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PoofieD Fri, Jan-03-03 23:13

Your know your a "firmie" or "FitPrimer" when
the most exciting event that you had is that you recieved an email from Tracie Long the "iron maiden" herself about your order of a new tape :-)
Yes.. even Marlei got excited about that one line email :-)

PoofieD Sat, Jan-04-03 17:36

Well today was sort of an Iron maiden workout
I did super Scuplting, with my 5 pound plates on the barbell.
I also used my 15, 12, 10, 8, 5 and 4 pounders. I pretty much ignore the three pounders these days.
I also did Standing legs,but I took the plates down to 2 1/2 pounds for that.
I did ab scuplt and the three mile walk for the abs with Leslie Sansone.. and with all that lower body work..what I really feel is my triceps.. go figure!
I bought some creatine today..I want to see if that will help me make any strides.

PoofieD Sun, Jan-05-03 16:52

Today was a rest day
I will soon have the Cathe tapes and DVD. This is a good thing as her focus is different than The Firm and muscle confusion is a great thing.
I hope to be able to incorporate those later this week.
However tomorrow I am doing total body shaping mix, Upper body, Sculpted abs hips and thighs and 30 minutes Leslie sasone.
Stick with me here :-)

PoofieD Mon, Jan-06-03 10:54

I did Firm upper body, A 30 minute walk with Leslie, and Total Body shaping mix.
Specs for Total BFIRM - Total Body Shaping Mix (TBSM)
Series -- FIRM Parts

Lead --- Allie Strickland, Dale Brabham, Heidi Tanner, Jennifer Carman, Nancy Tucker, Pam Cauthen, Tracie Long
Parts from -- FB, MBS, FC, FS, SC, SS, SwW

Category --- Cardio + Sculpt / Tortoise

Breakdown -- warmup(6), weights(25), cardio(13), cooldown(3), lower floorwork(11), abs(4), stretch(4) = 66 min

Equipment -- ankle weights, barbell, dumbbells, tall step, dowel, floormat

The Workout
~Warm up- FC
~Stretch- MBS

~Impact aerobics- FB

~Squats- MBS
~Squats with bicep curls

~TALL BOX Leg press- SS
~TALL BOX Leg press

~4 limb aerobics- FS
~Plies with bicep curls & upright rows
~4 limb aerobics

~Lat row L&R- SwW
~Frech press

~TALL BOX Leg press R- FS
~Dips R
~TALL BOX Leg press L
~Dips L

~Impact aerobics- SC

~Dips & squats R- FC
~Hammer curls
~Dips & squats L

~Leg extensions R- FC
~Lat rows R
~Leg extensions L
~Lat rows L

~4 limb aerobics (march-march-triple)- SC

~Lunges with glute pinch R- FC
~Lunges with glute pinch L

~Bicep curls- SwW
~Triceps kickbacks
~Flex lateral delt lift
~Low impact aerobics

~Inner thigh lift R- FS
~Headbangers (supine French press)

~Tablework- FC

~Abs- FS

~Inner thigh lift L- FS

~Abs- MBS

~Stretch FC ody shaping mix as follows :-)
I took my Creatine and I don't know if its part of why I am really having the fuzzy brain today.. I just wish my body would feel free to dip into the fat for the glucose ;-)
Oh well!
It was a good workout.. I feel proud of myself

PoofieD Wed, Jan-08-03 14:59

Wow.. I guess I was so depressed yesterday
Or just the server was acting up enough I didn't put down my workout.
I did Firm tough tape 2 and 1/2 Standing legs.
I also did ab sculpt..
I was tired and just had a hard time moving
Today I did Tough Tape ( that would be the first one) and upper body, Scuplted abs hips and thighs and a 30 minute walk with Leslie.
I have upped weights on some exercises and plan to get some 5 pounders this week to up on deltoids slowly :-)

PoofieD Thu, Jan-09-03 12:41

Because I got the Cathe DVD in the mail yesterday..
Starting tomorrow I have planned a different schedule for what I am doing.
On Friday and Tuesday. I will do part two in the early morning, then when the girls leave I will do Firm total body shaping mix and a 30 minute walk with leslie.
On Saturday and Wednesdaywill do part one and Scuplted abs hips and thighs and a 30 minute tape with Leslie.
On monday and Thursday I will do part three and super scuplt and a 30 minute walk tape.
I think that should do great things!
I did the legs part with Cathe today to try and "break" in I didn't do as many reps on many things and dropped weights down to get used to how she moves.
It should b e interesting to use as heavy as I am
I did put 10 more pounds on the barbell to start.

PoofieD Fri, Jan-10-03 10:16

I did another really great workout
But I will admit that I did some just beginning weights this morning for Cathe.
I didn't know how I would do..but on many of them I can go up a pound or two. ( deltoid work) She does a compound clean and press I really love.
The Total body shaping mix went well...and did the abs and Leslie..all in all I feel good today.

HerbNurse Fri, Jan-10-03 10:58


I am impressed. I just found your gym log. You are awesome with your workouts.

I too work from home office and can workout whenever I see fit.
I have readjusted my workout routine as I am halfway thru my second challenge. I have decided to not do the pyramid method as recommended by Bill Phillips. I am now doing 4 sets of 10 each of muscle groups with highest weight that I used doing pyramid.

So now instead of say for instance shoulders
12 reps of 5#
10 reps of 8#
8 reps of 10#
6 reps of 15#
12 reps of 10#
12 reps of 10# (different exercise but same muscle group)

I am now doing 4 sets of 10 each for every muscle group.
My workout was awesome this morning, I hope I can walk later, my legs feel like lead right now!


PoofieD Fri, Jan-10-03 11:13

I decided a gym log would be a good way for me to really start focusing on that and giving when I up weights ect..
I am impressed with your pyramid.
As Cathe says YOU listen to your body and what you think you need :-)

PoofieD Sat, Jan-11-03 13:59

Well I listened to my advice to Carol
And I didn't compare what I can do to Cathe and crew.
I took out my five pound plates and that is what I used for the barebell during the leg workout today.
I also stuck with 8's and 10's right now for lunges without the barbell and other such exercises. with cathe. I will make much faster progress that way :-)
I also did sculpted buns, hips and thighs. I still like the firm for floor work over what I have with Cathe..
and I did 30 minutes with Leslie walking.. gotta love that woman..even if your doing pretty well you can work up a sweat with her tape without killing yourself.
Off to have a bit of fun today!

PoofieD Sun, Jan-12-03 14:33

Let those muscles rest day :-)
tomorrow I will be hitting my back and biceps as well as a session with one of the firm tapes.. gotta look at my schedule to see which...
and of course 30 minutes of Leslie Sansone!

PoofieD Mon, Jan-13-03 11:58

good workout
I had a great workout.
Super scuplt went better than I have ever had it go before.
I bought some sixes the other day so that I can move up on deltoid work.. going from 5's to 8's is too big a jump all at once for me.
The 6's actually came in handy when for a lark I just decided to do half of Firm Upper Body.
I used them on a couple of standing deltoid sets and a set of Triceps kick backs.
Today was the first day I did Cathe back, biceps and abs.
I took the weight still lower just so I can get used to the workout today. She did do some good spinal erector stuff after the abs.
I am feeling it in the lower back.
I also did a 30 minute walk away the pounds...
so I am good to go for the day!

PoofieD Tue, Jan-14-03 12:02

I did my Firm Total Body Shaping mix..but had a hard time at some of the aerobics part..
Like I couldn't get enough air today.. actually Leslie was harder that way than usual.
I also did my Chest, Deltoids and triceps work.
That went a bit better.
I went up a little on some of the sets.. so that is progress
I also got The firm Tough Aerobics and it looks to be a great tape.
Hope you all have a healthy Fit day!

pinkcaddy Tue, Jan-14-03 12:44

Looks like you are organized, on track and consistant! Way to go! You will have great health in no time!

HerbNurse Wed, Jan-15-03 08:53

You make me tired just reading your gym log. You go girl!


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