Active Low-Carber Forums

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doreen T Fri, May-11-01 10:09


Nice to met you dear...;) .. and welcome aboard.


Bonnie Fri, May-11-01 10:11

Re: Confessor Tee

* Favourite non-low carb food; Anything by Hostess Cakes!

How's this for deep and way out there......what TV Personality do we know likes the above (Ring Dings etc.) and lives in the big apple....has been known to follow CAD.... also Confessor spelled backward begins.... rosse.... sorry couldn't resist..... LOL.....


nrussell Fri, May-11-01 10:29

I got it, I got it, I got it.....

Boy it was bugging me - couldnt find the Tee connection.

"The red earth of Tara"!!!!

and in the immortal words of SO'H...

"Tomorrow is another day".....I'm off to bed.

Night all.


debbiedobson Fri, May-11-01 13:48

oh nicola, you beat me to it! you smarty pants!

Sharon Fri, May-11-01 16:14

Hi, finally the weekend and time to really read the forum.

* Board name and real world name --- Sharon
* Age and SEX --- 46/F
* LC Start date --- July '00,
* Married, single, other --- single
* City, County /Hemisphere --- Owen Sound, Ont., Canada
* Occupation --- Administration, Provincial Government
* Kids, pets, pests --- 1 - son first year University of Guelph, 1 - daughter grade 12, 1 - lazy high maintenance Himalyan kitty "Dusty", 1 - Low Carb, low maintenance "High School Teacher" Boyfriend (not sure if he falls in the pets, or pest definition)
* Current Low Carb status --- losing inches, especially at the waist and hips, but not a lot of pounds, my summer clothes all feel very different; infact I have a couple outfits that I bought last year that I may have to alter smaller. ..would like to lose 10 more pounds according to the scale. I low carb mainly to look after my blood sugar, so I expect to lose weight much slower. Most of the time I eat at a maintenance level of carbs, so I know if I want to lose weight faster, I'll have to drop my daily carbs. Most who know me always say I don't need to lose weight, BUT, these folks haven't seen me in the shower!!!

AND FOR FUN........

* Favourite low carb food --- bacon and eggs or salad
* Favourite non-low carb food --- Chocolate
* Food you can't live without on Low carb --- Kay's Low Carb Bread Recipe..(not sure how I survived before I got this recipe from Kay).
* Favorite type of exercise --- walking, running up and down the office steps (15) hundred times a day (just kidding, but sometimes it seems I do), I cut a big lawn, have flower gardens, shovel my own general a lot of "mother nature" projects, after which I usually head to my hot tub on my deck. I sometimes do a gym program (machines), usually in the winter.
* If you could be paid for the thing you most like to do what would it be? --- I'd love to be the hostess with the mostess...and make people's day...make them smile, so that they in turn could smile back at someone...and then make their day. I'd like a job that requires very little responsibility and somedays a no brainer, one I could go home and forget about at night, that's if this type of job exists??
* Person you'd most like to meet currently living --- there's too many to mention (Doreen, Curtis Joseph, Tinakaye, Rachel, Curtis Joseph, Kay, Wa'il, Curtis Joseph, Karen, NNN, and did I mention Curtis Joseph, DebbieDobson) (these are just a few) (((Since posting this in May I did get to meet Debbie and Doreen at our summer Toronto get together....what a treat))))
* What are you currently reading --- not reading a novel at the present time - heck I can't keep up with the forum right now, let alone start a novel!!
* What's your favourite movie --- The Gladiator
* Just anything else you'd like to share ---"All we need most days is a little sun, a little fun and someone to love".....

The thing I'd like to be doing in 10 years - "Retired, lazing on some Caribbean Beach, with some gorgeous hunk"....(Heck, who I am trying to kid, I'd like to be doing that now!!)

Updated: October 16, 2001

TammyJoi Sat, May-12-01 08:26

Nice to meet all of you
*Name: TammyJoi, but I usually go by Tammy (when there aren't any others of us around ;))
* Age and SEX: I am 37, female
* LC Start date: March7, 2001
* Married, single, other: Married, for almost 18 years now.
* City, County /Hemisphere: Kansas City, Missouri, US
* Occupation: Does professional Goof off count? ;) Homemaker, I am also going to be homeschooling my daughter starting in the fall.
* Kids, pets, pests: 1 daughter-13, 1 son- 8, a foster son living with us at this time, one Gerbil
* Current Low Carb status: Loosing weight would be nice, but I am just trying to lower my blood sugar levels.

AND FOR FUN........

* Favourite low carb food: Anything I can eat as much as I want of:)
* Favourite non-low carb food: donuts, cake, ice cream,......
* Food you can't live without on Low carb: I am learning I can live without any number of foods, if I have to:(
* Favorite type of exercise:Swimming
* If you could be paid for the thing you most like to do what would it be?: Goofing off with my kids
* Person you'd most like to meet currently living: Maybe it's the recluse in me speaking, but I can't think of anyone off hand I would want to meet more than anyone else.
* What are you currently reading: Terry Pratchett books mainly
* What's your favourite movie: There are just too many (in other words, nothing comes to mind at the moment:))
* Just anything else you'd like to share: I started on this WOE because of a diagnosis of Diabetes. It seems to be helping me do something I haven't been able to do since I had my kids -- Loose weight. It makes the new life style much easier to live with. ;)

tamarian Sat, May-12-01 08:45

Hi Tammy,

Welcome aboard!


shelley Sun, May-13-01 06:00

Name: Shelley
Age & Sex: 40/F
LC start date: April23/01
Married/ Single : married 18 years
City: Cambridge, Ontario
Occupation: clerk
Kids/pets: 2 teens, one boy 16 and one girl 15.
Current status: trying to stay on track, have my weak moments

And For Fun........

Favorite low carb food: Bacon
Favorite non low carb food: potato chips
Favorite type of exercise: I seldom use favorite and exercise in the same sentence, but if I must I would say the elliptical cross trainer.
Food I can't live without: potato chips
If I could get paid to be anything I wanted: it would be a toss up between being a chef and an interior designer.
Person I would like to meet: Tom Cruise mmmmmmmm :D
My favorite movie: It's a wonderful life
Book I am reading: Dr. Atkins..

lgoldber Sun, May-13-01 13:23

Board name and real name: lgoldber and Beth:)
36 year old female
LC start date! today, May 13, 2001
First married at age 20 for 10 years with a beautiful 10 year old son. Will be married for 2 years on June 22 to my wonderful Husband Hicham who is from Morocco.
Live in Columbia, Maryland
Work for a contract engineering company in National Accounts
I am 5'9" tall, weight is 228, and I really want to be 150. I am tired of feeling bad, looking bad and thought this would be the perfect place to get and give support to others who wish for what I wish!

Favorite Low Carb Food! Cheese and steak
Favorite non low carb....PASTA, AND LOTS OF IT!
Favorite Exercise, swimming, but have been sedentary for way too long....
If I could get paid to be anything I wanted....would love to get paid doing nothing of course, but would love to be paid to travel
Person I would like to meet.....Robert him!
Favorite movie....too many to count, but anything with DeNiro
Book I am reading, nothing currently, recently Fit for Life
Anything else just to share....
I am originally from Kentucky (going there next Wed evening 'til next Sunday to visit mom and brother....miss them, and of course Beau the Chocolate Lab!)
married at age 20 to military officer, lived in Germany for nearly 5 years, lived in VA, KY, MS, and now here in Maryland with my current husband, Hicham, who is from Morocco....
Hope to hear from everyone...looking forward to losing alot of weight!!!!! Yehaw!

Stina Sun, May-13-01 14:00

* Board name and real world name (if you care to share);
Stina a.k.a. Christina

* Age and SEX (again "Yes Please" does not count here);
30 female

* LC Start date;
04/28/01 (2nd time around)

* Married, single, other;
married without the paper;-)

* City, County /Hemisphere
Nanaimo, BC, Canada

* Occupation (# 1 MOM, # 1 secretary, # 1 boss, # 1 sofa surfer):
animal care tech, feline rescue, Bengal cat breeder, hobby-farmer

* Kids, pets, pests;
NO human babies (yet) lots of pets

* Current Low Carb status (ie losing, maintenance, would kill for a visit from the whoosh fairy);
just finished induction lost 15 pounds but managed to gain3 back today <hmpf>

AND FOR FUN........

* Favourite low carb food;

* Favourite non-low carb food;
McDonalds fries

* Food you can't live without on Low carb;

* Favorite type of exercise;

* If you could be paid for the thing you most like to do what would it be?;
Work with animals

* Person you'd most like to meet currently living;
tough one but for today I'll say Colby from Survivor II heheh

* What are you currently reading;
Dr.Atkins and anything closely related

* What's your favourite movie; and ....
The Lion King/Armaggedan (tie)

* Just anything else you'd like to share.

May the whoosh faerie visit each and every one of you tonight:-D


agonycat Wed, May-16-01 08:02

*Board name/real name..................Agonycat/Janet
*Low Carb start date......................April 27, 2001
*Relationship status........................Married, 2 years
*City/Country..................................Dallas, Texas, USA
*Occupation....................................Systems Engineer

*Kids/pets....................................2 cats, 1 dog, 110 gal fish tank
*Current Low carb status.............18 pounds down

*Favorite Low carb food............... Steak with mushrooms
*Favorite non-low carb food.........NACHOS and HOT DOGS!!!!!!!
*Can't live husband :D
*Favorite exercize......................... I hate exercising
*If I could be paid for doing what I love.........Watching Baseball games

*Person I would most love to meet.............Saint Louis Cardinals baseball team

*What am I currently reading?.................... Technical manuals
*Favorite Movie/s...........................Hard pick, hrm. Too many to list actually
*Anything else I would like to share?........I am a huge Cardinals fan (can you tell I love baseball?), I love to cook and eat (probably what got me into the shape I am in :D), I wish I was 6 again (remember paste, blunt scissors, crete paper, construction paper, those little plaster molds we made of our hands to give to mom, glitter that would get all over everything and drive mom nuts, chasing fireflies, ahhhh childhood.....)
oops i digressed...sorry :D

rainny Wed, May-16-01 10:26

Board name and real world name (if you care to share);
Rainny/Lorraine Davis Martin
* Age and SEX (again "Yes Please" does not count here);
Female…and yes please! hee hee!
* LC Start date;
Restart: April 1, 2001
* Married, single, other;
Married with out the paper {yet}
* City, County /Hemisphere
Waller, Texas {just out side of Houston
* Occupation (# 1 MOM, # 1 secretary, # 1 boss, # 1 sofa surfer):
MOM, Hubby Secretary {no really!}, artist, hair stylist & rescuer
Kids, pets, pests;
Great Dane {Sammy}, Himalayan Cat {jet eye}, Ally cat {Chloe}, Mollie Cockatoo {peaches}, Camelot Macaw {scarlet} Nanday Conure {Thor} Cherry headed Conure {Bo…who is very naked right now!} Blue Claw Sea crabs & A GAINT SUCKER FISH an his little buddy sucker fish! Crabs and sucker is waiting for new roommates coming this weekend! ha! Told you it was a ZOO! Ha! Also…Hubby 2 daughter 13 &11 and stepson 9

* Current Low Carb status (ie losing, maintenance, would kill for a visit from the whoosh fairy);
Losing and waiting for my weekly whoosh fairy visit!
AND FOR FUN........

* Favorite low carb food;
* Favorite non-low carb food;
Jack Daniel’s ribs and shrimp from Friday’s
* Food you can't live without on Low carb;
Chocolate {thank goodness for pure delight}
* Favorite type of exercise;
Biking and…”yes”
* If you could be paid for the thing you most like to do what would it be?
Art and I working on it with the support of a loving man!
* Person you'd most like to meet currently living;
Michael Parks {artist}
* What are you currently reading;
This group!ha!
* What's your favorite movie; and ....
Matrix, Bram stoker Dracula, and what dreams may come
* Just anything else you'd like to share.
I just want to say this is a GREAT PLACE! I’m so happy to have found it! And I do tell EVERYONE ABOUT IT!

rainny Wed, May-16-01 10:55

* What are you currently reading --- re-reading the collected works of Dorothy Parker; biography of Frida Kahlo (Mexican folk-artist)

I Love Frida Kahlo...her work was here in Houston and I didn't get to go!:(
May be it will come back!

genea74 Sat, May-26-01 07:45

Hello :)
* Board name and real world name (if you care to share);
genea74 a.k.a. Nia

* Age and SEX (again "Yes Please" does not count here);
26 female

* LC Start date;

* Married, single, other;

* City, County /Hemisphere
Montreal, QC, Canada

* Occupation (# 1 MOM, # 1 secretary, # 1 boss, # 1 sofa surfer):
project manager

* Kids, pets, pests;
1 dog

* Current Low Carb status (ie losing, maintenance, would kill for a visit from the whoosh fairy);
6lbs down so far since start date :) and counting....

AND FOR FUN........

* Favourite low carb food;

* Favourite non-low carb food;
anything chocolate

* Food you can't live without on Low carb;
haven't thought about this much

* Favorite type of exercise;

* If you could be paid for the thing you most like to do what would it be?;
haven't thought about this much

* Person you'd most like to meet currently living;

* What are you currently reading;
Harry Potter - book number 2 (chamber of secrets) in Greek
(I've actually bought all 4 in Greek...)

* What's your favourite movie; and ....
Meet Joe Black

Andi Sat, May-26-01 17:16

Am I too late?
*Board name and real name(surprise!); Andi
*Age/Sex/Status; I'm a 31 year-old single female
*Location; Wisconsin
*LC Start Date; Gulp, ummmm...May29th, 2001 (just stocked up!)
*Occupation; pre-school teacher
* Kids, pets,pests; Dog named Nick.... a fat, drooling cat who snores and is aptly named Porky...and a big double chinned sassy white Bunny I seem to have adopted from one of my kids!.... I have a bunch of rug-rats I call "my kids", but fortunately for me they don't follow me home ;)

*Current low carb status; Say....Are the fairys still whooshing?

*Favorite low-carb food; I'm sure I'll find one soon
*Favorite non-low carb food; Does milk count? If not- chocolate's been a good friend to me

*Favorite type of exercise; If I did, I think it would be swimming

*If you could be paid to do the thing you most like to do what would it be; Learning about anything and everything if I couldn't be a pre-school teacher

* Person you would most like to meet currently living; If not Ben, then definitely Jerry;)
*What are you currently reading; Clifford the Big Red Dog mostly, but when I can find the time I like to read articles by Dr. Michio Kaku regarding theoretical physics.
*What's your favorite movie; Lots of them on different levels of appreciation.

*Just anything else you'd like to share; Let's see...I'm just now beginning to have those "A ha!" moments that define who I am. I have an insatiable curiosity, and I've never thought about just "nothing". I love my job and "my kids". I travel lots, and would love to go back to Jamaica. Since about October 2000 I've been doing lots of inner-work on myself, and I'm currently trying to figure out just how these people can actually meditate! I still get excited for each and every holiday, and I'm still a kid at heart:)

tamarian Sat, May-26-01 17:43

Re: Am I too late?
Originally posted by Andi
[Since about October 2000 I've been doing lots of inner-work on myself, and I'm currently trying to figure out just how these people can actually meditate! [/B]

Welcome aboard Andi!

Just curious, which people, and what meditation?


Andi Sat, May-26-01 18:04

Thanks for the welcome Wa'il!

About the people and meditation.....Anyone who can actually find that tranquil place during meditation is waaaay ahead of me!

Right now I'm working on being able to get to the point where I can begin to work on my chakras. This, by the way, is confusing me as well since I just read last night that there are 33 chakras. I thought it was seven, then I got comfortorable envisioning 13, but 33???

Any advice for me would be so much appreciated! I am an empath, and it's very hard for me to keep my energy IN and the energy around me OUT:)

I would really like to find a good guided meditation CD. Know of any?

Thanks again!

tamarian Sat, May-26-01 18:34

Sorry, I'm no expert in meditation :)

I was just wondering if by "how these people can meditate" was referring to special kind of meditation.

Well, what I know about meditation is that it's low-carb! :)


Genesis Sun, May-27-01 17:15

*Board name/real name..................Genesis/ Bill
*Low Carb start date......................Oct 9/2000
*Relationship status........................Single
*City/Country..................................Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
*Occupation....................................IT Field

*Kids/pets....................................NONE/Tropical Fish
*Current Low carb status.............Lost 64 pounds

*Favorite Low carb food...............Chicken
*Favorite non-low carb food.........Rice
*Can't live without........................Beer
*Favorite exercise......................... Fishing
*If I could be paid for doing what I love.........Fishing
*Person I would most love to meet.............Roger Waters
*What am I currently reading?.................... rereading Atkins
*Favorite Movie/s...........................lots of them
*Anything else I would like to share?........honestly believe that low carbing is the way to go

beckyw54 Mon, May-28-01 08:25

New to this board......I am trying to get back into the low carb mode........however, I have been doing weight watchers for a while and it is so different.

I think I need fruits/veggies, but it seems fruit has so many carbs......

Can anyone tell me if you do or do not eat fruits and if it is better to eat them at a certain time of the day?

I lost alot of weight on the OLD ATKINS diet in the late 70s, but am not that familiar with any of the new low carb diets.


Bonnie Mon, May-28-01 09:29

Hi Becky
[QUOTE]Originally posted by beckyw54
I think I need fruits/veggies, but it seems fruit has so many carbs......

Can anyone tell me if you do or do not eat fruits and if it is better to eat them at a certain time of the day?

In reply to your question about fruits and veggies, I can only answer for myself...many folks are following many different LC plans here and therefore I'm sure would have differing opinions...Myself am following the Protein Power Plan and therefore indulge in fruits that are low in carbs like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries etc. in the veggie department, brocolli , cauliflower, turnip and green beans are a few I could suggest but the best thing to do is arm yourself with information in the way of a few LC books and check out the great informative info right here on this website...:) :) tips section for one comes to mind... :cool: member recipe section has some great recipes along with Karen's recipe section....spend a few moments perusing the site... lots of info for beginners... ;) Good luck and hope this has helped...

:) Bonnie

Ruth Tue, May-29-01 09:21

* Board name and real world name (if you care to share); Ruth in both worlds
* Age and SEX (again "Yes Please" does not count here); 43 female
* LC Start date; March 26 2001
* Married, single, other; single
* City, County /Hemisphere Vancouver BC
* Occupation (# 1 MOM, # 1 secretary, # 1 boss, # 1 sofa surfer): Telecommunications customer service rep
* Kids, pets, pests; none, however am auntie to 20 of own nieces, nephews & at least 30 "adopted" ones.
* Current Low Carb status (ie losing, maintenance, would kill for a visit from the whoosh fairy); Gee, whoosh fairy has disappeared after my 1st wk on Atkins. Currently losing very slowly, but I feel triumphant to have maintained my current weight loss (22 lbs) during a very stressful time of unpleasant changes at my office :p:p

AND FOR FUN........

* Favourite low carb food; bacon
* Favourite non-low carbfood; chocolate
* Food you can't live without on Low carb; cheese
* Favorite type of exercise; if I HAVE to choose one, it is walking
* If you could be paid for the thing you most like to do what would it be?; Be an auntie, spoil lots of kids of all ages & have the necessary $$. The best part is sending the darlings home, no 24x7 for me :)
* Person you'd most like to meet currently living; Can't think of anyone
* What are you currently reading; Carbohydrate Addicts Diet; After reading Atkins & Diabetes Solution 3 times I still have an obsession to learn more about LC WOL :)
* What's your favourite movie; and .... all time favourite = Anne of Green Gables; latest comedy = Bridget Jone's Diary
* Just anything else you'd like to share.

I've got a real feeling of relief & freedom from food now that I've found the LC WOE. Probably because I feel in control of food, rather than food & my appetite controlling me. Anyone else relate to this? hehe

Even when the scale seems stuck on a number, I'm not pressuring myself with the thoughts of "failing the diet" since this is truly a lifestyle change. Self-condemnation re weight & diet is such an easy trap for me to fall into (sigh) BUT now I can relax because I'll be eating this way for the rest of my life. Kudos & thanks to others who have shared about LC being a "life-style" not a diet, they have helped me to re-think food & diet then adopt this attitude.

Diabete report: sugars have come down below 7; for the 1st 8 weeks they were above 7 (without glyburide) and I wasn't comfortable with that. Whooo hooo. My old "bod" is becoming less insulin resistant. This is as big a milestone as losing 20 lbs :)

I've rambled on enough for now. Hope everyone is having a good day!

Sharon Tue, Oct-16-01 05:23

Bumping up Post
This is one post I have enjoyed reading...infact I've read it several times. I thought I'd bump it up incase someone missed it and would like to join in.

Even though you may have already introduced yourself, there might be other things you'd like to let us know..

Have some fun!

Goodacre Tue, Oct-16-01 09:22

Thanks for bumping this, Sharon. It was interesting to read the other responses, although it's sad to note that many of those people no longer seem to be participating. I hope they've just gotten too busy to come here, but are continuing to get healthier.

* Board name and real world name: Goodacre/Sarah
* Age and SEX: 45, F
* LC Start date: Sept. 4, 2001
* Married, single, other: married
* City, County /Hemisphere: Ohio in the US
* Occupation: job-hunting/Anyone know of a place that needs a Credit Manager?
* Kids, pets: 3 kids (13, 12, 10 1/2), 1 dog (almost 2 years old--part Lab & part Australian Shepherd)
* Current Low Carb status (ie losing, maintenance, would kill for a visit from the whoosh fairy): Whishing for a Whoosh

AND FOR FUN........

* Favourite low carb food: bacon
* Favourite non-low carb food: baked potatoes with lots of butter or Twinkies
* Food you can't live without on Low carb: love my morning coffee with real cream
* Favorite type of exercise: not fond of exercising, but have some great videos
* If you could be paid for the thing you most like to do what would it be?: read books
* Person you'd most like to meet currently living: nobody in particular
* What are you currently reading: "Merchant of Menace" by Jill Churchill (I'm very fond of mysteries)
* What's your favourite movie: "Ordinary People" (but I have to say that using Pachelbel in it is a big part)
* Just anything else you'd like to share: I'm planning to eat pumpkin pie and sweet potatoes at Thanksgiving dinner :)

itsjoyful Tue, Oct-16-01 10:18

Board name and real world name (if you care to share); Itsjoyful/ Brenda
* Age and SEX (again "Yes Please" does not count here); 34, female
* LC Start date; October 8thish
* Married, single, other; divoriced
* City, County /Hemisphere Alameda, in the great state of CALIFORNIA, (USA)
* Occupation (# 1 MOM, # 1 secretary, # 1 boss, # 1 sofa surfer):
* Kids, pets, pests; Taxi driver, cook, maid, tutor, councelor, hair stylist, manicurist, comedian, warden.... I mean stay at home mom, with Notary business on the side
* Current Low Carb status (ie losing, maintenance, would kill for a visit from the whoosh fairy); induction, though I have not been very good about it. Have lost 5 lbs. so far

AND FOR FUN........

* Favourite low carb food; bacon and cheese, glorious cheese
* Favourite non-low carb food; C is for cookies, that's good enough for me!!
* Food you can't live without on Low carb; eggs
* Favorite type of exercise; running along with my 3 girls on their bikes. It's a blast
* If you could be paid for the thing you most like to do what would it be?; Exactly what I'm doing now. The pay currently sucks, but the rewards are tremedous
* Person you'd most like to meet currently living; Oprah. I want to know... what's up with not going lc
* What are you currently reading; the giving tree, goodnight moon, and oh,...atkins new diet revolution
* What's your favourite movie; and .... I think my favorite all time movie is "Playing by heart" AMAZING!!! rent it if you haven't seen it
* Just anything else you'd like to share.I just love reading the trials and tribulations and gaining advice here that I can not get anywhere else. I am truely grateful for all of you!!!!!!!!

pegm Tue, Oct-16-01 11:48

*Board name/real name pegm/Peg
*Age/Sex F/50
*Low Carb start date 07/15/01
*Relationship status Married 30 years
*City/Country Wisconsin
*Occupation Account Clerk

*Kids/pets 2 daughters, 2 grandkids, 2 dogs, 3 cats
*Current Low carb status Virginia, is there really a whoosh fairy?
*Favorite Low carb food Steak
*Favorite non-low carb food Popovers!
*Can't live without Coffee
*Favorite exercise Walking my dogs/playing with grandkids
*If I could be paid for doing what I love Traveling
*Person I would most love to meet The Pope
*What am I currently reading? Along Came a Spider
*Favorite Movie/s Fried Green Tomatoes
*Anything else I would like to share?

rpeck634 Tue, Oct-16-01 14:38

* Board name and real world name --- rpeck634; Sandra
* Age and SEX --- 37/Female
* LC Start date --- October 16, 2001
* Married, single, other --- Married
* City, County /Hemisphere --- Georgia
* Occupation --- Legal Secretary
* Kids, pets, pests --- 2 daughters (9 & 2 1/2)
* Current Low Carb status --- Today is the start of a new life
* Current/Goal Weight--- 180; 145-150

* Favourite low carb food --- Bacon; Taco Salad
* Favourite non-low carb food --- Sweets; Sweets * more Sweets
* Food you can't live without on Low carb --- Blue Cheese Dressing
* Favorite type of exercise --- Walking; Ski Machine
* If you could be paid for the thing you most like to do what would it be? --- Antiquing
* Person you'd most like to meet currently living --- To Many
* What are you currently reading --- I like Danielle Steel
* What's your favourite movie --- American Movie Classics; Latest Drama & Suspense
* Just anything else you'd like to share --- Love to laugh, cut up, antique and collectible shop; flea markets

tracysev Tue, Oct-16-01 15:07

*Board name/real name..................tracysev / Tracy
*Age/Sex.........................................29 / Female
*Low Carb start date......................October 10, 2001
*Relationship status........................Married 6 years
*City/Country..................................Kemptville, ON Canada
*Occupation....................................Regional Sales Manager - Software
*Kids/pets....................................No / 2 Golden Retrievers (Zodiac and Comet)
*Current Low carb status.............Lost 7.5lbs (still in Induction)
*Favorite Low carb food...............Grilled Beef Tenderloin
*Favorite non-low carb food.........Chips (any flavour - not picky!)
*Can't live without........................Wine
*Favorite exercise......................... Cardio Kick boxing tied with lifting weights (makes me feel strong!)
*If I could be paid for doing what I love.........Traveling around the world rating Spa's for a TV show or travel agency
*Person I would most love to meet.............Janet Jackson
*What am I currently reading?.................... John Grisom
*Favorite Movie/s...........................GodFather (1 or 2), Pulp Fiction and Little Mermaid (still the kid in me.....)
*Anything else I would like to share?........The only way to make it through a long Canadian winter is to own a snowmobile!! ;)
This low carb thing, although still scary at times, is totally the way to go!

MaryB Wed, Oct-17-01 19:10

* Board name and real world name (if you care to share);
Mary B (Mary)
* Age and SEX (again "Yes Please" does not count here);
27 yrs Female
* LC Start date;
August 1, 2001
* Married, single, other;
Happilly married to Levi, best friend in the whole wide world. Known each other since 1991, Married for 3 1/2 years.
* City, County /Hemisphere
Ulysses, Kansas USA :thup: :D
* Occupation (# 1 MOM, # 1 secretary, # 1 boss, # 1 sofa surfer):
Registered Nurse in rural hospital. Work mostly OB. :thup:
* Kids, pets, pests;
No kids yet. Maybe next year. My doc says to lose some weight first. :mad: I do have a hyperactive Brittany (dog) named Ellie May. She is a 2 1/2 year old hunting dog, BEAUTIFUL, but SO FULL OF IT. I hear that's par for the course with Brittany's until they are about 5.
* Current Low Carb status (ie losing, maintenance, would kill for a visit from the whoosh fairy);
Lost 16 # since starting 2 1/2 months ago, but last two weeks I haven't lost squat! Does anyone have the phone number or e-mail address for the "Whoosh Fairy"?

AND FOR FUN........

* Favourite low carb food;
Cheese Cake (2oz cream cheese, 2 packets of Splenda, 1/2 tsp Vanilla, 2 tbsp Cool whip - a few strawberries if I want.)
* Favourite non-low carb food;
:cry: OH DEAR! What do you want from a carb-o-holic!?! Pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, ICE CREAM
* Food you can't live without on Low carb;
:p So far, I've managed to live without any of the above!
* Favorite type of exercise;
I had been swimming laps because the treadmill was HURTING my knees with the extra weight I had gained. I ust went back to walking and weights this week to see if I could jump off my platue
* If you could be paid for the thing you most like to do what would it be?;
Delivering babies - which is what I do!!! The rest is X-rated (hahaha) :D
* Person you'd most like to meet currently living; HHHMMMM! Since September 11th I guess I'd like to meet President Bush.
* What are you currently reading;
Just got done with John Jakes' "California"
* What's your favourite movie; and ....
I am a movie watcher, so this is a hard one to pick from.....Dances With Wolves kind of sticks out in my mind. Red Dawn is an oldie but a favorite when I was younger. I don't really watch regular TV. But my husband and I both REALLY like K-State (college) Football. They're on a losing streak this year and it is just about killing our morale!!
* Just anything else you'd like to share.On a sad note, just want to say how grieved I am, not only about September 11th, but the continued threats against my homeland. I have not the words to describe the feelings I have. The pride, the fear, the love I have for the United States cannot be separated. Please pray for us. :(

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HollyAnn Wed, Oct-17-01 19:30

Here I go... deep breath
-Board name and real world name... HollyAnn

-Age and SEX ... 21 female

-LC Start date... October 11, 2001

- Status... involved and living with boyfriend

-City,State...Massachusetts (Cape Cod)

-Occupation ... Paralegal, (In Law School

-Kids, pets, pests... no kids and two fish

-Current Low Carb status... just starting and liking it

AND FOR FUN........

-Favorite low carb food ... sugar free jello

-Favourite non-low carb food...snickers ice cream

-Food you can't live without... cheese, diet soda

-Favorite type of exercise... none but I do try to walk 2 miles a day

-If you could be paid for the thing you most like to do what ... artist, singer

-Person you'd most like to meet currently living... My father (never met him) dead mother teresa

-What are you currently reading... Political Science

-What's your favourite movie... Grease, Titanic, Girl Intrupted, and anything on lifetime

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