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katrine77 Sat, Apr-05-03 19:46

Hello everyone,
Thanks for starting this thread, TarHeel. 'and it's five six seven, open up the pearly gates. Ain't no time to wonder why, whoopee we're all gonna die" ...hmmm...Country Joe's song is even pertinent today.
I am 51 and I started this woe just about a year ago. I lost a lot at first, although I don't really know how much cuz I also don't use scales. I thought I would reach my goal weight by my 52nd birthday in October of this year but it sure doesn't look that way. I am starting to think that this might be a 5 year plan rather than a 2 year plan.
I know that I am overdoing it on carbs...somedays getting almost 60 grams! yikes. But most days hovering aroudn 30-35.
However, I feel GREAT! and will never go back to my high carb ways. I am in this for life!
So happy to find other's my age. I wonder if there are any articles or info from Dr Atkins regarding age and this woe.
Nice to see you all here!
:wave: kathy

jude Sat, Apr-05-03 20:28

Hi Everyone,

It's great to hear from people in my age group (I'm 60). There's a lot of talk about slowing metabolism the older we get and I guess its probably true, but I can't say I'm unhappy with my results so far. I've been doing Atkins for about 8 months and I'm down 48 lbs. Not bad for an old broad, I think. Certainly better results than I ever had doing low fat, low cal--and the food is so much more appetizing.

Now if I could only stop procrastinating and start exersizing.


tigeraspen Sun, Apr-06-03 19:39

Hey all,

This sounds like a friendly bunch so I am hoppin' on!

I am 50, very soon to be 51. Am low carbing it again. The weight is not moving but I feel GREAT. So I have decided the weight loss is secondary. My clothes fit better and I am getting weight loss compliments. :D

I know I will start to lose once I get back to golf and tennis and also getting the outdoor grill fired up. It has been a tough winter here in the Northeast.

Your stories are encouraging. Thanks for the support! :wave:

thumperjb Sun, Apr-06-03 20:02

I am turning 50 this year. I was on Atkins in my 30's and I lost much faster then. This time around it seems I have to stick with the plan much closer and count every little partial gram of carbs (spices even) and exercise more often to see results. When I was younger if I sorta kept to the plan I would still lose. My goal is to be to my target weight by my birthday :) It could happen, I figure turning 50 is a downer but if I face it with a thinner frame it will not be so bad.

tigeraspen Mon, Apr-07-03 05:39

Hey Thumper,

Great loss so far. When is your birthday? Mine is April 24. My goal is 150 by 7/4. :roll:

Have a good day all!

katrine77 Mon, Apr-07-03 08:03

Just an observation
I was visiting the success stories yesterday and WOW :eek: some of those folks have done amazingly well with this WOE. It was so inspiring! :cheer:
One thing i did notice was that most of them were men. And the women were much younger than any of us.
I would like to read a success story of a middleaged woman, with more than 75 lbs to lose. Anyone seen anything like this on this forum?

GramnGramp Tue, Apr-08-03 09:41

The turtle is gaining on the Hare
From a fellow turtle, just want to tell you that after 5 weeks of no loss, I am down 3 lbs this morning.

DH (the Hare) did not lose anything this past week. Maybe I will catch up with him. LOL, not likely, he has lost 25.5 lbs in the same amount of time that I have lost 9.

Oh well, at least he doesn't "rub it in". That could be because I cook all the meals!!!!! ;)

Keep the faith :exclm:

Pat S. Tue, Apr-08-03 10:11

I have just started losing after an after induction stall Yeah!! Now for the more mature set what are you suppose to do with the loose skin and wrinkles. LOL I think I need a miracle. Pat S

tigeraspen Tue, Apr-08-03 16:38

WTG Gram!!!!!!!! :roll:

JoNan Wed, Apr-09-03 08:24

Frustratingly Slow but determined...
Hi Everyone--this is the first time I've posted a note, although I've been a regular reader of all the forums. Guess the "Over 50 and Slow To Lose" struck a chord with me! I first began LCing WAAAAY back in the 60s when Dr. Atkins' first book hit the stands. I was still a young teenager, but wanted to be "thin and in" regardless. Was also anorexic for a spell before, so you could say I've done a real job on my metabolism. Back then I could easilylose 5 pounds a week. Not so today! :(

Anyway...I've LCed many times over the years, always with results...relatively...but the ONE thing I never learned then was that this must be a WOE, not a diet. Consequently, the weight always returned--sometimes quickly; sometimes more slowly.

So now I'm in the midst of what might be termed "The Final Battle" i.e. doing this properly at last, so results will be permanent.

Of all the things I think I've learned up to now, I think the following must be the most crucial to success:

1. This is NOT a "quick fix"; it must be a WOL
2. Patience and persistence are key: don't give up, for results WILL follow if you're determined and follow your plan.

End of epistle! I can't say how much I admire folk on this forum who have much more to lose than I do, but remain committed, enthusiastic, and positive throughout! Kudos to all of you!

tigeraspen Wed, Apr-09-03 16:41

Poor Dr. Atkins.

He fell on the ice yesterday and had head surgery.

Bummer. :(

musicmama Wed, Apr-09-03 23:48

Saw your thread and had to stop by......I just turned 56 last month,,,have been LC'ing since June 20th, far have gone from a tight size 26 to a comfy 20,,so I guess I cant complain,,,although like some of the others, I too did this in my thirties and lost a lot of weight faster. Oh well,,,,,,this time I am really doing it for health reasons. :D
I have noticed something neat,,,I can get up and out of the bathtub now,,,withoug having to get on my knees!!! That is a definate plus! :thup:
I did a real job on my metabolism too,,,,weight watchers,,,stillmans,,,physicians Weight loss clubs,,,,,,,anything I could try. But the difference is,,I never really committed to any of them. This is the longest I have stayed with any plan. I feel good,,,look better,,,,and it had finally become a way of life. I love it!

Great reading all your stories, keep posting!!

cya lighter :wave:

tigeraspen Thu, Apr-10-03 05:11

Way to Go Musicmama!!!!!!!

Keep up the good work :thup:


willeke Sat, Apr-12-03 15:39

hi all! what a nice thread this is! I certainly fit in, am 53, post menopausal and this is my 3rd time on Atkins, and now for life, absolutely! I lose extremely slow, can't have cheese or nuts, then I even gain weight, but still, I did lose some weight and more will follow.
If I lose 10 pounds a year I will still slowly get thinner...
Of course I hope it'll go faster, but I cannot do more than my best. Tried the fat fast a few weeks ago, but felt so sick after two days that I've stopped.
Am eating a bit more vegetables now, because I didn;t lose weight, even when I stayed on induction level, and hoped that would sort of jum strat my metabolism!

Am planning to do more exercise, but really don't know where to find the time!

ah well, I hope this thread will run a long time!!!!!!


TarHeel Sat, Apr-12-03 16:33

Hi Everyone....I'm glad this thread seems to be proving helpful to us more mature folks. At first I was trying to reply to everyone personally, but then I started a journal and it is beginning to take way too long to respond to everyone everywhere.

But would like to say that I have lost two pounds this week after having been stuck for over three weeks.. And I put on a pair of pants today that I can't believe were ever mine (it is possible they weren't , but I'm not going there) since they are much too big. Weight loss for us continues to be slow, but much better than the alternative.

And I'm beginning to realize that things tend to slow down for almost everyone, not just us oldsters, as they continue on the journey, regardless of age or amount to lose. Makes me a bit annoyed at all the hype in the Atkins book but how else was he going to make money on it? I know, I know, he is in a coma, and I wish him well.....but I still feel a bit cheated by all the success stories in the book. Were it not from reading on this board I would have given up by now..... I AM extremely appreciative of the fact that he brought low carb eating to the forefront and to me. Just not convinced that he is quite the same category as Sister Theresa.

I'm not even sure Sister Theresa is in the same category as Sister Theresa. Good thing I'm not Catholic, saints make me nervous.

Hope I am not offending anyone; if so, I'm am sure I will hear about it!


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