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RoseTattoo Sat, Apr-24-04 18:43

20 MAS (it all goes together, lol)= 20 Minute Aerobic Solution. LOL! Isn't that a grand title? :D It's a high intensity interval thingie--you graduate your aerobic activity each minute for four minutes (after a warmup) and then after starting at a fairly low level once again, do it again three more times. Except on the final round, you're supposed to go like h*ll warmed over for the last minute. :p That's the interval I kinda skipped this time. :D

The ironic part is that most people complain that they don't have the breathing stamina. I'm fine with that part, it's my stubby little legs that just can't take it. :( Plus I can't listen to my beloved Radiohead since my walkman won't work while I'm running. So bah. :mad:

Shadow01 Sun, Apr-25-04 13:11

Well, no matter how you slice it, it doesn't sound like fun to me :eek:! And not to worry - those legs will catch up with your lungs in no time :D! You are fortunate that your lungs function so well! You should hear me sounding like a dying steam train when I do cardio :rolleyes:!

RoseTattoo Mon, Apr-26-04 14:38

I've lost track of what day I'm reporting on, lol. Oh yeah, Monday, third week of first challenge. UB, pretty good chest, back, and biceps. Still having problems with the shoulder stuff, and didn't do triceps. Will do those tomorrow. Also did 30 min. moderate cardio. Tina cautioned me to do the shoulders slowly (not to raise weights too high) and also recommended not neglecting triceps as I'd intended to because old ladies get tricep wings. LOL

Shadow01 Mon, Apr-26-04 15:26

Hey RT, I'm not old, I exercise, I am in a good weight range - and I still have flabby triceps :mad:!!! But I got them honestly - straight from my mom, who got them from her mom ;). I'd hate to think what they'd look like if I didn't exercise them religiously :lol: :eek:!!!

RoseTattoo Mon, Apr-26-04 17:45

OK, Shadow, you've convinced me that Tina is right. I must do those triceps exercises. :D But at the moment I'm really working on my shoulders--they are so weak. I did a few extra sets of lateral raises at a low weight just to get used to the movement. Pointing my little pinkies up, just as Tina recommends. It's a very funny look. :D

Today I was really longing for a home gym, it was so noisy at the Y. But I know it wouldn't work, we have no extra space, and the kids would destroy the equipment, lol. :p

Shadow01 Mon, Apr-26-04 18:46

Ah, but just think how tired they'd be by the end of the day after destroying the gym :p! And I'm very happy to hear you're starting lightly and building up on the shoulders! That's the way to go, girl :D!

RoseTattoo Tue, Apr-27-04 16:01

Very small workout today as I was unaccountably tired. (Shadow, I can see your rolling eyes as I type this, lol). Just went for a brisk 30 minute walk while listening to the new Prince CD. Yes, my musical tastes occasionally veer from Radiohead. Tomorrow after Pilates I'll work on preventing those triceps wings.

RoseTattoo Wed, Apr-28-04 11:35

Pilates this morning--a wonderful class, Beth taught us some new exercises. Nicely demanding, feel like my abs got righteously worked out, lol. Then at the gym did a 30 minute session on the EFX, average heart rate somewhere in the low 140's. Finally did those triceps exercises, too.

Tomorrow is LB, I may try (if it's not too crowded) to do it as a circuit with some cardio in the mix. If not, will do the regular BFL type lifting. :)

RoseTattoo Thu, Apr-29-04 11:27

Gym was deserted today, it was fabulous, except there was no hot water (which is why it was deserted, d'oh). Anyway, ditched my plan to do a circuit and just carried on with the BFL lower body stuff. Did calves on the Smith device, worked a lot better than trying to lug the weights over to the stairs. Then did 30 min. cardio, average heart rate 135 (tired).

RoseTattoo Fri, Apr-30-04 11:58

Gym was super crowded today, guess everyone who was AWOL yesterday was feeling guilty. :rolleyes: Did an UB workout, went pretty well, no weight increases today. Didn't do triceps as by that time I wanted to kill Harriet et al for being so damned noisy. :mad: WHY GO TO THE GYM IF ALL YOU WANT TO DO IS HOLD SONOROUS CONVERSATIONS WITH YOUR PALS AND THEN GAB ON YOUR CELL PHONES?????

Ok, that's out of my system now. :p

Had a 30 min. cardio, first on the rowing machine and then on the EFX. Had planned to use recumbent bike but Harriet et al were settled in over there. :mad:

RoseTattoo Sun, May-02-04 10:22

Sunday morning crowd generally less obnoxious than the weekday set, lol. Got a very good LB workout done, and added ab and adductors and a few glute exercises. No cardio as the gym was sweltering. May go back later and try to do it.

RoseTattoo Mon, May-03-04 12:42

Full 20 MAS today! Yay! On the EFX, really got my heartrate going! Walkman didn't cut out on me, and it helped to go to the gym at 12:30 when it was fairly empty.

RoseTattoo Wed, May-05-04 05:06

K, just a preview so I can hold myself to it, lol.

Pilates mat class this morning.

Then I must go to the gym and do UB except for triceps which I'll do with Tina tomorrow to make sure I have the form correct.

Will check pledge against reality later on today. :D

RoseTattoo Fri, May-07-04 15:15

Thursday--UB with Tina.

Friday--20 min. HIIT, 25 min. cardio on EFX.

RoseTattoo Sat, May-08-04 14:58

40 min cardio. 20 on EFX at average 140 HR, 20 on bike at about 130 HR. Didn't do third weight session this week--will make that up tomorrow.

RoseTattoo Sun, May-09-04 12:04

LB, pretty good session. Changed some routines, raised some weights. Added glute exercises. Did not do cardio.

RoseTattoo Mon, May-10-04 04:57

Did cardio in evening, 30min. run/walk outside. Why is it so much harder to run outside than at gym???

RoseTattoo Tue, May-11-04 08:33

Yesterday: 45 min cardio, EFX and bike, high HR (probably too high).

Today: 30 min. cardio, EFX and treadmill. Moderate pace. Gym was so hot I was drenched and couldn't do any more. Grr.

RoseTattoo Wed, May-12-04 15:20

Pilates this morning--good stretch. I keep on forgetting how good it feels.

UB at the gym. Got better instructions for shoulders, did well, I think, Raised a couple of weights, too. I'd had some carbs right before lifting--part of a multigrain roll--and it seemed to help. Or maybe it's that it's been a full week since my last UB workout.

RoseTattoo Thu, May-13-04 11:13

20 MAS (HIIT cardio) and then 10 min moderate on the EFX. Really got my heart rate up there! I'd like to do a somewhat longer cardio session next time. But it's still so blastedly hot in the gym, grrr.

RoseTattoo Fri, May-14-04 11:40

40 min. cardio on EFX, blasted HR monitor didn't work, but I'd reckon average in the low 130's.

RoseTattoo Sat, May-15-04 16:00

LB today, a little weird, forgot to look at my log so did the leg x at too low a weight. Screwed up calf exercises, too. But added glutes and ab-adductor to repent for my sins, lol. No cardio.

RoseTattoo Sun, May-16-04 16:10

HIIT, 20 min. with a 6 minute moderate warm up. Av. heart rate: 134. Level 9-10 at 6.6 mph.

RoseTattoo Mon, May-17-04 10:00

Good UB workout, for the most part, although burned out before finishing biceps and triceps. I think I'll do those on a separate day from now on. Music was WAY TOO LOUD this morning. Ate my smarties and protein shake and attracted a lot of attention, lol. Watched Dr. Gordon, who's in his mid-80's, leg press 400 lbs. :eek:

RoseTattoo Tue, May-18-04 14:12

Cardio today, good workout (40 min., combination of EFX and treadmill), but bad timing--did only an hour after lunch because of hectic schedule. But gym was so hot I sweated out at least 45 pounds of water weight, lol.

RoseTattoo Wed, May-19-04 13:53

Today I did NOTHING. LOL.

RoseTattoo Fri, May-21-04 08:44

Yesterday (Thursday) LB workout. Went well, raised some weights, Today 50 min. cardio mainly on EFX, went very well.

RoseTattoo Sat, May-22-04 12:41

UB workout, went very well. No trainer on duty, so no music/tv blaring. It was paradise.

RoseTattoo Mon, May-24-04 10:07

Sunday, HIIT on treadmill. Level 10 at 7mph. Very hard, lol.

Monday, first session with Brian. Just reviewed form--no reps. 40 min. moderate cardio on EFX and treadmill.

RoseTattoo Tue, May-25-04 13:55

Upper body. Got through everything but biceps. Chest and back are doing very well, shoulders not so great, although better lifting neutral than barbell style. Triceps ok, bench dip form still off.

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