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Stardust Sat, Sep-27-03 13:38

So far I have held my own and met my goals. I have even done 65 minutes of extra, unplanned walking thus far. I am very glad.

And, Miss Monika, where did you find that pesky little "å?" ;) Did you have to use codes or do you have a Swedish keyboard?

Mizree Sat, Sep-27-03 18:03

I hope its not too late to join!! I am moving next week so I haven't been online in a couple days...

I pledge to go to my Curves work outs 3x a week and add walking with my kids after dinner on the alternate days.

My past experience with excercise has been as a teen until my first pregnancy. I was on the swim team (free style relay-er) and soft ball. I also walked everywhere. Seems getting my license wasn't such a good thing for me.. ( well at least not my backside :) )

I hope to change my life around so I can be around for my kids. I want to experience LIFE again!

I went to my first Curves session yesterday and will begin my regular routine on Tuesday. This weekend my excercise will consist of packing, and moving boxes!

AntiM Sun, Sep-28-03 00:04

Checkin' In ~ Past Exercise Experiences
I’ve been plugging away at my Walking Away the Pounds DVD - I am so proud of myself every time I reach that one mile measurement, I do a little ‘jazz fingers’ move towards the screen. Only you, me and the TV know about this little victory dance! I’m slowly adding the upper body portions, since my goal is to keep my heart rate at 60-65% of max. But every day, I can do a little bit more. Soon I’ll be using the hand weights!

My past history with exercise has been downright bi-polar.

Age 0-18
Avoid being pulverized in dodge ball, find creative excuses to get out of gym class.

Age 18-32
After getting out of my own, I started looking at getting more active. I joined a class at the YMCA for plus size women and got SUPER into it. I ended up getting certified as a Fitness Instructor and teaching both land and water aerobics. It’s one of my favorite accomplishments, because the testing for certification wasn’t cerebral - you had to achieve a level of cardiovascular fitness that was objectively tested (HR, blood pressure, etc.) after intense, long duration aerobics. I easily weighed 150+ pounds more than any other Instructor-trainee in my class. But I did it!! And not all of the others did, which frankly shocked some people. I taught 2 classes 5 times a week for years, and I stayed fat, but in that ‘glowing health’ kind of way.

Age 32-37
I developed a Lupus-like disease called Scleroderma and went down hard. For these last years, it wouldn’t be exaggerating to say I’d spent half those days in bed. Obesity related health problems, before held in check by a very active lifestyle, cropped up all over - diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Age 38 … Now!
I started LC in March, and felt like I was moving a lot more - just being up 75% of the time, cooking and cleaning, etc. But I hadn’t really ‘challenged’ myself to work on improving my level of fitness. I started off walking 5-10 minutes at a time and worked up to 15, then took two walks a day and eventually stepped up the time to 20 minutes.

So now you know why I do the ‘jazz fingers’ :lol: I feel like I’ve grabbed my life back out of a black hole. And I know I’ll be grabbing more each week!

AntiM Sun, Sep-28-03 00:13

Happy Sunday!
First of all, for all you folks checking in on your activities (Kathleen, Bree, Lisa) - You are awesome! This is one heck of an inspirational group.

Marty ~ :blush: Thanks … these challenges have truthfully given me way more energy than what I’ve put into them.

Mizree ~ It’s never too late! I’m so glad you’re here with us all! Don’t worry if you have access to a computer and the forum during your move, either. Take it easy, do what's best for your body and know your fellow challengers are behind you all the way.

PS - Have you noticed you’re not alone in making the connection between cars and weight gain? I’ve been thinking it’s got to be a big reason why some nations have a larger problem with obesity: the less personal automobiles = more physical exercise. Maybe that’s what we should be hearing from the media rather than ‘eat low fat’? But I’d be hard pressed to get by without the old ‘horse and buggy’ now!

Lisa ~ I have a ‘special characters’ option in my word processing program, which I write in and then copy / paste into the post. Do you use a Swedish keyboard? I imagine it’s set up the same but with extra letter keys … I was dreaming of risengröt last night, but since it’s pretty much just carbs on parade (rice, milk, sugar), I think I’ll forgo this lifetime. Still, I wonder if I can make a LC rommegröt? (cream porridge for all you non-Squareheads!) :lol: Have you tried either of these things? Though they’re more Norwegian than Swedish, I think.

Have a great Sunday, everyone!

Stardust Sun, Sep-28-03 01:12

Hej Monika!

Keep doing your victory dance. You so deserve it!!!

I also link weight gain to having a car and have done so for a long time, BUT for over two years now I have walked almost everywhere. We do not have a car and don't use public transportion unless we can't walk someplace within an hour. What is up with that? Wrong eating I bet. Last year I got a little below 260 and fell off the wagon. My weight shot back up like a lightning bolt. So I am here to stay LC and to continue my current physical activities and add a little more each week. (My family thinks I should be thin as a rain by now because of the walking, carrying a backpack, pushing a stoller, or carrying groceries ... It has not happened.)

In fact, I had one of the girls at my school said to me that now that I have to walk so far to the new school, maybe I would drop a little weight. Humm, I told her I had already lost 17 kg since April. She looked shocked and I don't know if she believed me or not. Oh well ...

IN ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTIONS (If this is too off-topic and I shouldn't answer here ... just tell me. Thanks. :p :

That is so cool that you have different characters available in your WP program. I have been using a Swedish keybord for two years now. I am pretty well adjusted to it now ... I only have to peek at it when typing once in a while now. I was a secretary for 17 years and pounded the American keyboard for many hours a day. The hardest thing for me with Swedish keyboard is not the extra letters, but the symbols are in different places, ie $ " etc. Also in English we have two spaces after closing punctuation and in Swedish it is only one space. I am really working on changing that habit.

Oh, risgrynsgröt, my favorite! I love it cold topped with raspberries or a sauce made with saft (know it?) at Christmas or Easter or anytime. We have premade here and I have eaten it the way I would eat rice ceral in America. I like to warm it up add more sugar, butter, and cinnamon. My mouth is watering and there is a tube of it in the fridge, but it's for my guy, so it's safe. I just looked at the nutritional info and it has 14g carb per about a 1/4 cup. So sad ... too bad. I guess dreaming is the best way to go here.

I have never heard of rommegröt, but I bet you could do it LC. Keep me posted on that one. It sounds great!

Vi hörs!

Stardust Sun, Sep-28-03 01:14

To everyone who has posted updates:

Thanks so much for doing so. You all are doing great. It helps me so much seeing what others are going through and what they are doing to reach their goals.

I have never done a fitness challenge before and have no idea what I should do, so I am following your lead.

Lead on, fellow challengers!

AZDean Sun, Sep-28-03 08:03

I made my hike yesterday (even though no one else in my family could join me :( ). It was a mile in and then a mile back. The first part was lovely and since my Pocket PC can play MP3 files, I listened to some wonderful Americana music by Copland and others. It was a beautiful day and the music made me feel very privileged to live here in Tucson.

But then the walk went uphill and I had to stop frequently to catch my breath. My GPS unit shows I climbed about 300 feet, which doesn't seem like much, but a 30 story building in no easy thing when carrying all this weight and not having exercised much for a long time now.

Even going back down was a chore and my legs got all wobbly, but I made it back to my car and the comforts of air-conditioning!! Thank heavens for that!!

In the end, it took 70 minutes to walk two miles, and I think next Saturday I may try a bit more level hike. Ugh!!


crysania Sun, Sep-28-03 08:22

i should go check out some of the hiking trails around here.. if i can find any good ones that still have trees!(i hate when they start developing new area's it makes me cry to see them murder all them trees :( )
well yesterday i just went to a few shops and did some window shopping (that has walking in it right? lol) today I will start my yoga classes back up again


Tiggerdy Sun, Sep-28-03 10:55

Well, I had planned on hitting Curves on Friday, but the gods of traffic had other plans for me. :rolleyes: So... I made up for it by getting my bootie outta bed yesterday morning and getting to Curves then. :D

I plan on getting in there M-W-F and possibly Sat. this week as I have bowling on T and an art class on Th. Parking at work has also been insane lately (students have returned and there's a movie being filmed on campus), so my normal 1/2 mile walk in is now closer to 3/4 mile. Bumps me up to 1.5 miles/day. Woo-hoo!

Warning: female gripe ahead...
My, *ahem*, "friend" TOM decided to show up early, so I don't plan on weighing myself anytime in the near future. Plus, I think my scale has been hitting the carbs as it can't make up it's mind on what I'm supposed to weigh. I think I get like 3-5 different readings that vary +/- 10 lbs. Think I need to get a new, better scale?? :lol:

Anyhoo, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

See ya at next check in...

debmeg Sun, Sep-28-03 11:08

Hi all,

Monika thanks for the words of encouragement. On reflection I've decided to modify my exercise plans in view of my likes and dislikes - and my tendons!

I have seriously pigged out over the last 2 days - and thanks for the Happy New Year as well, Monika. So funny - sitting in synagogue friday night, the rabbi says - and I quote - "there are only two commandments for tonight - the first is to wish people a happy new year, and the second is to eat!" and all the symbolism of a Happy Sweet New Year is murder for the low-carber - it involves a lot of honey! So after 2 days of gorging, tomorrow I think I'm going to go back on the Atkins wagon.

And... since doing the aerobics thing kills my muscles, and doing the treadmill bores me, I've decided to go walking every morning instead. Or at least five mornings a week, for at least 45 minutes a time, and possibly an hour. I'll also do the arm weights that I mentioned before. Walking with trainers on doesn't kill my muscles the same way aerobics does, so hopefully that will be a way to get my tendons stretched gradually. And with some uplifting music on my discman and the lovely weather here, going for outdoor walks should be fun, and an antidote to the fact that I sit at my computer most of the day.

exercise history: always been fairly sedentary. never good at sports, uncomfortable with my body from very early age, plus discovered the joys of reading very young. would swim more if i had my own pool and wasn't self conscious about what i look like in a swimsuit! however, probably like most of us, i've always *wanted* to be fitter and more active than I am. a recent goal/reward I've decided on is to take a trip to Australia upon reaching goal - and I'd love to be able to do things like proper long hikes and snorkelling/scuba diving etc when I'm there - so getting fit as well as getting thin is definitely on the agenda!

good luck everybody!


liz175 Sun, Sep-28-03 11:44

Checking in -- I walked about 2.5 miles around the neighborhood with my husband yesterday and this morning I went to the YMCA.

I started adding the YMCA treadmill to my walking and swimming routine about a month ago, and for the first time this morning I was able to stay at a 7 percent incline at 3.5 mph for two miles, while keeping my heart rate at a safe level. For the past month, I had been starting out at that setting, but I'd had to drop the incline down after the first 10 minutes or so in order to keep my heart rate from going up too high, so staying at 7 percent the entire time was a big achievement for me. I also swam a half mile (which takes me about 30 minutes -- I'm not a particularly fast swimmer) after doing the treadmill and I was not tired.

Dean, the biggest difference for me in dropping weight has been the ability to more easily go up hill. I live in a somewhat hilly neighborhood and I used to have a lot of difficulty walking around here. Now I don't even notice the hills. I was also able to climb a two-mile switchback trail up a mountain this summer without getting too out of breath or too tired. There is no way I could have done that a year ago. Just stick to it, and keep losing weight, and hilly hikes will get a lot easier.

kidee Sun, Sep-28-03 12:14

hello everyone,

i didn't walk on my treadmill yesterday as my heel spur is acting up. At times it feels like a knife stuck in my foot. But i have done quite a bit of cleaning this weekend so that might offset the no-walking a little bit. It's surprising how much clutter i can accumulate. i swear the clothes breed in all the closets! :lol:

i have done some yoga this weekend. It's not aerobic but makes me feel like i'f done "something"

Hope everyone's weekend is going well.

GreenEyezz Sun, Sep-28-03 14:06

Hi Fellow Fitness Challengers,

Hope everybody is doing good!! i did my first workout for the week today, did my Tae bo Basic and i feel darn good:yay:. my water consumption is right on schedule for today and so is my Carb intake. Looks like today is gonna be a huge success:cool:.

AntiM Sun, Sep-28-03 20:51

Howdy Folks!
Lisa ~ Regarding ‘off topic’ subjects … First - the only rules for this thread are the same as the forum in general: Respect Thy Fellow Poster. I don’t think we’ll have any problems with that here, do you? :lol: I see our Challenge like an 8 week walk … we chat with our compatriots about whatever strikes our fancy, but of course, mostly we’ll talk about the journey itself.

That being said … I think I’ll jot over to your journal soon to talk about cream porridge - I'm afraid if I say too much, tummy's will be rumbling all over the world! ;)

Dean ~ I’d like to see the fittest guy on earth carrying 150 pounds, climbing a 30 story building … and not needing to catch his breath from time to time! You’re doing great. Better than great! And you even did this without company … that shows serious commitment.

Crysania ~ I know how you feel about those huge developments. It’s downright depressing. And yes, I believe window shopping does get some mileage in … you know you might want to get a pedometer (McDonald’s is doing some Oprah related Salad Deal in which you get one ‘free’).

Nikki ~ WooHoo Indeed! It’s not easy getting your ‘bootie outta bed’ to attend a rescheduled exercise session. Congratulations! And girl, do not weigh yourself on the crazed scale right now … at this time of the month, it could lead a girl to chocolate. :skull:

Deborah ~ Glad to hear you’re taking care of those tendons! And I believe that on 1-2 occasions a year, you’ve just gotta follow holiday food commandments! Going to Australia is an amazing goal! We’ve got a fellow challenger Downunder right now … she’s joining us when she returns!

Liz ~ Congratulations for making that incline and speed on the treadmill! I know it’s been important to you to keep your heart rate in the right zone … Just imagine how fit your whole cardiovascular system is getting. And knowing you, this is still only the beginning!

Kidee ~ I wish my clothes would breed - but only if their offspring were better looking! :lol:

GreenEyezz ~ Congrats on the good day!

upncomer Mon, Sep-29-03 04:22

Well, I had a very busy weekend so I couldn't get to work out like I wanted to - hopefully, I will be able to start today! My BIL suffered a heart attack on Saturday morning, and I was rushing back and forth to the hospital. And, of course, since it was the weekend, he didn't have any tests run so they will do it today. Ya'll please keep him in your prayers - he has Cerebral Palsey and has enough problems with that.

Yesterday I made some awsome chili! Since being on this WOL, I really miss my chili - especially on these nice cool days. My DH really had a taste for chili, so I made two pots - one with kidney beans for him and one with black soybeans for me. WOW!!! It really turned out great! Now, my chili is not your "regular" type chili - I used: ground beef, leftover pot roast, leftover turkey, and leftover ham (really cleaned out the fridge!). I also put in garlic, onions, leeks, mushrooms, homegrown tomatoes, cauliflower, zucchini, (didn't have any green pepper or that would have gone in too) as well as chili spices. the hubby got carrots in his. My hubby tasted both and said he couldn't tell the difference, so next time all I need to do is make one big pot with the black soybeans. One bowlful filled me up completely!!!

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