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Annie-Pie Wed, Oct-01-03 12:41

Welcome, Stacysheil !

I always enjoy reading your posts. I know what it's like to yo-yo in the course of one month. It's enough to throw up our hands and ask, "Is it worth it!?" and of course, it is!

Keep your chin up. You will see those two pounds fall off!

Hugs, Annie

wimsey619 Wed, Oct-01-03 13:19

Hi, can I join, too?

If I can lose four pounds this month and four pounds next month, I'll be done! I've been hanging at the 166-170 for a while and I think this challenge might be just what I need to finish up.

It's nice to meet you all!


mdklimesh Wed, Oct-01-03 13:53

Hi everyone,

I would like to get in on this one also, I was in the same september challenge as thenewme :wave: , didn't loss like I would have liked but I am not about to give up yet. :nono:

Fiona mck, I want to here about those pancakes, they sound wonderful and you are making me hungry just thinking about them. :yum:

I look forward to chatting with you all during the month.

Let's go girls! :cheer:
Start weight 161.5

Annie-Pie Wed, Oct-01-03 14:42


THENEWME: 1st-187 9/30-117
MAUREEN: 1ST-260 9/30-245
ANNIE: 1ST-211 9/30-181
SUSAN: 1ST-175 9/30-150
DENISE: 1ST-175 9/30-160
TERRYLYNN: 1ST-298 9/30-262
ALEX: 1ST-200 9/30-189
FISHBURG: 1ST-275 9/30-241
KAREN: 1ST-257 9/30-239
VIRGINIA: 1ST-255 10/1-166
MDKLIMESH: 1ST-177 10/1-161.5

Welcome to Virginia and Mdlkimesh! We are so glad you hopped on board!
Susan, looks like we need that you mind sending us the link?

Hugs to you all! :thup:

want2bfit Wed, Oct-01-03 14:58

Sheila, Mdklimesh & Virginia, glad you joined us. I don't blame you all for following thenewme. She's had great success.

Virginia, you are amazing! 90lbs. WOW. Any words of encouragment? Before & after pictures?

Hope everyone has a great evening. Blessings, Maureen

THENEWME: 1st-187 9/30-117
MAUREEN: 1ST-260 9/30-245
ANNIE: 1ST-211 9/30-181
SUSAN: 1ST-175 9/30-150
DENISE: 1ST-175 9/30-160
TERRYLYNN: 1ST-298 9/30-262
ALEX: 1ST-200 9/30-189
FISHBURG: 1ST-275 9/30-241
KAREN: 1ST-257 9/30-239
VIRGINIA: 1ST-255 10/1-166
MDKLIMESH: 1ST-177 10/1-161.5
SHEILA: 1ST-233 10/1-172.5

Annie-Pie Wed, Oct-01-03 16:11

The October Challenge

THENEWME: 1st-187 9/30-117
MAUREEN: 1ST-260 9/30-245
ANNIE: 1ST-211 9/30-181
SUSAN: 1ST-175 9/30-150
DENISE: 1ST-175 9/30-160
TERRYLYNN: 1ST-298 9/30-262
ALEX: 1ST-200 9/30-189
FISHBURG: 1ST-275 9/30-241
KAREN: 1ST-257 9/30-239
HEATHER: 1ST-190 10/1-134
VIRGINIA: 1ST-255 10/1-166
MDKLIMESH: 1ST-177 10/1-161.5
SHEILA: 1ST-233 10/1-172.5

Sorry, I forgot a few! Well this looks like our list. As new people join, let's make sure we add their names to our friendly challenge! Thanks Maureen for covering for my slip-up. :thup:

want2bfit Wed, Oct-01-03 18:21

Oops! Heather, I am so sorry that I forgot you.

Annie, we seem to be having some senior moments. lol

Was going to take the night off from exercising because I'm exhausted but as I was sitting reading you all just wouldn't leave my thoughts so I ended up doing just the 1 mile WAP. Love this accountability thing we have going here. Thanks for all your support and motivation. Will try to do better tomorrow.

Does anyone have any graphics for "Days Exercised" like the "Cheat Free Days" so I can keep count? If so, can you please direct me.

I'm going to write a thank you note and off to bed. Have a great night. Blessings, Maureen

Zuleka Wed, Oct-01-03 19:20

Hello Hello!

I'll take that challenge....hehehehe :lol:

Seems like fun....Besides what can you lose, but weight.... :daze:

Hope to hear from you guys soon.

Tashi Wed, Oct-01-03 23:22

Hi Annie-Pie and the rest of the gang!

I would love to join your October challenge, I could always use inspiration. I started Atkins on September 1st and am down about 5 pds. I am picking up my routine at Curves, ( joined March 2003 and love it). I currently go about 1-2X's a wk and am shooting for 3 days and alternating it with walking. I also started swimming with more sister about 1-2 days a wk. I have tons of energy since I started, but just slow at the weight loss and I did measure my self today and lost about 2 inches since last wk.

I am excited about this and will give tons of support! Hats off!!!!!!!!! :wiggle:

Annie-Pie Wed, Oct-01-03 23:23

Welcome, Zuleka and Tashi!
Senior Moments? With this chick? "I don't think so, honey!' HA HA HA HA
Just call it trying to do two things at once.

Maureen great job on your exercise. Have you considered going to the general LC forum here and/or Atkins forum here, and posting your request for exercise days graphics? Someone will know. Oh I know, try the tech forum. They know everything.

We welcome....Zuleka, who comes bearing her awesome sense of humor. Three cheers for her 12 pound weight loss...hip,hip, hooray! :wiggle:
hip,hip,hooray! :clap:
Hip,hips, go away! :cheer: cheer:

We welcome...Tashi...which is a good name because it rhymes with Kashi, the LC cereal from Trader Joe's. We accept your offer, in the words of the two old coots from Bartyles and James, "And we thank you...for your support!'

Hugs, Annie

The October Challenge

THENEWME: 1st-187 9/30-117
MAUREEN: 1ST-260 9/30-245
ANNIE: 1ST-211 9/30-181
SUSAN: 1ST-175 9/30-150
DENISE: 1ST-175 9/30-160
TERRYLYNN: 1ST-298 9/30-262
ALEX: 1ST-200 9/30-189
FISHBURG: 1ST-275 9/30-241
KAREN: 1ST-257 9/30-239
HEATHER: 1ST-190 10/1-134
VIRGINIA: 1ST-255 10/1-166
MDKLIMESH: 1ST-177 10/1-161.5
SHEILA: 1ST-233 10/1-172.5
Zuleka: 1ST-186 10/1-174
TASHI: 1ST-250 10/1-245

Hugs, one very tired and sleepy Annie Pie. :rolleyes:

thenewme Thu, Oct-02-03 00:32

Hi Stacysheil and Mdklimesh..... Welcome so glad you girls are here and sticking to a progam. We all did good in the other forum. I was gonna start a new October thread but noticed one was already posted so joined in. Glad you girls are here too.

Well today was not a good day for me..... I couldnt believe it I was heading to work and there was a bad traffic accident on the freeway well everyone was rubbernecking to look and guess what the girl behind me rear ended me... we both got off I was surprised to see she didnt do any damage to either cars cus she hit me pretty hard.... well I told her it was okay and we didnt have to report this she was elated to say the least.... well I got back in my car and went about a half a mile and I took my eyes off the road for a minute .... just a minute.. and guess what I rear ended this guy... I couldnt believe it... both accidents happened within 5 minutes of each other... oh mann I got out of my car and he did too...there was no damage to our cars but the guy was saying his neck and back and bones and everything hurt him... I said okay settle down I will call the police I have a cell phone with me..... he says to me "well I'll tell you what do you have any money with you"... I was shocked to say the least but I said Yes I do. He said "how much"... I said I dont know. He said "okay give me 150 dollars and we will forget everything"... so my mind started racing cus I was thinking the ticket is gonna cost me 150 dollars... then my insurance is gotta hit the roof... so I thought not a bad deal. I said "wait you said your back and neck hurt dont you need a doctor"...he said "nah, I want the 150 dollars"... so I called my honey on my cell and asked him what do I do. This guy wants money now... my honey said just give it to him and get out of there. So I did. I handed him 150 dollars and he shook my hand and left. I got back in my car... drove very very carefully and got to work ... I was so shook up when I got there. I told my friends at work what happened they couldnt believe it. Then I got home after work and my hubby tells me... "Okay I dont ever want to hear about my driving again" whew I have had quite a day... ready to put it all behind me. Later guys.

fishburg Thu, Oct-02-03 01:09

OK all here it is Fish - from my maiden name fisher and burg - from my married name Burger. When I got married (17 yrs ago) I wanted my husband to change his last name to fishburg - lol - but he just would not do it (I wonder why).

Annie - I am also having a mamogram on October 14th. This will be my 1st one. I have been putting it off for 5 yrs. I have no desire to go - I wonder what excuss I can come up with to cancel!?!

Dennis - Since I have been married we have lost 6 dogs (all over 11 years old). Each time my hubby just did not want to talk about it (just the facts and the right thing to do). The first time was the worst. One day his 14 year old Irish Setter had a massive stroke and I could not reach him (before cell phones) - I had to take her to the Vet and have her put down (she was suffering so). We had both agreed before hand that when she gave us that "look" - "that it was time" we would put her down. Since then I know to just give him his space. The only time I have ever seen him cry is at the death of one of our dogs and our best human friend (cancer). Right now we are starting to face our biggest challenge - his father has cancer and it is not good. I can tell when he needs his space - I just keep the kids buzy else where - not that he gets mean just edgy - wants to left alone. Neither one of us has lost any close members of our family (beside our dogs) so this will test our strength. I know it can be tough on you just remember it is tough on him too.

Our last four dogs past away in bad weather so we had them cremated. We have a room off the garage set up as a "Hunting Lodge" for my hubby's friends during hunting season. And sitting on a self - our the four dogs Thor, Cruiser, Rosie and Tasha. We are alway joking about what to do with them besides dusting them off. Those cans do bring about alot of memories.

It is three a.m. now and I need to retreat back into bed. I just want to wish all good luck on making their goals!!!

liddle Thu, Oct-02-03 04:38

Oh my Gosh! This thread is hoppin'! I'll never be able to keep up with everyone!
I just have a minute to post before off to clinicals for the day.
I think it wasWant2befit that asked where punta cana was. It's in the Dominican Republic. Here's a link to where I'm staying, hope this works

I'll check back with everyone later
Have a great day!!!!!!!!


Zuleka Thu, Oct-02-03 11:29

Hi all!!

thenewme <<---- poor you!! ::hug hug:: :bhug:
It will get better.

Ok, so here is the scoop....I'm so hungry all the time!

I haven't changed any items on my menu. It started about 2 weeks .

What's wrong with me? :tears:


mdklimesh Thu, Oct-02-03 12:50

Just checking in, the water is going down good today, got 2 miles in yesterday, now I'm searching for um-um good recipes before I head off to the store.

thenewme, I cannot believe your day, 2 rear enders in one day is bad, but 2 in 5 minutes, that must be some kind of record. :exclm: I'm glad that you were not hurt and also that your car survived well.

Annie-pie, your a hoot, you make me laugh :lol:, hips, hip, away :clap: I think that will be my new motto.

Zuleka, hang in there, you've done great so far, keep an eye on those inches! If your hungry all the time eat, just make sure its on the list of things allowed. :read2:

Tashi, you sound very ambitious, walking, swimming, curves, just thinking about it tires me out :yawn:

Stacysheil, glad to see you made it over :)

liddle, glad to see you here too

fishburg, love the name story, I think your hubby should have taken you up on the name, lol

I think we've got a great group started, lets go ladies :cheer:

Denise1963 Thu, Oct-02-03 12:55

Thursday 10/2/03

Hi everyone,

Stopped by to say hello. Thanks again everyone for sharing your experiences of loss with me. Yes, my fiance finally spoke to me last night with "yes" and "no" answers. He apologized for not talking to me and for not letting me in...I told him that it was quite okay as everyone grieves differently. (I just had no idea since we haven't had anything tragic happen in our lives since I've known him for the past 3 years) I'm just so glad that he is talking to me again. We really need eachother now and I think he realizes that. It is so weird how men handle their problems...Venting here and in my journal has helped give this less power over me and I do feel better today. Journaling is such good therapy.

Fishburg: Thanks for sharing your story. It meant a lot to me. I am so sorry to hear about your husband's father. Yes, when our parents go, that will be the test of all time. Neither one of us has lost our parents and I just can't fathom the day...I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

thenewme: Gosh, you had quite a horrible day yesterday. When it rains, it certainly pours...Glad that you got out of that situation fast!

zuleka: I am hungry all the time too. I drink lots of coffee to offset my hunger and it really seems to help suppress my appetite and give me energy at the same time. Also, make sure you are eating enough in quantity and enough protein and fat. The combination of fat and protein at every meal will sustain you longer.

Maureen: I really do commend you on your exercising efforts especially with all that you have on your plate. You wait. After 6 weeks, you will notice how much easier it is to lose weight and inches and how much different your body will feel. I'm so proud of you.

Susan: Thank you for sincerely caring about me and being such a wonderful friend when I needed one. Your words in my journal were very healing for me. Thanks again.

Thursday 10/2/03

Weight: 160.2

Exercise: Last night, I ran/walked for 25 minutes. Bandit tired more easily and I stopped to throw him many sticks. Also, I think I hurt my left knee by running too hard last week. I am back to run/walking at this point. After the park run, I did 15 minutes of kickboxing. I love hitting that bag and releasing all kinds of anger. Just love it. After Kickboxing, I did all upper weights.

Goal for tonight: Run/Walk in Park, kickboxing and lower body weights and ABS.

Today's Food: Pork rinds with cream cheese, seeds, cheese, 2 spoonfuls of Breyers SF CARB SMART chocolate ice cream (YUMMM!) 1/2 a deli chicken and salad.

Welcome all newcomers to our thread. Bye for now.

Fiona mcK Thu, Oct-02-03 18:16

Hi Girls! Busy Busy Busy Busy Day!! The cream cheese pancakes were awesome. Here's the super easy recipe:

1 8 oz package cream cheese (let soften a little)
4 eggs separated
1 packet Splenda
1 t cinnamon

Separate eggs. Mix yolks, cream cheese, splenda and cinnamon set aside. In a metal bowl mix egg whites with a mixer until stiff. Gently combine the cream cheese mixture and the eggs whites. In a non stick pan, melt 1-2 T butter. MAKE PANCAKES! They brown up nicely. I used a little sugar free syrup. HEAVENLY!

I gotta run! My busy Mom life is kicking into high gear. But the weekend is coming!! More later!


want2bfit Thu, Oct-02-03 20:38

Hello friends,

Denise, so glad to hear that Gary opened up a little. I will continue to pray for you. Are you going to have a formal wedding? Share some details.

Susan, thanks for the recipe. Sounds good.

thenewme, Glad to hear you're ok. Hope today was much better.

I have been really tired the past 2 days. Not sure if it's because my children stay up too late or the radiation is kicking in. Didn't want to exercise tonight but decided to do the 1 mile WAP. I was afraid if I skipped a day I wouldn't want to go back to it.

Hope everyone has a beautiful day tomorrow with hearts filled with love and joy. Blessings, Maureen

addicted2s Thu, Oct-02-03 21:01

I'm new at this . I was wondering if it's to late for me to get in on this?

If not my starting weight as of 10/01/2003 234


Tashi Thu, Oct-02-03 21:22

Hi Guys- I still don't know everybody's name or story yet but I will learn.
I am having a pretty good day today, I worked out at curves and weighed in ~ 243. I am just amazed, having been overweight weight almost my entire life, I even remember when I first started putting on the pounds. I went to visit my Grandma back in Grade school and she had all the goodies, I ate a whole box of Zingers and the rest was history.

Sugar is Evil and I vow never to have it again!!

hi mdklimesh - yes i guess i might sound a little ambitious but for the first time ever I am taking control and its kind of weird I view exercising and moving in a whole new light, even when I take a flight of stairs, I think to myself, I AM BURNING THE FAT!!WHOOSH

And besides I am getting married in Key West in May 2004 and I am dying for a little beach dress with Spaghetti Straps- (closest I am getting to Pasta)lol

Want A Laugh? My sister (also on Atkins) is buying a 5 pd replica of fat to put in her kitchen, :lol: - she's crazy

- Tashi :wiggle:

thenewme Fri, Oct-03-03 00:42

Hi Everyone... thanks for commenting on my eventful day. Today was much better and happy to report no accidents.

addicted2s--welcome to our forum... how did you get that name?... anyways feel free to join in to talk to us anytime you want. We are here to help and listen.

Well guys I ran and lifted weights today and then I started thinking that I forgot to ask you all when is our weigh in day here on this forum... does anyone know? We used to weigh in on Mondays it was always nice cus I would try to be careful on the weekends so I could show some progress on Mondays... seemed like it helped because the weekends is when I always used to splurge. Anyways I want to know when we weigh in so I could record that.

Talk to you all later... have a nice Friday!!

want2bfit Fri, Oct-03-03 05:38

Good morning,

thenewme, our official weigh in day here is also Monday but my personal weigh in day is Sunday so I just use that weight. My suggestion would be to use the weight from whatever you do at home weekly and just log that here on Monday. Hope that makes sense. We are also doing measurements. The total from chest, waist & hips. It is not necessary to post the total inches just what ever you lost. Some people may not be comfortable listing their total inches. Don't forget to send a note or card to someone who hasn't heard from you. Brighten up someones day. Thats part of this months challenge to do once a week.

addicted2s, welcome. It is never too late.

Susan, pretty cold this morning isn't it.

I have gained 5lbs this week. Hope its just the TOM or muscle gain from exercising. lol. It has really cooled off here. Frost was on the cars this morning. My water intake has dropped too because of that. Just need to push myself more.

Have a great day. Blessings, Maureen

wimsey619 Fri, Oct-03-03 07:55

Hi, thenewme, regarding your mammogram. Please don't cancel it!!!

I had breast cancer in 1996 at the age of 42 and I found it myself. I had a mammogram at 35 and one at 40. They were doing them every five years and I wasn't set for another until 45. If I had been going every year, it would have been found sooner.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and I totally support mammograms and self-exams.

Okay. Down off the soap box.


want2bfit Fri, Oct-03-03 10:16

How did I miss that. DON'T SKIP YOUR MAMMOGRAM. It is only through having my mammogram that I was diagnosed with stage 0 breast cancer (non-invasive) this summer. Had I not gone, the oncologist said it would have become invasive in the next year or two. I am currently undergoing radiation 5 days a week for 6 weeks. They are then recommending Tamoxafen for 5 years. This is a small price to pay for having more time with my family. Thank you Virginia for spreading the word. I hope you are now considered a cancer survivor. Blessings, Maureen

thenewme Fri, Oct-03-03 10:57

Hi Guys... thanks for the concern... but what mammogram???... I dont need one do I?

want2bfit--thanks for the information on weigh in day... I will be good this weekend to hopefully show a progress in my weight.

Everyone its Friday have a super duper of a weekend.. and remember no fender

Denise1963 Fri, Oct-03-03 13:49

It's Friday...

I'm actually down to 159.6 which is quite amazing in itself. I will not get too excited until I remain under 160 for at least a week. My weight has been known to fluctuate.

Last night, I ended up Rollerblading instead of running due to my sore knees this week. After that, I did about 15 minutes of kickboxing and then lower body weights and ABS

Food today: Pork rinds and salsa, 1/2 a Deli chicken, salad, seeds, and 3 oz cheese.

Tashi: Where do you live in Florida? I live in Fort Lauderdale (Cooper City area) A wedding in Key West sounds beautiful since Key West has the most beautiful sunsets anywhere...I'm getting married in Feb. 2004 in a Gazebo overlooking a lake.

Maureen: The radiation TX has probably made you tired along with the exercising. I know for me if I exercise hard, I can barely get out of bed the next day. That's so weird that you gained 5 lbs. Maybe from your medication? Yes, my wedding will be formal, but small-just family is invited. It's still in the planning stages. I am going to make the colors red/pink and white for valentines day with that type of theme.

Addiccted: Welcome to our group!

Susan: Thanks for the pancake recipe. I hope to try it soon.

Hello to everyone else out there and have a good weekend.

stacysheil Fri, Oct-03-03 14:00

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to stop by and see how everyone is doing.

Denise: Are you sure you arent Denise Austin, with all your exercising, lol? I need to get back into my walking because I know it is what helped me so much before. I think that this woe ruins you in that way because you can lose weight without exercising.

If anyone knows my story about the size 32 jeans I bought awhile ago, guess what? I wore them to the Dr. today. I was so excited because I tried them on a week ago and couldnt get them buttoned still. I admit they are still tight but they are wearable. Which brings me to my question. Where exactly do you all put your tape measurements? I know breasts, waist and hips but where? I put mine across my belly button for my waist.
I jumped on the scales this morning because I had a little extra peanut butter last night and I wondered if it had done any damage. Well...........the scales said 170. I admit that I was only in underwear so Im sure with my normal clothes it would have been a little more but I will take it any way I can get it.

I will stop rambling now. Everyone have a good weekend. Oh yeah, I was bad today. DH wanted to eat at LJSilvers so of course we did because he hasnt eaten in so long Ill eat anywhere with him. I went to pick up the kids and took them to get ice cream and got one myself. This all happened before 2 so I am back at it now, no more bad (or good, lol) stuff for me.

want2bfit Fri, Oct-03-03 17:16

Dear friends,

thenewme, the note about the mammogram should have been for FISHBURG. Sorry.:blush:

Stacy, just to let you know, I am exhausted after reading Denise's exercise routine. She is so good and consistant. She has really motivated me to exercise. Congratulations on fitting into your jeans. That is an awesome goal you accomplished.:clap:

Denise, I love your wedding colors. Thanks for your encouraging words.:sunny: Does it matter if I do lets say the 2 miles in the morning and the 1 mile in the evening. Does doing the second exercise have any benefit to it if its only a 15 minute mile?

Annie, Karen where are you? :)

Did 2 miles today. Wishing everyone a great weekend filled with joy. Blessings, Maureen

Zuleka Fri, Oct-03-03 17:37

Hello all... thank god it's Friday!!

Denise and Tashi what part of Fl do you live in? I live in Miami, and work in Sunrise.

I'm still hungry as ever.... I'm like a newborn, I have to eat every 3 hours!
I never did share anything with you guys besides... that I've been on Atkins for 8 weeks.

I live in Miami, I moved here about 3 yrs ago from TEXAS, boy I miss Texas.

I'm a single mother of 3 wonderful, beautiful...girls. I have one in college up in Tallahasse, a 13 yr old and a 12 yr old. :rheart:

Can't really think of anything else at the moment. Yeah Yeah I know I need a life!!!! :hyper:

mdklimesh Fri, Oct-03-03 17:42

Stacysheil, congratulation on fitting in to those jeans, what a great feeling that must be, keep up the good work.

I just had blueberry muffins,:yum: I've always loved muffins and have not had one for months, so when I found a recipe for 3.2g of carbs I had to try it. I am going to try a sticky buns recipe soon too, real soon.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, I'm off to the treadmill:)

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