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Panyg Tue, Oct-04-05 05:55

thank you Debbie!

galatia Tue, Oct-04-05 07:59

Baby got back

The back can be thought of as vertical and horizontal planes. Back training should really be split into two workouts - one devoted to horizontal pulling (thickness based workout / rowing movements) and one devoted to vertical pulling (width based workout / pull ups).

The hit you get from heavy deadlifts on leg day will round out your back workout.

Horizontal Pulling

  • Barbell Rows (vary the grip between pronated and supinated)
  • T-Bar Rows (vary the grip between pronated and supinated)
  • Rack Pulls (vary the pin height, usually set them set below the knee/mid shin area)
  • Seated Cable Rows
Vertical Pulling

  • Lat Pulldowns (various grips and widths)
  • Pull Ups
  • Chin Ups
  • Pull overs (Nautilus, cable, bar)
Pick one and stick with it throughout the course of the program - then switch when you want to change exercises. This would be most consistent and you'll be able to tell whether you're progressing or not. If you take a bent BB row - you'll find that you can probably lift more weight with a supinated grip because the biceps are assisting the movement. So if you're switching back and forth between grips during each workout, or every other workout, then it may be difficult to gage progress.

Supinated grip means palms facing your body. Pronated means palms facing away from your body. Semi-supinated means palms facing each other. A pull-up uses a pronated grip, palms facing away from your body. Chin-ups use the other two grips.



SLDLs are decent for the hip extension function and therefore your lower back, but not so much for great upper back development, at least comparatively speaking.

Regular Deadlifts

Regular deadlifts are a 'hip dominant' exercise. They hit the whole posterior chain - from hamstrings up to traps. They are the king of back development.

Do them first in your back workout.

You can be pretty sure you're doing it right if you're getting war wounds on your shins. It's basically a sign that the bar is staying really close to your body, which is correct.

You keep your sets short for two reasons:

  • 1. It is a complex movement and form tends to break down with higher reps.
  • 2. It is a strength movement. Your goal is to get strong on this exercise.
Keep the reps under 5 with regular deads. You can go higher with stiffs.

There IS overlap between these two exercises. SLDLs obviously hit some back, and regular deads obviously hit some hams. But stiff leg deads will not do for your back what regular, off the floor deads will.

Rack Pulls
A rack pull is like a regular deadlift off pins.

Click here for rack pulls

Pulling from the floor is more difficult. The weight has more distance to travel, and uses more glutes and hams. If you pull from pins you can focus on your back, which is essentially what’s working on the upper portion of a deadlift, and because your ROM is shorter you should be able to lift a bit heavier. Vary the pin height, but not set to set or workout to workout. It's a matter of being able to gauge your progress. If you change things too frequently, you really can't tell, from a strength standpoint, if you're progressing or not. You might stick with something for four weeks, and then switch it up a bit.

You could pair the horizontal pulling workout with horizontal pushing (chest) and the vertical pulling with vertical pushing (shoulders) to ensure that volume around the joints is kept constant.

However, this assumes for the most part that muscle groups are being trained once per week. An upper/lower split or an undulating split (with increased frequency, where everything basically gets hit twice per week) is better for hypertrophy. The one thing you have to consider when doing this is that the volume per bodypart per workout is lower, but the weekly volume, since you're hitting the muscle more often, is still fair.


Horizontal plane back (pull)
Select from:

  • Bent barbell rows (vary the grip between pronated and supinated)
  • T-Bar Rows (vary the grip between pronated and supinated)
  • Rack Pulls (vary the pin height, usually set them set below the knee/mid shin area)
  • Seated Cable Rows
  • Dumbbell row
  • Hammer Strength row
Horizontal plane chest (push)
Select from:

  • Flat barbell press
  • Dumbbell press
  • Low incline press.
  • Flat flyes
(Standing calves, short, heavy sets)

Go short and heavy on two quad dominant exercises and lighter with higher reps for one ham dominant exercise. (Here, hams are accessory, so they go lighter, with higher reps)

(bicep work)

Vertical plane back (pull)
Select from:

  • Lat Pulldowns (various grips and widths)
  • Pull Ups
  • Chin Ups
  • Pull overs (Nautilus, cable, bar)
Vertical plane shoulders (push)
Select from:

  • Standing barbell press
  • Dumbbell press
  • Arnies
  • Laterals, etc
(Seated calves, long sets)

Opposite from day 2. Go short and heavy on 2 hip/ham dominant exercises and light with higher reps for one quad dominant exercise. (Here, quads are accessory, so they go lighter, with higher reps)

(Tricep work)

galatia Tue, Oct-04-05 08:26

Pany, if this looks like something you might like to do, you might want to start incorporating some of these exercises into a regular style routine until you get use to them and feel comfortable with them. And then after a month or so of getting use to these exercises, plan a BGB work-out. For instance, since you are weight training 3 days a week, you could do:

Legs and Shoulders day #1
Back and Biceps day #2
Chest and Triceps day #3

Work with weight that you can get only 8-10 reps. For awhile 3 sets of 8-10 is good for learning. And use about 3 different exercises.

Day #1
Squats 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
Leg press 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
Deadlifts 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

dumbbell overhead presses 3 sets 8-10 reps.
side laterals 3 sets 8-10 reps.
bent-over flyes 3 sets 8-10 reps.

Day #2
Back: Choose 3 exercises. One week do 2 from horizonal pulling 1 from vertical pulling and the next time you work back swap it. 2 from vertical 1 from horizonal.
Do 3 sets of 8-10 reps. each exercise you choose
Horizontal Pulling
Horizontal plane back (pull)
Select from:

Bent barbell rows (vary the grip between pronated and supinated)
  • T-Bar Rows (vary the grip between pronated and supinated)
  • Rack Pulls (vary the pin height, usually set them set below the knee/mid shin area)
  • Seated Cable Rows
  • Dumbbell row
  • Hammer Strength row

Vertical Pulling
  • Lat Pulldowns (various grips and widths)
  • Pull Ups
  • Chin Ups
  • Pull overs (Nautilus, cable, bar)

alternating dumbbell curls: 3 sets 8-10 reps
incline curls: 3 sets 8-10 reps.
close grip pulldowns: 3 sets 8-10 reps. (make it work biceps and not back by not arching your back. Pull with biceps.

Day #3
Flat bench press: 3 sets 8-10 reps.
Incline dumbbell press: 3 sets 8-10 reps
Flat flyes: 3 sets 8-10 reps.

high cable pushdowns: 3 sets 8-10 reps.
high cable overhead extensions: 3 sets 8-10 reps.
bench dips: 3 sets 8-10 reps.

You can work calves on back/shoulder day if you'd like, and Abs a couple of times a week. You could do them at home. :)

Again, this only suggestions. Do whatever you want with it. If you are happy with what you're doing now, that's fine. :)

Panyg Tue, Oct-04-05 11:53

Thank you so much Debbie. I will try to add some of those workouts into my session, then build on that.

Thank you so much!

Panyg Wed, Oct-05-05 12:59

Wednesday 5th October

25 minute walk from train station to work.

30 walk when I visited another site

20 minute walk at lunch time


5 minutes on the X-Trainer (I need to build this to 20 mins)
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Rev Pulldowns
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 set of 15 ab crunches
22 minutes run (2 minutes run, 2 minutes fast walk, 2 minutes run, 2 minutes fast walk, etc - I was watching The Simpsons and burnt 242 calories!!)

25 minute walk home (why get the bus when I can walk and get more excercise!)

So about 75 minutes in the gym and 100 minutes walking.

Panyg Mon, Nov-14-05 13:29

Monday 14th November

20 minute walk from train station to work.

30 minute walk at lunch time


5 minutes on the X-Trainer (I need to build this to 20 mins)
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Rev Pulldowns
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 set of 15 ab crunches
5 minutes run (3 minutes run, 2 minutes fast walk, then I had to stop as my shins were hurting too much.

25 minute walk home

So about 60 minutes in the gym and 75 minutes walking.

galatia Mon, Nov-14-05 14:44

You da' Man!! :cool:

Panyg Mon, Nov-14-05 14:48

Originally Posted by galatia
You da' Man!! :cool:

I agree with this post!

Panyg Thu, Nov-17-05 12:30

Thursday 17th November

20 minute walk from train station to work.

45 minute walk at lunch time


5 minutes on the X-Trainer (I need to build this to 20 mins)
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Rev Pulldowns
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 set of 15 ab crunches
5 minutes run

25 minute walk home

So about 60 minutes in the gym and 90 minutes walking

galatia Thu, Nov-17-05 13:24

Woo-hoo!! Lookin' good Pany my man! :D

Panyg Thu, Nov-17-05 13:34

Thank you Debbie my girl! (doesn't have quite the same ring to it does it!!)

galatia Thu, Nov-17-05 14:00

:lol: No....not quite! :D

Panyg Fri, Jan-27-06 12:51

I'm back!!!!
Friday 27th January

20 minute walk from train station to work.

60 minute walk at lunch time


5 minutes on the X-Trainer (I need to build this to 20 mins)
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press (was very hard, I had to drop the weight twice)
3 sets of 10 Rev Pulldowns
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 set of 15 ab crunches
5 minutes run (My shins were killing me!)

20 minute walk home

So about 60 minutes in the gym and 100 minutes walking

galatia Fri, Jan-27-06 14:38

Well you wanna talk about a surprise!! I am surprised! Way to go Pany!!

And just for you.....:wiggle:

Panyg Fri, Jan-27-06 15:30

I hope it was a good suprise!!

Panyg Mon, Jan-30-06 13:43

Monday 30th January

20 minute walk from train station to work.

60 minute walk at lunch time


5 minutes on the X-Trainer
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Rev Pulldowns
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 set of 15 ab crunches
5 minutes run

20 minute walk home

So about 50 minutes in the gym and 100 minutes walking

Panyg Wed, Feb-01-06 13:12

Wednesday 1st February

20 minute walk from train station to work.

60 minute walk at lunch time


5 minutes on the X-Trainer
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Rev Pulldowns
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 set of 15 ab crunches
5 minutes run

20 minute walk home

So about 50 minutes in the gym and 100 minutes walking

Panyg Fri, Feb-03-06 14:02

Friday 3rd February

20 minute walk from train station to work.

60 minute walk at lunch time


2 minutes on the X-Trainer (my legs hurt too much)
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Rev Pulldowns
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 set of 15 ab crunches
5 minutes run

20 minute walk home

So about 50 minutes in the gym and 100 minutes walking

Dinahb Fri, Feb-03-06 14:18

I wish I could make all these cute pics you all put on your notes. They are so cute.

Panyg Mon, Feb-06-06 15:04

Monday 6th February

20 minute walk from train station to work.

45 minute walk at lunch time

45 minutes walk after work


5 minutes walk/run
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Rev Pulldowns
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 set of 15 ab crunches
8 minutes run

20 minute walk home

So about 50 minutes in the gym and 130 minutes walking

galatia Mon, Feb-06-06 17:36

You are doing SO good!! I'm so happy you are sticking with this. :)

Panyg Tue, Feb-07-06 03:26

I'm quite proud of myself as I have been sticking to it when I could easily have made excuses not to go. On Friday, I was SOOOOOO tired but I still went. And yesterday, I ended up working till 6, then I realised I didn't have a t-shirt on me! I went shopping after work and got the the gym really late!

The only problem is I'm not losing weight even when I eat fairly well. But I can feel the muscle fighting it's way past the fat in my arms and legs so I can't be doing too badly!

Thanks for the kind words as always Debbie! :)

Panyg Wed, Feb-08-06 13:06

Wednesday 8th February

20 minute walk from train station to work.

45 minute walk at lunch time


5 minutes on the X-Trainer
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Rev Pulldowns
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 set of 15 ab crunches
5 minutes run

25 minute walk home

So about 50 minutes in the gym and 90 minutes walking

Panyg Fri, Feb-10-06 13:49

Friday 10th February

20 minute walk from train station to work.

45 minute walk at lunch time


5 minutes on the X-Trainer
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Rev Pulldowns
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 set of 15 ab crunches
8 minutes run

25 minute walk home

So about 50 minutes in the gym and 90 minutes walking

Panyg Mon, Feb-13-06 14:01

Monday 13th February

20 minute walk from train station to work.

20 minute walk between buildings

Walked from the 28th floor downstairs! (About 720 steps!)

45 minute walk at lunch time

15 minutes walk after work


5 minutes x-trainer
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Rev Pulldowns
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 set of 15 ab crunches
5 minutes run

20 minute walk home

So about 50 minutes in the gym, 120 minutes walking and 10 minutes of walking down stairs!!

galatia Mon, Feb-13-06 14:35

Walked from the 28th floor downstairs! (About 720 steps!)
:cool: Wowza!!.....that's a lotta steps! How are your legs doing?

Panyg Mon, Feb-13-06 15:18

Originally Posted by galatia
:cool: Wowza!!.....that's a lotta steps! How are your legs doing?

Pretty good thanks! I just got a little dizzy after 20 floors!!

Panyg Wed, Feb-15-06 13:34

Wednesday 15th February

20 minute walk from train station to work.

60 minute walk at lunch time


3 minutes on the X-Trainer
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Rev Pulldowns
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 set of 15 ab crunches
10 minutes fast walk on high incline (sp)

20 minute walk home

So about 50 minutes in the gym and 100 minutes walking

Panyg Fri, Feb-17-06 13:55

Friday 17th February

20 minute walk from train station to work.

50 minute walk at lunch time


5 minutes on the X-Trainer (67 calories)
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Rev Pulldowns
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 set of 15 ab crunches
20 minutes run/walk - mostly walking (169 calories)

20 minute walk home

So about 50 minutes in the gym and 90 minutes walking

Panyg Fri, Feb-17-06 17:54

Today was my last update in this thread!

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