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ChristyC Mon, Mar-24-03 17:10

Hi everyone, I'm from Columbus Ohio. I think all of you are doing awesome:). I have had great sucess so far with LC, and I hope I continue to do so. I started at the end of October 2002 at 198 lbs. By Christmas I was down to 165 lbs. I quit the diet in January, and just returned last weekend. I've lost almost 7 lbs this week!!!!. This might not work for everyone...but here is what I did:

I fried my eggs in olive oil or butter, put xtra low carb dressing on my salads, use cheese with almost everything, and drank lots of water. I also took 2 apple cider vinegar tablets 3 times a day. ACV is known for many health benefits, but also for flushing fat out of your system. They do taste really bad, but its not so bad if taken with diet pop or something with flavor. Not only did I lose 54lbs in a quick amount of time, my hair and skin look alot better, my sugar cravings are gone, and I have tons of energy. ACV pills are very inexpensive, so it might be worth a shot. I hope this helps somewhat...i wish you all the best of luck:)

Cher422 Mon, Mar-24-03 20:00

Hi! Is there any particular type of AVC that you buy? Where did you get it from? I've seen alot of variety out there and never tried to supplement with it b/c I don't know enough about it. Any extra info about it that you could tell me woul be great.

-Cher have done such am AWESOME job with weight loss!!
Keep up the great work!

ChristyC Mon, Mar-24-03 20:14

Hiya Cher422----The type of ACV I buy is called Natures Bounty, I buy it at walmart here, its a little over $3.00 for 200 tablets. You can buy it in any grocery or healthfood store. I buy this brand because it contains ONLY ACV, not a whole bunch of added things that you don't need or could be harmful. A good website to check out is It gives alot of detailed info on ACV and how it helps you lose weight. Good luck:)

Amieq Tue, Mar-25-03 05:50

How did everyone make out yesterday?
Did everyone get motivated for the April Challenge?

My weight stayed down the pound (hurrah- must be real!) and I managed:
  1. 25 mins of exercise
  2. 66 grams of protein
  3. 9.5 grams of carbs
  4. 9 glasses of water plus two cups of green tea

It was a loooong day at work yesterday, so I was dying to indulge in a comfort food at dinner. Made fauxtatoes and felt like I was doing something wonderful!

How did everyone else do?

MAC Artist Tue, Mar-25-03 06:33

HI RED and Cher
Hey Girls

Great to see your enthusiasm!! I'm going to keep a list of all the challenge members , that way I can keep in touch with you personally if u need it.

Here are my goals and stats:

5'7, 155 pounds on atkins for the last 3 weeks

LONG term GOAL: Lose 20-25 pounds, lower body fat to 17% from 22% and fit into my 26 inch jeans!!

APril Goals:

Lose 5 pounds
Lose an inch off my waist
Workout 4-5 times per week in gym
be more creative with meals
eat 1500-1600 cals a day

I wnat to get buff for SUMMER!! I want to be able to really get in shape during the spring so that I'm not panicky come JUne :))

I am soo happy to see the response!! I truly hope you all discover something more than just weightloss during the next month. You may find your inner strength and determination surface like never before. YOu may discover a person you've never really seen before in that mirror. A strong, healthy, more energetic and CONFIDENT individual.

HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK TO ALL. BE sure to check in often and let us know how your doing!


PS great goals by the way girls. ALWAYS KEEP THOSE GOALS IN MIND < especially when the going gets tough and u feel like cheating or missing a workout! Write them down and POST them on your fridge also and read them everyday :) believe this works!!

MAC Artist Tue, Mar-25-03 06:38

Apple Cider Vinegar
Hi Christy and welcome to the challenge!

I've never tried teh ACV pills before. I alwasy thought it was a hoax for weightloss. BUt now I'm finding alot of people say great things about it. NOt just weightloss but other great effects. How long have u been taking them? I might just go out and buy myself a bottle. I'm also thinking of buying L carnitine. BU tnot sure if thats a waste of money. I'll need to do some more research. Well keep in touch! and great going with the weightloss your already experiencing! YOU GO GIRL!


BeccaResRN Tue, Mar-25-03 06:41

Hello All
I will Join the April challange

I am 28... :rolleyes: almost

1. reach goal weight cheating..eating any taboo items
3.exercise 30 min 3 times a week or more...I am sooo busy this is all I can try for right now better than my none right now
4.drink minimum 2 L water a day
5. decrease diet pop consumption to 3 day...better than now
6.try to join the gym this will help with #3
7. try those apple cider vinegar tablets or some other supplemnts suggested

MAC artist.....I do live in Arizona but I live in the area call the white mountains...guess why these mountains are white...snow!!!
You are talking about Phoenix I am sure which is abou 3 hours from here but the nearest major city so i've been there alot. In the spring fall and winter I love it in the summer it is so hot it feels like I might turn into a roasted red pepper!!! But I still really like the city and miss living in city if I could I would move there...but I can't I have another years contract here...

Well Bye ya

ChristyC Tue, Mar-25-03 10:27

Hi mac.....I've been taking ACV pills since the end of October. Even when I went off of the diet for a month and a half...i still took them and didn't gain any weight. I actually lost 3 lbs. So far since returning to lc last week, i've lost almost 8 lbs and thats only doing regular activities like cleaning and chasing kids, and pilates every night. You should give it a try:). GOOD LUCK

Laura-Lyn Wed, Mar-26-03 12:08

April challenge here I come!
Name: Laura-Lynn
Current Weight: 150lbs
Height: 5 feet 9 inches

April challenge goals:

-Do not cheat!!!
-Reduce consumption of AS
-Keep a written list of everything I eat
-eat more veggies
-consistently do morning cardio before breakfast
-do Winsor pilates videos every second night
-start going to the gym
-wear ankle weights under my clothing
-loose 5 pounds

MAC Artist Fri, Mar-28-03 12:07

GREAT tp SEE you all
SO i'm really pumped up about the April challenge!!

I just lost my first 3 pounds and 1 inch off my waist since starting atkins about 3 weeks ago. I was so frsutrated at first. So I'll be going into the challenge a little more positive and motivated to achieve my goals.

Just wondering have any of you included some fruit in your meals? I am hesistant to begin eating small amounts of fruit. I am not sure how it will affect my blood sugar. I am thinking of just having a few times per week some berries with my breakfast.

let me know your thoughts


Cher422 Sat, Mar-29-03 16:40

about berries...
I haven't added any berries, but more so b/c they are out of season right now and too expensive....and I don't really like the frozen ones! But, I've heard /read from people that adding them in small amounts as you are thinking about is alright. I would be interested to see how that works for you.

I am all ready for the April Challenge!!!


Laura-Lyn Mon, Mar-31-03 13:06

Need some motivation!
I am having a rough time. The whole week-end I cheated. I ate lc food and finished it off with sugary desserts. Not much of them, certainly less than I used to eat, but still cheating. I also can't seem to start going to the gym. I think about going, I even gather clothing to go, but then I come up with some excuse not to. I feel embarased. It is a viscious circle. I don't want to go to the gym until I have some basic fitness and muscle mass, I won't be fit or have muscle mass if I don't go to the gym. I know this intellectually, but am having a hard time going. I wish I had a local gym buddy.

I want to get an ice cream cone when I'm rollerblading. I want to eat pasta. I want to eat lots of fruit. I miss fruit!

I'm not usually this whiney, I am just having a negative LC time right now. I want to participate in the April challenge I just feel so unmotivated. Can anyone provide a little external motivation?

LL's Journal

red1cutie Mon, Mar-31-03 19:29

Hi Everyone! We start tomorrow :D . Good luck.

Thank you Christy for the advice about ACV. I got some apple cider vinegar capsules (not sure if they are the same brand (500mg)).

I am staying on induction. My weight loss has been slow. I have lost only 10 pounds and I have been on Atkins since Feb 19, 2003. I would love to lose 10 pounds by the end of the month, if not, then inches.

I am not sure how we will do this. Piera, will you set up a board for each week of April where we can log our activities based on our goals. Just so the post does not go too long? What does everyone think?

Hey Laura, I know how you feel. I started working out and then stopped when I caught a cough and I can't seem to get back into it. Just remember if you do this challenge for 1 month faithfully and see how well you do. Just commit to 1 month. Then if you really hate it then at least you gave it your best effort. We will support you. This board will be great for doing this. Just remember if you do this for a month you will be closer to your goal and it will get easier the longer you do it. I think we should all get some l-glutamine for cravings and for working out.

Let's make April as rewarding as we can. We can do this!


Cher422 Mon, Mar-31-03 20:34

I'm ready!
Hi all!
I am ready!! I still need to get some ACV to try, but that will come sometime this week. I made an April schedule for working out and I am going to stick to it. Tonight I am going to take measurements....I hope I at least lose inches in April!! I'm still stuck at 180. Oh well. Maybe a bit more exercise will get that a moving DOWN, at least to 179.....that would make me happy!!

Laura-Lyn-- it can be tough to stay on sometimes, but YOU CAN DO IT!!! I understand where you are coming from with the whole gym workout thing. I prefer to work out at home anyday. In the gym I always feel like everyone is watching me, but in reality, nobody is paying any attention to me....everyone is there for the same work out. If you don't want to go to the gym, there are plenty of exercises that you can do at home....leg lifts, exercise videos, arm stuff, abs.....and more! As for fruit, I stil haven't added it in (more b/c of the expense of berries right now), but you could have some berries a few times a week. You can do it...stick with it, at least through April and we will all be right here for you... hang in there.

Good luck to all!!!


Cher422 Tue, Apr-01-03 20:26

Alright everyone, the challenge has begun!!!
-Today I went for a 45 min walk and I am going to do my arm workout later for a study break.

Goodl luck to all!

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