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Kelly_L Mon, Aug-09-04 21:30

Well I got my first star on Friday and managed to do some activity every day. For the days I worked at the food show I wore my pedometer and logged my steps and it calculated a time for me. I also really strayed at the show, food and drink wise but I got back on track today because I was up 3 pounds.

7/31/2004 110.00 min.
8/1/2004 65.00 min.
8/2/2004 125.00 min.
8/3/2004 94.00 min.
8/4/2004 141.00 min.
8/5/2004 84.00 min.
8/6/2004 66.00 min.
total minutes 685
Total points 2664

MISSRED197 Tue, Aug-10-04 20:17

Week 1 results
Here's what I did my first week on the presidents challenge:

8/2/2004 120.00 min.
8/3/2004 90.00 min.
8/4/2004 120.00 min.
8/5/2004 90.00 min.
8/6/2004 90.00 min.
8/7/2004 0 min.
8/8/2004 0 min.
510.00 min.
1570 points

Gotta get going on week 2........I was ill yesterday (sugar withdrawal, I'm on the egg/meat fast...gawd I felt nasty) and I had class right after work today, so gotta get going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya'll have a great week!


skinnbones Wed, Aug-11-04 11:08

Well I totally got messed up getting started on this one. I am up and running (or should I say walking) now. :D

AntiM Wed, Aug-11-04 15:18

Two Down ... Four To Go!
Hi folks!

Skinnbones ~ Congratulations for getting under way! We all know that sometimes that's the hardest part.

Becky ~ Congratulations on your first star! I hope you're feeling better! Although I must admit, the idea of a meat and egg fast ... ick! How long do you have to do it? Does it get you into ketosis faster?

Kelly ~ Congratulations on your star, too! Do you have a hard time getting back to LC after a period off plan? I personally wish I'd never had fish n' chips and cheeto binge back in March because I was able to get right back on the wagon. That makes it hard because now I have a (false?) confidence that I could do it every time ... I haven't 'cheated' since, but now the temptation to do so is much stronger.

Julie ~ I hope the inch loss holds true, but take the TOM measurements and weight with a grain of salt. You know how things fluctuate. :spin:

Orchid! ~ I'm so glad you joined us! As of last week my weight and measurements were almost the same as you - isn't that fun?! If we didn't live as far apart as you could get in the continental US, we could share clothes! :lol: I must admit, when I read about someone who is only 20 pounds (for instance) overweight talk about how terribly hard it is to exercise with their extra weight ... I do a little :rolleyes: and think "If my 500+ pound friend can get up an hour early to walk a couple of miles, you can do it too!" It's not like I don't believe it's hard for them, but it's just a whole different ballgame the heavier you are. I feel it in myself how much losing weight makes any physical activity infinitely easier. So I'm with you ... GO US for being dedicated enough to make exercise a priority.

I've just made my second star - 3210 points and 685 minutes. A lot more minutes this time because I've been doing serious housework ... painting, scrubbing the siding, pruning a cedar tree that required me to climb (!) part of it and balance on a fence rail. Now that's something I couldn't have done 100 pounds ago!

{Now a bit of venting ...}

Speaking of 100 pounds, I inexplicedly gained 8 pounds this week!! :( I'm down 1.5 now to 235.5, but I'm seriously bummed. Making that 100 pounds lost mark was a big deal and I hated seeing my scale hit 237. I've recently started a new medication (a quinine derivative, the same stuff they use to make Tonic Water tart). It's not associated with weight gain, but maybe when combined with the other 10 things I'm taking, it does? Who knows. I'll just keep truckin' and hope things straighten out. It's not like I ate differently, and it's not near my TOM, so it's some other mysterious process.

I'm paranoid that I've 'hit bottom' of what my body is willing to lose. And then I ask myself if that would be such a bad thing? I don't know. I'm still processing.

Anyways ... I'm off to finish staining the front porch. I thought this was just going to be a quickie check-in but I've babbled on and on ... forgive me!

Have a great day everyone!

Kelly_L Wed, Aug-11-04 16:08


Babble on. I for one always enjoy your ramblings.

Yes it was a bit hard to get back to LC’ing on Monday and I ended up drowning my cravings with gallons of coffee. I can't say I gorged myself for those 4 days but I pretty much ate anything I was handed. But a lot of it wasn't too bad for me. We were back to back with a restaurant that was serving little steak pieces with a chipolte mayo...Yum Yum. and there were chicken kebobs and vindaloo (sp?) but I did have a couple of those Dutch pancake roll ups with blueberries and whipped cream...what could I do, they made them special for me…. I couldn’t say no.

The thing that really bugs me is that on Monday I was up 3 pounds to 188, which I figured would happen, but I have been good ever since and today I’m at 190. AAAAAHHHHHHHH. But like you I have been wondering if it would be okay if I stayed around this weight for a while. I know that I am so much more able bodied than before ( not so much so that I would ever attemt to balance on a fence:lol: ) and my weight will eventually start to drop again if I maintain this WOE. I'm buying regular clothes off the rack in "normal" stores and people tell me I look great so that is driving me to lose more?
There, my babble for the day!

sweetiemae Wed, Aug-11-04 19:18

Good evening!!! Yippee I just started my third star, I am so excited!!!! It has rained here a couple of evenings, so I played some pool, and did housework, that counts!!! Keeping moving is the whole key isn't it? I signed in as dawnroberta three weeks ago, so if you see me there, that is how I am listed. (I noticed several other Dawns here on LC, and I always wanted to change my name to sweetiemae!!! LOL

Magpies Thu, Aug-12-04 02:13

Monika and Kelly, I'm also annoyed at those extra pounds, every day this week, the weight went up and up until yesterday when it came down a pound. I'm only up 2.8 pounds now, but that's back to 13 stone 7 and I so want to be under that. I know its TOM and I just have to be patient BUT.

Sweetiemae, well done on your two stars. My house is SO benefiting from all the extra housework. I'm finding a lot of housework that I would previously have called vigorous, never mind moderate, I now class as light. Some benefit from those 60 pounds lost!

skinnbones Thu, Aug-12-04 05:23

I forgot about housework. I will add that in and I should have my star for last week. Thanks for reminding me. :D

Magpies Fri, Aug-13-04 02:07

Reporting IN
I signed up early to the challenge and Friday is the best day for me to report in.

First week is only 6 days long as my application wasn't accepted until the Saturday (sob, I did so much exercise that Friday!)

1st Friday I weighed 187.8 and my BMI was around 39%
2nd Friday I weighed 186.2 Loss of 1.6 pounds.
3rd Friday I weigh 189 pounds Gain of 2.8 pounds!!! As previously reported, believe this to be result of TOM and hope it will go away again as quickly as it came. BMI 38.5%


30th July: Bust=41; Upper W=36; Waist=39; Tummy=43; Thighs=47
6th August: Bust=40; Upper W=34; Waist=37; Tummy=44; Thighs=47
13th August: Bust= 41.5; Upper W=34; Waist=37; Tummy=45; Thighs=47

Presidential Points for week one - 3794 - 18%
Presidential Points for week two - 4448 - 23%

Running Total - 8243 - 42%

tlmarshall Sun, Aug-15-04 10:02

I have had a wicked week of doing not-too-much! I had a cold like virus that knocked the stuffing out of me. Off for my morning constitutional so will post my numbers and see how many points I earn. My biggest problem is remembering to log 'em.

Haven't been avoiding you all - just haven't had the extra time to post!

Kelly_L Sun, Aug-15-04 10:20

Got my 2nd star on Friday. Weight back down to 185 as well so life is good!

8/7/2004 86.00 min.
8/8/2004 103.00 min.
8/9/2004 60.00 min.
8/10/2004 330.00 min.
8/11/2004 65.00 min.
8/12/2004 140.00 min.
8/13/2004 0 min.
Total min 784
Total Points 2680

Magpies Fri, Aug-20-04 02:33

Weekly report in
First week is only 6 days long as my application wasn't accepted until the Saturday (sob, I did so much exercise that Friday!)

1st Friday I weighed 187.8 and my BMI was around 39%
2nd Friday I weighed 186.2 Loss of 1.6 pounds.
3rd Friday I weighed 189 pounds Gain of 2.8 pounds!!! As previously reported, believe this to be result of TOM and hope it will go away again as quickly as it came. BMI 38.5%
4th Friday I weigh 190.2 pounds Gain of 1.2 pounds - least I can put this down to the delicious Chinese food I've been eating this week (one takeaway and one set meal!). Am late, so hopefully some of all this gain is still water. Fingers crossed. BMI 38.5%


30th July: Bust=41; Upper W=36; Waist=39; Tummy=43; Thighs=47
6th August: Bust=40; Upper W=34; Waist=37; Tummy=44; Thighs=47
13th August: Bust= 41.5; Upper W=34; Waist=37; Tummy=45; Thighs=47
20th August: Bust=41.5; Upper W=34.5; Waist=39; Tummy=45;Thighs=47

Presidential Points for week one - 3794 - 18%
Presidential Points for week two - 4448 - 23%
Presidential Poinds for week three - 3880 - 14%

Running Total - 11,123 - 55%

orchidday Sat, Aug-21-04 07:40

Hi Challengers:

I am doing really well and huffing and puffing right along. I love reading all the posts here and know that we are all trying our best to do more! It helps me a lot to read about everyone's experiences.

I am 18% of the way to my bronze medal even though I have to pay for it LOL LOL!! But I am having lots of fun with this. My activities are divided into swimming, cardio machines, weights, walking, and hiking. I try to switch these activities around so I stay interested and challenged. I couldn't do just one or two of them all the time.

Yeah Monika, I have been thinking a lot lately about what exercise means to us TDC. So much of what you read and hear about exercise just doesn't apply to us exactly. Like what I have been hearing about cardio work. It is not the best way to lose fat and lose weight - weight lifting is better. But for me, the cardio has been like the magic weight loss pill I don't have to buy...... I am sure when one is only 10 or so pounds overweight, that might be true. But for us, just the movement in cardio work has profound results. So I think we have to ignore a lot of the stuff out there and just keep moving more!

I have come so far in this WOL with my mobility. This morning, I did the 3-mile hike up the Wekiva trail and it was lovely. As I was sitting on a bench making the straps on my water bottle thingie SMALLER, I was thinking about the first time I successfully completed that walk and how hard it was and how proud I was. Back then, I had to stop often just to rest and catch my breath. Now, it is kind of like goofing off for me and not particularly physically challenging. WOW I have really made some progress. I think the key for us TDC is to just take it slow but keep adding a bit more. AND SMILE THE WHOLE DAMNED TIME :).


AntiM Mon, Aug-23-04 04:29

Hi Everyone!

Just a quickie to say I'm hanging in there, but I've been an exercise slug since Wednesday. :( I have lots of explanations (family problems, ill health), but no excuses.

I'm not sure if I'll be fully Up And At It tomorrow, but I'm going to get some activity in. It feels pretty awful not moving enough after being used to that good 'lubed up' feeling. I'm all creaky!

I wonder if I'm out of running for my award since this means I will have skipped a week? I don't have time to check it out now, but I'll just start over.

I know I'll get the Gold eventually. My very own Olympic challenge! :)

{Speaking of Olympics ... Here's another Fat Woman Athlete!}
Worth her weight in gold

The Toronto Star August 13, 2004

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Beyond Cheryl Haworth's perpetual smile and impishness, a nasty scar that runs the length of her elbow could say more than anything about the real motivation of America's largest female Olympian.

The 300-pound weightlifter who became a darling of the Sydney Games by winning bronze at 17 is out to prove she's not a one-Olympics wonder, attempting a comeback from one of her sport's most devastating injuries — a ripped-apart elbow.

Following reconstructive surgery and a gruelling rehabilitation that is slowly bringing her back to her old form, the now-21-year-old Haworth will try next week to repeat as an Olympic medallist at 175 pounds-plus.

"Nobody in this sport has recovered the way she has," said U.S. women's coach Michael Cohen, who is Haworth's coach in Savannah, Ga. "To be as strong as she is now is amazing — it goes beyond amazing. The only question is whether she has had enough time.''

The 5-foot-9 Haworth was one of the most popular American athletes in Sydney, not just because of her remarkable strength at a young age but for her laid-back, likable personality.

The Savannah College of Art and Design junior thinks flip-flops, a T-shirt and shorts are formal attire. Australians were charmed by her lack of both pretentiousness and stereotypical American sports-star attitude.

But when she tore two elbow ligaments during the world junior championships in Hermosillo, Mexico, in June 2003, it looked like a return to the Olympics was out. Cohen has seen promising weightlifting careers end when only one ligament was severed, but this was a far-worse double tear.

"I was going out for another American record in the snatch, and I essentially made it, but I lost it behind me — which, technically, you're not supposed to do," Haworth said.

"It was a big shock," she said. "I was completely immobilized and in a great deal of pain. Just the task of straightening my elbow completely out was very tough for a long time.''

After undergoing reconstructive surgery performed by sports surgeon James Andrews — a procedure made famous on baseball pitcher Tommy John — Haworth essentially began her weightlifting career anew just 10 months ago.

On her first day back in the gym with Cohen, she complained of pain after lifting a 33-pound bar without any weights attached to it.

"It was a tough time," Cohen said. "I explained to her and her family that she could build back up and get strong, but could her mind accept that kind of (rapid) increase? If the Olympics were in 2005 there would be no question about this, but to get her well by 2004, everything was in her hands.''

Surprisingly, Haworth was lifting 50 percent of her top weight within five months of getting hurt and was about 80 percent recovered during the U.S. Olympic Trials in May.

But with many countries looking to women's weightlifting as a quick and affordable route to Olympic medals, the quality of competition has greatly increased since the sport's Olympic debut in Sydney.

China is so deep that it benched defending Olympic and world champion Ding Meiyuan, who apparently has a thigh injury, to go with world record holder Tang Gonghong.

Tang's best lift of 3851/2 pounds in the clean and jerk, in which the bar is raised first to chest level and then over the head, is about 38 pounds more than Haworth was attempting late in her pre-Olympics training.

"In my mind, there are six super heavyweights who can win and, without question, this is the tightest, thickest, deepest class in weightlifting, male or female," Cohen said. "When I called Cheryl and told her (Ding was out), she was excited. She is stronger than she has ever been before.

"Now, it's not just a matter of strength, but (overcoming) the mental problem of being hurt so bad.''

Cheryl came in 6th on Saturday. Her best lift was 155k ... 341 pounds! I am imagining her hoisting me up over her head at my top weight. What a vision.

Magpies Fri, Aug-27-04 02:17

Reporting In
1st Friday = 187.8 and my BMI was around 39%
2nd Friday = 186.2 Loss of 1.6 pounds.
3rd Friday = 189 pounds Gain of 2.8 pounds!!! BMI 38.5%
4th Friday = 190.2 pounds Gain of 1.2 pounds BMI 38.5%
5th Friday = 190.2 pounds BMI 39%


30th July: Bust=41; Upper W=36; Waist=39; Tummy=43; Thighs=47
6th August: Bust=40; Upper W=34; Waist=37; Tummy=44; Thighs=47
13th August: Bust= 41.5; Upper W=34; Waist=37; Tummy=45; Thighs=47
20th August: Bust=41.5; Upper W=34.5; Waist=39; Tummy=45;Thighs=47
27th August: Bust-42; Upper W 34; Waist 37; Tummy: 46.5; Thighs=47

Not exactly working, is it. Going to have a good go next week after the Holiday Weekend.

How is everyone else doing?

Presidential Points for week one - 3794 - 18%
Presidential Points for week two - 4448 - 23%
Presidential Points for week three - 3880 - 14%
Presidential Points for week four - 1905 - 10%

Running Total - 13028 - 65%

Not a good week for exercise - must try harder next week.

orchidday Sun, Aug-29-04 05:42

Hello Challengers:

I am doing pretty good, I exercised four days last week. I would like to do five but I petered out. I am 24% of the way to the bronze medal so that is rather cool!

My week:

Tuesday: 40 minutes treadmill
Wednesday: 30 minute walk
Friday: 45 minutes treadmill
Saturday: 3.5 mile hike in wildlife sanctuary

This challenge is helpful to me because I just realized that I weasled out of doing any weights this last week :(. I will focus more on that this week. I just find them so boring. And hard!

I have lost four pounds since the challenge started 8/2 so I am hoping for a bit more before it ends! I believe we have two weeks left?

Keep on moving gang!


sweetiemae Mon, Aug-30-04 07:45

I have been doing so well!! Walking, housework, lifting weights and bought an Alounger2 this weekend. The thing really works too!! Can't wait to see my progress, we shall see. The important thing is too keep moving, and doing it for long-term. On my fifth star, one more to go!!!

ldcowboy Mon, Aug-30-04 10:58

I'm nearly at the Silver medal in the President's Challenge. I have around 44,000 points now. (Walking 18 miles in San Francisco last Saturday helped!) I have the bronze medal attached to a gold chain around my neck. Great conversation piece! I plan to get the gold medal by years' end as a Christmas present to myself.

- ldcowboy

ldcowboy Mon, Aug-30-04 22:48

Did 3 hours at the mall, got the silver award!

- ldcowboy

Kelly_L Mon, Aug-30-04 23:06

I have my life back!
My company has gone home and I can get my life back to normal!
I just updated my activity and am now working on my 5th star. Not so great in points last week but I still got the star!

tlmarshall Tue, Aug-31-04 14:03

I'm having a really tough time remembering to log my stuff - by the time I get home after having been "plugged into" my computer all day it just is that thing that never gets done.... :(

Congrats to everyone on their medals, stars and feeling better! :agree:

sweetiemae Tue, Aug-31-04 17:58

Hey ya'll! Just got thru some tough housework,since it is raining cats and dogs outside! Moved the mattresses and DH vacuumed and I mopped under the bed, whew!! Dust bunnies beware!!!!
CRYSANIA-- HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!! My family forgets my bday also, and I know how you feel...Hope your bday wishes here help you some!!! :wave: ;) :wave:
This thread is really helping to keep me motivated, WOO HOO!!!! Yippee!!!! Have a good Hump day tomorrow everyone!!!!

sweetiemae Tue, Aug-31-04 18:00

I got so excited I forgot to post, I just finished my fifth star, is it really true??? Yars it is!!!! :agree:

orchidday Wed, Sep-01-04 05:32

Congratulations Cowboy! Major accomplishment!!! Let's keep mov'in!


Magpies Fri, Sep-03-04 05:13

Reporting In
1st Friday = 187.8 and my BMI was around 39%
2nd Friday = 186.2 Loss of 1.6 pounds.
3rd Friday = 189 pounds Gain of 2.8 pounds!!! BMI 38.5%
4th Friday = 190.2 pounds Gain of 1.2 pounds BMI 38.5%
5th Friday = 190.2 pounds BMI 39%
6th Friday - 190.8 pounds BMI 40.5% (but up to nearly 192 on Monday)


30th July: Bust=41; Upper W=36; Waist=39; Tummy=43; Thighs=47
6th August: Bust=40; Upper W=34; Waist=37; Tummy=44; Thighs=47
13th August: Bust= 41.5; Upper W=34; Waist=37; Tummy=45; Thighs=47
20th August: Bust=41.5; Upper W=34.5; Waist=39; Tummy=45;Thighs=47
27th August: Bust=42; Upper W = 34; Waist = 37; Tummy= 46.5; Thighs=47
3rd September: Bust = 42; Upper W = 36; Waist = 36.5; Tummy= 46;Thighs =47


Presidential Points for week one - 3794 - 18%
Presidential Points for week two - 4448 - 23%
Presidential Points for week three - 3880 - 14%
Presidential Points for week four - 1905 - 10%
Presidential Points for week five - 1901 - 9%

Running Total - 14929 - 74%

Nearly three quarters of the way to my bronze award - looking forward to the fencing and dancing season starting again - hopefully that will boost my exercise level considerably.

Kelly_L Mon, Sep-06-04 12:02

I now am only 2 days of exercise away from my 6th star and an active lifestyle award and I have managed to get under 180 pounds. I was really hoping to hit that goal before I went away and on Sunday I saw the scale go to 179.5, got on twice to make sure, so I’ve changed my profile!

I know I’m going to gain a bit while I’m away but I’m not going to worry about it.

5.4 inches and 7 pounds lost so far this challenge.

Total minutes 457/points1621

Magpies Fri, Sep-17-04 09:32

1st Friday = 187.8 and my BMI was around 39%
2nd Friday = 186.2 Loss of 1.6 pounds.
3rd Friday = 189 pounds Gain of 2.8 pounds!!! BMI 38.5%
4th Friday = 190.2 pounds Gain of 1.2 pounds BMI 38.5%
5th Friday = 190.2 pounds BMI 39%
6th Friday = 190.8 pounds BMI 40.5% (but up to nearly 192 on Monday)
7th Friday = 199 pounds - abducted by Catalonian aliens and transported to Barcelona
8th Friday - 193.4 pounds BMI 39%


30th July: Bust=41; Upper W=36; Waist=39; Tummy=43; Thighs=47
6th August: Bust=40; Upper W=34; Waist=37; Tummy=44; Thighs=47
13th August: Bust= 41.5; Upper W=34; Waist=37; Tummy=45; Thighs=47
20th August: Bust=41.5; Upper W=34.5; Waist=39; Tummy=45;Thighs=47
27th August: Bust=42; Upper W = 34; Waist = 37; Tummy= 46.5; Thighs=47
3rd September: Bust = 42; Upper W = 36; Waist = 36.5; Tummy= 46;Thighs =47
17th September: Bust = 41; Uppwer W = 36; Waist = 36.5; Tummy = 47; Thighs = 47


Presidential Points for week one - 3794 - 18%
Presidential Points for week two - 4448 - 23%
Presidential Points for week three - 3880 - 14%
Presidential Points for week four - 1905 - 10%
Presidential Points for week five - 1901 - 9%
Presidential Points for week seven - 3442 - 16%

Running Total - 18471.9 92%
Fencing and dancing seasons have starting again - which has boosted my points for this week. Have done one week of induction since returning from Barcelona and hope the next seven days will see me lost at least the three pounds I put on since week 5.

orchidday Sun, Sep-19-04 15:15

Hey Gang!

I think the challenge officially ended last week and I missed it! It was a great challenge and so good to see us all moving. I had a bad two weeks during the hurricanes and didn't exercise or low-carb and managed to put on 7 pounds. But I am happy that four of that is gone now. So, I started the challenge at 229 and ended at 228, and I can live with that! I hope we do it again and I am 35% of the way to the bronze medal. I hope all the challengers are well, and moving ahead.

A special thanks to Monika and all she does to keep us on track and encourage us.


Magpies Wed, Sep-22-04 03:20

What finishied already!! I thought I had another week to go. Anyway, thanks for organising this Monika, it has given me an incentive to move and count every bit of exercise that I do - interesting housework is nearly as good as walking for gaining points, even light housework. Not sure I entirely agree with that but it has made my house look a lot tidier and cleaner.

Happy to report that I got my bronze award yesterday and I'm looking forward to getting my silver.

Weight today has gone back down to 189.8 so I hope to be in negative territory again very soon.

Good luck everyone in your journey towards slimness.


ldcowboy Tue, Oct-19-04 13:20

Just passed the 60,000 point mark, plan to get the gold medal by Christmas and maybe by Thanksgiving! Walked 10+ miles last night at the mall.


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