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lntmyh Thu, May-20-04 00:22

I wrote a real nice long post but something reset itself & it all dissapeared so here is the short & sweet version try Tri-Luma it is a perescribed cream for Melasma & supposedly works great on AN I am on it now only been 2 days though it is very expensive over 90 bucks a tube Lustra cream may be a great alternative.

Rubyfruit Mon, Aug-02-04 22:56

Hey everyone, im new to this forum. I don't have PCOS, but i've had A.N. since I was about 8,9. I have dark patches around my neck, under my arms, ankles and on my inner thighs. I've gone to a dermatologist and like everyone else, she said there was no 'cure' for it. The only thing she told me to do was to diet, stay off sugar and starch as well. She recommended I use Amlactin which is an over-the-counter skin moisturizer, but it's pretty harsh. It has been working a little bit, but every now and then my areas will become irritated and I can't use the cream anymore because it will burn. It's been really difficult living with this. My mother constantly tells me to exfoliate with a pumice stone,but that does nothing as we all know. I wish I never had this. It's affected me so deeply in my life, that I currently don't know what to do about it. It's something that has always disgusted my lovers and sometimes it seems like I can't go on. Due to the dark dark patches of skin on my inner thigh and touching my vagina, none of my boyfriends have ever wanted to touch me. It's embarassing and breaks my heart, and makes me think I'll never find that one person that will love me.

Mereja Thu, Aug-05-04 13:18

I also have this and the doctor told me that it is a sign of diabetes. I just got my blood tests back and my insulin is 46. The normal is from 1 to 14. My theory on the matter is that if we can get our insulin level down the patches won't get worse or maybe in time go away or we won't get any new ones.

I also have skin tags everywhere. I had a friend cut about 25 off of my neck a few years ago and so far I've only gotten 1 or 2 small ones on my neck. I haven't gotten other ones cut off yet.

I wish that I would of known something about insulin resistance a long time ago and I wouldn't have gotten to the point that I am now.

debmeg Wed, Aug-25-04 10:32

i posted on this thread a while back, and i just wanted to say that i really think it is getting better. i'm now at 162ish pounds, and my neck is almost completely cleared up. i don't have a wonderfully even skin tone or anything, but that obvious ring is pretty much gone, even to the point where i'm holding up my hair and examining just the very back of my neck in the mirror and thinking, hmm..i think i could wear my hair up now if i wanted, which is a really new thing. i don't know if it will ever clear up completely, but i am beginning to think now that basically the more weight we lose and the more we get our insulin in check, the better it will get. there is hope!


WantsMore Wed, Sep-15-04 22:27

I used to have this around my neck but it has vanished.I have it between my breasts. It's not rough though, but it's darker than the rest of my skin. Acne medicine clears it up?????

Magdalena Mon, Oct-18-04 22:57

Hi this is what I'm lookin for! wow...well, I'm in high school and I really hate the fact that my skin looks like elephant skin and it grosses me out to the point where I cry myself to sleep. And I've got some hair loss going on. I'm a wreck. Anyway, I was wondering if there is any way possible to get rid of the discoloration. More than the texture, I hate the wacky colors of my armpits and bikini line area. Please someone help! I want to wear an actual sleeveless dress for prom!!!

Rubyfruit Tue, Oct-19-04 07:00

No cure
Hey Magdalena,

There is no cure for it unfortunately. If you see a Dermatologist, they can offer you a cream like Carmel or over the counter Amlactin. Otherwise, there is no magical cream or pill that does anything for it. Basically it's the fact that we are either overweight, or consume too many sugars and starches. Although its possible for some of the AN to go away with major weight loss and dieting. Dieting in the sense that we lay off the sugars and starches which raise our insulin levels and does this madness to the skin. I wish i could tell you of some magical cure. Trust me, all my life i've suffered for it, never had good sex cuz of it, cuz my AN is on the inside of my inner thighs, really dark and rough, and its near my genitalia, I have some in my arm pits, neck and ankles. I know it isnt fun, but weightloss and restriction of sugar and starch may help a great deal....Take care and good luck!


flax Wed, Oct-27-04 22:57

I had AN as a teenager and years before I was diagnosed with PCOS. The dark-colored grayish skin was mostly just on my abdomen, about 1/2 of my stomach area was completely covered with it. I remember one of my sisters in the bathroom when I was taking a bath pointed at it and said "don't you ever wash there?". So I demonstrated washing the skin patch to her and she was completely taken aback. She went to my mom and told her how I had these dark spots that wouldn't come off with washing. As I remember, my mom thought it was pretty inconsequential, but years later when the spots were gone and I found I had PCOS, I realized that the two were probably related in some way.

I still do have the skin tags that I also had back then. Back then they were mostly on my stomach as well and quite big. I used to try to tear them off or scrape them off with my fingernails. (this was painful and they bled!) Today I still have tiny skin tags around my eye area. They are very small, almost invisible in a mirror and bother me hardly at all.

ninnin Wed, Nov-17-04 01:02

My dirty neck faded when I started metformin. I have the large skin tags frozen off ... the smaller ones hurt too much but if anyone knows how to get rid of them please help they are embarrassing on my thighs and eyelids. I have a patch of AN on my abdomen but silly me didn't know what it was until i read this thread LOL. It has faded significantly since starting Atkins 6 weeks ago but the texture remains. It's a small patch and the least of my worries since my belly is beyond bikinidom.

ItsTheWooo Wed, Nov-17-04 21:00

Originally Posted by Luisa777
In the first trimester of pregnancy I started noticing this brownish, velvety patches of rough skin between my breast and under my armpits. My Dr. said that it was a pregnancy symptom, so I let it go.. My daughter is now 9 months old and I still have these nasty looking patches and now my doctor tells me that it looks like a gunfus!!! after a lot of research I found out what is called and that it is not a fungus! It is related to high levels of insulin and other conditions..
Do any of you ladies have this? I am worried that it could be something else.
Thanks for reading!
Take care :wave:

This was one of my symptoms from the old days...
I still do have them but they are now much less noticable.

Take heart. If you eat right and lose weight, your insulin will go down and the AN will get better :)

ItsTheWooo Wed, Nov-17-04 21:10

Originally Posted by kimnq4eva
Does anyone out there have any before and after pictures of their success with Acanthosis Nigricans through low carbing and weight loss?

In my before and after you can see it very slightly.

Look at my neck in the before where I'm sitting... aside from being much plumper you'll notice it's definitely darker in the crevices. It's hard to see from the pic, but when I look at it I can remember how "dirty" my neck always looked. The darkness is gone now.

BTW It's also good to know I'm not the only one who did that "scrubbing the dirt" thing.

bethm Wed, Nov-17-04 21:59

Kids can be mean
When I was in 8th grade and 180 lbs I had an abdomen that looked like I had swallowed a basketball. In art class one day a girl said it looked like I hadn't taken a bath in a long time. I didn't know what to say so I told her it was a suntan. She laughed at me. I was so embarrassed. I also had the dark skin around my armpits and my upper inner thighs.

I went home and scrubbed and scrubbed and my skin never changed. I never had regular periods. I would miss a month here and there. Later around 21 I only got my periods half the year and went on birthcontrol to get regulated. At 29 I got married and wanted to have kids but couldn't. I completely lost my periods for 8 years. During that time I was diagnosed with diabetes, PCOS, Hypothyroidism and high blood pressure (Syndrome X).

I always wished I had a chance to tell that girl I wasn't dirty. It's funny what sticks with you throughout the years.

Khemetic Sat, Jan-29-05 16:48

I KNOW OF SOMETHING THAT WORKS!! Of course, my lowering the insulin in your system, and losing weight you can affect the acanthosis nigricans. However, this is a topical medication that has helped me! The name of the medication is Tri-luma. Although it is normally prescribed for melasma is does work on acanthosis nigricans. I just started using it less than 2 weeks ago and there are areas of my neck that actually look like my normal skin! The only bad part is that in the beginning i tried just testing 2 spots and now there are 2 spots on my neck that look completely normal in the middle of all of the dark skin so be careful about that. It does have some side effects as it does sometimes cause itching and because it has tretinion in it you have to be careful not to make your skin raw. THe medicine is a combination of a skin lightner, tretinoin and i think a cortisode cream. In anycase, it seems to be working for me. I have just received my first prescription for glucophage and I am hoping that helps even more. I just happened to come across the site and wanted to share this with you all. I wish the best of luck to you all!

Khemetic Sat, Jan-29-05 16:53

Acanthosis Nigricans Medication that seems to be working!
I KNOW OF SOMETHING THAT WORKS!! Of course, by lowering the insulin in your system, and losing weight you can affect the acanthosis nigricans. However, this is a topical medication that has helped me! The name of the medication is Tri-luma. Although it is normally prescribed for melasma it does work on acanthosis nigricans. I just started using it less than 2 weeks ago and there are areas of my neck that actually look like my normal skin! The only bad part is that in the beginning i tried just testing 2 spots and now there are 2 spots on my neck that look completely normal in the middle of all of the dark skin so be careful about that. It does have some side effects as it does sometimes cause itching and because it has tretinion in it you have to be careful not to make your skin raw. THe medicine is a combination of a skin lightner, tretinoin and i think a cortisode cream. In anycase, it seems to be working for me. I have just received my first prescription for glucophage and I am hoping that helps even more. I just happened to come across the site and wanted to share this with you all. I wish the best of luck to you all! By the way, i use it at night and when I go out during the day I use a sunscreen and try to wear clothing that protects my neck. In addition, I use a triple antibiotic ointment on my neck because of all of the skin peeling that occurs. The ointment protects me and at the same time it makes it easier to remove the peeling skin without causing any damage.

eris1112 Wed, Mar-02-05 11:39

in response to KHEMETIC. i went and got the tri luma cream. so far so good but i have a few questions about what i am seeing and if it is normal... didnt see ur email addy so i figured this would be best... i see it working on some parts of my body perfectly but then on my neck i am concerned because some of it is going away and well since the instuctions on the tube say to put it on about a half inch of normal skin as well, well i did but those spots r looking darker than my normal skin but not as dark as the black from the AN... so... do u think this is normal and it will all peel away or should i not put it in those certain spots..also, any way to get rid of those that used to be normal skin? sorry if i sound confusing., i can try to clarify more if u need. thanks!

teatime25 Sun, Mar-20-05 23:16

Hello, all my fellow uneven-toned low-carbers.

It is such a relief to know what this weird condition is, and to know that it can possibly be treated with a diet. Since I was nine years old I thought I was very dirty and needed to be exfoliated. I used to scrub my little armpits until they were raw, and then just resigned myself to a future of brown neck and underarms.

I am starting Atkins today (March 21) and I pray that this diet will not only make me healthier but will make me prettier as well. I have not been diagnosed with PCOS but after doing some research I am confident that I have AN and I am determined to get my insulin under control and do what I can to improve it. I refuse my live my life in long sleeves!

Rubyfruit Mon, Mar-21-05 07:35

Same here. I always was picked on in school, and I hid myself under lots of clothes, even in high school. Ive been trying to lose weight for a year now, so far i've lost 33lbs, and the black ring around my neck is getting less obvious. I still have black under my pits and between my legs and close to my genitals. Which makes me very sad, because It's difficult when it comes to being intimate with someone, and the high expectations of beauty the world has come to create for us. i pray for everyone that we all find the strength we need to keep going with our healthier lifestyles.

teatime25 Mon, Mar-21-05 09:47

Yes, people of any age can be cruel. I'm sorry you were teased, and I know how you just can't forget the things that were said to you in school.

I had no idea that AN was a sign of insulin resistance until I did an internet search for "dark armpits+treatment", looking for some sort of skin care products or something that might help (I had done an internet search for "dark armpits+treatment", thinking that I might find some lightening skin care products. That day I found out about AN and a light went on. I wish my younger self knew about this. I could have put away the doughnuts and the spaghetti and looked decent in a bathing suit! I remember when I was about ten I was wearing a tank top and a girl said to me "Eww, your armpits are dirty!" I had never noticed it before but I have never been sleeveless around anyone since then. I recently read that doctors in some areas are screening school children for AN so that changes can be made before they develop diabetes.

Many times I scrubbed and scrubbed until I was raw trying to get rid of the dark areas. I finally gave up, thinking that my skin was just naturally uneven. I figured that someday I could afford some of that ultra-whitening stuff that dermatologists can prescribe. Thank God that I can just change my eating habits instead! I know that looking good isn't as important as being healthy, but it's so nice that by choosing the latter we can have the former as well.

Good luck with your low carbing, Ruby! I'm glad it's working for you so far.

Rubyfruit Sun, Apr-10-05 19:34

Hey girls, Ive reached a weight loss plateau!!! HOW DO I GET THROUGH IT!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

guardgal Tue, Apr-12-05 13:22

I found this site because I am in a wedding. I have been searching for different ways to lighten the skin around my neck and armpits, God bless my friend, but, against my extreme protest, she choose a dress that is not only strapless, but cut relatively low on the back. I don't know what to do! :help: I'm a big girl, she knows this, but she didn't seem to understand it. So...
My mom and I, each week, take out alcohol, cotton balls and scrubbed until blood, and nothing works. I can't afford to go the doctor, I don't have insurance, and I'm paying back college loans. I don't know what to do! (I also have awful skin tags, but I guess I'll worry about them later.)
This is the fourth wedding I've been in since I graduated college (Dec. 2003) which is part of the reason I'm broke too! LOL. I've come to terms w/myself, I'm going to be overweight bridesmaid, but I don't want to have these dark patches. The dark spots make me more selfconscious than my obesity! Does anyone have any ideas!?!?! :q: The wedding is at the end of JUNE!

ooh, ps. I looked up PCOS, and it says that your period lessens or is irregular, but my period just doesn't go away. I've had it for months, could that be a side affect as well?

eris1112 Wed, Apr-13-05 02:38

i know this sounds bad but if u can scrape up the money, the tri luma cream is about 90 dollars at places like costco and sams. i found a way to get the money for the cream and although it isnt a cure, it does defionetly help. it helped me to feel better about myself, self esteem boosted a lot. im sure ur already dieting but try getting rid of sugars and carbs as much as possible, although u need carbs for energy (that i dont deny) by not having so much insulin produced then there isnt so much to store which is what causes those ugly dark rings and spots that we get on our body.... i wish u the best of luck. im 21 yrs old and have had it since i was about 9, although not morbidly overweight (as they say), ive still got the weight and the family background with insulin uptake problems and such. good luck and keep us informed!

debmeg Wed, Apr-13-05 02:50

i doubt much will help before june, but maybe get a gauzy scarf to wear with the outfit to make you feel less self-conscious? wear your hair down, or is that not an option?

i know exactly how you feel. i will tell you that even though i lost 50 pounds and got down to about 185 on CAD (still eating a far amount of carbs) it was only once I went on Atkins and really cut the carbs down majorly that the skin discolouration began to go away. It's almost entirely gone on my neck; I asked my sister if I could wear my hair up - showed her the back of my neck, cringed, waiting for the comment - she didn't even understand what I was talking about! That's how much it has gone from my neck. But it only happened after serious reduction in carbs. I'm not sure whether it was losing more weight, or even less carbs that did it, but I have a suspicion it was going on atkins that did it. My skin is still a little discoloured around my armpits and tops of my thighs, but much less than it was - and at least those areas aren't on show most of the time!

I'd also had the dark skin since about 12 years old and had tried every skin thing I could find, but nothing worked. I found it nothing short of miraculous when it started fading due to what I was *eating*.

good luck!


dabduba Thu, Apr-14-05 03:33

yea i know i just am new here... :blush: but umm... i read about that dark spots u might want to have a look at it.


Rubyfruit Fri, Apr-15-05 05:44

Hey Teatime, How is your Atkins diet going, you've been doing it for almost a month now. Are you alright??


mahieston Sun, Apr-17-05 17:49

Thank YOU!!!!!
its so amazing to have found a place where I am not alone....I have had the "dirty ring around my neck" for as long as I can remeber, and as many others I was punished as a child for " not washing" (actually just spoke to my mother and she apologized after reading this forum). Summer is comming up and its the season I hate the most !! only becouse I always cover up my neck from embaressment. I tried the low carb thing at the beginningof the year (before I read this forum) was frustrating because I love to eat carbs so I quit. But now finding out that this could help my skin and the skin tags I am gonna try once again. all the encouragement is appreciated for we all know how tough it is!!!!

guardgal Tue, Apr-19-05 22:33

Hello gals!
You ladies are wonderful! I am so impressed by the rapid response you gave me! Sorry I haven't been able to update you on what has been going on, I'm in the middle of planning a speak out against sexaul assault, for anyone who doesn't know, April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month! So I've been crazy busy! (Not to mention on emotional overload!)
So what you all are basically saying is in order to lose the rust (I love that term!) I have to lose the carbs! UGH!!! What a dreadful, delightful thought. It is almost as if I am trading my comfort for my vanity...initially that is how I thought it, however I realize, its for my health right? Because w/IR comes diabetes and with that can come a whole mess of thigns if not treated!
Ugh, I hate thinking of it and I'm really not sure how to start, I've tried no carb before and it didn't work out well...and I'm scared of failing, its like, Its so much easier not to even try than to try and fail...did anyone else feel this way? If so, how did you get over it?
AHHh....can't wait to hear more advice! thanks again for the great support!

debmeg Wed, Apr-20-05 00:49

Its so much easier not to even try than to try and fail...did anyone else feel this way? If so, how did you get over it?

oh of course i relate to this, and felt the same way. i was very very scared to start low carbing for many reasons; afraid to hope that this time would be different, and afraid to start and succeed temporarily, and then end up even heavier than i was in a year or so because i would rebound and put more weight on afterwards. last time i'd dieted i'd gone down from 210ish to 176 and then rebounded up to an all time high of 250.

the reasons i started dieting anyway were twofold. one, i was reading more about IR and PCOS etc, so the health benefits of low-carbing, the *necessity* of it, the idea that it was specifically good for *my* issues with weight made me hope it would work. the other, simply, was that i was so unhappy about my weight that life was becoming not worth living. i *had* to try again, even if it didn't end up working.

thank the heavens, it did. it's 3 and a half years since i made that decision to try again, and it's taken me a long time - i am not a fast loser by any means - but i am where i am today and that is something i never ever truly believed possible. even if i managed to lose *some* weight, i never believed i'd get down to this weight - a weight i'd never seen in my entire adult life.

good luck with your decision guardgal.

believe Wed, Jun-01-05 20:47

Hello - this is my first post. This one might be old news, but I just wanted to say that my daughter has this on her neck and now in the fold of her arm. She got it a while back and after losing 20 pounds it has come back bigger and badder than ever. So, for her, it *did* go away... I hope it can (and will) again when she takes control of things again.

Anna13 Sat, Jun-11-05 07:47

Hi everone!

Im new, i've known about my AN for awhile now but i only discovered this forum yesterday, my goodness i didnt know so many people were effected by it. In a terrible way i have found some comfort and reasurrance through everyone here, i must have read everyones comment and was touched by all the stories. I was never bothered by people because i made such a good job of covering it, i have a light creamy skin tone and a very obviouse ring around neck the only thing is, i have seen some people with AN and many pictures on the internet but never have i seen any as severe as mine. My underarms are slightly dark and a small patch on my cheast, and thats it, i just dont understand why mine is sooo dark, its literally black and very large, it goes all the way round but mostly spread out on both sides of the neck. Some people have mentioned tri-luma, i will be trying this if i can get a hold of it.

Thanx again to every one xxx :wave:

SiberiaSno Mon, Jun-20-05 01:52

I'm so glad I stumbled onto this site and this thread! I have dark patches between my thighs and my armpits too, they have gotten a little better since I have been exercising, I'm a little disheartened to find out that they won't disappear altogether but I'm glad I know what is causing the pigmentation of the skin. I really get so self concious of the dark skin especially between my thighs, I love summer and swimming but I hate that i can't wear a bikini or even a normal one piece bathing suit because I hate showing the skin in the thigh area,plus the stretchmarks too at my largest I was 162lbs and I am only 5'1!
well I'm glad that weight loss can help clear some of it up, I have rather tan skin so it shows up pretty prominent. .I'm also glad to know I'm not the only one this problem, whenever I'm at the beach or just flipping through swimsuit catalogues or lingerie catalogues I just feel so annoyed that I can't wear what I want and feel stupid for being so paranoid about the AN.

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