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HerbNurse Sun, Mar-09-03 15:49

Originally posted by Karen
<b>Me too. Any percieved problems I have with low-carbing were created by me so I find ways to solve them. And the way I solve them is by going back to the basic program I started with. I have only myself to search and critique, not the program. It's delivered what it said it would do if I'm faithful to it. If I'm not being faithful, then I'm just being stupid.</b>

Well said Karen!!


It is so much easier to blame this WOE for not losing then to accept responsibility for your own actions. Have you really followed it to the letter?

Hum, I wonder?


gkeenan Sun, Mar-09-03 19:41

Koko, I often wonder why posts like this one tend to make so many angry and defensive. You did not have a good run at it...that is ok, and I wish you good luck with whatever you find. I for one had a very long stall (almost a year) but finally got to the point of looking at how I was doing Atkins (or not doing and found many many flaws in my plan. I've upped my fat, lowered my protein and calories and the whoosh fairy has been visiting me on a regular basis for about a month now (dropped a whole size in one month!) This way of eating has never made me feel like I have to defend my choices rather it be to someone that thinks it is a dangerous plan or to someone that did not lose on it...I'm not sure why so many get so upset...anyways...good luck in whatever you do, I hope you find peace.


HerbNurse Mon, Mar-10-03 09:04


I came back this morning and read my post and want to apologize for coming across so harsh.

I had the same problem, never lost weight and I thought Atkins WOE was a bunch of bunk!! Then I looked at what I was eating and I was fooling myself. I was cheating. Maybe ever so slightly and not that much to where I thought it would make a difference, but it did. I too was in denial for a very long time. Now I know better.

I wish you well on whatever course of action you take to get to your goal.


eva123 Tue, Mar-11-03 01:59

I read this thread entirely this morning and, wow!! I only have one thing in mind: why do people take offence when someone gives his/her humble opinion.?
The plan is suitable for some people and inadequate for others. That is a fact.

Please let's take the time to distinguish between a generalisation (gosh, is this even an english word?) and one's self analysis.

I have not lost much on Atkins but because I decided when I started that it'd be a WOL, I found days when it really pisses me off but <b>many</b> more when I am thinking it will take time. I know it will, weight did not come in one day. True: it is frustrating but hey......... I try and be reasonable (at times)
It is really the first time I am following a "diet" plan (i prefer to say WOE or different nutritional combination) :read:

Also, I believe that the fewer the pounds you have to lose, the longer it takes... do not know much about body science but it seems to be that way.

My post on this thread is only to
*wish good luck to those who came here because they, too, did not lose much and
*congratulate those who are steadily losing the extra pounds. it must be great to have find the right combination.

<b>gracie-poo</b> I can only agree that yo-yo dieters have definitely screwed their metabolism. Surely their poor system does not know what is what anymore! Yet, I have never done any diet and AT THE MOMENT, hit a stall. I am sure it is normal and I just need to find the right switch to turn on! ok, ok.. it won't happen this week after this bad week!! (after 3 months of being the perfect pupil, I messed everything up last week with more carbs than expected! guilty) :nono:

<b>HerbNurse</b> Although I can never say this is a bunch of bunk (which i suppose means something brown and smelly..), I will definitely look more closely at what I eat. Every little bit could potentially hide something inducing the stall. So many people have made it work for them (success stories).

I am not attacking anyone. Just giving my point of view. Everyone is looking for whatever will make them happy and satisfied with the results.

Thing to keep in mind (in my opinion): there is no quick fix yet it is imperative you feel good with your programme to ensure you stick with it. This has also given me the opportunity to gain, as <b>LisaN</b> puts it, a better understanding of how "my body works". That is important, especially as a woman. I am 28 and had no idea hormones affected my body so much! Sad I know :blush:

Ciao! :wave:

KoKo Tue, Mar-11-03 17:57

I was wrong ok,I sincerely apologize,Please let it be
I was wrong ok,I sincerely apologize,Please let it be

I made the post "notice they don't lose much weight". I regret it, I wish I had not done that. On the day that I made that post I was very upset, had been doing Atkins for over a month and was 3 pounds heavier than when I started, before anyone jumps in and says "oh I read your journal and you did this wrong or that wrong" I am being quite fair in my comparison that if I had been on any other diet and cheated as seldom as I did on Atkins with the same result I would have been just as upset. To some of you 3 lbs is not a lot, to me it is a good percentage of what I have to lose, so it is a big deal.

So back to the point, I was really upset, I'm a very emotional person and I guess I was taking anger out in a very stupid way. I went a week or so later to edit the post and the edit time limit had past. I realize that I probably could have asked a mediator to delete it but I figured hey I did it I might as well take the shit for it. What I didn't think of was how it might continue to haunt me, thinking that I might hurt people that I have come to look on as freinds. This will be a lesson to me that my temper tantrums even when they are virtual still have very real consequences.

I would ask you all to please forgive me and not make any more postings to that thread.

jessea Tue, Mar-11-03 22:28

We all love ya, Koko, no apologies needed. We all have bad days. I have read some really mean posts on here, and yours could never be considered mean. I don't think you have an unkind bone in your body!

You are brave and I am proud of you for not quitting!

Have a great day!!!!!


eva123 Wed, Mar-12-03 01:54

Why are you apologising?!

I disagree KoKo. Who are you apologising to? Your post clearly stated it was your experience:

After trying this diet (Atkins) for 5 or 6 weeks,without impressive results I am quitting it, for me its been a waste of time.
There are reasons its not working for me, at the age I am now, any weight loss would be slower than it used to be.

You were asking for people's thoughts, not starting a war.

Do not apologise for this. Not many would have even dared say it; so, stay true and natural.

Sydney1030 Fri, Mar-14-03 15:22

I have been really happy with the low-carb way of eating and it's the only thing that has worked for me to rid myself of the weight I gained w/2 pregnancies in 3 years. I used to eat low-fat, low calorie and work out 5-6 days a week, but never got closer than 7lbs away from my goal weight (my pre-pregnancy weight). Now I eat all I want, just low-carb. I'm never hungry, my skin is better (no breakouts), I have more energy and never need a nap in the afternoon like I used to. I workout 2-3 days a week and am seeing great results. I'm 9 lbs away from my goal weight and know that I'll reach it no problem as long as I stick to my low-carb way of life. No-one can believe I look this good only 4 months after my daughter's birth! Low-carb is now a way of life for me.
HOWEVER, I do believe that no plan works for everyone, and for some low-carbing isn't the way to go. No biggy. All people are different, and one way of eating won't work for all.

gkeenan Sun, Mar-23-03 21:12

you know KoKo when I posted before it was before I sat down and did the stats...I'm averaged about 3lbs a month for the past 18 months...that sucks! I never realized how slow this diet is until I came to this board...I am finding I am fed up...want this weight off before it has an opportunity to kill the rate I'm going I will be on this diet for another year before I see my goal you that is not acceptable. There are wonderful trade offs with this woe but I want the weight off...I started Atkins to lose weight my goal is to lose weight. I'm discouraged for the first time ever on this diet... The problem I have now is that I am sort of a prisoner of Atkins...if I eat carbs it messes with my digestive is very painful, thus, I stay to low carbing...I wish I had know how much it would mess up my system and how difficult it will be to switch to something else. No matter what if I eat carbs now I will gain...excited this week that I was down 1 lb can you imagine that...excited over one lb! :confused:

tigersue Wed, Mar-26-03 20:42

I'm a pretty slow looser, I lose better on TSP, I think she explains why some people gain, or lose very slowly on the programs. It is all in how healthy your hormonal system is. The more you have to heal the harder it is.
For me this WOE, really is about healing, not so much about weight loss, though trust me, I wish it could be faster. I am one of those that cheers at a 1 pound a month loss. That for me is good. Always has been, hasn't mattered if it was low carb, or low fat.

wwdimmitt Thu, Mar-27-03 08:46


The great thing is that, even though the trend is slow, the trend is downward! A year from now you will be about 12 pounds less fat, permanently.

The most encouraging signs that I see on these boards are people like yourself who are reversing the long term trend whereby most of us gained all that unhealthy, and unwanted, fat in the first place.

My personal trend is somewhat faster, but it will still take me well over one year of dedicated low carb regimen to get at or near my goal weight and body fat percentage.

But, in the meantime, my health and well being has improved hugely, in just six months! I am in better shape now than I have been in the past 20-25 years, and that is why this WOE is well worth the persistent, somewhat slow, effort that it takes to make it successful.

This is not a fad diet to reach some short term goal, this is a lifelong way of eating that will maintain fitness and good health. IMHO, of course!

Keep on, keepn' on! :wave:

tigersue Fri, Mar-28-03 12:10

I could give a number of example of what has changed for me doing this, but it is all in my journal. Loosing weight is a patience game, it will always be that for me, so my goal is to be more patient than my body. IT will have to give in first not my will.
Tanya :spin:

alibubble Sat, Mar-29-03 16:53

Hi Koko,

Please don't be upset, I have no idea why your original post would offend anyone. I thought it was a perfectly acceptable observation, one that I have also made.

Unfortunately some folk on here use bullying tactics. They can't see your face, so it's easy for them to be nasty to you.

Good luck and let's hope that all of us find what's right for us.


Rosebud Sat, Mar-29-03 17:35

Unfortunately some folk on here use bullying tactics. They can't see your face, so it's easy for them to be nasty to you.

Ali, can I just remind you about the "report this post to a moderator" button at the bottom of every post?

This board has zero tolerance for bullying or nastiness, so if you ever see a post that you find offensive, please report it rather than mention it in a future thread.


Pugzilla Sat, Apr-26-03 15:34

Atkins is my last chance at losing weight. If this doesn't work for me, I will be getting surgery.

I posted this thought after I did my first Induction and was disappointed with my weight loss. I thought I was losing too slowly and was ready to abandon the plan.

However, someone wisely advised me to give it at least 6 months, as surely that is how much prep time it will take before I could have the surgery anyway.

That was pretty good advice and I have now committed to following this plan - probably for life, but at least for the next 6 months to give it a really fair shot.

And you know what? I haven't remeasured myself but I can tell my clothes are getting loser. Someone who hadn't seen me in a while asked me if I was losing weight. And most of all, I feel so unbelievably better both physically AND mentally that it will be easier to stay with Atkins than to abandon it.

So, I am hopeful that I make significant progress in these upcoming months. I believe I am already on my way there, even though I too seem to be losing slowly so far.

I'm sure Atkins or any other plan for that matter, isn't for everyone. I hope you find the one that will work for you and wish you nothing but the best. However, I hope that whichever plan you choose, you give it at least a fair chance of working, and to do that, you might have to stick with it for longer than 5 or 6 weeks.

Good Luck! :sunny:

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