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LoveMyGSDs Tue, Jun-05-07 13:36

Monday, 6/4/07
Horizontal push-pull, calves & abs (Baby Got Back program)

Rack pulls
1x5 ~ 135 lbs
4x5 ~ 185 lbs

Bent Over DB Row
3x8 ~ 50 lbs per side

Low Incline Press
5x5 ~ 115 lbs

Incline Flys
3x8 ~ 30 lbs

Seated calf raises
3x12 ~ 90 lbs

Nautilis Crunches
3x8 ~ 110 lbs

toe raises (on leg press machine for tibialis)
3x12 ~ 275 lbs

LoveMyGSDs Wed, Jun-06-07 09:27

Tuesday, 6/5/07
Because I had a quad dominant day on Sunday, my legs felt pretty weak. I had to lower my weights a bit and my lunges were just embarassing.

Quad dominant, hamstring accessory, biceps

Powerlifting squats
5x5 ~ 95 lbs

Static lunge
3x8 ~ 50 lbs

Pull throughs
1x12 ~ 60 lbs,
2x12 ~ 70 lbs

Seated alternating bicep curls
5x5 ~ 27.5 lbs

Hammer curls
3x8 ~ 22.5 lbs

LoveMyGSDs Mon, Jun-11-07 06:37

Sunday, 5/10/07

Vertical push-pull, calves, abs

assisted pullups
5x5 ~ 52 lbs assistance

Hammer high rows (I'd never done these before and I loved them!)
3x8 ~ 60 lbs per side

bent over side laterals
3x10 ~ 22.5 lbs dbs

arnold press
4x5 ~ 25 lbs dbs
1x5 ~ 27.5 lbs dbs

standing db side laterals
3x8 ~ 20 lbs dbs

standing calf raises
3x8 ~ 150 lbs

Kneeling crunch
3x8 ~ 100 lbs

Okay, I totally remembered why I gave up standing calf raises several years ago. I can't get enough weight on it to work my calves without totally killing my shoulders. I suffered through my 3 sets yesterday with pain in my shoulders, even though I could have added more weight. Not 10 minutes after I finished them, I had broken blood vessels all over the tops of my shoulders and they're bruised this morning. So, I'm switching back to calf raises on the leg press machine. (I'm already doing seated calf raises on my other calf day.)

LoveMyGSDs Fri, Jun-15-07 09:05

Thursday, 6/14/07
Hamstring dominant, quad accessory, triceps

Romanian deadlifts
2x5 ~ 135 lbs
3x5 ~ 155 lbs PR

Good Mornings (I started very light on this to make sure my back would be okay.)
1x8 ~ 40 lbs
1x8 ~ 45 lbs
1x8 ~ 50 lbs

Front squats (Uhhh, yeah, got in 2 warm-up sets, do those count? I tried using a cross grip and the bar slid down my delt while I was in my first set and messed it up somehow. The pain was so bad that I almost dumped the bar. So, I stopped mid-first set. I'll try and Olympic grip next time.)
1x5 ~ 70 lbs

Assisted dips
5x5 ~ 22 lbs assistance

Cable pressdowns
3x8 ~ 90 lbs

LoveMyGSDs Sat, Jun-16-07 07:08

Friday, 6/15/07
Horizontal push-pull, calves & abs

Rack pulls
2x5 ~ 185 lbs
3x5 ~ 155 lbs

Bent Over DB Row
3x8 ~ 50 lbs per side

Low Incline Press
5x5 ~ 120 lbs

Incline Flys
3x8 ~ 27.5 lbs

Seated calf raises
3x12 ~ 90 lbs

Nautilis Crunches
3x8 ~ 110 lbs

toe raises (on leg press machine for tibialis)
3x12 ~ 275 lbs

I was pretty tired before the gym again today. That, combined with my sore delt made the workout a bit tough. No PRs today and I actually was a bit weak on my incline flys and rack pulls. Last time I managed 4 sets of 5 reps on rack pulls ~ 185 lbs, but this time I only got 3. Though, my lighter 2 sets were 20 lbs heavier then my one lighter set last time. I had to drop my incline flys from 30 lb dbs to 27.5 lb dbs because they were hurting my left delt.

LoveMyGSDs Fri, Jun-22-07 10:52

Thursday, 6/21/07
Man, I haven't had my quad dominant day for a LONG time, since I skipped my workout last Sunday. Plus, I upped the weight on my squats. My quads can only be described as wet noodles this morning!

Quad dominant, hamstring accessory, biceps

Powerlifting squats
1x5 ~ 115 lbs
4x4 ~ 105 lbs

Static lunge
3x8 ~ 50 lbs

Pull throughs
3x12 ~ 70 lbs

Seated alternating bicep curls
5x5 ~ 27.5 lbs

Hammer curls
3x8 ~ 22.5 lbs

I skipped my SS. I could barely lift my fee when walking and I had to hang on the the banister for dear life when going down the stairs. I didn't think I was able to do my SS last night. LOL

RobinB Fri, Jun-22-07 12:02

I am so impressed with your workouts!!

LoveMyGSDs Fri, Jun-22-07 12:33

Originally Posted by RobinB
I am so impressed with your workouts!!

Thanks Robin! They're tough, but I like 'em.

LoveMyGSDs Sat, Jun-23-07 06:52

Friday, 6/22/07
Vertical push-pull, calves, abs

assisted pullups
5x5 ~ 52 lbs assistance

Hammer high rows
1x8 ~ 60 lbs per side
1x8 ~ 65 lbs per side
1x8 ~ 70 lbs per side

bent over side laterals
3x10 ~ 22.5 lbs dbs

arnold press
5x5 ~ 27.5 lbs dbs

standing db side laterals
2x8 ~ 20 lb dbs
1x8 ~ 22.5 lb dbs

calf raises on leg press machine
3x8 ~ 355 lbs

Kneeling crunch
3x8 ~ 105 lbs

LoveMyGSDs Mon, Jun-25-07 08:09

Sunday, 6/24/07
Hamstring dominant, quad accessory, triceps

Romanian deadlifts
5x5 ~ 155 lbs

Good Mornings
3x8 ~ 50 lbs

Front squats
5x5 ~ 70 lbs (Oly grip)

Assisted dips
5x5 ~ 22 lbs assistance PR

Cable pressdowns
3x8 ~ 90 lbs

I'm finally claiming this assisted dips PR. I didn't realize it was until a couple of days ago. When I weighed 150 lbs I did 5x5 unassisted. Well, at 176 lbs, with 22 lbs of assistance, I'm dipping 154 lbs, so it's a PR. :D

LoveMyGSDs Thu, Jun-28-07 11:19

Today is not going to be a good gym day. I'm EXHAUSTED! It's also driving me nuts that I can only do 2 days a week while on the PSMF!

LoveMyGSDs Fri, Jun-29-07 06:25

Thursday, 6/28/07

Front squats
1x2 ~ 115 lbs PR
1x5 ~ 95 lbs PR

2x5 ~ 155 lbs

Low Incline Press
2x5 ~ 110 lbs

Hammer High Row
2x5 ~ 80 lbs per side PR

Arnold Press
2x5 ~ 30 lbs db

I felt REALLY good at the gym last night and left feeling like I did nothing. If I have THAT much energy at the gym on Sunday, I may just add in a couple of the isolation exercises (biceps, triceps, abs) that I cut from the FBWO.

First, I was so stupid on the front squats. I look at my gym notebook and it says that I did 70 lbs last time. So, what does my dumb butt do? I put 70 lbs on the bar. I managed to squeeze out 2 reps, wondering why the heck I was so weak. So, I swapped 25 lbs plates for the 35 lbs plates I had on there and got out 5 reps. Later, I realized.....DUH....the 70 lbs in my notebook included the bar weight. :lol: So, I have 2 new PRs on that.

LoveMyGSDs Mon, Jul-02-07 06:40

Sunday, 7/1/07


Squats (I did these first and was a bit out of it from the carbs, so I didn't attempt a PR.)
2x5 ~ 115 lbs

Rack Pulls
2x5 ~ 185 lbs

Assisted chins
2x5 ~ 40 lbs assistance PR

Incline flys
1x5 ~ 30 lbs
1x5 ~ 35 lbs

Standing side laterals
2x5 ~ 30 lbs

Pull throughs
2x5 ~ 110 lbs PR

RobinB Mon, Jul-02-07 08:05

another fresh week, keep up the good work!

LoveMyGSDs Mon, Jul-02-07 08:07

Thanks Robin. Lifting is one thing that never gets old with me. You can always lift more, lift heavier, do something different.

LoveMyGSDs Mon, Jul-02-07 12:49

So, some recently re-emerged and spotted muscles:
Back (rear delts, lats & rhomboids)
Glutes (when bent over)
Tibialis & calves
Forearm muscles (whatever those are called)

I'm super-happy with the Baby Got Back program!!

LoveMyGSDs Wed, Jul-04-07 12:53

Wednesday, 7/4/07
I just got back from the gym. I continue to be amazed at my strength during the PSMF.

I used a cheat Oly grip for front squats, because I don't feel stable with a cross grip and I don't have the wrist flexibility for the Oly grip. I tried them for the 1st time today and LOVED them!

Front squats
1x5 ~ 85 lbs
1x5 ~ 95 lbs

1x5 ~ 155 lbs
1x5 ~ 175 lbs PR

Hammer high row (next week I'm getting 2 plates on there!)
1x5 ~ 80 lbs per side
1x5 ~ 85 lbs per side PR

Incline press
1x5 ~ 110 lbs
1x5 ~ 120 lbs

Bent over db row
1x5 ~ 55 lbs per side
1x5 ~ 60 lbs per sidePR

Arnold press
2x5 ~ 30 lbs per side

20 mins SS on treadmill

LoveMyGSDs Mon, Jul-09-07 06:49

Sunday, 7/8/07


2x5 ~ 125 lbs PR

Rack Pulls
2x4 ~ 195 lbs PR

Assisted chins
2x5 ~ 34 lbs assistance PR
Incline flys
2x5 ~ 35 lbs PR for the # of sets

Standing side laterals
2x5 ~ 30 lbs

Pull throughs
1x5 ~ 110 lbs
1x5 ~ 120 lbs PR

galatia Thu, Jul-12-07 05:01

Woo-Hoo on the unassisted chin!! :clap:

Way to go on those pull-throughs too! I really love them now, after tinkering with them forever, but I do love them now. :) I had a hard time anchoring myself and I hated the rubbing of the thighs. I cut the feet out of tube socks and pulled them over my gloves and that made it much softer and less aggravating. :cool:

LoveMyGSDs Thu, Jul-12-07 06:43

Originally Posted by galatia
Woo-Hoo on the unassisted chin!! :clap:

Way to go on those pull-throughs too! I really love them now, after tinkering with them forever, but I do love them now. :) I had a hard time anchoring myself and I hated the rubbing of the thighs. I cut the feet out of tube socks and pulled them over my gloves and that made it much softer and less aggravating. :cool:

Thanks! I was so excited about the pull up!! It's actualy the first time I tried.

That's a great idea with the socks! My thighs are red as hell after the pull throughs! I'm good up to about 120 lbs. Higher then that and I have a really touch time anchoring as well.

MammaD10 Fri, Jul-13-07 09:05

Wow ! You are doing so great. I never stopped in here before. I was thinking of actually doing exercise & making a gym log so I popped in here for ideas.
Again I say............WOW!

LoveMyGSDs Fri, Jul-13-07 09:11

Thanks Donna! I've been really happy with my progress in the gym so far!

MammaD10 Fri, Jul-13-07 09:40

As well you should be & your husband better never get out of line cuz you can take him!

LoveMyGSDs Fri, Jul-13-07 11:04

Originally Posted by MammaD10
As well you should be & your husband better never get out of line cuz you can take him!

Oh, he knows that! :D

LoveMyGSDs Sat, Jul-14-07 07:05

Friday, 7/13/07
Front squats
1x5 ~ 95 lbs
1x5 ~ 105 lbs

2x5 ~ 175 lbs PR for the # of sets ~ this weight

Hammer high row (got my 2 plates!!)
2x5 ~ 90 lbs per side PR

Incline press
2x5 ~ 120 lbs

Bent over db row
2x5 ~ 60 lbs per side PR for the # of sets ~ this weight

Arnold press
2x5 ~ 30 lbs per side

20 mins SS on treadmill

LoveMyGSDs Mon, Jul-16-07 06:41

Sunday, 7/15/07


I went to dog training yesterday and spent 3 hours running (sometime literally) around with my dogs in 95 degree heat, so my legs felt a tad weak at the gym, but my upper body was very strong. I skipped SS because I figured I got enough at dog class.

Squats (Tried for 135 lbs, but I couldn't do more then 3 at a time.)
3x3 ~ 135 lbs PR

Rack Pulls
1x5 ~ 195 lbs
1x5 ~ 205 lbs PR (These actually felt light, so I went crazy and did one more set.)
1x3 ~ 225 lbs PR (My wrists couldn't handle 2 more.)

Tried to do 2, but I just couldn't quite get up all the way on the second one, so we'll call it 1.75 unassisted chins. :D
2x5 ~ 28 lbs assistance PR

Incline flys
1x5 ~ 35 lbs
1x4 ~ 40 lbs PR

Standing side laterals
2x5 ~ 30 lbs

Pull throughs
2x5 ~ 120 lbs PRfor # of sets at this weight

LoveMyGSDs Fri, Jul-20-07 06:38

Thursday, 7/19/07
Horizontal push-pull, calves & abs (Baby Got Back program)

Rack pulls
2x5 ~ 225 lbs PR for sets & reps ~ that weight
1x5 ~ 205 lbs

Bent Over DB Row
2x8 ~ 55 lbs per side PR for number of reps ~ that weight

Low Incline Press (I felt really weak on these.)
3x5 ~ 110 lbs

Incline Flys
1x8 ~ 35 lbs PR for number of reps ~ that weight
1x6 ~ 35 lbs (without a spotter, I just couldn't get the last 2)

Seated calf raises
3x12 ~ 90 lbs

Nautilis Crunches
3x8 ~ 110 lbs

toe raises (on leg press machine for tibialis)
3x12 ~ 275 lbs

galatia Fri, Jul-20-07 07:27

Woo-Wee.....look at all that red! You are just making progress all over the place! Way to go! :)

LoveMyGSDs Fri, Jul-20-07 07:53

Originally Posted by galatia
Woo-Wee.....look at all that red! You are just making progress all over the place! Way to go! :)

Thanks! I can feel it today though. OUCHIE!

RobinB Fri, Jul-20-07 08:42

Originally Posted by LoveMyGSDs
Thanks! I can feel it today though. OUCHIE!

No pain, no gain! (Or loss!)

You are amazing, keep it up! :D

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