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rachelthea Fri, Mar-07-03 07:35

UBWO 3/7/03
C1 W3 D19
- 5 min. treadmill for warm-up

Chest Press

-12 x 2.5 plates; 10 x 3; 8 x 3.5; 6 x 4; 12 x 3.5
Incline press machine
-12 x 2 plates

Lateral raise machine

-12 x 25 lbs; 10 x 30; 8 x 35; 6 x 40; 12 x 35...increase by 5 lbs. next time.
Shoulder press machine
-12 x 2 plates...increase by 5 lbs. next time.

[b]Cable seated row

-12 x 15 lbs; 10 x 20; 8 x 25; 6 x 30; 12 x 25...increase by 5 lbs. next time.
Lat pulldown
-12 x 50 lbs.

Arm curl machine

-12 x 1.5 plates; 10 x 2; 8 x 2.5; 6 x 3; 12 x 2
Cable curl
-12 x 5 lbs...increase by 2.5 lbs. next time.

Cable Extension

-12 x 10 lbs; 10 x 15; 8 x 20; 6 x 25; 12 x 20...increase by 5 lbs. next time.
Tricep ext. machine
-12 x 2 plates...increase by 2.5 lbs. next time.

Good workout today...feeling somewhat stronger. One more week of this routine, then I'll try switching it around some. I don't feel very comfortable with free weights, but would really like to give them a try. I think I'll set up an appt. with a trainer at the gym, just to go over some free weight exercises and make sure I'm doing them correctly.

rachelthea Tue, Mar-11-03 07:36

Been awhile since I had internet I've got a few days to catch up on reporting here. Happy to say that I didn't miss a workout, even though I was away at a conference!

UBWO 3/7/03
C1 W3 D19
- 5 min. treadmill for warm-up

Chest Press

-12 x 2.5 plates; 10 x 3; 8 x 3.5; 6 x 4; 12 x 3.5
Incline press machine
-12 x 2 plates

Lateral raise machine

-12 x 25 lbs; 10 x 30; 8 x 35; 6 x 40; 12 x 35...increase by 5 lbs. next time
Shoulder press machine
-12 x 2 plates...increase by 5 lbs. next time

Seated Row

-12 x 15 lbs; 10 x 20; 8 x 25; 6 x 30; 12 x 25...increase by 5 lbs. next time
Lat Pulldown
-12 x 50 lbs.

Arm curl machine

-12 x 1.5 plates; 10 x 2; 8 x 2.5; 6 x 3; 12 x 2
Cable curl
-12 x 5 lbs...increase by 2.5 lbs. next time

Cable Extension

-12 x 10 lbs; 10 x 15; 8 x 20; 6 x 25; 12 x 20...increase by 5 lbs. next time
Tricep ext. machine
-12 x 2 plates...increase by 2.5 lbs. next time

Cardio 3/8/03
C1 W3 D20

-5 min low intensity warm-up: 2.6-3.2 mph, 0-4% incline
-2 min. at 3.1 mph, 5% incline
-16 min; four intervals: 3.1 mph at 6, 7, 8, 9% incline
-1 min. at 3.1 mph, 10% incline
-2 min at 3.1, 5% incline
-4 min low intensity cool-down: 3.1-2.5 mph, 4-0% incline

Wasn't able to keep it at 3.2 today...perhaps because I was using a completely different treadmill (different brand and everything). I guess the important thing is to finish, even if it is not at the level as last time. This is tough for me to accept, though...I feel like I should always be maintaining or increasing intensity, never dropping! Part of my perfectionist, all-or-nothing mentality, I guess. I know I do much better when I can let that go, at least a bit.

Free day 3/9/03
C1 W3 D21

Did 45 minutes, moderate intensity, on treadmill today. Was in the mood to move a bit, not just to sit around all day! Did about 10 min. slow warm-up, 30 min at 3.1 mph, 4% incline, then 5 min cooldown.

LBWO 3/10/03
C1 W4 D22
-5 min. elliptical for warm-up

Leg Press

-12 x 4.5 plates; 10 x 5; 8 x 5.5; 6 x 6; 12 x 5.5
Quad extension
-12 x 3 plates...OWWW!!!

Lying Leg Curl

-12 x 3 plates; 10 x 3.5; 8 x 4; 6 x 4.5; 12 x 4
Seated Leg Curl
-12 x 6 plates...increase to 7 or 8 plates next time

Seated calf raise

-12 x 25 lbs.; 10 x 30; 8 x 32.5; 6 x 35; 12 x 32.5...this was really causing some serious shin splints today. Perhaps I should go back to the standing calf raises for the main exercise.
Standing calf raise
-12 x 2 plates

Ab machine (lying)

-12 x 20 lbs; 10 x 25; 8 x 30; 6 x 35; 12 x 25
Ab machine (seated)
-12 x 40 lbs.
Upright leg lifts

Cardio 3/11/03
C1 W4 D23

-5 min 2.6-3.2 mph, 0% incline
-5 min 3.2 mph, 0-4% incline
-2 min. at 3.2 mph, 5% incline
-4 min; one intervals: 3.1 mph at 6, 7, 8, 9% incline
-12 min; three intervals: 3.0 mph at 6, 7, 8, 9% incline
-2 min. at 3.0 mph, 10% incline
-2 min at 3.0, 5% incline
-4 min low intensity cool-down: 3.0 mph, 4-0% incline
-4 min 3.0-2.5 mph, 0% incline

Once again, I wasn't able to keep it at 3.2. Ended up dropping to 3.0...all due to shin splints, leg soreness, and some minor knee pain. Aerobically I was doing fine at 3.2. I'm feeling a bit overtired, though...perhaps adding the extra moderate intensity workout on Sunday was not the best idea. However, I'm feeling good that I went to the gym and got it done, even if it wasn't the "perfect" workout! :roll:

rachelthea Wed, Mar-12-03 07:04

UBWO 3/12/03
C1 W4 D24
- 5 min. treadmill, 2 min. rowing for warm-up

Chest Press

-12 x 2.75 plates; 10 x 3.25; 8 x 3.75; 6 x 4.25; 11 x 3.75...couldn't do 12th rep!
Incline press machine
-12 x 2.25 plates

Lateral raise machine

-12 x 30 lbs; 10 x 35; 8 x 40; 6 x 45; 12 x 40
Shoulder press machine
-11 x 2.5 plates...Couldn't do 12th rep!

Seated Row

-12 x 20 lbs; 10 x 25; 8 x 30; 6 x 35; 12 x 30...increase by 2.5 lbs. next time
Lat Pulldown
-12 x 50 lbs.

Cable Extension

-12 x 20 lbs; 10 x 25; 8 x 30; 5 x 35...couldn't do 6th rep; 10 x 25...At the end, I realized I had increased entire exercise by 10lbs. instead of 5 lbs. by mistake, so I couldn't quite do the full pyramid form correctly!
Tricep ext. machine
-11 x 2.25 plates...couldn't do 12th rep!

Arm curl machine

-12 x 1.75 plates; 10 x 2.25; 8 x 2.75; 5 x 3...couldn't do 6th rep; 12 x 2.25-2.0...I think I increased a bit too much here, too. Had to strip weight in order to finish last set. Increase by only 2.5 lbs. instead of 5 lbs. each set next time
Cable curl
-12 x 5 lbs...increase by 2.5 lbs. next time

Really good workout...lifted to failure almost every time. I may have been a bit overambitious, but it feels good to know that I pushed myself as hard as I could! Gonna be very sore tomorrow, I suspect!

rachelthea Fri, Mar-14-03 08:27

Cardio 3/13/03
C1 W4 D25

-5 min 2.6-3.2 mph, 0% incline
-2 min 3.2 mph, 0-4% incline
-2 min. at 3.2 mph, 5% incline
-4 min; one interval: 3.1 mph at 6, 7, 8, 9% incline
STOPPED TREADMILL HERE - Shin splints very bad.

Tried to do intervals on the elliptical trainer. Though I've used this machine many times before, I've never tried doing intervals, so I had to play around with the incline and the resistance to get it right. I ended up doing three 4-minute intervals of increasing incline/resistance, then one 5-minute interval. I definitely got a good workout, though it felt somewhat disorganized! I think my shin splints are telling me to stay off the treadmill for a few days, so I'll keep playing around with the elliptical trainer for the next few cardio sessions...see if I can get a good interval pattern down.

rachelthea Fri, Mar-14-03 08:34

LBWO 3/14/03
C1 W4 D26
-5 min. stationary bike for warm-up

Leg Press

-12 x 4.5 plates; 10 x 5; 8 x 5.5; 6 x 6; 12 x 5.5
Quad extension
-12 x 3 plates...increase by 2.5 lbs. next time

Lying Leg Curl

-12 x 3 plates; 10 x 3.5; 8 x 4; 6 x 4.5; 12 x 4
Seated Leg Curl
-12 x 8 plates

Abductor machine

-12 x 40 lbs.; 10 x 50; 8 x 60; 6 x 70; 12 x 60
Multi-hip - abductors
-12 x 5 plates, each leg

Adductor machine

-12 x 40 lbs; 10 x 50; 8 x 60; 6 x 70; 12 x 60
Multi-hip - adductors
-12 x 4 plates, each leg

I'm going to lay off the calf exercises until my shin spints heal a bit. Since this is almost the end of the first four weeks, I'm going to start doing abs on cardio days, and continue doing abductors/adductors every other LBWO. Meeting with a trainer at the gym this evening to go over some new exercises for the 2nd four weeks.

rachelthea Sun, Mar-16-03 11:22

Cardio 3/16/03
C1 W4 D28

Treadmill warmup

-5 min 2.6-3.2 mph, 0-4% incline

Enjoying using the elliptical for cardio! It's a nice change from the treadmill. My intervals went something like this:
-2 min at 6% incline, resistance at 4
-4 intervals, 4 minutes each at 8%-14% incline, resistance at 6-12
-1 min at 16%, resistance at 12
-10 min cooldown at 8%-4% incline, resistance at 6-2.

DONE WITH WEEK FOUR!!! And no missed workouts! I don't think I've ever been as committed to a fitness program as I have been in the last month. It feels great! :daze:

rachelthea Mon, Mar-17-03 18:41

UBWO 3/17/03
C1 W5 D29
- 5 min. treadmill, 2 min. rowing for warm-up

Switched some of routine today for the start of week five. Going to try to work towards incorporating more free weights and fewer machines.

Incline Flye

-12 x 1 plate; 10 x 1.5; 8 x 2; 6 x 2.5; 12 x 2...feel like I'm not working the right muscles here. Perhaps it's just a matter of getting used to the movement.
Incline press machine
-12 x 2 plates...increase by 5 lbs. next time

Shoulder press machine

-12 x 1.5 plates; 10 x 2; 8 x 2.5; 6 x 3; 12 x 2.5
Lateral raise machine
-12 x 40 lbs.

Hammer Strength Low Row

-12 x 10 lbs; 10 x 12.5; 8 x 15; 6 x 17.5; 12 x 15...increase by 5 lbs. next time
Hammer Strength High Row
-12 x 10 lbs...increase by 10 lbs. next time

Cable Extension

-12 x 20 lbs; 10 x 25; 8 x 30; 6 x 35; 12 x 30
Hammer Strength Tricep dip
-12 x 20 lbs...increase by 5-10 lbs. next time

Dumbell curls

-12 x 5 lbs. (per arm); 10 x 8; 8 x 10; 4 x 12...couldn't do 5th and 6th reps; 12 x 8
Arm curl
-12 x 2 plates...increase by 2.5-5lbs next time

Didn't really feel like I pushed hard enough today (except on biceps), since I was trying to incorporate some new exercises. I imagine the next time through with this routine should feel better.

rachelthea Tue, Mar-18-03 16:57

Cardio 3/18/03
C1 W5 D30


-5 min low intensity warm-up: 2.6-3.2 mph, 0-4% incline
-2 min. at 3.2 mph, 5% incline
-16 min; four intervals: 3.2 mph at 6, 7, 8, 9% incline
-1 min. at 3.2 mph, 10% incline
-2 min at 3.2, 5% incline
-4 min low intensity cool-down: 3.2-2.5 mph, 4-0% incline

I finally was able to get back up to 3.2 mph today...I think I overdid it a bit with the treadmill last week, and was having some really bad shin splints. They seem to be healed now, though. I think I'll need to learn to vary my cardio a bit more, so that I don't keep getting myself in the same situation. I've got the interval roution down on the treadmill and the elliptical just have to work on the stationary bike and the stairmaster!

rachelthea Wed, Mar-19-03 16:32

LBWO 3/19/03
C1 W5 D31
-10 min walk to gym for warm-up

Leg Extension

-12 x 1.5 plates; 10 x 2; 8 x 2.5; 6 x 3; 12 x 3...increase weight by 5 lbs. next time
Leg press
-12 x 4.5 plates; 10 x 5; 8 x 5.5; 6 x 6; 12 x 5.5...I did a full pyramid set on this one, too. I feel like my quads really need strenghening in order to stabilize my knees, which are fairly weak. I'd like to get them strong enough to withstand lunges and squats.

Lying Leg Curl

-12 x 3 plates; 10 x 3.5; 8 x 4; 6 x 4.5; 12 x 4...increase weight by 5 lbs next time
Seated Leg Curl
-12 x 8 plates

Abductor machine

-12 x 40 lbs.; 10 x 50; 8 x 60; 6 x 70; 12 x 60

Adductor machine

-12 x 40 lbs.; 10 x 50; 8 x 60; 6 x 70; 12 x 60

Standing calf raise

-12 x 1 plate; 10 x 1.5; 8 x 2; 6 x 2.5; 12 x 2

Oh...forgot to put in the ab exercises I did yesterday after cardio...
-Did seated ab machine - pyramid set, one set on lying ab machine, and 6 hanging lower leg lifts.

rachelthea Fri, Mar-21-03 07:23

Cardio 3/21/03
C1 W5 D33


-5 min low intensity warm-up: 2.6-3.2 mph, 0-4% incline
-2 min. at 3.2 mph, 5% incline
-16 min; four intervals: 3.2 mph at 6, 7, 8, 9% incline
-1 min. at 3.2 mph, 10% incline
-2 min at 3.2, 5% incline
-4 min low intensity cool-down: 3.2-2.5 mph, 4-0% incline

Lying ab machine

-12 x 20 lbs.; 10 x 25; 8 x 30; 6 x 35; 12 x 30
Seated ab machine
-12 x 40 lbs.

I had to take yesterday body just really felt like it needed the rest. I'm glad I did, because cardio today felt very good. Might be able to up mph to 3.3 next time - at least for the first two intervals. Abs felt good too...I think they're actually getting stronger! I'll make sure I go to the gym on Sunday, to make up for missing yesterday.

rachelthea Sat, Mar-22-03 14:51

UBWO 3/22/03
C1 W5 D34 - 10 minute walk to gym and 5 min. rowing for warm-up

Chest Press

-12 x 3 plates; 10 x 3.5; 8 x 4; 5 x 4.5..couldn't do 6th rep; 12: 8 x 4 and 4 x 3.5
Incline press machine
-12: 6 x 2 plates and 6 x 1.5

Lateral raise machine

-12 x 30 lbs; 10 x 35; 8 x 40; 6 x 45; 12 x 40
Shoulder press machine
-12: 7 x 2.5 and 4 x 2 and 1 x 1.5

Lat pulldown

-12 x 30lbs; 10 x 40; 8 x 45; 6 x 50; 12 x 45
Seated Row
-12 x 30 lbs.

Cable Extension

-12 x 20 lbs; 10 x 25; 8 x 30; 5 x 35...couldn't do 6th rep; 12: 4 x 30 and 2 x 25 and 2 x 20 and 4 x 15
Tricep ext. machine
-12 x 2 plates...increase by 2.5 next time

Dumbbell curls

-12 x 5 lbs/arm; 10 x 8; 8 x 10; 6 x 12; 12 x 10
Arm curl
-12 x 2 plates

10 min. walk home from gym

Not a great workout today. I tried to up some weights, but at the same time my strength was sapped from a very bad bout with my bulimia last night. I'm disappointed with myself that I let that happen - but I'm just going to get right back to the LC WOE, because I know that truly controls my eating, and allows me to feel good about the workouts. Today I kept having to strip weight in order to finish the last sets.

rachelthea Mon, Mar-24-03 09:29

LBWO 3/19/03
C1 W6 D36
-5 min stationary bike for warm-up

Leg Extension

-12 x 2 plates; 10 x 2.5; 8 x 3; 6 x 3.5; 12 x 3; 12 x 3

Lying Leg Curl

-12 x 3.5 plates; 10 x 4; 8 x 4.5; 6 x 5; 12 x 4.5
Seated Leg Curl
-12 x 9 plates

Leg Press

-12 x 5 plates; 10 x 5.5; 8 x 6; 6 x 6.5; 12 x 6; 12 x 6

Standing calf raise

-12 x 1 plate; 10 x 1.5; 8 x 2; 6 x 2.5; 12 x 2
Seated Calf raise
-12 x 25 lbs.

Really good workout today. I did a high carb re-feed yesterday and part of Saturday, as I had been feeling very weak recently. Starting today, I'm going to do two weeks of strict Atkins-style induction. After that...we'll see! Just found out that my gym will be closing in a month or so...
I finally get into a routine, and they close on me!

rachelthea Tue, Mar-25-03 19:09

Cardio 3/25/03
C1 W6 D37


-5 min low intensity warm-up: 2.6-3.2 mph, 0-4% incline
-2 min. at 3.2 mph, 5% incline
-12 min; four intervals: 3.2 mph at 6, 7, 8, 9% incline
Had to stop because of severe shin splints. Tried to get on the stationary bike to finish, but my shin splints hurt too much even on that. I know it is because I did the Seated Calf exercise yesterday...for some reason, that just kills my shins! I think I'll have to stay away from it in the future, so that it doesn't affect my cardio like this.

Lying ab machine

-12 x 25 lbs.; 10 x 30; 8 x 35; 6 x 40; 12 x 25
Seated ab machine
-12 x 40 lbs...increase by 10 lbs. next time
Hanging leg raises
-2 sets of 6 raises

rachelthea Wed, Mar-26-03 13:36

UBWO 3/26/03
C1 W6 D38
- 5 min. rowing for warm-up

Incline Press

-12 x 1.5 plates; 10 x 2; 8 x 2.5; 6 x 3; 12 x 2.5
Incline Flye
-12 x 2 plates

Shoulder Press

-12 x 2 plates; 10 x 2.5; 8 x 3; 6 x 3.5; 12 x 3
Lateral raise
-12 x 40 lbs.

HS High Row

-12 x 20 lbs; 10 x 25; 8 x 30; 6 x 35; 12 x 30...increase by 5 lbs. next time
HS Seated Row
-12 x 20

Cable Extension

-12 x 20 lbs; 10 x 25; 8 x 30; 6 x 35; 12: 6 x 30 and 6 x 25
HS Tricep Dip
-12 x 25 plates

Seated Dumbbell Curls

-12 x 5 lbs. each arm; 10 x 8; 8 x 10; 6 x 12; 12 x 10
Arm Curls
-12 x 2 plates

rachelthea Thu, Mar-27-03 10:48

Cardio 3/27/03
C1 W6 D39

Elliptical Trainer

Used an older elliptical trainer today that wasn't nearly as smooth as the newer ones, so my resistance and levels were rather different. However, I did feel like I was working hard, and hitting my intervals and high points with appropriate effort. So, I guess that's what is important!

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