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goldfish Thu, Aug-31-06 10:40

Hi Eva,

Your training looks intense and you're pretty speedy! I've been following along with your training, but haven't posted much these days.

I'm still running at my plodding pace!
When is your next marathon?

I blog my training these days. Feel free to check it out.

Galadriell Tue, Sep-05-06 09:02

Fifth marathon training (Details) week 18 (Aug 28th-Sept 3rd)

Monday: leg rest day, Back maintenance programme by Fielding

Tuesday: 6-mile MAP run
Upper body workout with Tamilee Webb ( I Want Those Arms)

Wednesday: 9-mile MEP-SEP combo run (splits: 9:17; 9:00; 8:49; 8:18; 8:07; 8:04; 8:44; 9:02; 9:08)
Abs with Total Mix

Thursday: 6 mile MEP run
Upper body workout with Tamilee Webb (I want Those Arms)

Friday: cross training - special runner's lower body workout+stretches

Saturday: 7-mile hill run

Sunday: 12-mile bay run
Splits: 9:30; 8:51; 8:36; 8:43; 8:39; 8:49; 8:43; 8:38; 8:40; 8:42; 8:46
At start 67F, 80+% humidity, cloudy.

The big countdown to the Sept 30th Lake Tahoe Marathon starts:

25 days till the marathon

Galadriell Wed, Sep-06-06 08:50

Fifth marathon training (Details) week 19:

Monday: leg rest day, Back maintenance programme by Fielding

Tuesday: 6-mile MAP run
Upper body workout with Tamilee Webb ( I Want Those Arms)

Wednesday: 9-mile MAP run
Abs with Total Mix

Every run is "easy" this week - preparing for the Sunday's 24 miler.
So far the weather is hot (yesterday 93F max), but promising forecast for the weekend. (61-63F min, 76-79F max).

24 days till the marathon

kwikdriver Wed, Sep-06-06 20:07

Originally Posted by Galadriell
My best wishes at your new place.
I hope you settle down fast, so we can continue our page-turner discussion. :)

Having the peak moving weeks, our libraries are full of used books. I picked up free or bought for dimes, quoters dozens of great books from authors you recommended.


Lemme know what you think of them. My own reading is going to be entirely work related for the forseeable future, so it's nice to know someone is out there actually enjoying what they read. :)

Galadriell Tue, Sep-26-06 17:29

As a teacher Spetember is always a very exciting - but very busy month. I did not have enough time to post here, but still strictly kept our marathon training

Fifth marathon training (Details) final weeks (20-21-22):

Sept 10: 24-mile dress rehearsal run
Almost ideal cool temperature: 63F at start 72 cloudy at finish
Splits: 9:09; 9:20; 9:12; 9:08; 9:15; 8:56; 9:04; 9:03; 9:05; 9:08; 9:10; 9:05; 8:50; 8:56; 8:45; 8:59; 8:51; 8:54; 9:10; 9:21; 9:12; 9:38; 10:16; 10:06

Cliff bar (40 carbs), water before run. Gu (20 carbs +salt) at 9, 15, 21. Water at every third mile.

After run, to help recovery: long walk, long cold shower, protein shake, V8, plenty of water.

It was a real dress rehearsal, we tried to keep the same pace we plan for the marathon. While it was nice to have 21-milers with under 9 min/mile average pace, but that was not a realistic pace for a high altitude, hilly race. (See elevation chart here.) This time we tried to be much more realistic.
Our time goal is a very humble 10 min/mile av pace- 4h 20' - but anything ele acceptable if we have (and we WILL HAVE) fun. :D

Sept 11th -Sept 26th: 3-week tapering - cutting back the milage.
week 1 :2x6, 1x9, 1x12
week 2: 3x6, 1x9
week 3: 2x6, 1x4

Leaving tomorrow to Lake Tahoe. (Via Reno - to have some fun :D ).

Race day countdown: 4 days till the Lake Tahoe Marathon start. (Check the link for all the wonderful details.

CandidCam Mon, Nov-20-06 14:27

What a great log--I think I need to start one here!

I've been running since March and completed my very first half-marathon just over 3 weeks ago (2:14:35). My goal for next year is to drop my annoying pudge that slows me down and *try* to get under 2 hours.

Speaking of the pudge, I have had great success on LC--used to be an out-of-shape 185 pounder, got down to 124, struggled to just stay in the 130s, rediscovered running and found that it had me gaining weight (partly from trying to balance carbs to avoid cravings, allowing my running to justify some overeating, and possible hypothyroidism that I am having tested in a couple of weeks).

Your marathon splits are amazing! What is your running history? How do you incorporate LCing into your training? I have to check out that "Slow Burn" book, as I have had it recommended by a few people.

Looking forward to learning more from a more seasoned LC endurance runner.



Galadriell Wed, May-02-07 16:56

A fast update
WOW! I have been AWOL for so long...
A fast update. On September 29th, 2006 we finished our fith marathon at Lake Tahoe, with an astonishing 4h 25min time. Considering the high altitude, hilly course, it was much bigger accomplishment than the Boston Qualifier 3:59 in Arizona.

After three weeks recovery, we were back on the road again. Following our standard maintenance training plan: 6-9 miles on weekdays, 12-18 on weekends.

In January we started our sixth marathon training, aiming for the Vancouver Marathon. We followed the same standard training program as we had for our 2th-5th. (See the link to them in my first gym log post.)

Though my enthusiasm to record day by day my training program diminished, but not my enthusiasm for the running OR for the LC lifestyle. Still following Mittleman's Slow Burn program.

We are leaving to Vancouver in 48 hours, with the same excitement, as we left for our first half marathon in 2003 September.

My LC/running journey started here, joining this wonderful forum in 2003 March. Till to this day I have considered this site as the biggest help through my quest.
I would like to say repeated thank for the founders, moderators, and all the members who contributed to this forum.

For the highlights (and links) of my journey, go to the first post of this gym log.

DARE TO DREAM - see how my marathon dream was born click here (#63 post)

gindorsey Sat, Nov-07-09 06:45

You are such an inspiration!

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