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chiqui Sun, Aug-17-03 13:24

Dear Linda: Many congrats on your accomplishments. I am not doing that well.

First of all, work. As you know, SARS hit Toronto twice. No I didnt get sick, nor do I know anyone who was because it was confined to the hospitals and certain ethnic groups. You'd never know that if you watched the news on TV. They made it sound as if we were dropping dead in the streets. The scenes with people wearing masks were all filmed at hospitals.

Naturally, people didnt come to Toronto. As a tour guide, this is devastating to my income during our short tour season.

So I hustled my butt and got a job taking seniors across Canada in the trains. It's a two week trip with stops and almost ALL MEALS are included! Need I say more?

I'm reserving my locarbing for the interim and when the season is over. I have 2 more trips before the season ends. The last group literally ate their way between Vancouver and Montreal! Me, I cannot overdo it because I get gas. And what am I gonna do with gas on the train filled with my clients?

Lo carb on these trips? Good luck. I shift the food around the plate on the fixed menu. It's easier with buffets as I can choose. Even then, it's not easy.

Cheers from Chiqui

Linda Love Sun, Aug-17-03 19:33

Hey, Chiqui. What kind of food are they serving on the train. It must be good if you're eating it. Are you some kind of train conductor? I thought they had that SARS thing under control now, especially in China. That's a shame. I hope you don't contract it. I'll look for ya on the tube when the news is on. Don't forget to wave.

Well, I didn't do so well today. I was shopping in SF with my friend Victoria (the queen of prada and tiffany's) and thought we wouldn't eat until later, so I bought a Dr. A bar and a bottle of water and as soon as we got to the city, she wanted to eat. OMG! I thought, well I'll just consider that a snack. So for lunch I had some chinese noodles, orange chicken (sweet) and eggplant w/tofu and the rest of my water. I don't think I did too much damage as I haven't been eating that many carbs during the month and have been on my feet moving furniture, painting, walking through malls and shopping centers and the sweat was pouring. That, my friend was a workout in a half and I guess that's how I started losing inches or something. I don't know my weight and at this time, don't care. I gave the scale away last year. Tootles.

chiqui Sun, Aug-17-03 21:19

DEar Linda Love: Tootles? Cool!

I am a tour guide in Toronto & Niagara Falls. Because of bad publicity of SARS, we had no tourists here. So I got a job taking seniors across Canada on the train. We sleep on board 2 nights. The compartments are so SMALL that anybody would have to lose weight!

Linda, watch out for the Chinese stuff. It's loaded with sugar in thoses sauces. I tried a Dr A bar in Seattle last month. Not bad. They're not common in Canada, sold only is special places and very expensive.

I had a tough weekend as I was 41 hours with no lights thanks to the Blackout!

Tootles, Chiqui

Linda Love Sun, Aug-17-03 21:37

I felt so sorry for you guys during that blackout. Actually, I was scared there was going to rampant lootings and people getting hurt by others, but I was so glad that didn't happen. People stood together. For a less expensive bar, you can go to or and some others. They have lc bars for $10.00 a box. You can even order Dr. A's catalog on-line. There cheaper from him than in the stores.

I hope I didn't blow it my diet today--that was stupid. I usually stick to my diet and this won't happen anytime soon. You're right, that stuff is NOT good for this WOE unless you specify NO CORN STARCH, SUGAR, or FLOUR and that was a mall restaurant and it was pre-cooked. We CAN have chinese food (check out Dr. A's old book w/a list of cool choices). I drive the waiters nuts with my order. The see me coming. I hope I don't find myself sipping "special wonton soup" one day.

But no worries, I'm back to my schedule. I blew it 2 years ago when I listened to naysayers and my nutritionist and gained the weight back. Can you believe it, I was wearing a 7-8 and blew it. That, my dear Chiqui was my lesson and I might add, well learned, so I won't be cheating again anytime soon. I don't like feeling bad about myself and when I'm in good shape, I feel totally confident. I guess we all do.

chiqui Sun, Aug-17-03 21:46

Linda, right on!

I was annoyed about the blackout but our record's pretty good. The last big one was 40 years ago. Our neighboring province of Quebec had an ice storm about 5 yrs ago where most of their power lines were covered by heavy ice and fell down. They renovated their system,speding a billion dollars. They had no blackout.

Altho Toronto is a big city, we Canucks are pretty conservative and well behaved. We rallied to help each other. Very little crime was reported.

I sympathize with you about listening to others about what to eat when your body reacts to what you know. There are some clinical diet sessions in the hospital but they follow the caloric system. I know from experience that it won't work for me. Love that chicken grease!

Cheers from Chiqui

Lyda Rose Sun, Aug-24-03 00:49

Hi! It's 1:46 a.m here and I just turned 53. My husband is asleep and has been under so much pressure at work lately I am sure he will forget my birthday, too! LoL - I am having a private Pity Party and you are all invited. Please bring a group hug, too!

I started Atkins on 3/24/03. I lost about 20 pds in the first 3 months, but the scales varied widely from day to day and I have settled in at only a 10 pound weight loss in all these 5 months of induction!

I have had no cravings, but am tired of induction food, too. Still, I have been perfect with my diet, eating only 20 carbs and most of them fresh raw veggies. I eat mushrooms in place of salad often, because I am sick of salad! Used to be my favorite food!

I eat only 1 ounce of cheese a day, my calories are not high. I eat lots of fish, broiled meat and green veggies, steamed with butter. No cream, no lemon juice, no hidden carbs anywhere. I drink 5 quarts of water every day, too.

So, I guess I am just here looking for someone to tell me I am not the only one who isn't a fast loser. My 2 friends who went on this diet a month after me have lost 25 and 30 pounds respectively.

Do any of you use Ketosis strips? I only got some last month as a last resort because I was so depressed the diet didn't work. I had just talked to Atkins and gone on the Fat Fast for a week. Didn't even budge the scales!

I have never been a big eater. I have been a lousy eater - skipping breakfast and lunch for years. Having a nice low calorie dinner and gaining weight because I was screwing up my metabolism.

I broke my ankle a year ago and the hassle of walking around in a compression cast for months caused compensation problems with my back. I walk like Ozzie Osbourne now, but my doctor is treating me with muscle relaxants and I am getting better slowly.

I just want to lose some weight! I am so faithful and true to this diet. I just want a little bit more results that show on the scale. PLEASE encourage me!

Fat in Birmingham,
Lyda Rose

Linda Love Sun, Aug-24-03 09:14

One question: Are you exercising? I, too, am losing at a slower pace than I did 3 years ago. I turned 47 in March and returned to lc last month. I gave the scale away--too much pressure. Honestly, I did weigh myself at my check-up and the scale read 179lbs. This was disheartening, since I cheated once, but the odd thing is last month I was wearing a size 14 and I couldn't get my size 12's over my thighs or had to squeeze into them they were sooo tight and uncomfortable. But I went shopping a couple of weeks ago and bought a size 12 and they fit! As a matter of fact, they are getting loose. I don't understand the scale, so I'm not going to obsess anymore about scale weight.

I don't drink nearly as much water as you do, I take CLA-1,000mg., CoQ-10-100mg., L-Carnitine-1000mg., Flaxseed Oil-2600mg., Evening Primrose Oil-2600mg, Women's Formula Multivitamin (2) all of these are taken daily. You can read more about them at

Friday's dinner out with my friends ticked me off because I specifically told the waiter, "no flour, sugar, etc. on my seafood mix and low and behold, when I went for the shrimp on my plate, they were coated with some sort of flour or cornstarch. I was pissed to say the least, but since I had eaten 80% of the meal, I just finished it. I call that a cool sabbatage. It's fine because the next time, I'm writing it down so there are NO misunderstandings.

Most evenings, I find my lunch as filled me up and I'm not hungry, but must eat at least a rolled up piece of ham w/cheese and black vanilla tea sweetened with splenda, so my body won't think I'm starving it.

In short, you are not the only one with a slow lose. Some people lose quickly, some of us don't. The first time I lc'd, I lost rather too quickly. Went from a 12/14 to a 7/8, but didn't really grasp the concept of this a permanent WOE. I totally get it now. Please don't beat yourself up. Sometimes the weight will come off in stages. You did loose 20lbs, you will lose another and more. Patience is one of the elements with this. Take care and Happy B-Day!

Lyda Rose Sun, Aug-24-03 10:00

Hi Linda! You did cheer me up immensely! I know that part of my problem is the lack of exercise. I am still sort of lurching about in my new found Ozzie Osbourne gait. I am hoping that my back will improve and I will be able to stay on my feet longer. I miss walking and we have a great walking path in the woods at the end of my street.

Eating out can be a pain, I can just see you looking at those shrimp on your plate! I travel a great deal as part of my job and often find myself in Edinburgh, London, Amsterdam and Brussells. I have found that no matter where I go, I can have chicken, fish or steak pretty easily, salad with vinegar and oil and a steamed veggie.

Like you, I am so full from lunch, I don't even want dinner, but cook for my husband when I am home because he misses home cooked food when I travel. He is only on the Low Carb Plan for one meal a day and has lost 25 pounds in 5 months. He still eats whatever he likes for lunch and ice cream every night. Good thing I am not tempted by sweets!

Since I live part time in Birmingham, AL and part time in London/Edinburgh I have turned lots of people on to Atkins. It is just now sweeping the UK in a big way. Lots of dining establishments are starting to offer several low carb meals and Delta Airlines is doing the same. I usually fly Continental because it is cheaper and I just take a few snacks to eat and skip those horrid airplane meals.

I think you are absolutely right about exercise. I really need to get more and find that until my backs gets better, the most excercise I seem to be able to tolerate is walking (like Ozzie) about with a shopping cart. So, I go to the grocery, TJ Maxx and places that have shopping carts! HAHAHA. I am not shopping, I am exercising!

Thanks for your reply. I am dedicated to this WOE because I have a mother and a grandmother who both have diabetes. I don't want to get diabetes, so I will continue this diet before something does go wrong and I am put on the diet by a doctor for diabetes.

Is that your photo? You are lovely. Hang in there and thanks for your kind words!

Linda Love Sun, Aug-24-03 10:10

You are very welcome. How exciting is must be to travel to Europe on a constant basis. I think I would definitely like that! I, too, walk like Ozzie in the mornings. I am getting alcohol injections in both feet for neromas (enlarged nerves from wearing tight high heels) it hurts like hell in the mornings or when I sit too long.

I am finishing up a strenous redecorating scheme in my apartment. Painted 4 large rooms and moved heavy furniture and today must steam clean my carpets, hang curtains, and prepare for delivery of two beautiful rattan chairs from Pier 1 Imports this week. THAT has been my exercise for the past 2 months and I won't be painting again anytime soon.

I'm glad I could help you feel more like the REAL people. You WILL reach goal--just hang in there with us. And, yes, that is me playing with my new digial camera. Thanx for the compliment.

Meghan Wed, Sep-10-03 16:43

I started out great I lost 12 pounds right away, now nothing! I am doing what I am supposed to and still nothing! I really dont want to be a turtle, this kinda bites! I wanted to be down enough to look okay when we go to Hawii on Thanksgiving UGHH! I just wanted one vaction not all covered up! I know I am whinning but this just blows! :cry:

Linda Love Wed, Sep-10-03 17:41

Meghan, what's your problem? I could see if you were like me and losing extremely slow but, my dear, you are losing very rapidly.

You said you started in August 2003 which, BTW, is only a few weeks ago and now you are 167lbs.? a word you ARE whinning. If I could lose as fast as you are, I'd be having some cheese with that "whine."

The body slows or even stops shedding pounds when it reaches set point. Sometimes the weight comes off in cycles and sometimes daily, etc. Patience, patience, and more patience. Celebrate your success. It looks like you're on your way.

Meghan Wed, Sep-10-03 18:12

I know I am being whinney, but it seems that when I started I set my hopes up too high, and if I had lost even one pound that would have been okay, I just see all these other people oh I lost 5 pounds this week! I can see my goal and seems so far away! I will give it some more time and if then in a few weeks I still am not loosing then maybe I will have something to complain about! It is just one of those days! I m sorry!

Linda Love Wed, Sep-10-03 18:20

It's ok, no need to be sorry for anything. I get frustrated totally, especially when I see other people's progress and I find I'm comparing myself to them also. I don't know what the deal is. I lost weight 3 years ago very rapidly, and I mean I lost 30lbs in about a 2 months. Too fast. I didn't take it seriously and I regret it with all of my heart.

But that was then and now I have had some lab work done last week and am waiting for the results which may or may not tell me something.

Hang in there. I think you are doing great. I'll jump for joy when I reach 167lbs. Take care and you're frustration IS legitimate. Did you sign up for and input what you're (honestly) eating? Maybe some hidden carbs somewhere. I hope you start losing again, but I'm not so sure you're a turtle, hon, you've lost a lot of weight in a short time.

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