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deze Fri, Nov-22-02 20:30

Welcome CJ!
are you also using fitday? It is highly recommended!

look forward to seeing your progress!

CJ_Cregg Fri, Nov-22-02 22:15

Hi Deze
Thanks for the welcome. Have you been doing BFL for long?

I have been using fitday and am happy to be keeping track of my food with it. I was doing Atkins for a couple of weeks but with the cardio I was doing, combined with low calorie intake - I was dragging. So I have upped my carbs and calories a bit and judging from what I have read here I will likely need to up them a bit more once I get started doing BFL (I usually take in about 1600 calories, but only about 7% carbs).

It is SUCH a relief to have an exercise plan. I've always floundered in that area, despite being an athlete in high school and college. Cardio here and there, weights here and there. Nothing consistent and no substantial benefits.

Looking forward to checking in with all of you, watching your progress and making some of my own.

Now back to that book! :)

Yesican Sat, Nov-23-02 06:28

More BFL'ers!

You are going to love it! Today is my "free" day...Not eating-wise for me but exercise-wise & I miss my workout already.

I am starting Week 3 tomorrow. I feel terrific!
I'm so happy to have all this company doing BFL.

I'm anxious to hear about everyone's progress with this program.

Have a great day!


deze Sun, Nov-24-02 23:11

Hey gang!
Hope everyone is still hangin in there!

I started Atkins in July, dropped 10 lbs and have stayed the same weight since. I just started BFL week 4 today, but already see how my body has changed. I have gone from a size 12 to a size 8 and am really enjoying the process.

Things I have noticed since being on LC WOL:

no backaches (I had lower disc problems)
no puffy eyes when I wake up in the morning
no tiredness during the day
no bloated feeling.

anyway, the backaches and the puffy eyes are amazing concepts to me, I always thought my eyes would be puffy from water retention from too much salt or something-- anyway, I feel so great since I have changed my eating. Also, BFL gives great focus and structure to my workouts!

looks like we are taking the same days for our freedays, I cant sit still on free days, it feels weird not exercising.. although I must admit yesterday I did have a little 20min nap due to tender muscles.... it feels great though!!

talk to ya soon,

VictoriaT Mon, Nov-25-02 07:40

Hello BFLers.
Well I started today! :hyper: 7 am for my UBWO. I think I was at too high of a weight for a few things, but other than that I did ok. :)

I think these first few days are goign to be an experiment with food (Ive been doing atkins but for BFL have to add a few more carbs and a bit scared to do so :) ) and also weights! I was going to the gym every day for a while there and havent been in over one month-well let me tell you, I felt it this morn! :lol:

Hope you all have a wonderful week! I think this was a good week for me to start since I am motivated and will make it through Thanksgiving!


CJ_Cregg Mon, Nov-25-02 08:00

need to revise that start date...
Good Morning Everyone (at least it's morning here in Washington, DC),

I definitely was NOT prepared for the planning that is necessary with BFL. I got the book on Friday and figured I would start the program on Saturday (despite the fact that I was going out of town for the weekend!). So, I am back home, read the entire book, going to print out some of the worksheets from the BFL website, get some glutamine, and really lay my plan out in front of me before I jump in head first. I have such a tendency to jump on the next bandwagon full speed and then burn out. With this program though, I want to do it right and so I am slowing down a bit.

I am about to move in three weeks and I know that moving is so stressful for me - I always put on a few pounds. I thought that perhaps this wasn't the best time to start a new exercise program, but in fact, I think this is a good time. If I know that I have committed myself to taking care of myself first, then I think moving and not totally stressing out will be that much easier. I am hoping that BFL will help me devote that time to my well being that I need, especially during stressful times!

So I am revising my start date to today for the first UBWO.

Have a good week! :wave:

deze Mon, Nov-25-02 18:29

good for you for going for it!

Something I found helpful was to use a three ring binder with all the 1,2,3,... tabs using them for each week. I keep it organized and also print my fitday for the day on the back of my food sheet, that way I can go back and see why my calories, or whatever was what it was, also just to compare where my potential 'problem' areas were. I also keep a section at the back with recipes and other notes regarding training, hints, posts from others etc... it seems to work okay, it makes it easy.

Also, packing the night before helps too.

maybe you already do all this...

you will get into the swing of it in no time, and probably be really missing the workouts on your freeday!

Good luck with your move, maybe it will be an excellent transition!


VictoriaT Tue, Nov-26-02 07:54

Thanks for a good idea. I did get a three ring binder.
Well, I did the first cardio workout today and I love it! 20 minutes goes by so quickly and its easy to keep myself motivated through the harder levels because I know its only X minutes until I get an interval break.


Still having a bit of a weird mental prob adding some carbs back into the menu, but Nat is helping me out :) I may go sneak a peak at your menus Deze...hope you dont mind!

Have a great day all! I LOVE BFL!!!!

I posted my before pics on my bedroom mirror--didnt want to do it on the fridge in case we have company :lol: Everyday I want to stay in bed and not get up to go to the gym, Ill look at those pics...argh.


CJ_Cregg Tue, Nov-26-02 08:58

Good tips deze!
I actually had just put all my worksheets into a three ring binder yesterday, before I read your note. I like the idea of putting in my fitday stats too.

Well, I am in C1W1D2 and happy to get this underway. My first cardio was today too. My goodness, it did go by quickly! I will have to get used to the idea of just 20 minutes. I usually loathe cardio so the short time is welcome.

I have to tweak my food too - little anxious about adding carbs (OK, alot anxious). Sounds like I am only working against myself if I don't.

OK, over and out for now.

Meg_S Mon, Dec-02-02 11:28

It may be a little late in the thread for this, but count me in! I started my first week last sunday with lowerbody w/o. (that makes thursdays me free day and I may switch to wed) I'm getting used to the nutrition aspect, but so far the workouts are on. Maybe this week is my first "true" week as I missed a cardio. BUT I am looking forward to gaining a ton of muscle and hopefully stripping away some of my belly. I'll take before pics tonight. My stats say I've reached goal - that only means goal weight, not bodyfat. I'm 5 10" and think 150 is good, perhaps even more when I've got the kind of muscle I want. I can stand to lose quite a bit of fat on my stomach and back of my upper hips. So I am not actually at goal, though I weigh what I want to.

This is exciting! All of you who post results are so inspiring.

ps: does anyone else have a major gas prob since adding carbs? It seems that my stomach is always in a turmoil and I'm always running out of the room no matter what kind of carbs I eat. <sigh> I don't want to be stinky. Any solutions/suggestions? Actually the ONLY carb that doesn't make me go nuts is potatoes.

CLo Mon, Dec-02-02 16:54

In for a penny...
Hey everyone!

It is C1W2D9 for me. I think that each time I go back to the gym I get things a little more "right". I don't think that I have it completely right, (my body doesn't hurt as much as I expected), but I am getting there. I look forward to seeing the new me in 12 weeks!

BTW, I want to thank all of you guys for your journals and the gift of information. I had never heard of BFL until I started lurking on in this forum. Thanks to all of the regulars, I was convinced that I could do this. It is sooo great to see all of the suppor that goes on around here!

Natrushka Mon, Dec-02-02 18:47

Meg, re being in a gasseous state - something I picked up from my carb up CKD days, beano the stuff really works. I used it with every meal for the first two weeks of higher carbs and then was able to scale it down. The gas is still there, but usually it's related to the refried beans on tex-mex night (or the smarties post workout)

CLo, Nice to see you 'delurking' :)


deze Thu, Dec-05-02 19:49

Week 4 results...
results of week 4.....

in comparing the before and after pics, the only diff is my hair!! it is time for another haircut!!!! I cant see much diff, didnt actually really expect to, but I dont even look more toned. The measurements show nothing either, except my wrists, which are now .3 inches smaller... weird!

Anyway, it is neat to see comparison pics though, I look forward to the 8 and 12 marks...

How is everyone else doing thus far???

VictoriaT Fri, Dec-06-02 08:23

Hi Deze!
Dont give up! You know how it is. I found that I lost 22 lbs before anyone even noticed. Then all of a sudden out of the blue, everyone started to say something. Even last week I was shopping and after 50 lbs, I STILL cant fit a pair of jeans properly. Dont give up. I bet after another 4 weeks you will be able to see a nice difference!! :thup:

Yesican Mon, Dec-09-02 08:34


I just know you are going to be one of those amazing 8-10 week results BFL people.
You keep it up!

I am beginning Week #5 & already looking forward to Challenge #2! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way I feel.

I am happy with my end of Week #4 results (some of us-yes me!- had more to lose in inches to begin with!)

I will not be blown away by a stiff wind anytime soon but I may get into a sleeveless top by Summer.

deze Mon, Dec-09-02 12:10


Glad to hear you are seeing the results! How encouraging to keep you motivated for the rest of it!!! You must be one power machine!!!!

Cant wait to see your pics too, it'll be fun to see everyones... hoping everyone will post them, that is!!!!

You sound great!!
keep it up!

mnokat Fri, Dec-13-02 10:34

Week 6 BF TESTING COMPLETE... - 4.7% !!!!!!!!

NOW 31% and officially "overweight"... no longer considered Obese! Woooo HOOOOOO!

How y'all doin???

deze Fri, Dec-13-02 11:05

that is excellent! Congratulations! You are doing so well -4.7 is awesome!!! :thup:

Keep up the good work!


Yesican Tue, Dec-17-02 07:30

Wow mno!!!!

Great results!

I just started Week #6 & feeling good.

Natrushka Tue, Dec-17-02 10:16

Re: C1W6D6
Originally posted by mnokat
NOW 31% and officially "overweight"... no longer considered Obese! Woooo HOOOOOO!
WTG Kate! Keep up the great work.

Not sure how I missed this one :rolleyes:


shawnqatl Sat, Dec-21-02 06:34

Hello everyone
My name is Shawn.

I've been with the Atkins plan since Aug. 02. A good friend let me borrow their BFL book...........and it's exiciting to say the least.

I just dropped in to get a feel for what and how you guys are doing, and I can see that all of you are superstars... i'm impressed.

I plan on joining a gym today (key indication as to my workout regimen) and it seems that BFL would be a great way to start off.

My only concern is getting use to preparing meal portions... I don't think that I've done a great job of that in times past.

Well, that's all....... drop me a line if you have any words for an aspiring BFL'er.

:wave: :wave: :wave:

Yesican Sat, Dec-21-02 08:28

To borrow a phrase from some company:


You will be sooooo happy you did! I feel better than I can ever remember. I have a new focus: Instead of just praying to the scale gods, I actually want to get fit & firm & feel fabulous.

Read the book. Then read it again. Plan some daily menus. I have been awful about posting my menus (sorry all-next challenge I will do better) but Nats journal is the BFL holy grail & deze & mnokat & many others here post their menus in their journals.

You are in good company...You can do this!

shawnqatl Sat, Dec-21-02 22:12

Thanks Yesican,

I know that there are some unforeseen issues ahead of me concerning BFL, but I want this in my life.

Hopefully, I can get everything settled to begin in January

Yesican Mon, Dec-30-02 11:27

OK BFL'ers...Role Call please...

How is everyone doing?

I started Week #8 on Sunday & I am already planning on doing Challenge #2...I hope to have company!

Question for everyone...Will you follow the exercises in the book again for Challenge 2 or tweak them a bit?

Have a great day!

pbach Mon, Dec-30-02 11:40

Hello YesIcan! I'm on week 6 and I'm already tweaking. My main complaints are for back and shoulders. There's so many parts and I don't feel like 2 exercises covers it.

Although I'm in week 6, I'm "starting over" next week for the official challenge.

I've only missed one cardio workout since Nov 25 (I was sick). BUT my eating has been awful for the last 2 weeks and I haven't been getting near enough water. That all changed today and I feel I'm back on track.

Any others entering the "official" challenge?

Natrushka Mon, Dec-30-02 13:31

Just finished
I'm done with BFL for 2002 :) Challenge 5 is in the can. Just waiting to get some of those nasty before shots developed. I was playing around today with some after shots but I can't get the angle right - I need a second pair of hands so they look like the before shots. I did the measuring on the weekend and I'll have some stats to post in a bit.

No more 'official' challenges for me until I get back from Mexico; but I will be working out up until then (after a week off to rest up of course!).


deze Mon, Dec-30-02 17:10

Hi all!
Congrats Yesican, sounds like you are doing well!

I missed a week while I was away so am now on Week 8... feeling like I got bloated up and lost all my work during the week away, but all I can do is move onward!

Still hanging in there!

toybox Tue, Dec-31-02 07:39

:wave: Hi everyone. I will be starting bfl on Sunday, Jan 5.
I started this program a couple of years ago but stopped after 6 weeks - lately I have had a habit of starting fitness/diet programs and not completing them. This time I know I will complete it!

I used to lift weights years ago and was very lean and fit. Then I became a runner, an injured runner, always trying to come back from one injury or another.

Well, now I have decided to give up running and get back into weight training. I am determined to get my physique and that feeling of energy back.

I am looking forward to checking in to this forum and becoming part of your team! Thanks for your support!

I'm getting hubby to take my before pictures on Saturday and I am quite embarassed about it, but I gotta do it I


deze Tue, Dec-31-02 13:48

Hi toybox...

You will definately be able to stick with it if you are determined!
I just checked your stats, and I am the same height as you.. same age tooo,

anyway, I dont know what your frame is like, but 137 seems really low, especially if you are hoping to change fat to muscle.

I would suggest doing all the measurements for the bf percentage and maybe not be so concerned with weight... just a suggestion....

good luck for the new year!!

toybox Tue, Dec-31-02 14:44

Hey Deze! That is pretty cool that we are the same age and height!

I guess I was aiming for what I weighed when I felt and looked my best, which was 137lbs - what I am really aiming for is to get my hip measurement down to 36". I'm a classic pear so the last place I can shrink is my butt. To tell the truth, I don't really care what I weigh, but it seems easier to have a weight goal instead of an inches goal LOL :daze:

I think I'll take your advice and modify my goal....thanks!


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