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Jeep#17 Mon, Nov-22-21 12:35

Hey Lianne :wave:

Thank you, I am definitely looking forward to it.

Your moms 75th wow that’s fantastic! So nice that you get to see them both hope you enjoy every minute with them. Oh and enjoy your first CN also :yum:

Later :rheart:

Jeep#17 Mon, Nov-29-21 05:25

Morning :wave:

I had a great thanksgiving CN, spending time with my fam and enjoying a great meal with desserts. I bought a apple pie with crumb topping from Wegmans and it was delicious. I’ve never had the crumb topping before and I will buy it again.

Right back to my LC on Friday and DH finished off the stuffing and the rest of the leftovers we took home. I did buy another Friendsgiving Perry’s ice cream limited edition with cookie dough and raspberry swirls for another CN it was the best ice cream I’ve had :yum:

Have a great day :rheart:

Leezlelee Wed, Dec-01-21 07:41

Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and CN! I love stuffing. One of my favourite things to do to after a holidays meal is have a turkey bun with cranberry sauce and stuffing. So good.

My CN was good. Highlights were pulled pork, meatballs and cheesecake.

Next CN will be on Saturday. It's my Dad's 78th birthday. Going out for supper and to a concert/show at the Legion.

Jeep#17 Thu, Dec-02-21 04:53

Morning :wave:

Cheesecake sounds really good Lianne, I haven’t had some in a long time.

Wow you have lost a lot of pounds very quickly, that’s fantastic keep doing what your doing! It’s nice seeing others having success on CNS.

I’m getting my groceries delivered this morning I’m hoping the rain holds off till then. It’s so busy at the grocery stores the beginning of the month. I’m getting a few items for my Christmas spread to make sure they don’t run out of them and other items I’m out of.

I’m feeling thinner this morning but will hold off weighing myself till my CN. I have been doing Sunday CN’s and that’s working out well.

Later :rheart:

Leezlelee Thu, Dec-02-21 07:21

Good morning.

We've had freezing rain here a couple days this week. Made things quite treacherous to walk and drive.

I have to sit down and make my lists for Christmas - both for gifts and food. I don't think I've ever been this behind on my stuff.

It's that such a great then when you can feel that your body is thinner. Way to go! One way that I can tell I'm losing fat is when I can feel my bones again when I'm laying down. :-)

Happy Thursday!

Jeep#17 Mon, Dec-06-21 05:55

Morning :wave:

Had a good weekend, weather was decent for December. We put up some Christmas decorations and watched a little football.

CN was fun as always, I had food I wanted to eat up so stayed home. I made a chicken and chips dish and pie and ice cream for dessert. Also had some salted cashews my favorite and some small Reesie cups.

I’m down another 2 pounds my lowest weight in a long time! I really love this plan I’m rolling on about 3 months on CN. I’ve never stuck to a plan this long and especially thru the holidays. It feels good to enjoy holidays and be totally on plan with no cheats or guilt :)

Big game night tonight 🏈🏈🏈 can’t wait!!

Talk soon….#Bills Mafia

Jeep#17 Sun, Dec-12-21 05:41

Morning Lianne :wave:

Hope CNS is going good for you :heart:

Today is my CN and we are driving about 45 minutes to do some shopping at Sams Club and then lunch at Golden Coral. It’s close to Sams and my DH loves going there.

I weighed in today and my weight is the same as last week, I was down 2 last week so I’m ok with that. I hope your still losing good as you have been doing great on CNS

Talk soon :rheart:
#Go Bills🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈

Leezlelee Wed, Dec-15-21 18:27

Hi. :wave:

I'm off plan right now. I had/have too many food related events and as I was just getting back into a routine I have fallen off the wagon. I'm just going to ride it through the holidays and not stress out. I'll try to make good choices when I can.

I will be back in the new year for another reboot.

Keep up the great work!

Jeep#17 Thu, Dec-16-21 04:55

Morning :wave:

I understand about the holidays it’s tuff at this time of year. We have our anniversary a few days after Christmas and DH is planning where we are going already…….so I might have another CN, I’ll have to see how I’m feeling that day.

I might have my CN on Saturday this weekend and Christmas falls on Saturday also so it works out.

Talk soon :rheart:

Jeep#17 Mon, Dec-20-21 08:24

Morning :wave:

I did have my CN on Saturday, our son invited us out to lunch he had the day off work. I had pizza rolls w/ marinara sauce and fries. We came home and wrapped more Christmas presents 🎁 then had Christmas ice cream w/ hot fudge, nuts and whipped cream. Really delicious and I had a good time.

I weighed in and I’m down 1 pound this week so I’m glad for that. I got right back to my LC on Sunday and will have my next CN on Christmas Day which will be one week so that works out. We have our anniversary right after Christmas so I’ll have to wait and see how I feel because it’s always a special day for us.

Hope everyone has a great Christmas this year :rheart:

Jeep#17 Tue, Jan-04-22 08:33

Morning :wave:

I’m up 2 pounds this week from the holidays so I’m hoping to be back down Sunday or at least one pound down.

I had my CN on Sunday and probably stick to that day most of the time unless something comes up.

I had a new tankless water heater installed before Christmas and then my dishwasher wasn’t putting out any water so on Christmas Eve the company that installed the tankless came out and fixed it. I’m hoping I don’t get a bill from them for that also🤷‍♀️

Later :rheart:

mojolissa Mon, Jan-10-22 09:50

Hey Jeep :wave:

So how is it going? I saw your Buffalo Bills won last night and I thought of you. Go Bills! :lol:

Still struggling on my end. Are you happy with the Carb Nite solution still? My DDF was successful in lowering blood sugar but I didn't really lose weight. I'm still thinking that the CAD works better for me, but only when I cut off food past 4pm.

Talk to you later I hope girl. :rheart:

Jeep#17 Mon, Jan-10-22 10:27

Hi Mojo :wave:

Yes go Bills!! We won the AFC East, so awesome!! We get to play the Pats on Saturday night for the wild card game and even things up and kick them out of the playoffs🤞🤞🤞 can’t wait….

I am happy on CN it is the first time I am losing weight at a steady pace. I simply can’t be on a diet every day the rest of my life, it just won’t work for me. I’ve lost 16 pounds already something I have never done on any other plan.

I’m sorry your struggling right now friend, I really think you should go back to the CAD and mix in OMAD maybe every other day or just a couple times a week so your calories are at a deficit. You have done so well with that in the past and I think it’s something you can stick with.

I’m having ribs today in the crockpot yum
That’s not cooking mojo I’m simply throwing them in till they’re tender lol

Talk soon :rheart:

Jeep#17 Mon, Jan-17-22 07:56

Morning :wave:

Had a great Carb Nite yesterday and I weighed in am am down 2 more pounds!!

My Bills beat the Patriots and advance to the divisional round against the Chiefs!
I can’t wait……..go Bills🏈🏈🏈🏈

Life is good :rheart:

mojolissa Wed, Jan-19-22 18:44

You go girl!

You've made it to Onederland!
Here come the cheerleaders!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

SO happy for you!
Go Bills!

Jeep#17 Thu, Jan-20-22 05:25

Hi mojo :wave:

Lol thanks, your to funny :lol:

Hope you are doing well, I wish we could find a plan to do together again I miss our talks and keeping each other on track :roll:

Talk soon :rheart:

mojolissa Sun, Jan-23-22 14:36

Hey Jeep :wave:

You're doing so well, I'm so happy for you!

Maybe I should explore carb nite solution. I could continue to do DDF and IF and then have one nite a week with a carb-heavy meal.
Would that work do you think? What kinds of meals do you have when your not having carbs? Do you fast at all?

Please let me know.
Talk later :rheart:

Jeep#17 Tue, Jan-25-22 06:57

Morning :wave:

I’m doing good and back on plan, I took a couple of days off.

I was doing 16/8 but I’m thinking of trying 18/6 maybe noon to 6. I don’t know if I will stick to that schedule every day but I want to give it a try.

Mojo I don’t know anything about DDF so I would say give it a try and see how it goes. I keep my carbs under 30 during the week then on Sunday I pretty much eat what I want but keep in my eating window.

I’m having my first meal today at noon so I have to keep busy because I get hungry if I don’t. I’m burning my wood stove today and loading wood is great exercise for me, plus saves a lot on my gas bill :thup:

Later :rheart:

Jeep#17 Sun, Jan-30-22 06:39

Morning :wave:

Carb Nite :thup: I’m having my coffee this morning then taking a drive later on. I’m hating the cold here but spring is on the way.

DH taking me out for lunch and for some reason I’m craving a salad :o I think he wants Mexican food today so not sure about the salad :lol: I will have tacos if we stick to Mexican.

Weight is the same this week……I’m happy I didn’t gain because I was off plan a couple days last week. I don’t normally do that but s*** happens :D

Happy Sunday :rheart:

Jeep#17 Sun, Feb-06-22 06:48

Morning :wave:

Going to enjoy my day, it’s my Carb Nite and the weather will be sunny ☀️
We are going up to watch the snowmobile races and check on the ice castle they are building.

I’m waiting on my grocery delivery at 9-10 this morning, ordered some needed items and some treats :yum: then heading up.

We will go out for lunch to a great restaurant and I’m planning on getting nachos because they are the best around DH probably get seafood. I’m not getting dessert I will wait till I get home and have a piece of cake w/ ice cream…….I will have a snack later if I’m still hungry maybe hot peanuts or popcorn.

I’m down another pound today :thup: happy with that, slow and steady :)

Enjoy the day :rheart:

mojolissa Mon, Feb-07-22 18:04

Hey Jeep :)

Nice of you to drop in on the CAD thread. I don't think anyone is following that plan, or if they are, they don't post.

Looks like you've found your groove here. Slow and steadily losing is fabulous!

I have lost 5 pounds so far, doing the OMAD with a protein snack. Does your hubby follow the plan too? Mine does not, but he eats what I make for the OMAD, which is my RM at dinnertime. So it works out.

Talk to you later :rheart:

Jeep#17 Thu, Feb-10-22 08:12

Morning :wave:

I’ve started exercising this week, 4 days so far. It really makes me feel good. I mostly want to tone up my body.

I’ve been eating in a small window this week, I think the exercise has helped. I am going to let my body tell me when to eat because every day is different.

Congrats on the 5 pounds Mojo that’s fabulous girl!! DH eats what he wants but he rarely eats before noon.

I’m planning my CN for Sunday and having a Super Bowl Party 🎉 my Bills are sadly not going till next year :D :cool: I think it will be a great game this year

Later :rheart:

Jeep#17 Sun, Feb-13-22 06:22

Morning :wave:

I’m down another pound this morning, I’m losing on average 1 pound a week. I was hoping for 2 but except for my exercise I’m not that active in the winter.

I have to go out this morning for some appetizers because I’ve had a hard time finding any in the stores. So many empty shelves in all the stores around me.

Have a great day :rheart:

mojolissa Tue, Feb-15-22 20:33

Yay Jeep!

So happy for you girl! :cheer:

I'm losing then gaining it back again. :(
I go along well for a week and then I have a bad eating night :mad:

Losing quick and gaining it back quick.... so frustrating!

Our grocery stores are outta many things too. Do you eat protein shakes or use protein powder in anything? I'm not sure what to do with the stuff I bought. It was a good deal, so I bought two big tubs of it. Now I need to use it up, eh...

I'm really happy for you Jeep, talk soon

Jeep#17 Thu, Feb-17-22 08:46

Hi mojo :wave:

Thanks for the encouragement! Means a lot! :heart:

I know gaining the weight back totally sucks, I was doing the same on CAD I was losing during the week then weekends gaining it back. Always up on Monday.

I don’t use protein powder sorry I don’t know what you can do besides just making your shakes. Maybe add some to baking but I know your not into that! :nono: Try getting hubby into the protein shakes tell him how good they are for him and you want to do this together :D :cool:

Talk soon :rheart:

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