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dizzyd Wed, May-29-02 12:03

3 plus months!!!

May 25th marked 3 months as a non-smoker, and 5 weeks competely nicotine free. (I was on the patch)

I had lunch out with my dad and my sweetie to celebrate and it was wonderful!!!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

karenmee Sun, Oct-20-02 21:43

Great smoke out
:D Thrilled to death or I should say life, I have been smoke free for over 2 1/2 months on atkins and doing well, I did back slide a bit but back on track now. You all are wonderful for the encouragement and the site is very helpful.

aggieamy Fri, Oct-25-02 23:14

Last cig on june 7 1998 :)

McRumi Mon, Oct-28-02 18:09

TV-free, Smoke-free, Sugar-free, Booze-free
Lordy...that sounds boring!!

But 4 years ago, I sold the TV. Don't miss it. Found my brain instead. 9 months ago quit smoking after numerous attempts with patches, gum, Wellbutrin...this time cold turkey with prayer. Never looked back. Gained 50 lbs. THEN found Atkins 3 weeks ago...already lost 20 lbs. This is a WOL for me. And Sunday morning I quit booze. Free at last. Amazed at how "imprisoned" I was by these addictions.

I'm 45, feel better than I have ever felt in my life, and intend to get the most out of every remaining day my Creator gives me.

Immediate goal: IronMan in a year.

Wish I could have done this when I was 20. Didn't. But I is doin it now. LOVE the 40's...the "now or never" decade!


Love and blessings,

suzon Sat, Nov-02-02 20:34

44 yrs old ..quit 7 months ago cold tukey. I gained about 15 lbs and now I seem to have an obsession about food. I'm now trying to give this up to the Lord.I didn't quit smoking to now be obsessed about something else.I work out 5 days a week, 3 days of resistence training and 5-4 days cardio. I am healthier now than I was in my early 20's. I just need to get a handle on this food thing.It must be that compulsive behaviour thing. I'm great at being very good in this WOE but when I'm bad,I'm very very bad.The only good thing is I can get right back at it the following day.

dankar Sun, Nov-03-02 09:47

The craving is back...
I haven't had a cigarette in a few years but I did smoke cigars until June 25th., 2002.

I thought cigars were different, they were... they were worse. They were like smoking a giant cigarette and yes I did inhale.

I quit cold turkey on my wedding anniversary, June 25th. I haven't had the craving for a few months now but my old enemy, nicotine, is knocking on the door again. I know if I have one then I will be right back where I started. I don't know if I could stop again and I certainly don't want to go through the withdrawl period even if I could.

I just wanted to share my situation with some of you who may have experienced something similar. I'm hoping the renewed craving stops soon. This addiction just doesn't want to die. I love being a non smoker. Good luck to everyone. Dan

agonycat Sun, Nov-03-02 11:14

29 months now and still going strong :)

Dan, there were times when I wanted a cig, but after the 2 year mark those cravings have pretty much ceased. Even when I am around people that are smoking my body has no desire to have one. In fact they smell rather foul at this point. It's more of a revolt reaction.

Even after I drink a cup of coffee, no desire either. So I think I can safely say at this point I am passed the returning point ;) Hang in there, the longer you go without the less it has a hold on you.

dankar Mon, Nov-04-02 07:02

Thanks, cat. Dan

quietone Mon, Nov-18-02 12:59

Two weeks...
smoke free...three days alchohol free...not caffeine free yet...not carb free yet...

One poison at a time, please. :rolleyes:

Good luck, Jeff (McRumi) on the IronMan goal!!

:thup: to everyone who is smoke free!

quietone Mon, Dec-02-02 15:57

Four weeks! Woohoo!!!

Chickadee Sat, Dec-07-02 06:29

Hi Bambi,

Don't feel bad that your kids haven't noticed that you aren't smoking. People tend to notice things that annoy them. Your boys are breathing clean air. That is a normal thing. Just tell them that you have quit, and they will give you big hugs! I speak from experience. When I quit the same thing happened. I expected everyone I knew to notice right away. The only people who noticed were people who still smoked. Then I just started telling people, my kids, friends, family, etc... You won't believe how supportive they can be.

Just tell them! :D

Congratulations on quitting! It is one hard thing to do!

Atriana Thu, Dec-12-02 17:33

Hi everyone!
Tomorrow evening will be my quit time. Before you congratulate me, be aware that it was me who started this topic 10 months ago. Gee, I certainly have spent a lot of time without an accomplishment.
Anyway, I am having surgery on 1/10 and absolutely, positively have to quit 4 weeks before it. I still don't know if I am ready for it, but I have to be - there is no other option.
Anyone have any success stories they would like to share?

fred Fri, Dec-13-02 14:29

I haven't had a cig. for about 5 or 6 years I didn't write the day down. Good luck Atriana.


Atriana Fri, Dec-13-02 21:39

Thanks Fred!
I smoked my last cigarette this evening - it wasn't even all that memorable. Somehow, I thought it would somehow be more special - it wasn't. Maybe that is a good sign.

fred Sat, Dec-14-02 08:14


Just renenber Atriana if you don't smoke the first one you won't ever start smoking again.


Atriana Sat, Dec-14-02 08:47

You are so right!
I am feeling rather edgy and weird today. Of course, instead of sleeping in (which would have been the smart thing to do) I've been up since 5a.m.
They tell me the nicotine is totally out of your system after 3 days and that any symptoms after that are purely psychological. Is there any truth to this?

Atriana Mon, Dec-16-02 07:38

I am sure hoping that things get better soon - the meter says 2 days, 11 hours, 31 minutes (but who's counting, LOL) I am quite edgy, am up 4, yes 4 pounds in 2 days - I'm sure it is just water weight, but...
My dog (Dana - a 4 year old Boxer), knows somethings up - she hasn't left my side. Which is nice and supportive in a way, but in the other way, she smells! Very doggy! But she's clean - has she always smelled like this and I just didn't know?

Rainbowgc Mon, Dec-16-02 07:58

I'm an old timer (nearly 2 years) but it still feels good to post mine
so here goes:
Time passed
89 weeks, 6 days, 2 hours, 57 minutes, 42 seconds
Cigarettes not smoked
Money saved
$ 2,689.40


Atriana Mon, Dec-16-02 08:00

That is awesome, Rainbowgc! How long did it take before it felt good?

Rainbowgc Mon, Dec-16-02 08:04

It took about 2 months - I had awful withdrawal but I was determined.
The only thing that worked for me was not to pick up another cigarette. I did it by going cold turkey with patches available for backup - which I never used.

Atriana Mon, Dec-16-02 08:18

OK, I'm scared. 2 months of active withdrawal? I am doing the cold turkey thing and everyone keeps telling me it gets a lot better after 72 hours. It doesn't?

Rainbowgc Mon, Dec-16-02 08:36

Oh yes it does but you will have bouts of witdrawal for up to two months. Just treat yourself like the addict you are when it hits you and you will get through. A lot of hot baths and personal pampering got me through some tough spots. Also I treated myself to new perfum so I could smell myself for once in 30 years AND smell good LOL.

When the going gets rough, remember, like any other drug addict your body is going through huge changes - that's why you feel so lousy. Your body is ridding itself of poisons! That's why the first 72 hours are the roughist. After that your body is still adjusting - screaming for the drug of choice (nicotine) Slowly it subsides - normally within the first week or two. Then, if you are like me and have smoked for awhile, it will take awhile to break the habits associated with quitting and that's part of withdrawal too!
I had a very difficult time sleeping - I was having jolts in my sleep.
Called the doc and he said to take benedryl which worked very well for getting rid of some of the physical symptoms.

Even today, sometimes I want to smoke - but the addiction is gone and I can easily tell myself that like a herion addict if I can't have just one or I'll be hooked all over again!
So I let the thought pass without acting on it.
This is the part that gets easier each day after the first 72 hours.

Hope this helps,

Atriana Mon, Dec-16-02 08:43

Thanks Erika!
I've been trying not to romance the cigarettes, not to feel deprived because I am not smoking. TomX's "That's ludicrous" works very well at vaporizing the cigarette thoughts. It is just the general uneasiness, tenseness and irritability that is bothering me the most. Actual cravings can be almost fun, in a sick sort of way. I know I can win that battle. it is the feeling not myself part that worries me the most.

Rainbowgc Mon, Dec-16-02 09:02

Wow how insiteful! Keep kicking those thoughts butts and you will make it! Just remember it does get better every day!

mischa Wed, Dec-18-02 16:17

3 hours 46 min
Atriana...did it and tossed the last 10 cigs I only had 2 first thing this morning...decided at 12 Noon to quit..with NO last cigarette to say good bye.
Ok I will not start whining with if's and but's....funny thing is I am totally emotional since I've decided to quit. Can not stop crying and have a headache from that.
Anyhow just wanted to let you know:) I am here suffering with ya


Atriana Wed, Dec-18-02 20:07

mischa (((hugs)))
Are you sure you are ready? I feel like I guilted you out with whyquit?
Read all the stuff you can on the Freedom site - there are some really good articles. Don't mope and be sad - try to rejoice in the fact that you don't have to poison yourself every hour or so. It does get better - promise!

I have chosen not to smoke for 5 Days 8 Minutes 3 Seconds. Cigarettes not smoked: 200. Money saved: $26.03.

Atriana Thu, Dec-19-02 07:00

mischa - are you OK?

I woke up wanting to smoke for the first time in a few days. Odd. The thought went away almost immediately, but it was still there.

I have chosen not to smoke for 5 Days 11 Hours 1 Minute 7 Seconds. Cigarettes not smoked: 218. Money saved: $28.39.

mischa Thu, Dec-19-02 10:36

Atriana, I feel you said in earlier post's. My coffee is sort of "nacked" but I can still handle it. I feel a headache coming up...other then this I just want to smack someone...heheh I have the urge to ring someones neck :lol: I guess my nerves are a bit stretched....well I will keep busy today and do my biking and hope I get through day 2 without freaking out:)

22 hours, 10 min, 2 seconds:) wohooooo


Atriana Thu, Dec-19-02 14:58

Mischa - Use that edginess to good advantage, LOL, lay into the next telephone solicitor that calls you, tell off that rude clerk at the market.
Physical activity helps this edginess - you need to release some endorphins!
It really does get better.

mischa Thu, Dec-19-02 18:53

Atriana, how did you get through the day...did the urge to smoke ease off again?
I had a really good day but I kept busy all the time. Gulped down buckets of water and did 30 min stretching exercise (Pilates) this morning and 70 min biking and Elliptical Trainer this afternoom. So far so good and I gained 2 hours 45 min by not smoking. Hehehe John said time watch an extra movie *smile*.

Anyhow time to prepare my supper...did not need my afternoon snack but should eat it with dinner, because I keep calories just above my metabolic rate so I won't gain!

Have a great evening

hugs Mischa

1 day 6 hours and 28 min *jump* and not even ripping my hair out:)

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