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wcollier Sat, Jul-19-03 10:53

Hi Karen:

Yes, I've got a bottle of the free form l-glutamine that I regularly use. Although it doesn't help me with the cravings, I swear by it for muscle repair.

Frankly, I haven't found a supplement that cures sugar cravings (for me, that is).

I probably should rephrase that quote and say "intense sugar cravings" instead. These sugar cravings last week were not normal. I'm amazed that I even lasted 1 week before the head noise finally did me in.


jupiterfis Thu, Jul-24-03 15:01

Hey Wanda,

Did you ever try the saline cure??

I'm really curious to know how it worked for you!!!
Congrats on conquering the dredid sugar demon once again..... just think, the next time will be easier.... small steps.....
have a great day.

wcollier Thu, Jul-24-03 15:20

Hi Cristin:

I posted it somewhere else but forgot to post here. No, DH was in the doghouse. ;) He never brought the saline home for me (long story). As it turned out, my neice went to a friend for a couple of days so I was able to detox "au naturel".... well, until my birthday... :rolleyes:

Things will be better when I return from my trip. Starting Tuesday, I'll be back to a candida diet and bootcamp. Summers are normally hard for me (in case anyone's thinking it's my switch to SP). Last year I was bingeing on sugar once a week on top of when I had company staying with me! So this is progress, believe it or not! Funny, I just realized that!


jupiterfis Fri, Jul-25-03 05:29


It's probably better that you did the detox naturally -- in the long run it's probably better for your body and mind :-)

See, look how much progress you've made from last summer -- and you didn't even realize it!!! Keep up all the good work and you'll be a sugar-free version of wanda in no time...

As far as the Candida diet goes:
How do you work it into the SPII program? Are you eating Starchy Veg and fruit only as your carbs?
I've been trying to do this the past few days (just eating starchy veg as carbs) it seems to be working, I'm dropping some of the SPII "healing" weight -- just a few more lbs to go!!

Thanks for all the advice and wisdom - this board would be a lonely place without you :-)

talk to you soon

Cicely Fri, Jul-25-03 08:44

Wow, y'all. This has been a great thread! Hang in there Wanda, you'll be a new you before you know it.

You're closer than you think!

Ooh, Jinx, on the dark chocolate thing. Can you use that and sweeten it with Stevia? I'm working on a reduced chocolate chip cookie recipe using KetoSlim and homemade chocolate chips. I've tried using unsweetened bakers chocolate and there taint enough stevia in the world to sweeten that stuff LOL.

moth Sat, Jul-26-03 21:01

Chocolate experiments
I've had good luck making a sort of Guilty-by-association Chocolate frosting using the following:

2 tbsp heavy cream
2 squares unsweetened Hershey's Baking Chocolate
1 tbsp butter

Put this in the microwave for about 45 seconds until the cream just starts to bubble, then take it out and stir in a small bit of stevia (I'd say I used less than 1/8th of a teaspoon). Stir like crazy as it cools and thickens.

In my experiments with chocolate, I have found that stevia works great, Splenda is my second choice, but that Sugar Twin acts on the tongue with the bitter/chalkiness of the chocolate to form a very unpleasant taste. A very little stevia goes a LONG way, however, and I've just had to experiment to eyeball the right amount. Also, go find something more exotic than Baker's Unsweetened. Hershey's is smoother, Girardelli's has a more roasted flavor. But since we are (ostensibly) not eating that much chocolate, some Valrhona or Callebaut might be a worthwhile investment (available at Whole Foods). The former is also a roasty chocolate, both smooth and tangy, very intense. Callebaut is a less intense, very smooth Belgian chocolate. Between the two, I cannot choose a favorite... just one or the other, depending on how much intensity I'm craving. Oddly enough, my package of Valrhona lists 3g of Dietary Fiber (I wonder what from?) and 5g carbs. I wonder if it's legal to say there's only 2g carbs in a 40g serving? *grin*


mdw Tue, Jul-29-03 18:28

Sugar blues
Hi Wanda,
I know exactly how you are feeling. I am a major sugar-white flourholic until over 2 years ago when I got abstinant from sugar. I went to a 12 step group because I knew I couldn't do it on my own. I was able by the grace of God to give up sugar one day at a time. Now, I don't even miss it. I got lots of books on how to prepare food without sugar. I love my food now and don't think about having those things. It was difficult at first.......I was in a fog for about 2 weeks when I started. I was majorly addicted to the stuff. I just went cold extreme nature I guess.......but I needed to. I had so much pain from eating that stuff......landed in the hospital with stomach pain from it and couldn't stay awake long enough to spend much time with my kids.
There is life without sugar!!!! I am here to tell can live without it........sometimes just knowing that helps.

MsJinx Wed, Jul-30-03 12:56

Originally Posted by Cicely
Ooh, Jinx, on the dark chocolate thing. Can you use that and sweeten it with Stevia? I'm working on a reduced chocolate chip cookie recipe using KetoSlim and homemade chocolate chips. I've tried using unsweetened bakers chocolate and there taint enough stevia in the world to sweeten that stuff LOL.

What Moth said! Bakers chocolate is just not high quality enough to work with.


wcollier Wed, Jul-30-03 13:38

Originally Posted by mdw
There is life without sugar!!!! I am here to tell can live without it........sometimes just knowing that helps.

Hi Marianne:

Thanks for your story. Wow, your addiction must have been pretty bad to go to a 12 step program. Congratulations on dealing with the demon. How long has it been since you last ate sugar?

Surprisingly, I'd been having great success with my sugar addiction. I went just over 100 days without sugar. But I've never experienced such intense cravings for such a long time (1 week). I'm amazed I held on THAT long before giving in, the head noise was so distracting.

Normally I can detox OK, but it's impossible for me to detox when I have company. It's one of those things for me that needs to be done alone with no temptations around me.

Anyway, all my external stressors are finished and I hope to regain some of the accomplishments I lost. I know this will get much easier as my hormones balance themselves out.


mdw Wed, Jul-30-03 15:26

I think what helped me the most about the 12 step group was the identification and support. I heard lots of stories of peoples struggles with food and it how they overcame and that was so wonderful. I have been sugar free since March 01 and I take no credit for that. It's by the grace of God that I am still alive and do not want sugar after what I did to my body. I didn't think that I could ever stop. I was a sugar binger.........white flour and sugar products were my thing.
Now if I could just find out why my hormones are still out of wack!!!

wcollier Wed, Jul-30-03 17:04

Hi Marianne:

Wow, where's the "I'm not worthy" smiley! ;) March '01? That is totally amazing. :agree:

Sometimes I wish sugar would cause me acute distress instead of chronic problems. That happened to me with fat and I stopped eating it for 5 years until my health started failing me.

Anyway, thanks for the encouragement. It can be done. :thup:

Good luck with your hormone-balancing.


Meera Sat, Nov-15-03 05:09

Dear Wanda,

I'm really quite new to the SP and so maybe my experience won't be helpful to the stage you are in now. (Or were,when you sent out the sos). Are you still looking for help with sugar cravings? I notice that the date of your sos is long time ago. Hopefully you've figured something out? And now you are feeling ok? OTherwise, I might have an idea for you. Let me know, Meera

wcollier Sat, Nov-15-03 07:07

Hi Meera:

Luckily it's long behind me and I hope never to experience cravings like that again. I'm pretty certain in was hormonal. At the time of this post, I didn't know that I had very high estrogen/low testosterone levels. I think the cravings were part of that imbalance.

But I am curious what your solution is.


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