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irish Sun, Sep-30-01 13:10

Read the Low Carb Luxury newsletter article about hair loss and it does make alot of sense. I have always had enough hair for three people and than started losing it. I did some resarch on the web and found that, like you said, fast weight loss can cause hair loss. I thought that maybe it was also due to my HRTs being changed to estrogen and testosterone (I recently read that testosterone may throw a woman into male pattern baldness). I've been on the new HRT's for 5 months and low carbing for 2-1/2 months. I voiced my concern to my gynecologist and he agreed to take me back to PremPro. Hopefully between the changed HRTs and giving it more time, my hair will come back.


Dizz Sat, Oct-06-01 19:29

Gosh, I'm so glad to find this page. My hair is falling out too. I thought it was Atkins as well but after reading the article I realize I had an event prior to the diet. I retired (quit my job) the end of February and started the diet in June.

Mystery solved. Thanks.

Lara Sun, Oct-07-01 09:35

Hair loss
Hey Dizz. I too am doing the hair loss thing but I found out through a blood test that I am hypothyroid. Hair loss is a symptom of this condition. Maybe a combination of the weight loss, the thyroid condition and (lucky me) menopause have caused my hair to grow thin. Anyway, I take 2000 mg. of evening primrose oil to help combat any further loss as well as my thyroid meds. Seems to help and also lessens the power surges of meno.

Take care,

nsmith4366 Sun, Oct-07-01 09:56

Very long
Well, everyone. My hair is very my waist. I know that most people lose about 100 hairs a day through just living normal life with a normal diet. When I have hair in the shower floor or my brush I just figure my hair is like 10x longer than theirs so it looks like more. I've always had alot of hairloss...and regrowth. Hair is always going through a constant cycle. However I feel mine is mostly due to natural breakage during brushing or using a cheap conditioner before combing out wet/which I don't do anymore. I take multi vitamins and make a point to eat mostly essential oils, omega 3 and 6s and monounsaturated fats, tuna, salmon and olive oil. I wear about 4 years of hairgrowth on my head and you know what? The most recent 10" are really shiny and strong compared to my high carb hair length. It's the protein and the oils...I'm sure of it. :)

irish Sun, Oct-07-01 14:37

hair loss
I had my thyroid checked and it's fine. Anyway, regardless of why I am losing it, it's not enough reason to get me to switch back to the old way of eating. I'm in this for life!


madpiano Thu, Oct-11-01 14:33

Hi All

Here, as promised, my update. I have stopped the silica supplement nearly the day I bought it ( what a waste of money!!) as I have read, that excessive silica can cause an increase in Melanomas. I have loads of moles ( and I mean loads !), so I didn't want to risk it. The same web-page also says, that silica-defitiency is very rare, as we breathe it in as well. The last couple of weeks, there has been lots of discussions regarding the pollution in London and one of the main culprits in this is silica, which can cause lung-cancer. I also noticed, that my multi-vitamin supplement contains silica already. So, I just make sure, that I take it every day now ( I used to forget sometimes).
Hair-Loss has pretty much stopped, but I haven't noticed regrowth yet. Maybe those 2 days on the extra silica, gave my body just the needed boost ?? :confused:
I will try and find out more about this silica stuff. Seems like we need it, but maybe eating it, is better than breathing it in ??
How is everybody else's hair-loss ?? Any news yet ?

MDukes Thu, Oct-11-01 18:35

Well.... madpiano..... I just read your post after I went to the vitamin store and bought some silica!! I'm still going to try it though. I've tried everything else (Omega 3 fatty oils, mega-hair, and biotin) so why not silica? My hair loss has been going on since July (3 months now) the past two days have not been as heavy so I'm hoping it's at the end of its cycle. I've lot enough hair that I'm having to part it differently and style more carefully. I really would hate to end this WOE just to find out if the hair loss stops, but I may have to. How is everyone else doing?

madpiano Fri, Oct-12-01 05:44

Hmm, you may well be at the end of the hair-loss anyway. Mine lasted from July to about 1-2 weeks ago. So 3-4 months. Maybe my body thought it could fool me ( and the scales) by shedding hair-weight instead of fat-weigh :D ?? I'll keep you updated.

numberonewendy Fri, Oct-12-01 05:58

Mine has slowed down some (I could just pull on bits and it would come out). Still a bit on the brush every morning.

Tazmani77 Sat, Oct-13-01 21:11

1 Attachment(s)
Well I do feel it is the diet. My hair has always been long and thick untill I started this WOE. Now it is getting really thin. I can see my scalp through my hair and that is something I couldn't do before. I don't have a thyroid problem or any other health issues. It is not my immagination and I can't think of another thing that I started doing just before this hair loss thing other than the Atkins diet. I do think this is a side effect of this diet for some people.

Natrushka Sat, Oct-13-01 21:22

Originally posted by Tazmani77
Well I do feel it is the diet. My hair has always been long and thick untill I started this WOE. Now it is getting really thin.

Hair loss can be a problem for anyone who loses a lot of weight, regardless of how they lose the weight. Did you read the article in the link, Taz? If I remember correctly the effect (hair loss) usually preceeds the event (weight loss or other traumatic event) 3 or 4 months afterward. It could very well be that you are lacking something in your diet, or it could be a reaction to something (weight loss or something else). I see that you did start LC about 4 months ago.... when did the hairloss start? And did you lose a lot of weight on Induction? From what I recall it is supposed to be temporary.


MDukes Sun, Oct-14-01 13:24

I'm beginning to feel encouraged. Hair loss has slowed considerably in the last 2-3 days!!! Only thing now is that I don't know if it stopped due to the supplements I'm taking (silica, liquid zinc, biotin, mega-vitamins) or if it would have stopped anyway!! I'm just REALLY glad it has finally slowed down and hopefully will stop altogether very soon!

dwala Tue, Oct-23-01 05:04

About that MSM
MSM , sorry to say, has been pretty much busted as a "quack" drug. I believe it is patented by one or two people, and has a pretty high profit potential, but I'm 100% positive there have been no controlled studies done by respected labs supporting its efficacy.
On the other hand, it hasn't been shown to have an adverse effect that I recall, either.

I believe it was profiled by among others.

Sowwy. Don't shoot the messenger.

p.s. I'm the bald one in the photo below, and people still lurrrves me. Of course, I'm an artist, so that explains everything. The lady in the photo with me is Rebecca, who couldn't eat her way up to a size 8 if she had to. Grrrumble. She likes carrot sticks. FREAK.

Lessara Wed, Oct-31-01 14:26

Thank Goodness!
I've noticed just last week my hair was just coating my hairbrush, and its easy to notice with red hair! So I searched and found this thread! Thank Goodness!! :rolleyes:
I feel so much better! I loved being on this diet especially since my hair responded by being stronger, shinner, and wavy!
You should see my before picture! :eek:

numberonewendy Wed, Oct-31-01 17:53

Well I've stopped taking MSM dwala..why take something when one is not sure if its good or not?

My hair has slowed down in loss, thank God, but much thinner then before and believe it or not, easier to manage :D

So, I'm relaxed :D

Ka3n Thu, Nov-01-01 09:39

Biological Sulfur and Your Health

MSM was isolated by Robert Herschler and Dr. Stanley Jacob of the University of Oregon Medical School in the early 80's. Their research revealed that MSM, or methylsulfonylmethane, is a natural sulfur compound found in all living things. It is actually one of the most prominent compounds in our bodies, just behind water and sodium. A 160 pound man has approximately 4 pounds of sulfur as body weight.
Scientists almost missed MSM when studying nutritional needs because it plays such a small part in our food chain. However, in his research, Dr. Jacob determined that the sulfur in MSM, called sulfonyl, is as safe and as important as vitamin C in our diet, unlike the bad sulfurs: sulfas, sulfates, sulfites and sulfides.

Why is MSM Important?

MSM originates in the ocean and reaches the human food chain through rainfall. It is the prime source of bio-available sulfur, which is lost from our food by processing, drying, cooking and preserving. MSM is an important nutrient (not a drug or medicine) and is a component of over 150 compounds. It is needed by the body for healthy connective tissues and joint function, proper enzyme activity and hormone balance, along with the proper function of the immune system.

Because bio-nutritional sulfur plays such a major role in these healthy body functions and others, it was found that supplementation with MSM improves many health problems such as: allergies, asthma, emphysema, lung disfunction, arthritis, headaches, skin problems, stomach and digestive tract problems, circulation, cell osmosis and absorption.

MSM acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory. It also inhibits muscle spasm and increases blood flow. MSM is critical to the formation of connective tissue of all types. MSM is a natural form of organic sulfur found in all living organisms, including human body fluids and tissues. Sulfur is found in many common foods, including raw milk, meat, fish and a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Why is it lacking in our diet?
However, processing, heating, storage, and preparation of foods destroys essential MSM sulfur. Without sufficient MSM sulfur in the body, unnecessary illness of varying types may result. Research has shown that MSM is helpful in improving joint flexibility, reducing stiffness and swelling, improving circulation and cell vitality, reducing pain and scar tissue, and in breaking up calcium deposits. According to Earl L. Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D., MSM makes cells more permeable, enabling the body to flush out undesirable foreign particles.

"MSM softens the cell walls, allowing allergens, foreign proteins and any free radicals to be moved out of the system," Mindell states in his book, The MSM Miracle: Enhance Your Health with Organic Sulfur.
MSM is an odorless, water-soluble, white crystalline material that supplies a bioavailable form of dietary sulfur, which plays a major role in stabilizing and promoting numerous body functions. MSM is responsible for the flexible bond between cells, including those that make up the skin. It acts to block undesirable chemical and physical cross-linking or bonding of collagen which is associated with tough, aging skin. Approximately half of the total body sulfur is concentrated in the body's muscles, skin, and bones. It is present in keratin, the tough substance in the skin, nails and hair. Sulfur is necessary for making collagen, the primary constituent of cartilage and connective tissue, but it is also responsible for the conformation of body proteins through the formation of disulfide bonds, which hold connective tissue together. MSM does this in conjunction with vitamins and amino acids, and the process is going on 24 hours of every day. The body never stops making new cells, and this calls for an unceasing supply of MSM and all other essential nutrients. Tests conducted with laboratory animals indicated that wound healing occurred faster with a group receiving MSM, but even faster with both MSM and vitamin C supplementation. Beth M. Ley, in her book, MSM: Our Way Back to Health With Sulfur, lists common signs of sulfur deficiency, including slow wound healing, scar tissue, brittle hair or nails, gastrointestinal problems, arthritis, acne, depression, and more. "The body is in a constant state of repair, but if we do not have all the necessary 'parts'", says Ley, the body will "produce weak, dysfunctional cells."

Think of it in terms of making concrete: one guy brings water, one guy brings sand, and the other guy brings the cement. You have what you need to make concrete, but the guy bringing the cement keeps taking a break because he's tired. The final mixture or product you have is adobe and not concrete. Similarly, when cells need replacement and you're not giving your body the right balance of building materials, you start losing flexibility in body cells and start building up foreign proteins and free radicals in both cells and body fluids. MSM insufficiency can result in a diverse array of disorders.

MSM is non-allergenic, non-pyretic, and has no interfering or undesirable pharmacological effects. You cannot overdose with MSM - the body will use what it needs and flush out the rest without harm. Because it is also a free radical and foreign protein scavenger, MSM cleans the blood stream, so allergies to foods or pollens can be eliminated, sometimes in just a few days.

MSM is not a vitamin, nor a drug. It is a member of the sulfur family but should never be confused with sulfa drugs or DMSO. MSM is odorless, and does not produce intestinal gas or body odor, which may occur with other forms of sulfur. The formation of Keratin for hair and nail growth is dependent on MSM. MSM is also necessary for the catalytic functions of many enzymes, as they work with glutathione to regenerate vitamin C. MSM is therefore more important in the 'antioxidant network' than previously understood.

Studies suggest that the level of MSM in the body decreases with aging. As a dietary supplement, MSM is recommended for neutralizing and eliminating toxins as well as alleviating conditions of environmental and food allergies, pain from inflammatory disorders, gastrointestinal ailments, and infection.

"MSM works - that's true," says pain expert and assistant clinical professor at the UCLA School of Medicine, Ronald Lawrence, M.D., PhD. "But how it works ... has not been proven." In a double-blind study of MSM's impact on degenerative arthritis, Lawrence found that patients who ingested 2,250mg(two to three capsules, below) of MSM a day for six weeks felt an improvement in their pain reduction by 82 percent, on average. "I've been practicing medicine for 50 years, and in all those years, I've never seen a substance like this," he says. Researchers are not sure if MSM is so effective for arthritis because of its sulfur content, because of its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, or because of some yet-undiscovered mechanism. Some researchers are pointing to MSM as the possible explanation for why some cancers go into spontaneous remission. The answer here may lie in MSM's ability to assist in moving free radicals and foreign proteins out of the system.

A study published in 1986 showed that MSM was "effective in the chemoprevention of ... mammary cancers." (Study by Dr. D. McCabe, Dr. P. O'Dwyer, Dr. B. Sickle-Santanello, Dr. E. Woltering, Dr. H. Abou-Issa and Dr. A. James, published in the Archives of Surgery, 12/1986

According to a recent book by Lawrence, Jacob, and Zucker, entitled The Miracle of MSM, MSM can be a natural remedy for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, tendonitis and bursitis, muscular soreness and athletic injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, post-traumatic inflammation and pain, heartburn and hyperacidity, headaches and back pain, and allergies. People taking MSM may notice other benefits, including softer skin, harder nails, thicker hair, and softening of scar tissue. Unlike aspirin, which offers immediate pain relief, MSM may take 2 - 4 weeks before you have significant improvement. "Except in rheumatoid patients - they've felt differences in just one day, and certainly by three or four days," according to Dr. Lawrence.

Dr. Lawrence has treated more than 1,000 patients with MSM. According to Lawrence, "It's safer than water." Patients at the Oregon Health Sciences University who have received oral MSM as part of their treatment show no toxic build-up, even after years of ingesting more than 2,000mg of MSM each day. It appears that the body uses what it requires and flushes out the rest within 12 hours. "The effects of MSM on rheumatoid arthritis almost mimic that of cortisone," says Dr. Lawrence, "and it's more effective for allergies than antihistamines - without the side effects."

Scar Tissue: Burn victim Bill Rich discovered MSM when a veterinarian friend had him try MSM. Bill's skin was flat, purple and leathery, up and down a majority of the right side of his body. After only a few days of taking MSM, Bill noticed an increase in stamina and energy, and, in time an astonishing effect on his scarred skin as it begam to heal, turn pink, and fill in. As of this writing, Bill had little more than a 2 inch section of skin that is still barely detectable after having more than 60 feet of skin graft scars.

Wrinkles: When the body replaces old skin cells, if there is a deficiency of MSM, the new cells are stiff and contribute to wrinkling. MSM supplementation helps the body replace bad cells with good, healthy, elastic cells. In time, wrinkles go away. Brown and black spots and skin tumors can be arrested and reversed as new cells replace the "insuffucient" cells.

Damaged Skin: It is the MSM in Aloe Vera leaves that sooths and repairs skin that has been cut, scraped, burned or damaged. The body then repairs the skin with the proper raw materials. MSM can be added to water, aloe vera gel, and other preparations for application to the skin. Best results are obtained when MSM is applied topically and taken internally.

Lung Dysfunction: Emphysema is not always caused by smoking. Horses and dogs get emphysema, and they don't smoke: It is a deficiency of MSM that causes this condition(welding fumes, smoke, etc. are an aggravation), and supplementation with MSM can reverse it. John Booth of Portland Oregon, states: "I worked in the shipyards as a welder down in the hull and smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day. I got emphysema; I was coughing and hurting most of the time. I started taking MSM, and after a year I have strong lungs that allow me to breathe easily. The MSM made it possible for me to continue on with my work and my life."

Diabetes: Even diabetics can benefit from MSM supplementation. Self-regulation of blood sugar can occur because MSM allows for proper absorption of blood sugars and insulin, and even repair of a damaged pancreas. When there is an MSM deficiency, cell membranes become less permeable, the pancreas overworks and ultimately fails, while blood sugars saturate the blood stream instead of entering the cells to provide nourishment and energy.

Sore Joints and Muscles: Testimonials of many athletes point to the ability of MSM to increase athletic stamina and eliminate sore muscles. This is because MSM increases the ability of the body to eliminate wastes and toxins at the cellular level, where good health begins.
Actor James Coburn is one person among many who are sold on MSM for arthritis pain.

Candida Yeast: This organism belongs in the large intestine, where it co-exists with acidophilous and prevents the take-over of harmful bacteria. When acidophilous is damaged or eliminated by antibiotic use, Candida can overgrow to the extent that it becomes "systemic", i.e. gets into the blood stream, where it competes for nutrients and emits waste materials that produce myriad symptoms of disease. MSM, by balancing the pH of the blood stream and tissues of the body, prevents Candida from living anywhere outside the intestines, where it belongs.

Ulcers: Can be life-threatening. See a physician. Ulcers caused by too much stomach acid can be reversed by MSM supplementation.

MSM in powdered form is very easy to use. MSM is a white, crystalline powder that is odorless and somewhat bitter tasting. It mixes in water more easily than sugar, and just barely affects the taste. In juice or other beverages, it is undetectable.
More research on MSM and other sulfur-containing compounds is being conducted in clinics and laboratories all over the world.
Many find that the combination of glucosamine and chondroitin with MSM is an even better source of relief from joint pain.

Search the National Library of Medicine:
There are over 23,000 abstracts on sulfur.

numberonewendy Thu, Nov-01-01 13:40

Well done, now I got it all :thup:

ruby Wed, Jan-23-02 20:43

Hair Loss
I did Atkins last year and definitely had major hair loss. It was falling out by the handfuls and clogging my sink and bathtub. Alarmed, I immediately called my endocrinologist (I'm being followed for hypothyroidism) which can cause hair loss. He said not a chance it was thyroid related in my case. He suggested stress.

I know now that it was caused by the diet. And it was a delayed reaction that started very suddenly in the 2-3 month.

I can't say I like this side effect. And Atkins doesn't mention it in his book. I know for sure the diet did it. I have very thick hair and by the end of the hair loss I had a tiny little skinny ponytail. I thought of getting my hair cut short it was so thin. I have never had a hair loss problem before.

I'm restarting Atkins and certainly hope this will not repeat itself. I was not supplementing very faithfully last time. This time I am. I hope this will alleviate the problem. If it occurs again, I'd have to say I find it a little troubling.

I wish Atkins mentioned it. That's why this forum is so great, we can find these patterns because we're discussing things.

Thanks to all of you,

Ruby :wave:

mary71 Sat, Jan-26-02 15:34

hair loss
I have noticed the last few months that my hair is falling out more easily and it's much thinner on top.. I am glucophage xr and aldactone and have lost weight since being on them. Maybe it's b/c our bodies are being thrown into wack from all these changes...

--mary :eek:

kristin Mon, Jan-28-02 16:17

Still Falling Out
I too started losing hair about 3 months after starting Atkins, and am still losing hair 2 months later. Last month, my hairdresser said I need to quit this LC lifestyle because "thin and bald" is not in. She said it in front of a crowd and I was quite embarrassed. Since then I've used the entire Nioxin shampoo/conditioner/spritz etc line, taken extra doses of multi-vitamins and essential oils, and increased my salads. My hair still seems to be falling out at the same rate, and I'm downright terrified about my hair appointment next week! :-)

I have never been less stressed in my adult life as I am now, and I think that I'm very healthy. So why is this happening? How can I stop it?


Dizz Mon, Jan-28-02 18:29

Kristin, I lost hair by the handfuls for the first 6 months on Atkins, big handfuls. I was freakin' the hair was coming out clogging up the tub and even more came out when I dried it or combed it, especially on the top.

I don't know for sure it was Atkins because I was under alot of stress at work thus some bad blood pressure problems so I quit my job to stay at home.

My hair was really thick so I wasn't "going bald" but I was freakin' out. I continued to eat Atkins my hair is coming back very thick shiny and healthy looking. If you have enough hair to "wait it out" it will stop. Of course, I quit my job so the stress is gone and the blood pressure is well under control and I have lost 66 lbs. I am washing away perhaps 5-10 hairs down the drain now. Was it Atkins or was it stress and high blood pressure? I don't know.

I wish I could help you or tell you what to do. But no one can tell you what to do. The easiest thing is to listen to your hairdresser and forget losing weight but in the long run which is best for YOU?

deelight_99 Mon, Jan-28-02 19:04

I, too, was having this problem and started to freak out when I could easily see the scalp at the front!! I searched on this site and it was recommended to take 1000mg of Biotin every day.

I have now been doing that for a month and have new hairs sprouting at the top!!! When I got my hair done last weekend my hairdresser noticed it.


kristin Tue, Jan-29-02 15:00

Hangin' In
Thanks Dizz and Deelight for the advice!

I'm committed to this WOL and haven't thought of quitting it yet, but this has definitely been one of the more difficult challenges! I'm seeing some new hairgrowth along the hairline, but continue to thin out on top---and I have always had thin, fine hair anyhow. Wish I were a guy, where it's at least more acceptable (even "sexy") to go bald. :D

So, I'll stay the course, add the 1000mg biotin, and hope to survive this phase. But, being the chicken that I am, I think I'll cancel next week's hair appointment (don't need it anyhow!) and schedule one for a month or so from now.

Thanks again,

herodl Sat, Feb-02-02 20:47

Hair Loss, MSM & Biotin
I've been losing hair for over 6 months now since doing the Atkins. I haven't been any more stressed than usual - really the only big change has been LC eating.

I did try the MSM for two months and haven't noticed any slowing. Strangely the only effect I noticed was very vivid dreams (looked on lots of sites about side effects/reactions to MSM, but that wasn't one I ever found so ?).

Perhaps the Biotin would help. Does anyone have any info on it?



doreen T Sat, Feb-02-02 21:38

My hair has been thinning alarmingly in the last 6 months too. But it's NOT due to low-carbing .. since I've been LC'ing for nearly two years, and initially my hair was improved, feeling thicker and better condition. However, I had chronic infection in a tooth that went on for months till it was finally pulled in September, and it was in that time frame I noticed that my hair was falling out at the normal rate.. but there's no new growth .. or what little new growth there is, is extremely fragile and even finer than the rest! I started supplementing with biotin in mid-December, and I'll tell you my skin has really improved and less oily scalp .. but it's too soon to tell if there's a lot of new hair growing. I'm taking 300mcg twice a day.


Biotin often called vitamin H, is yet another B complex component. Biotin is a proven hair growth vitamin and a preventative to excessive hair loss. It appears to metabolise fatty acids. Fatty acids are a valuable growth factor in numerous processes in the body including the hair. Biotin is also seen as an aid in preventing hair turning grey.

Biotin is found in egg yolks. Raw egg whites actually hinder effectiveness, but when the albumen (egg white) is cooked, the culprit - a substance called avidin is destroyed by heat. Biotin is also present in liver, milk, yeast and kidney

Here's more information about biotin, as it relates to hair loss.


suzyjam Sun, Feb-03-02 02:53

wow, this is quite the thread!! I haven't read all the replies yet but I wanted to say that I too have hair coming out by the fist full and it is rather alarming! My husband has lost so much that his scalp is showing! I am NOT pleased!!! I'll go try to buy some Biotin tomorrow... Also I read that someone else mentioned that when she has her period it is like floodgates opening - I am experiencing this too - does this last forever??? I have to say I have no clue when it is going to happen (the horrible endometriosis like cramps are totally gone) but when it does I fear for my life! Anyone else in the same boat? And me too, I wish this had all been mentioned in the books!!!

herodl Sun, Feb-03-02 09:29

More on Biotin
Tks for the info Doreen. I went on a search after posting and have start to find some good info. One thing almost all the sites I visited said was that lack of Biotin is definitely related to hair loss, but also that Biotin deficiency is extremely rare. That said, however, I didn't get the impression that a ton of research has been done.

Also, most (medical) sites also recommend between 30-60 mcg daily, although there doesn't seem to be any adverse side effects from taking higher doses. I'm curious if you read about higher doses being beneficial and that's why you're taking 300 mcg?

I know you said it's a bit early to see new hair growth, but have you noticed that your hair loss is slowing at all?


irish Sun, Feb-03-02 10:27

hair loss and biotin
Along with all my other supplements, I'm taking a supplement for women called "Skin-Hair-Nails" that includes 500 mcg of Biotin. How does the measurment "mcg" compare to "mg"? I've been keeping up with this thread since I've had lots of hair loss, but now I'm confused about how much Biotin I'm really taking, since some people have been stating they are taking 1000 mg of Biotin.

doreen T Sun, Feb-03-02 10:34

hi herodl,

I never at any time noticed that I was losing MORE hair or losing it faster than one would normally expect .. it's just that I don't seem to be replacing the lost hairs with appreciable new growth. I will also tell you that I have long-standing chronic health problems, including low-thyroid, which I'm sure are contributing factors.

While true deficiency states of most nutrients are rare in our overfed society .. I believe that our individual needs for more of certain nutrients goes far beyond simply staving off a deficiency state. There's plenty of scientific, double-blind research to prove the therapeutic benefit of mega-dosing certain nutrients for specific health concerns for a period of time. So, while the RDA amounts of the nutrient may be sufficient to prevent illness and deficiency, our bodies may actually need much more to correct an existing problem and restore to balance.

Biotin has a wide margin of safety at large doses, over 10,000mcg per day with no reported side effects. The nutrtional reference that I use, "Prescription for Nutritional Healing", by James and Phyllis Balch (an EXCELLENT, and highly recommended reference by the way) recommended an even higher amount than I'm currently taking, and I'm considering upping the dose for a period of time. At the health food store, I can find biotin available in 300mcg, 1000mcg (1mg) and 5mg per tablet.

More info. on the use and safety of biotin can be found here.

For the record, I've also recently added MSM, (information about MSM posted above in this thread, scroll back) ... for other health concerns, but I'm hopeful that the sulfur may prove to benefit my skin and hair as well. I'm patient, and realistically don't expect to see noticeable difference for a few months.


doreen T Sun, Feb-03-02 10:44

one microgram (mcg ... also symbolically represented as µg ;)) equals one-millionth of a gram, or one-thousandth of a milligram.
  • 1,000 g (grams) = 1 kg (kilogram)
    1,000 mg (milligrams) = 1 g
    1,000 µg (micrograms) = 1 mg
Or, expressed as a decimal:
  • 1 g = 0.001 kg
    1 mg = 0.001 g
    1 µg (mcg) = 0.001 mg
Hope this helps :)


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