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galatia Wed, Aug-03-05 05:16

Looks good! I hope you are able to achieve what you're hoping for. Can't go wrong with the basics. I look forward to following your progress. Emily knows her stuff, but then, so do you. The sharing of information is so cool. I know I really appreciate it. :)

dane Wed, Aug-03-05 06:02

Full Body Workout FBWO Week 1, Day 1
2'-3' rest between work sets
ATF Squats
8 x 8kg (18#)
6 x 18kg (40#)
4 x 32kg (70#)
4 x 32kg these were hard today......

Flat Bench Press
8 x 8kg (18#)
6 x 18kg (40#)
5 x 35.5kg (78#)
5 x 35kg (77#) again, hard

BB Military Press
10 x 18kg (40#)
10 x 18kg these were just right

6 x 18kg (40#)
6 x 35kg (77#)
6 x 35kg whoooo......

BB Curls and Triceps Between Bench Dips and Crunches
skipping....did em yesterday

Donkey Calf Raises
15 x 31kg (38#)
15 x 31kg

So, 45'. Add in the 3 skipped exercises, and you have about an hour, which is cool. :)
Good workout, although I am a bit tired from being up so late. I need to work on finding the right amount of weight to hit 6 min reps.

dane Fri, Aug-05-05 05:06

5K Training Run #5
Yesterday afternoon, in the rain, with the Dog......'twas wonderful. :)
5'wu;90"jog/60"walk for 20';10'cd (we went the long way home, ;)

dane Fri, Aug-05-05 06:51

FBWO Week 1
Running out of the room to check on a screeching baby (who was fine, BTW), and RAMMED my big toe into the door jamb. ARGH!!! It's not broken, but it might as well be, cinsidering the pain, :( Hope I can still run tomorrow!

Going to do my new Wed. w/o today, since this week was a bit screwy, and then Monday will start the usual plan.

2'-3' rest between work sets

General UB Warmup--Giant Set
Incl BB Press--8x8kg (17.6#)
BB Curls--8x8kg
BB Military Press--8x8kg

Incl DB Press
12!! x 11.5kg (25#)
11 x 12kg (26#) hmmmm......bump?

6 x 12kg (26#)
6 x 12kg good, last rep hard

Rack Pulls
8 x 54.5kg(120#) ok, adding more weights will require straps
8 x 54.5kg

BB Curls
8 x 15kg (33#)
8 x 15kg last rep of each hard

French Curls
8 x 11.5kg (25#)
8 x 11.5kg good!

Leg Extensions
8 x 30#
3 x 70# bleah.......abort. My knees are making their normal crackly sounds, but now it's accompanied by twinges of pain. :( No more ext for awhile, methinks.

Stationary BB Lunges--onto low bench
10 x 15kg (33#)
10 x 15kg good, but rather difficult due to the Toe

Seated Calves
15 x 61kg (134#)
15 x 61kg

Leg Lifts
10 x BW
10 x BW
10 x BW these are easy now

End:2:55pm EXACTLY one hour, LOL

Good workout. I was feeling a little tired and out of it today, had to psyche myself up to exercise. But I feel good now!

dane Mon, Aug-08-05 00:23

5K Training Run Week 2, #6
Yesterday I experimented with my's still looking gross and discolored, and sore, but it feels better to run on than to walk, so I saddled up the dog and went for my training run last night.

It went well, altho I suspect it wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done, :rolleyes: I had to run on the outside of the sore foot, and then I felt my opposite knee hurting a bit, probably compensating for the strange angle of the other leg. Well. It was just for a short time/distance. What can I say.......I'm stubborn.

Feel good this am, though! :)

5'wu; 90"jog/60"walk;6'cooldown. Jack did great, too.

dane Mon, Aug-08-05 04:06

FBWO Official Week 1, #1
alrighty then........
Monday FBWO


ATF Squats
8 x 8kg (18#)
6 x 18kg (40#)
5 x 32.5kg (71.5#)
4 x 32.5kg work up reps

10 x 20kg (44#)
10 x 20kg (44#) bump

Flat Bench Press
8 x 8kg (18#)
6 x 18kg (40#)
7 x 35.5kg (78#)
6 x 35.5kg (78#)

BB Military Press
10 x 20kg (44#)
8 x 20kg

Seated Row
10 x 80#
10 x 80# bump

Alt DB Curls
6 x 9.5kg (21#)
6 x 9.5kg (21#)

Triceps Between Bench Dips
8 x 15kg (33#)
9 x 15kg (33#)

10 x 5kg (11#)
10 x 5kg (11#)

Single Leg Standing Calf Raises
<sigh> sore toe makes these a no-go


Felt a bit lethargic this morning prior to lifting....had to sort of talk myself into it.....but it's done, and I'm feeling better. :) Good workout!

galatia Mon, Aug-08-05 05:44

Looks like FBWO 3 times a week? Be careful with that toe. Having to compensate will cause a different problem for sure. It is SO frustrating to get an injury of any kind. There is no arguing with it, as much as we try. It'll heal in it's own time, and we will wait. Or we will slow down the process and cause other problems. It's so frustrating. Right now I'm babying my left forearm. It's better thankfully. But I hate it's weakness-- and therefore, MY weakness.

Take care of the toe, and good luck on the progress. :)

dane Tue, Aug-09-05 03:02

Hi Deb!
Yep, FBWO 3x week.........for about 6-8 weeks, I think. I will wait until I can focus less on lower calories so I can really maximize Max O/T, lol.

You're right about the dang toe, of course. If the running was more intense, or if it hurt to run, I'd def. skip it. Today is a run day, so we'll see how it is this time. If my compensating knee is still acting up, then I will probably have to stop until toe is 100%. Grrrrrrr...........

Had a bit of energy this morning, so I did some HIIT on the st. bike........5' wu (L2); 10 intervals (30"L3/30"L6); 17' cooldown (L3).....340 cals burned. Uh huh. :cool:

dane Wed, Aug-10-05 03:21

5K Training Run
We got back from Immigration at 6pm, and I had a bit of a headache, :( Tried to get DH to run with me, since MIL was there with the kids, but he flat out refused. Well, he'll be the one having to walk at the Fun Run, not me!

So, I took the Mutt, and off we went.
5' wu; 90"jog/90"walk/3'jog/3'walk; repeat once; 90" jog;10' cooldown.

The first 3' jog, I was checking my stopwatch halfway into it.......bleh! The 2nd 3' jog, I checked my watch, and I had done 3:20, LOL! It's all good. :cool:

dane Wed, Aug-10-05 04:35

Wednesday W/O
Start: 11:30am

Giant Set Gen UB Warmup
Incl BB Press--8x8kg (17.6#)
BB Curls--8x8kg
BB Military Press--8x8kg

Incl DB Bench
8 x 14kg (31#)
6.5 x 14kg (31#) unexpected fail! :(

7 x 12kg (26#)
7 x 12kg still hard

6 x 18kg (40#)
6 x 36kg (79#)
6 x 36kg very good....bump

BB Curls
10 x 15kg (33#)
10 x 15kg hard but good.......time to bump

DB Skull Crushers
8 1-14.5kg (32#) I don't like the way my shoulders feel at the bottom of this I'm switching to:

Close Grip Bench Press
10 x 20kg (44#) good....must mind the wrists.....look up proper form

Light Leg Extensions
6.5 x 30# OK, more leg ext until toe is better and knee recovers from compensating, sheesh........

Stationary BB Lunges--onto low bench
10 x 15kg (33#)
10 x 15kg good, but rather difficult due to the Toe

Seated Calves
nope, thank you toe

Scissors Crunch
2 x 10 x BW

2 x 10 x BW
End: 12:30pm

Good workout! It occurred to me, however, that Baby Got Back is a more fun-to-do workout. This one has a strictly-work attitude to it, :( But that's alright....I need the discipline sometimes!

galatia Wed, Aug-10-05 06:05

Sorry your toe is causing so much trouble.
It occurred to me, however, that Baby Got Back is a more fun-to-do workout. This one has a strictly-work attitude to it
I've noticed that about different work-outs. Mostly on what I do for legs. There is really nothing I like about leg day, but the serious exercises really take the F.U.N. right out of the work-out. It's hard to enjoy yourself very much when it's hard to breath and you're on the verge of puking. I have to stay focused on how GREAT it's going to feel when I'm done, and that I am whipping these legs into shape. And the added perk of having worked big muscles. But during the work-out I'm all, "Oh mama please make it stop!!" :D

dane Thu, Aug-11-05 02:56

Extra Cardioooooooooo
Yesterday: 30' hoeing weeds in my neglected garden, :(

This morning: HIIT intervals on the st. bike: 6'wuL2; 30"L3/30"L6 x 10; 16' cooldown, L3. 350 cals.

galatia Thu, Aug-11-05 04:49

Hi. I saw your post on leg lifts in Pammie's GL. I love leg lifts. They can sure make some sore abs. But I hate having my hands under my hips so, I use a pad that I didn't put on one of my benches. It works great. :)

I'm back up to 146.5 this morning :( . This week we've been working on the pool again, so no work-outs and my eating is all off. I hope it is completed today and next week will be better. Although-- yesterday started the PMS part of the month so I'm probably screwed! :rolleyes:

How's the toe doing? My garden is ready to be mowed down. I got a good many tomatoes and peppers, but that's it. Dh fertilized the squash and burned it up :(. You asked about the baby pines a while back. They are hard to even see now, as all the weeds have grown up around them, but I think most of them are probably still alive. They'll be easier to see in the winter.

dane Fri, Aug-12-05 00:40

5K Training Run
Got it in yesterday before dinner..... nice out, not too hot, and took Jack and DS#1. Lots of kids at the playground this time, so dumped the kid and off I went. :)
5' wu; 90"jog/90"walk/3'jog/3'walk; repeat once; 90" jog;10' cooldown.

Went REALLY well.......both 3' jogging intervals were pretty easy.......:cool:

dane Fri, Aug-12-05 05:15

FBWO Week 1 #3
Friday W/O
Start: 12noon

ATF Squats
8 x 8kg (18#)
6 x 18kg (40#)
5 x 32.5kg (71.5#)
2 x 30kg (66#)
7 x 23kg (51#) bleahhh!!!!! see * below

10 x 24kg (53#)
10 x 24kg (53#) slightly hard...bump

Flat Bench Press
8 x 8kg (18#)
6 x 18kg (40#)
6 x 35.5kg (78#)
6 x 35.5kg (78#) Meh!**

BB Military Press
8 x 22kg (48#)
8 x 22kg

Rack Pulls
8 x 61kg (134#)
6 x 61kg threw on every plate I have, and wore gloves....went well.

Static Holds For Grip
~61kg 12", 23", 12"

Preacher Curl
10 x 1-7kg DB (15.4#)
10 x 1-9.5kg (21#)

French Curl
7 x 11.5kg (25#)
7 x 11.5kg (25#)

10 x 5kg (11#)
10 x 5kg (11#)

Donkey Calf Raises
stooopid toe

End:1:15pm went long today, cuz I took 3' rests on some of the bigger lifts, to see if it helped my strength. Nope! :mad:

Lame workout. Not feeling very strong today.....wondering about stuff Namaste posted once wrt training and stages of the menstrual cycle. Maybe I'm in a weaker phase? Need to check it out!

*Frickin' Squats! This is my weakest exercise, and they really sucked today. Had to drop form was just falling apart.....tilting forward, tightness, etc. I am going to research what I can about squats and techniques, and see if I can fix this.

**Bench was weaker today, I'm pretty sure it's not the jogging that's killing me. One idea......I ran out of smarties, so Pixie Stix were my carbs today......crappy fairy dust!!

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