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mom2girls Thu, Aug-14-03 13:27

Alopex and KC_Pike, I don't mind the replys at all, in fact, I welcome them :cool:

Sounds like my plan is only good for TKD, which I'm doing now. and if I start CKDing then adding the dextrose and/or maltodextrin powder to my protein shake after a depletion workout would be ideal, then on to the carb up of high GI foods. I say only High GI foods, as I doubt I would do longer than a 24 hour one, but still in the deciding phase of whether I should do CKD or not? not sure if my body would respond well to a full blown carb up :rolleyes:

Thanks again for the replies :wave:

KC_Pike Thu, Aug-14-03 13:30

Maybe try it one weekend for JUST 24 hours and see how it goes? If it doesnt work out for you and you are miserable you could go back to the TKD?

It might be worth a shot?

Even if you do it and it isnt something you want to stick with the one time carb load will do wonders in resetting Leptin levels for you.

mom2girls Thu, Aug-14-03 13:59

Thanks Nat for the response, appears we were posting at the same time :rolleyes: Not real worried about the candies setting off a "carb binge", knock on wood, I don't really have binges, I don't really miss the carbs, just was wondering if I could do it with the dextrose and maltodextrin as they are matabolized better (at least, that's what I've been told), than doing it with actual foods, but I will stick to High GI as you suggest; cereals and fat free french fries and ketchup (wow, that's a blast from the past, haven't had it in almost 6mths :eek: any other good suggestions for high GI, but fat free/low fat???

Also, Nat, if you don't mind another question? I just received from a friend a 3 mth supply of powdered multivitamin. You mix it with water. I love it, and it absorbs quickly into the body. Anyway, my question is, I just read the label, and it has 4.5g of iron per serving. is this bad? i've read we should find a multi with no iron. to say the least, i'm not very happy :cry: oh, and it has frutcose:( should i just return it, or can i get away with it. i love that it is powder/liquid, instead of a pill. would love you thoughts on this too. Thanks :wave:

KC_Pike, maybe i will give ckd a try, what are leptin levels? and why is it good to reset them? carb up/more calories does this?? Please excuse my ignorance :rolleyes:

TIA :wave:

KC_Pike Fri, Aug-15-03 07:22

Here is a good link about Leptin:


Natrushka Sat, Aug-16-03 14:18

Originally Posted by mom2girls
Anyway, my question is, I just read the label, and it has 4.5g of iron per serving. is this bad? i've read we should find a multi with no iron. to say the least, i'm not very happy :cry: oh, and it has frutcose:( should i just return it, or can i get away with it. i love that it is powder/liquid, instead of a pill. would love you thoughts on this too. Thanks :wave:
Hiyah Toots :)

Iron is more a problem for post menopausal women, if my PPLP serves me well. Have you had your ferritin levels checked lately? I know I was concerned as well, after reading PPLP, espcially since I was taking a multi with iron and well, with all the LC foods... But I was right in the normal range. I'd check out a few posts by Doreen T about iron in the supplements forum for good measure (sorry, having been away a while I'm a little foggy on this topic).

Re the fructose, does it say how much it contains? How far down the list of non essential ingredients is it? If it's down near the bottom frankly I wouldn't worry too much - especially if you're working out as prescribed.

BTW, among those links I sent you a while back to Lyle's articles you'll find the interview on Leptin - it's pretty in depth.


mom2girls Sat, Aug-16-03 14:43

Hey Nat,
Thanks for the response!! Were you affected by the blackout?? We were. Lost power for 26 hours. Was tough with an almost 3 year old and a 7 mth old:( But we survived. Didn't mind not having lights, tv, etc., but not having the AC was the tough part.

Haven't had my ferritin levels checked. Will make a note to have it done. I'm not really worried about the iron in the multi, except I read on these boards and dandr not to use a multi with iron :rolleyes: When I was pregnant both times they put me on a prenatal vitamin that had iron and i ate just as much meat then as I do now. I'll check out Doreen's posts as well, thank for the heads up :thup:

As for the fructose in the MV, the label shows 2g sugar, 2g carbs:( and sure enough fructose is listed first :nono: then citric acid, glucose, maltodextrin, natural lemon-lime flavor and pectin. Again, I'm not real worried about the fructose (hasn't sparked any cravings for anything) and yes, I am working out, and I'm continuing to lose weight, or should I say, body fat :yay:

oh, and I'll dig up the stuff you sent me awhile back. Didn't even realize it included stuff on Leptin:doah:

Thanks again, hope you survived the blackout if you did lose power.

Natrushka Sat, Aug-16-03 14:58

Originally Posted by mom2girls
Hey Nat,
Thanks for the response!! Were you affected by the blackout??
Heck, yeah. It was out for 18 hours here, then 3 on one off for two rotations. Been back on since 6pm yesterday, but we are still under a State of Emergency with threatend rotating outages for a few more days. The heat has been exhausting! I've only had AC in the house for 2 summers but man did we get spoiled!

2g of carbs with other sugars listed? I wouldn't worry 'bout the fructose either :)


mom2girls Sat, Aug-16-03 15:50

Sounds like we got the power on the same time yesterday, at 6pm, but OMG, having the power come on and off for the 2 rotations you had to deal with, would have driven me insane :roll: As it was, we walked around on egg shells "hoping" we wouldn't lose it again :lol:, when the power finally came on, we didn't turn on anything for hours, since we were so afraid of crashing the system. How pathetic is that:rolleyes: My almost 3 year old ran around the house after the power came on and kept saying "thank you power, thank you power" :p

Good, I won't worry about the fructose :cool:

Now, how about the caffeine? Someone told me to kick the coffee habit, but I never have and have continued to have great results. Now that I'm doing TKD, and considering CKD, I really don't want to give it up either. I have about 24oz (with 4 tbsp heavy cream and 2 packs splenda) in the AM before my cardio. Since ephedra products aren't available (illegal) here in Suffolk County Long Island, I figured I'd continue to reap the benefits of the coffee. I read in posts you wrote you never gave it up either:cool:, my question to you is, am I drinking too much? and is the heavy cream and splenda ok, not sure I could do black coffee, but if I had to to get the most benefit, I would :thup:

VALEWIS Sat, Aug-16-03 18:42

Newbie Q's for Nat and others.

Hi. I am 6 weeks into very LC (70/20/5. around 1400 cal's) but have only dropped 4 lbs near the beginning and nothing since. (I had been on a reasonably low GI diet for 8 months with weight remaining the same). As I have only 10 lbs or so to lose now, plus being 63, the going is hard and frustrating. I have been doing aerobic exercise 4 times a week for a year, but noting from all the excellent info on this forum that this is not going to help hugely with fat loss itself, began very beginning weight training last week which I will do twice a week to start. My BF is 21% and I estimate my resting BMR is around 12-1300. I take heaps of good supplements liie fish oil, E, Ca, gingko, C, minerals, etc plus in this past week I followed Lyle's formula re protein intake for fat loss to the letter, but it hasn't budged the scales.

Now, having read all the leptin stuff posted here with interest, I decided to see if this is the culprit, and so will try to kickstart my metabolism with a low fat carbup today. So far I have consumed two pancakes with syrup, and plan to eat ravioli with tomato sauce, and low fat yogurt, and some glucose jelly beans which should indeed startle my body. (I just ate the pancakes and do I feel ick right now after 6 weeks of very low carb)

1. Given that this should be a low fat day, should I still take my tbsp of flaxseed oil?

2. What do you recommend for post workouts tomorrow (I will be doing both weights and an aerobics class) when I restart ketogenesis diet? Should I have a few extra carbs, e.g. glucose jelly beans, or just whey protein shake? (I am taking 5g of glutamine in this)
3. Is there any point to adding up my carbs and calories etc today on carb up? i.e. is there anything I should be cautious about apart from fat and fructose today?
4. Do you still eat normal veg on carbups? e.g. can I have broccoli with my ravioli?

Sorry for all the questions...if there are any other older folks out there who follow this regime please do chime in.



VALEWIS Sat, Aug-16-03 18:49

Oh, Whoops! I forgot to ask about water. Do I consume the usual 2litres++ of water today on carbup??

Thanks again,


Alopex Sat, Aug-16-03 20:30

Hi Val!

To answer your questions quickly (and I'm not even sure this will post, since my journal didn't let me two minutes ago), you can probably go a head with your flaxseed oil, since it is composed of EFAs which your body needs for specific functions, and it is highly unlikely to be used or stored for energy.

If you are trying to get back into ketosis after the carb-up, don't take any extra carbs, because if you've had enough water (YES, drink lots during cerb-up!), your muscles have all the energy they need--and then some.

If you want to count carbs and calories, go ahead. It will help you "fix" any problems when you do it again. Otherwise, enjoy a day off of counting!

I have had some vegetables on this carb-up, but I normally don't. If you want to have them, go ahead, but eat something higher GI first, so you get your insulin up to get the carbs to your muscles.

Again, drink lots of water. To become glycogen, each glucose molecule has to be attached to 3 molecules of water. Not enough water, not enough glycogen.

Good luck, and enjoy yourself! :)

Alopex Sat, Aug-16-03 20:31

(Woohoo! It posted!) :)

Off to my journal...

VALEWIS Sat, Aug-16-03 20:46

Alopex, thanks for the quick reply! Re post workouts-Once back in ketosis (I expect this will take the usual 4 days??) should I do a whey protein shake? I find this a good way to get low carb protein up during LC time.

Good grief, its after lunch time (I'm in Australia)...the pancakes and my yogurt snack really filled me up. Eating again (ravioli) is not a prospect I am relishing I must say. Do you have this difficulty?


Alopex Sat, Aug-16-03 21:27

It shouldn't take you that long to get into ketosis, I don't think (at least, it never takes me longer than 24 hours, usually less), depending on how many carbs you're eating. CKD usually involves 20-30g or less per day during LC phase.

Lyle McDonald (author of the Ketogenic Diet) says:
Aerobic exercise can quickly induce ketosis following an overnight fast. One hour at 65% of maximum heart rate causes a large increase in ketone body levels. However, ketones do not contribute to energy production to any significant degree (4). Two hours of exercise at 65% of maximum heart rate will raise ketone levels to 3mM after three hours.

So if you end your carb-up tonight, you can probably be in after some nice cardio by Tuesday; if you end tomorrow night, then Wednesday. Unless, of course, your body likes to resist ketosis (mine doesn't), in which case it could certainly take 4 days. But you know better than I do how your body works. :)

A post-workout protein shake is a good idea, especially if you're working long or hard enough to stimulate cortisol production. Cortisol breaks down muscle tissues (not a LOT, don't worry too much) for protein, so if you get some extra protein, especially easily absorbed protein, after your workout, you'll be fine. I like drinking them to up my protein counts too.

Sometimes I don't really feel like having another bite of carbs (I feel very full and a little bloated). Other times, my blood sugar crashes and I just gobble everything up! LOL

VALEWIS Sat, Aug-16-03 21:48

What is interesting is that I just added up the calories I've consumed so far (after lunch), and it is still under 1200, so that's good. The carb count is 205, which is 10 times what I've had daily for the past 6 weeks. What is really interesting is the psychological effect...I am not especially enjoying this all that much, but if it works it will be relief because it means that one can relax not be such a pain in the butt at dinner parties!!


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