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fuzzy Fri, Feb-28-03 05:40

Originally posted by pinkpebble

The bread and chicken issue is more to do with the fact that the idea of the MM is to keep the over all GI of any one meal as low as possible. Bread (even the good stuff) is pretty high, and when you couple this with meat (however lean it is) which is also pretty high you get a GI which is too high for you to loose weight. From the book you need to be aiming for GI less that or around 35 per meal in order to loose weight.

Hi all - I have been doing Montignac off and on (more off to be honest) for the past year and have read a couple of his books.

I'm a bit confused about the above though, because as far as I was aware meats (as long as they are not breaded etc) were off the GI list as they were so low, and one only has to be concerned about the fat content. If one were to find a suitably grainy low GI bread, surely lean chicken is allowed if no fat is present???

And I agree, his website is dreadful, you would think with his money he could invest in a good webmaster.

Spang Fri, Feb-28-03 10:29

I would say that it is more about mixing those carbs into a protein lipid meal.

If you are on phase 1 of montignac, i don't think you should be eating bread, whoever low GI I've never seen any that were under 35.

as far as i know, chcicken has no carbs, right? its all protein and fats

Sandra72 Fri, Feb-28-03 11:55

Hi there,

it is so nice to see all these people coming out of the corners.

From all the posts I've read I figure that I'm still eating too much cheese. Today I didn't have time to prepare my lunch and had a big bowl of yoghurt with strawberrys, but getting home at 5 I was so hungry that I had to snack. And since I again couldn't think of anything, I ended up eating cheese again... should have been some carrots, I guess, but the hunger was really big :(

Pink Pebbles, I'll go for your advice and just try it next time to tell my people about Montignac, but since I made a lot of bad experiences concerning that I got quite touchy on this topic. I hate it when people look at me with this expression on their face: " Well, so she gives it another try...". I think you all know what I mean...

Yesterday I told my husband about MM (he by the way is one of those who don't believe anymore that I one day will find something that works for me, for him it is just a lack of self control...) and this time he was really impressed and promised to support me. But well, I will tell you in two month how he's doing... :D

I cut out the bread as you recommended, Spang, and I don't miss it at all anymore. I'm so happy with my seafood, meat and veggies, some oatmeal once in a while, some fruits. But still it is hard to find something if I'm short on time. In my former diets I always opted for Not eating anything, but I don't want to do that anymore, so I have to get used to planning my food of the following day and prepare something if I know that I want have time to cook the next day...

Are you girls at home or are you working? I'm now doing my spanish class each day until 1pm, then need one hour to get home, so normally I have time to prepare something. but if I have something to do in the city, my time gets short... any advices for that one? :q:

wish you all a wonderfull weekend. :wave:


Spang Fri, Feb-28-03 12:41

Oh I've been hanging around in this quiet corner of the forums for a while... it gets lonely sometimes! :p

You probably felt hungry on your lunch of yog and strawbs because it didn't have enough protein. I tend to make lunch (or at least try!) the biggest meal of the day!

If you need those snacks - try mixing them up, so not rely just on carrots or just on cheese. I'm sure you know this already, but if you get the right sized meals, you shouldn't have to snack.
It will take some time to balance that one out for you.

I can't remember who I gave this advice to recently (I think it was Daneo52) - but without offending you or your friends, my advice about those "friends" who feel skeptical about your eating change choices, ignore them! Don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate changes. Look at this whole thing as a challenge and something to look forward to. Have the attitude that you can disprove your friends who think that "it won't work again". Hey - at least you are trying to improve yourself!

I explained my new eating plans with friends when I started it, and they looked at me as if I was crazy, especially as I somehow couldn't sound as convincing about the Montignac principles when I tried to repeat them! Now they are tired of me talking about it (LOL) but they are impressed with the results!

If you have problems when you go to friends houses when not wanting to eat foods you shouldn't, but not wanting to appear rude - just say you are allergic to it, or something like that.

It does take a while to prepare foods on MM - I have the same time problems as you, Sandra. I'm eating for 1 person (normally) - so I tend to make 1 big meal and eat leftovers for a while. Which is far from ideal, and may not be for everyone. I'll try think of some other safe fast food alternatives. 1 from the top of my head is a version of macaroni cheese, using wholewheat / soy pasta and tomatoes. it takes about 15 - 30 mins to prepare. i'll post the recipe for that if you are interested.

i'm a worker!!! I spend precious little time at home :(


Sandra72 Sat, Mar-01-03 05:26

I just read this other thread in here about Ketostix. I have to admit that I've never heard of this before, and as you do, spang, I don't believe that this is part of the Montignac plan. But I got curious and found two pages which explain the whole ketosis thing a little. (very nice explanation) (much more scientific)

I don't want to worry about that, and I won't buy me these sticks, but it does explain a little bit the way that also the MM is working, although it seems to apply more to the Atkins Diet (I'm not very familiar with that one).

I'm fine so far, though yesterday it was very hard for me during the evening to keep me from eating chocolate and sweets. I didn't give in!!! :thup: :thup: :thup:

Last night it was the first time we had a whole dinner (without dessert, since I'm on Phase I) on Montignac, and it was delicious. I really get into this cooking thing, it's unbelievable, because I did really hate it. And the recipes are very quick and tasty...

But I do this now for only a week, and still can't promise that I will stick to it. But I hope not to bacome weak. I would really like to weigh in, but I don't dare, I will wait one month and then give it a try. But, hey, I'm getting impatient...

Have a nice Saturday you all...


Spang Thu, Mar-06-03 01:37

IMHO, ketosis is a dangerous kettle of fish that I personally do not want to actively force my body into.

I've been warned by doctor friends about the strain that your liver goes into when you go into ketosis.

But I don't want to preach about what people should and shouldn't do, as I am not medically qualified to talk with great authority on this.

I've read a bit about it, and ketosis seems to be a false way of losing weight. According to my favorite book ;), the rapid weight lose you can get when in ketosis, is mainly water and muscle glycogen. When carbs are no longer being supplied in sufficient amounts by diet, the body uses its carb reserves (glycogen) to fuel muscle contraction ete.

One gram of carbs in the form of muscle and liver glycogen binds 4 grams of water. So when you use up your reserves of glycogen (about 500 grams) in the first few days, you also lose about 2 kgs of water, for a total loss of 2.5 kgs - none of it is fat. When you return to normal eating - you'll gain that water back...

There are all kinds of other bits of information that I've picked up that paint a far from rosy long term health picture for me.

It is for these personal reasons and interpretation that I do not want to go into ketosis.

my 2 cents!

Spang Thu, Mar-06-03 01:39

After saying all of this above in my previous post. We have to face it - we are on a very pro Atkins forum. There are a lot of people here that will disagree with me.

Of course, they have every right to disagree with me. I'm just pointing out how I feel on the subject!


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