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PoofieD Wed, Jan-15-03 21:19

Oh my gosh..
I always forget my training journal!!!
Hn.. Your my inspiration :-)
I did Cathe legs and abs workout today.
I am still working on the stand and sit squats at a nice heavy weight.
Moderate will have to do for those in the mean time

I am still also screaming at the calf pumps.. lOL
Funny what gets you!
Well because of what finally happened with my schedule I am going to have to throw scuplted buns hips and thighs into the mix tomorrow.
I did get my 30 minute walk in

tomorrow.. back to day one!
too cool!

PoofieD Thu, Jan-16-03 11:59

I didn't completely do all of my planned workout.
I shifted buns, hips and thighs to today. and did the Super Scuplt.
I am really loving that tape.. alot!
I also did concentrated heavy work with Cathe with Back and Biceps work.
But I will admit to being tired..and now crampy..TOM starting today.. so that should be of short duration.
My son called late last night adding to the general feeling of being "weak".
But.. I was glad to hear from him
Tomorrow is Total Body Shaping mix, chest, triceps and deltoids with Cathe and a 30 minute walk.

PoofieD Fri, Jan-17-03 11:04

Well I did the total body Shaping mix and then worked my chest, deltoids and Triceps.
That tapes works well with the firm because on about everything they work it from "different" angles than the firm.. giving a whole new focus to each muscle group.
I also did my walk today :-)
I am still so glad it is FRIDAY!

PoofieD Sat, Jan-18-03 11:47

Jennifers staff member showed up early.. THUS stopping my workout.
The woman is driving me NUTS!
But I did get standing legs and the heavy leg portion of Cathe's workout done.
I will do the other later..
I suppose I will have rested enough that doing the aerobics after she leaves will be fine.

PoofieD Mon, Jan-20-03 22:09

Today was Super Scuplt and back, biceps and abs.
I like this day..and becuase I am now focusing on the muscle build I really tried to concentrate on each and every do it with as perfect form as I could yet heavy enough to be a challenge for me.
I think I did great, although I am fine tuning the process.
Tomorrow is is total body shaping mix and chest, triceps and deltiods.. should be fun!

PoofieD Tue, Jan-21-03 10:00

today was Total Body shaping mix
And then of course working my chest , deltoids and Triceps.
I was able to accomplish what I wanted with my chest bring the barbell up to 32 pounds. I had thought heavier but still not sure, about the supporting muscles to my chest being able to handle that at this moment.
Since I don't have a weight bench, and need to get the barbell in the right position myself that is the worry.. safety mostly at this point.
But I did reach fatigue in the sets that I did with that and my dumbells.
My triceps and deltoids are harder for me to gauge still about where Im using my weight. I will get that worked out I am sure, but then am left with wondering if I did all that I could.
At least I know I am using perfect form.
I will be able to move my arnold presses up to 8's soon. Which is good as I started at 4.
I think the hardest for me to gauge the weight on is the triceps press. I think next time I wll start with 12's and if I have to go down. Today I started with 8's. Big mistake. to easy.
Oh well!
all in learning.

PoofieD Wed, Jan-22-03 11:49

Lower body!
Well I did the Cathe lower body, standing legs 3/4 of the tape, and sculpted buns, hips and thighs.

I am still trying to get the weights just about right to be doing what I think I can still do.
So on saturday for Cathe I am putting on another five pounds of plates. I think that might just about be right for all of the exercises.
I hurried through because I though Byron was going to be here, and of course he is not here yet.
I am trying to stay focused on the workout. It can be a struggle and I have a harder time with my lower body, but I will keep working at this.
I know I am on the right track.

PoofieD Thu, Jan-23-03 12:07

Well today I did my usual Super Scuplt and Cathe for biceps and back.
I think that I am going to switch and do saturday's workout tomorrow..and give my deltiods one more day of rest and see how that goes.
So..I am getting psyched to do another very heavy lower body workout!
I upped weights.but still need on a few exercises to up more
I am using 20 now on Lat pulls.
so..its progress

PoofieD Fri, Jan-24-03 12:16

I did the switch
To save the Deltoids a bit.
I work a bit harder on Saturday to..because I don't have to go to work. so that will be a good thing
I did the lower body workout out with Cathe and scuplted abs, hips and thighs.
I didn't add any standing legs today due to time restraints..I needed the extra few minutes sleep!
I upped my barbell weight another five. I think that is just about where I need it for now!

PoofieD Sat, Jan-25-03 12:14

Good day!
Well I did total body shaping mix.
I did just sit out one aerobic portion, but did everything else.
And then I did the Cathe chest,deltiods and triceps.
I really felt those triceps today and my shoulder area is "tired'.
A very good thing!
Tomorrow is a rest day.

PoofieD Sun, Jan-26-03 11:36

Just reporting in
Today is rest day, but I am planning on getting my body for life and body rx books soon.
I also have the rotation I plan for myself for the next 4 weeks set in rough draft in my mind.
I will be using Cathe, Standing legs, Upper body and then a series of the firm total body workouts.
I think it will be good while I decide on Body for life, body rx.. :-)
that I realize will be a full commitment!

PoofieD Mon, Jan-27-03 11:00

Good monday!!
Well today of course was one of my fav Firms..
Super Scuplt moves fast..but in such an order you can heavy up.. which I did for my double arm lat pulls.. up to the 12's.
I also made sure I kept using my barbell for the leg press.. which has to be one of the hardest series of Leg press they ever did.
My Thighs felt it..
Tanya knows that I really want to budge the stuff off my arms and my legs.. LOL.
she got my mom's legs.. lucky girl. and I got my legs from her mother.. Uuggghy!
Then I did the back, bicep and ab workout with Cathe.
Again on some I upped the weights.
I didn't with biceps..but I am concentrating on perfect from
I have the Body RX book.. interesting information!

PoofieD Tue, Jan-28-03 11:41

Well I did the Firm total body shaping mix today..
And then I did heavier cathe with Chest, deltoids and triceps.
I know I worked the triceps well today..
They were jelly!
I also took out the possibilities for next months rotation.
I think its going to be good.
I am excited!

PoofieD Wed, Jan-29-03 13:06

GOOD workout
even thought it was lower body and I do struggle with that.
I was able to do great form on everything..
and I did both the Cathe and the Standing legs. I still can't believe how well it went. I upped weights on portions of standing legs.. so I am feeling good
i also did the sculpted abs, hips and thighs.
I am about to retire that tape for a couple of months..just to keep my body guess... I will sub five day abs or ab scuplt for a bit for that.
Or maybe even a bit of Susan Harris first tape for floor work ( the hardest floor work I have!)
But.. It was good. can't wait for tomorrow!

PoofieD Thu, Jan-30-03 12:44

will give details later!
but I did my workout ! :-)
Have to run to work!

PoofieD Thu, Jan-30-03 23:28

not the best day at work..
I hate those. we are fully committed at that rate moments..and then they don't like YOU because you told them that..
Okay.. did the Firm super scuplt and then the Cathe back and biceps and abs..
Tomorrow I will switch and do the legs.. leaving the other for Saturday. to rest the deltoids more!

PoofieD Fri, Jan-31-03 11:28

Just a rest day!
Will catch up tomorrow!

PoofieD Sat, Feb-01-03 16:31

good workout!!
I am feeling swelling in the breat area..
At this point I am never sure if its hormones..
Or the chest work with Cathe.. LOL

I did firm strength today.. purely because I wanted to
I realize that soon I am going to have to give away my three pounders even for aerobics. because I just don't use them!

I used the 15's for all the lunges, dips and squats today..
it hit me I might have to break down for 20's.. even with having the star lock system.

I will have to see.. I guess I do have other workout priorities first!


PoofieD Mon, Feb-03-03 09:34

Today I Jumped..or crawled back into tough tape...
I keep forgetting they named it well.
Its still the non stop aerobic weight training that gets me with that one!
I did parts of upper body today..
but just tried to be ready for the rest of my day.
Tomorrow I have slated Maximum body shaping and standing legs..
Next day.. super scuplt and back, biceps and abs with Cathe..
Thursday will be a rest day again.
I think I am needing it..
but will challenge myself to do more.. and work harder and heavier with what I do.

PoofieD Tue, Feb-04-03 09:33

Maximum Body shaping
Went pretty well today.
when you start being able to do fairly heavy with that gets tough!
tomorrow is super sculpt and some Cathe.

pinkcaddy Tue, Feb-04-03 17:33

You are so organized! This is great stuff! Your committment is paying off. You must be thrilled. Keep going and remember we all have those bad days...they make us appreciate all the good ones!

PoofieD Wed, Feb-05-03 20:31

HI PinkCaddy!!
I love to have you visit..
Thanks for your words of support.
Weak days are strange..but I think we must need them.
Well today was super scuplt. I have been feeling so much better I will drop the cathe for at least another week.. and get caught up..
then see from there
I do like super scuplt.. and kept that barbell on my shoulders for the leg press.. NOW that is endurance!! Tanya will know what I mean. its the hardest set of leg press in any firm tape..but it hurts so good!
Tomorrow is a rest day..and then Friday its on to either Body scuplt or BBB...
I got that on vcd today.

PoofieD Thu, Feb-06-03 09:26

good morning!
Its an official "rest day"..
Have a great day folks!

PoofieD Fri, Feb-07-03 09:14

Well today I decided on better body and buns..
Its a great tape...and .. ta da! I made it through the "jumps" section..
My sister will know the one I mean.
I DID all of them Tanya..
and did them well..
I can also move up on weight on several section. in fact I did.. but I can do a bit more. Like 12's for the plies and 8's for a military press. So next week it will be 15's and 10's..

So.. very cool.
I have felt weaker.. but see progress from what I was doing last october!!
Tomorrow is complete aerobic weight traning with Jayne.. and standing legs..
cool tapes.
i might throw in Ab scuplt..

PoofieD Sat, Feb-08-03 12:01

Well today was complete aerobic weight training with Jayne.
Again as with yesterday I was able to accomplish a great deal more than I was able a couple of months back and with the higher aerobic step and weights than before.
That is cool
I used my 6 inch for all the aerobic portions.
I was able to use the 6lb weights for the short leg press section, 10s for double armed lat pulls
It was just good :-)
Did much of Standing legs also.... as you all know I am very concious of the fact that I am a pear

Have a great weekend.. tomorrow is a rest day!

PoofieD Sun, Feb-09-03 21:53

rest day!!
tomorrow is tough tape..and maybe a few on the Total gym after jen leaves :-)
WE shall see!

PoofieD Mon, Feb-10-03 08:42

tough Tape
Which as I have said before truly is tough..
But.. I did it pretty well, better than last week.. so I can see progress in my fitness.
one day I want to be able to do it..without having to cut the sets short.
Tomorrow is maximum body shaping.
And I will get that total gym out.. lOL
tonight.. before I go to bed.

tigersue Mon, Feb-10-03 15:53

I actually found your log last week and went to post and my computer crashed. :)
I don't know if I should start one or not. Do you think it would be a good idea for me?
I don't want to double post things. What do you think. I'm not as analytical about what I do. Just as long as I try to do something. :)

PoofieD Mon, Feb-10-03 21:47

I don't know sis.
I have sort of liked the focus here :-)
As you see its mostly just me marking off like a star that I do my workout!! :-)
I know it doubles sometimes.. but that is okay
sometime I hope to get MORE analytical about it.. since you know I could..can. something!

PoofieD Tue, Feb-11-03 09:25

Maximum body shaping
I did that one today.
Using heavier weights still.
I also got Core Cardio in the mail from an ebay auction yesterday.
I think I really like the upper body on that one.
The lower body looks intense with a tough cardio segment preceeding our Favorite Leg Press tanya.. LOL
And then followed by another tough cardio.. I can hear you wheezing now!
Tomorrow is super scuplt.. I will challenge myself on that one!

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