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TeriDoodle Wed, Jan-29-03 15:31

Originally posted by pinkcaddy
Ok now I am worried! Stalled for 4 monnths. That would be so frustrating. Good for you for keepin on keepin on. That's amazing.
Do I have other options? ;)

pinkcaddy Wed, Jan-29-03 16:11

Having been on every diet there is and then some...probably two or three times...I feel qualified to say "No, no options!" Thanks for the chuckle!

Yank_in_NC Thu, Jan-30-03 13:30

Shock your system???
Someone told me today (also a low carber) that I should try shocking my system slightly to try to get over this stall. I've been stalled for over a month.

She said to give my body something that it hasn't had in a long time. Such as, one glass of sweet tea for a few days. Possibly some type of fruit that I haven't had (I haven't had any fruit in 4 months).

Does that sound like it might work? I'm getting soooooo discouraged. I'm contemplating trying the low fat way even though I really don't want to but I'm about at my wits end.



TeriDoodle Thu, Jan-30-03 13:53

I'd say give it two more weeks. Remember, you're not truly stalled yet! And...........are you taking measurements every month???

DunkyBoy Fri, Jan-31-03 13:12

Ok, maybe I'm not speaking from a 4 month stall perspective, but I just got out of a 10 days stall at 206 lbs.... My diet was pretty consistant but one thing I had included wis some 'Thin Thin' Low carb bars (with Malitol). After reading on here about the possible stall effects of Malitol I cut it out for a few days and Wooshh (to quote Teri). I think I'll re-introduce it twice a week or so for OWL and it will more than likely be part of my maintenance program.

The one thing (out of oh so many other positive things) that I have got out of this diet is how much more carefully I look and analyse what I eat and what effect it has on my weight. I can almost get on the scales and predict my weight before it appears. I think this has a lot to do with checking my weight twice a day...once before I go to bed and then immediately after I get up. I know some people don't recommend weight yourself this often, but I find it helps me to refine my diet and tell me what foods are good and which ones are bad, this will help me I think for maintenance.


pinkcaddy Mon, Feb-03-03 10:26

Hi Duncan. I know what you are saying about the scales. I weigh in every morning. If I don't I can gain 10-20 pounds without noticing!

Good news everyone...I got out of my stall. In the last 10 days or so I have lost 6 pounds!

Yeah. My husband and kids are releived. I think it is just as hard on them, but I try not to get toooo grouchy and whiney! ;)

TeriDoodle Mon, Feb-03-03 10:39

Ah HAH!! See?? All that stressin' for nothin'!!


pinkcaddy Mon, Feb-03-03 11:03

Thanks Teri...of course you were right! We will have to change your handle to 'wise one'! lol. I was noticing a few posts ago you recommended to someone that they be taking their measurments. I want to encourage everyone to do that! I do it around the 1st of every month (mid cycle) and I am so encouraged by the results. It also gives me a lot of insight to my body shape and proportions. I have lost 18 inches since Dec 1. My waist moves most quickly and my arms most slowly.

Taking 5 minutes to measure could save you from a binge if the scale is being stubborn. I highly recommend it. Go for it everyone!

aria1964 Mon, Feb-03-03 11:12

I'll take your advice!
Thanks Teri... I keep forgetting to measure. I have several sizes of clothing though, and I can measure progress that way! I have one more size down before I have to buy new clothes. Can you tell I've been here before?? :p

All the same, it might be nice to see the results of inches lost on paper.

I lost another 3 pounds this week! (Doing a little dance of joy here! :roll: )


pinkcaddy Mon, Feb-03-03 11:25

Way to go Aria!! :cheer:

Yank_in_NC Mon, Feb-03-03 13:03

All this talk about scales...weight in, don't weigh in. I feel the same way you do pink. I'm terrified that if I won't weigh in for a month that when I do, I'll be so disappointed if I didn't lose a pound or lost very little. Especially now, going through this stall.

I did want to ask one thing. I'm not sure if it's me, or my blasted scale (which by the way is brand new). I weighed in the other morning and I was 137. I weighed again that night before bed and it read 143. Is that possible??? A six pound difference from morning to night?

Well if this stall doesn't end soon I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I am seriously considering the zone, or possibly even a low fat plan. Maybe this low carb thing just won't work for me :(

Kim :(

DunkyBoy Mon, Feb-03-03 14:21


You know I have the same question about night and morning weight. I am consistantly 2 -3 lbs lighter in the morning than I am in the evening. I weight myself as the last thing before I go to bed and the first thing when I wake up, same clothes everything (maybe one restroom break during the night). All I am doing is sleeping and I'm loosing weight! :yawn: Where does it go??? Maybe I'm expending a lot of energy snoring or something!! :D If I carry on like this all I need is a few days of constant sleep and I'll be at my goal!!!


Yank_in_NC Mon, Feb-03-03 14:39


I can understand 2 -3 pounds but 6 pounds???? I'm so ready to throw that blasted scale right out the window!!


TeriDoodle Mon, Feb-03-03 14:52

Originally posted by DunkyBoy
All I am doing is sleeping and I'm loosing weight! :yawn: Where does it go???
It goes right out your lungs! Much of the weight you lose during the night is moisture expired through your lungs as you breathe....also the energy expended by your body to sustain bodily functions like cell division, brain function, heartbeat, kidney function, etc. These functions do NOT sleep and continue to utilize energy...and, of course, you are not replacing those lost fluids because you're not drinking during the night. So that's why your weight is lowest in the morning.

Take a look at this thread for an excellent discussion about weight fluctuation.

DunkyBoy Mon, Feb-03-03 17:46

Thanks Teri, that was a good thread.

Wbahn certainly did go into a detailed discussion about what happens at a micro level when on this diet and it makes sense that you're body is still 'ticking over' during sleep. I guess in layman's terms it's kinda like leaving your car idling. The gas is still going to be burned, even though you're not going anywhere or filling it up.

Thanks again,


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