I would have been an even slimmer bride... but anyway I'm quite happy with the results and thanks to Atkins and to you all and your sugestions and support I'll be a "normal" bride instead of a fat one! So here's to you all and THANKS!

Keep slimming down, not cheating and proving to the world that Dr. Atkins WAS RIGHT!

Please think of me Nov 7 and wish me luck! :)

Colleen1 Thu, Oct-30-03 08:32

Can I join this club too?

I have been bouncing around in the low 150's since MAY! I finally reached 150.0 this morning, and I am extremely motivated.

I don't know if it's possible, but I would really like to reach 140 by the end of the year.

CalicoCat Thu, Oct-30-03 14:22

Hellraiser, I wish you a fantastic wedding and many, many years of happiness with your new husband! Please come back to us when your trip is over, we will miss you so much!

Colleen1, please join us, we all have the same goal.

hellraiser Thu, Oct-30-03 17:04

CalicoCat: thanks, I'll be back with pictures to share. Take care girls.

Colleen1 Thu, Oct-30-03 17:30

Well, it is nice to find a group here with the same goal as me!

Sometimes my weight loss gets stalled when my calories creep up, and I am determined to be more vigilant now. I'm not one for keeping track of numbers (outside of carbs), but I am monitoring my calories now.

Now that I think about it, I really REALLY want to reach 140 by the end of the year.

Colleen1 Fri, Oct-31-03 07:44

Maybe the mini whoosh fairy visited me. I weighed myself this morning and I am 148! That just makes my day. Even if my weight bounces around some now, it doesn't matter. If I hit 148 once, I can hit it again.

su-2003 Fri, Oct-31-03 08:00

Can I join you guys?

I am currently at 156....but am shooting for generally the same goal weight as most of you. I just started three weeks ago (I have lost 8 pounds so far :) and would love to buddy up with some people with similar goals!

I read your posts and can really relate to a lot of what you all have felt. I am very active in a lot of sports....but have always remained heavy despite how much I work out. This is especially frustrating when many of my friends are quite thin despite the fact that they don't have to work out at all and seem to eat whatever they want! Grrr. Currently I do a 20 minute Pilates video every couple of days, and aquafit once a week.

Anyway....let me know if I can still join in with you guys as you work towards you weight loss goal. I have 21 pounds to reach my fantasy goal of 135....but if I ever reach 140 I will be so overjoyed I can't even imagine!!!!


CalicoCat Mon, Nov-03-03 13:49

I didn’t visit you this weekend. If I remember correctly, our goal is to get to 140 lbs while low carbing. This weekend I was actually gaining weight while eating carbs:devil: . I’m telling you, you didn’t miss a thing:The more carbs I ate, the more nauseous I felt. I am now back at 149lbs! :blush:

How did all of you manage your Halloween weekend?

Pssst… Su-2003, I have a fantasy goal of 115 lbs but don’t tell anyone. Let’s get at 140lbs all together and then, see where we want to go from there…

Fiona mcK Mon, Nov-03-03 17:45

Halloween Candy... well that's not a pretty subject girls... I was BAD and then I started on the alcohol Saturday night.... Cape Codder's (vodka and cranberry juice!!)... Today it was back to basics, but i just indulged in two glass of white zin... NO i'm not an alcoholic, but it's been one of those weeks.... let's blame it on the I was good though today....


Colleen1 Mon, Nov-03-03 18:04

I kinda blew it over the weekend. We spent the weekend away from home with a boater's club. Dinner wasn't until 10PM on Saturday, and I was so hungry! I ate Fritos while I was waiting. I ate lots of carbs with dinner on Sunday: beans, rice, tortillas with my chicken. I over-did it a little on the low carb beer, too. So I will not weigh myself for a few days. The Halloween candy has not bothered me, though.

CalicoCat Thu, Nov-06-03 09:09

I finally lost the 3 lbs I gained on Halloween weekend! I cheated for 24h and it took 4 days to loose it. I will think twice before I do it again!

Colleen1: I just hate it when I have to wait too long for a meal. Now, when people invite me over, I just have some cheese before I leave the house so I won’t be tempted with all those appetizers. I can’t imagine what I would have done, waiting for dinner until 10PM! Order a Pizza? :lol: There will always be circumstances when you cannot control what you eat. With a lot of imagination, we are trying to make those as sparse as possible. Are you back on track too now or do you find it difficult to get back after cheating?

What about you Fiona, now that the holiday weekend is over, is everything back to normal?

Colleen1 Thu, Nov-06-03 09:22

Oh yes, CalicoCat, I am back on track. On Monday I still wasn't, but on Tue and Wed I was the model of healthy eating. Got in some moderate exercise, too.

I think those tempory pounds we pick up are mostly water weight. I know I didn't eat enough extra calories for it to be fat!

This was my first trip out with this boating club. Now I will be a little more prepared. I will bring more low-carb snacks next time.

But you know what? I am not going to beat myself up about the weekend. I actually turned down most of the high-carb food there. One day lunch was just potato salad. I skipped that and had a big chunk of ham. Breakfast for most was donuts and cinnamon rolls, but I skipped those and waited (forever) for the bacon and eggs to be ready.

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