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becky160 Thu, Oct-02-03 10:58

I really really like Piltes for dummies. It is very well explained. I am also really sored, to the point That I can hardly move one of by legs!! Great exercise isn't it!!! :yay:

I wish that here in Spain we had all of those LC indulges!!! But I have to stick with what they have in the supermarkets. i think this is the reason why I am so tempted many times to get sweet things!!! But no, I will not change my CHEAT FREE Logo any more, there is NOOOOOO Way I will cheat to myself!!! :nono: :nono: :nono:

All this week my weight has being fluctuating a lot, so we will see what comes out to be tomorrow. I'm Nervous!!!!! :agree: :agree: :agree:

See you tomorrow!!!!!!.... :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

sabrina g Fri, Oct-03-03 09:14

Hi Everybody,

Hope everyone is feeling wonderful this morning. I just wanted to quickly post my results. I have not had time to take the measurements this morning. But I would love to post my weight. Today it is 126!!!!

2lbs gone, gone gone :yay: :yay: :yay:

I also just wanted to say that since I joined this challange I have been way more motivated, I have not cheated, and I made it to the gym Tues, Wed and Thurs and am going tonight in lieu of the Martini bar and going rollerblading tomorrow and hiking on Sunday!!!

Seeing everyone else doing so well makes me want to keep up!!

Thanks Everyone :wiggle:

becky160 Fri, Oct-03-03 10:06

Not very happy today though, because the scale says I am 2 pounds up!!!! I have been in Ketosis, exercised...I am not a happy camper today! :cry: :cry:

anyways here are my stats:

Height 68.11 in (1.73 m)
Weight 224 lbs (101.60 kg)
Neck 14.76 in (37.50 cm)
Shoulder 45.47 in (115.50 cm)
Chest 48.03 in (122.00 cm)
Waist 43.31 in (110.00 cm)
Abdomen 50.39 in (128.00 cm)
Hips 50.00 in (127.00 cm)
Thigh 27.56 in (70.00 cm)
Knee 15.75 in (40.00 cm)
Calf 16.14 in (41.00 cm)
Ankle 9.65 in (24.50 cm)
Arm 15.75 in (40.00 cm)
Forearm 11.61 in (29.50 cm)
Wrist 6.50 in (16.50 cm)

domus Fri, Oct-03-03 10:50

YAY US!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Congratulations Sabrina!!!! :bhug:

Congratulations Becky!!!! I hope you can think of those two lbs as new lean muscle that will help dissolve the fat - easier said than done I know. Hopefully the measurements will fall even if the lbs go up a little. Hang in there!! :bhug:

Ok here's my stats
173lbs (to quote Sabrina 2lbs gone gone gone!!)

Chest 41
Waist 33
Abs 39
Hips 40.5
thigh 26.5

Good luck this week

Jbbrennan Fri, Oct-03-03 11:15

Don't feel bad Becky, at least we are in the same boat! :p :p :p
I have finally brought it back from 164.5 to 163, but that is where I was at the end of week two of Induction before I gained weight.
So, officially, from the beginning of the challenge I have lost 1.5#lbs!

And, my measurements are a little different:

weight= 164.5, 163
chest= 40", 39
waist=36", 36
hips=40", 40
Thigh=24", 23

Heee, so it seems like the WOE is making my chest smaller and the exercising/ speed walking is making my thighs smaller (they actually do feel more muscular!)
I just wish something would work on the MIDDLE more quickly!

My mini goal for the upcoming week:

Eat more fish and less beef!
No cheese (I cheated on that one last week, got constipated like cement, finally after two days took some MoM and am still suffering the effects!) No cheese! No cheese! No cheese!
Exercise six days this week!
NO SALT or SALTED (bacon, sausage) foods!
Try to eat exactly 20 grams of carbs (have been under for quite a while)

Everyone's doing great! Hang in there Becky, I've been kicking around this same one and a half pounds for over two weeks now, we will have a WHOOSH yes we will!!!!!! Keep up the good work! :wiggle:

If anyone wants to read about the horrors of my recent dress shopping experience they can check out my journal. (link below) It will make you feel not so bad about your own set backs! :lol:


becky160 Fri, Oct-03-03 11:51

Ok , so here are my measurements compared to last week´s:

weight 223.3 lbs/224 lbs
Chest= 47/48.3
Waist= 42.5/43.4
Hips= 50/50
Thigh= 42.5/27.56 (I got this measurement wrong the last time! :lol: :lol:)

Next week I will do it!!!!!

Jas, Domus, thanks for your words of encouragement!! :wiggle: :wiggle: :angel:

domus Mon, Oct-06-03 12:14

Hi ladies, how was the weekend?

I blew it Saturday night. My DH and I went to the Greek Festival (Atkins Heaven!! Roast lamb with olives and feta cheese) Not even thinking, I had a shot of Ouzo. Later that night I had a :eek: moment when I realized what I had done! Oh well no permanent damage, just feeling stupid for not even making it a week into the challenge.

I did make it to the gym Sunday and had a great workout. 30 mins on the bike and then free weights for the arms. I can really feel it!

Good luck to all this week.

smurf Mon, Oct-06-03 12:25

Hi guys,
It is awesome that you all are doing so good... well as for me I am up 2lbs, so I went ahead and decided to not measure because why torture myself more. I am not changing my stats as I am going back to induction. My birthday cake did me in. I am going to run tomorrow with my dh, it is the first time in 4 years that I will do it, I do not know if I can even do a little bit, but will try. I plan on going to the gym also as I have a sinking feeling that the running is a dream that is still out of reach for me, not to mention my arthritis!!!!!
On a positive note I did throw away alot of muffins, bread, and other goodies that had been quietly sneaking into the house. I am also in a great mood seeing so many wonderful stories of people doing good and being so positive.
I wish everyone well and talk to you tomorrow.
Jude :)

Jbbrennan Mon, Oct-06-03 18:12


congrats on starting the exercise regime! I, too, have arthritis in both kneecaps (from childhood accident involving escalator--don't ask) and I can't run without everything just aching and grinding together. I speedwalk and have been doing so four times a week for over a year and never had an ache, so maybe you want to do that while DH runs ahead. If it is your first time running in a long time, don't worry about trying to keep up because I know from experience, you won't be able to, just tell him not to get worried if you fall behind, you will meet him at the end, then you can run/walk/run/ralk at your own rate. Still good for heart and lungs!
Good luck and let me know how it turns out!

becky160 Tue, Oct-07-03 00:02

:cheer: :cheer:I am 3.1 pounds down...Call that a whoosh!!!! I am sooo happy!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Hopefully the whoosh fairy will stick with me for the rest fo the week. :p :p

Yesterday I had a 5.4 km/3.5 miles walk with my dog! today I woke up sooo sored! But I feel really really good. I live up in the mountains, so I walked uphill and downhill!

Jude: take it slowly. I agree with Jasmine. Walk fast speed while your hubby runs. Start walking 1 km, then 3 days after 1.5 and so on. Then increase the time spent walking. run/walk/run/ walk. Take the time with your watch. Then, I assure you that by the end of the month, you will be able to run 1km without any problem. Little by little but surely.

I had my 1st programed refeed this weekend, and it worked so good. I broke the stall. Go to my Journal to see the details.

See you later. Have a great day!!!

becky160 Wed, Oct-08-03 03:04

Hi There!!!! :wave:

How are you doing today????

Where is everyone? Hummmm?

0.2 lbs less today....I'm a happy camper! :yay:

domus Wed, Oct-08-03 09:23

Hi all;

Becky CONGRATULATIONS :yay: :wiggle: :agree: :roll: :Party: :clap:

Smurf and Jasmine - power walking and jogging, you are an inspiration.

I'm off on a business trip through Sunday so keep me in your thoughts, I can usually stick pretty good to low-carb on these trips but there is always more temptation to cheat in a hotel :lol: food wise of course.

I sure hope the measurements show improvement, the pilates is a very intense workout!!


Jbbrennan Wed, Oct-08-03 11:03

Hey everyone! Becky! Now that is a weight loss! Congrats! :Party: :dazzle: and all that stuff.
What did you end up eating during your refeeding day? Just wondering.
I'm hoping this week's measurements show improvements and have been trying to keep off the scale (only a few times) until Fri.
Going sp walking today around Lake, my thighs are definitely getting smaller!

smurf Wed, Oct-08-03 12:37

Hi all,
How is everyone doing, I hope well. I am on my second day of complete lc and feeling okay, I do know that it takes at least a week to get all the sugar cravings out... so I am holding on.
I went running with dh yesterday, we went at 7 in the morning, it was cold and lightly raining.... not a great inspiration. I usually work out 4 times a week, I usually do 60 minutes on the elliptical, or a 50 minute step aerobic class and 30 minutes of weights but I was soooo worried about the running but I ran 60 minutes non stop but at slow rate(high end of my targeted heart rate) and dh ran at low end of targeted heart rate, so we did it together. I was so happy cuz it made me feel like I can now keep up with him. However, I am so sore today, my lower thighs hurt. I do not know if it was the run or the fact that when we came back I did the Pilates dvd (abs and legs) I have not been this sore in a very long time.... I hope I feel better tomorrow.
I hope everyone is doing great and I wish you guys a great day..


Becky: You are melting!!!!!!!! :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: Way to go! :yay:

becky160 Wed, Oct-08-03 12:40

Hi Jas,

What did you end up eating during your refeeding day?

Hi Jas,
visit my journal. You will find all the details on my refeed day.

I'm off on a business trip through Sunday so keep me in your thoughts, I can usually stick pretty good to low-carb on these trips but there is always more temptation to cheat in a hotel food wise of course.

Hi Domus!

We will post our weight and measurements anyways on Friday. take care and have a nice bussiness trip. Take Care.

becky160 Fri, Oct-10-03 02:51

I did it!!! I finally did It!!! I broke the 220 lbs barrier!!!!

weight 223.3 lbs/224 lbs/219 lbs
Chest= 47/48.3/46.85
Waist= 42.5/43.4/41.54
Hips= 50/50/49.21
Thigh= ?/27.56/26.97

Jbbrennan Fri, Oct-10-03 08:05

yay us!
:dazzle: :dazzle: Congratulations Becky!!! :dazzle: :dazzle:

I only have time for two posts today, and I wanted to make sure that this was one of them. I went power walking three times this week (should be four :rolleyes: but I still might do it tonight when I get home)

Here are my stats:

weight= 164.5, 163, 162
chest= 40", 39, 38
waist=36", 36, 34
hips=40", 40, 39
Thigh=24", 23, 23

Right on! This challenge has kept me very honest! Thanks everyone!


becky160 Fri, Oct-10-03 14:56

congratulations Jas,

You have also lost quit some inches!!!

Moday I did a 5.4 kilometer walk (2.5 miles)....but today I did 5.5 miles!!!

My feet, legs, and back hurt sooooo much!!! I can begin to feel some muscles that I thought they didn't even exisit!

becky160 Fri, Oct-10-03 15:08


but I ran 60 minutes non stop but at slow rate(high end of my targeted heart rate) and dh ran at low end of targeted heart rate, so we did it together. I was so happy cuz it made me feel like I can now keep up with him.

This is really great! I hope I had the same support from my DH. At least I have my dogs that keep me Company when I go walking!

sabrina g Fri, Oct-10-03 15:09

Hey Guys,

I've been crazy busy this last week and didn't manage to take measurements last week before TOM started. I am unhappy to report that I'm not down any weight this week but am down in inches from the last two weeks. I haven't taken all the measurements for the body fat percentage but will try to do it tomorrow.

Congratulations everyone on the losses. Jas and Becky the inches are melting off of you two like Buttah!! :Party: You must feel great.

Here are mine from two weeks ago and today.

Weight 128/126
Chest - 36"/34" Is this normal. Not that I don't have a lot to spare.
Waist - 30"/28.5"
Butt - 39"/38.25"
Thigh - 23.25"/22.25"

Have a great weekend. Here in Canada it is Thanksgiving. Wish me luck!!!!!!

becky160 Sat, Oct-11-03 19:31

You are also loosing lots of inches there!!!! C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!! :Party: :yay: :wiggle: :Party: :yay: :wiggle:

finally we could go to the supermarket, so I got my Fiber cereal!!! YES!!!
One bad thing is that I could not resist the temptation of having a Tortilla with my meat, sausage and chorizo. The tortilla has 20 gms of carbs! So between this, the Aspertame I had with my homemade lemonade, and my cereal, I increase my cabs up to 36 gms.!!! Let's see what happens tomorrow....I'm kinda scared....

Jbbrennan Sat, Oct-11-03 20:13

I've heard that the weight tends to drop from "head on down" meaning, yes, the boobs are the first to go. (to quote someone else in another thread) I am revising that to mean, "the big, rolly waist is the LAST to go!" My thighs are firming up thanks to the power walking I've been trying to stick to. (thanks in part, to this challenge) (you get walkin' when you know you have to post your stats eventually!) Good luck! and congrats of the inches lost!

I am half mexican so I am with you on the tortillas, until I started this WOE, I had eaten tortillas for breakfast for AT LEAST the last twenty-eight years. Mostly with chorizo, too! I love chorizo, can't get enough of it. I made my own now, due to...well.....just not really knowing what goes into the average sausage.

You guys are doing GREAT :dazzle: Keep up the good work!


smurf Sun, Oct-12-03 02:43

Hi guys,
How is everyone... It looks like everyone is doing wonderful. :thup: :thup: :thup: I have been out and busy with things. One of my best friends is moving back to Mexico on Monday and she had a goodbye party at a Cuban restaurant last night. She is the only one that I speak Spanish with, as the rest of my friends speak English.
Plus she knows silly Mexican references like "El Chapulin Colorado"(a mexican kids tv show. She gave me a bag with all sorts of Mexican food in it: 8 different salsas, jalapenos, beans, mole, cajeta(this is sort of like caramel) and Tortillas.... I hear them calling my name from the fridge.. I really miss tortillas, I especially like them with butter and sugar! ...which explains my lack of waistline today :rolleyes:
Hope everyone has a wonderful day.


Here are my measurements, I think I forgot to measure once so I only have two:
hips: 39,38

and it looks like I have joined the incredibly shrinking boob club, also I noticed waist is the same... at the rate I am going I will reach a great shape:RECTANGLE.

becky160 Sun, Oct-12-03 14:13

OHHHH What can I do??? I can smell the quesadillas that my husband just made mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Tortilla with cheese, chorizo and ham!!! That is not fair!!!!!!!! :nono: :nono: :nono:
Tomorrow I am going to eat half a tortilla with lots of chorizo, ham and cheese..not today because I have already consumed my daily intake of carbs....but tomorrow.....mmmmmmm....sorry, is just iresistable!!!!!!!! Why in Spain there is no LC food????...I hate it!!!!!

Did you hear abour the LC chocolate bars that a food chain is selling in the UK???? 28gms bars with only .2 grams of carbs....!!!!

I need to go to London soon to get some LC indulges!!!!

smurf Mon, Oct-13-03 10:16

Hi guys,

I am hiding in my bedroom because my son is eating tortillas.... Gosh Becky, half a tortilla! I can barely stop at 3, you have awesome will power.


Jbbrennan Mon, Oct-13-03 12:03

I hear you ladies!
I had people over last night for drinks and food and there were tortillas and lots of other bad stuff, but there was also pork tenderloin and salmon rollups and nuts so I was able to indulge a little without falling too far off the mark.
Well, I'm headed out to Vegas for the next four days:
Mini goals:
not to gain any weight while there!
work out at least one (bringing swimsuits and walking shoes) the weather is not scaldingly hot so I should be able to get some walking done.
not drink too much, and not drink any wine! or beer!
not lose all my money on the first night there! :dazzle:

Be back for measurements on Friday! Have a great week everyone!


sabrina g Mon, Oct-13-03 19:31

Hey Guys,

Now that I know there are others joining the incredible shrinking boob club I'm not too embarrased to post this one.

I don't really have a problem with smaller boobs, I've actually looked into having a breast reduction. The problem I am having is, well.... um......the shape:blush: They are taking on a more, how should I say, tubular appearance?? Ok, ok maybe not tubular but definately not as round and perky as they were before? Am I going to need a 'Miracle Bra' swimsuit for my vacation. I'm having visions of the lady from Something About Mary!!!!:eek: Minus the wrinkly ultra tanned skin.

Well I also need to make a confession. I made it through Thanksgiving with some minor cheats. I tablespoon of mashed potatoes and gravy and two tablespoons of peas. I just could not help myself? And two large bits of my boyfriends banana cream pie. Which I baked for everyone else. Ok so now I'm thinking not so minor after all. I am weak, weak.:tears: Scared to step on the scale tomorrow. Maybe I'll just wait until friday. I am however going to do some pilates right now!!!!!!

One more thing does anyone have any good information on cellulite and how I can obtain more of it? Ooops I mean get rid of it? As much as I love the backs of my thighs reminding me of my favorite midmorning snack, I would like to smooth them out. I'm not looking for a miracle cream, but any information would be greatly appretiated. Most of the stuff I have found on the internet is miracle cream type stuff.

Wow I have rattled on for quite awhile now. Have a good cheatfree week everyone.

Zuleka Mon, Oct-13-03 19:41

Hello, just stoped by to say HI. My daughter was born on El Dia De Los Muertos.

Smurf, there are Cuban restaurants in Germany?

domus Tue, Oct-14-03 13:43

good to be home
Hi all;

Glad that trip is over. I did great on the no alcohol, gave in on a glass or two of iced tea. Overall kept it low carb, except for one home cooked meal of fried chicken, stuffing peas/corn and for desert----sweet potato pie..I am up two pounds but it was worth every bite.

I seem to be the oddball out on measurements. As of yesterday the lower half is shrinking......things that make you go hmmm.

as of 10-13-03
weight 175 (173)
shoulders 43.5 (44)
chest 40.5 (40.5)
waist 32 (32.5)
abs 38.5 (40)
hips 40 (41)
thigh 26 (26.5)

Thank you pilates!!!

Glad to see everyone is doing great!!!!!!


becky160 Tue, Oct-14-03 14:29

We are all the amazing shrinking women!!!! wooohoooo!!!!!

I'm so glad to hear that everything went great on your trip. I did miss you though.

I`m out to make me a hot dog (without bun, of course)

See ya tomorrow!!! :wave:

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