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icedancer Fri, Jan-17-03 16:30

My History by Carl
Hey if you want a general back ground, see the 1st page of my journal, that's were I told my "story". If you want more than that then you'll have to ask again and let me know what you want to know! :wave:

But check out the Icedancer Journal 1st!


Sillychili Fri, Jan-17-03 16:59

I read it!
Hello again..I did read it but not untill after I asked the question, sorry. I was just curious how an Ice skater could become overweight :confused: . But you answered my question. I have alwasy been a big girl..always had alot of muscle, just by heredity..thick waist and legs as well as the big grandma type boobs. Never been an athelete because of my shyness (overcame that). Years ago I took a very involved personal and career type assessment test and my number one profession that I was suited for was "athelete"..who'd a thunk it? LOL So back to my question which was answered...I just wondered how a person who is in good shape gets out of shape. My normal weight was always just under 150.. never really felt healthy but was active. Then about 7 years ago I shot past 200...and stayed there no matter what I did...that is everything but LC and exercise. Found out a couple a months ago that I was insulin resistent and due to family genes I would no doubt be using insulin if I didn't do something. So I take my Glucophage and made some changes...and here I am. Not that you wanted to know...LOL. I wonder if 42 is too old to learn to skate? They just built an Ice rink in Mount Shasta ..I live about 30 miles away. Last time Itried was in Torrance the old Ice Rink there..but I am getting off track again...LOL...have a great day! And thanks for letting me ramble about Ice Dancing..and giving my poor old memeory a jolt! :daze: Anita

icedancer Fri, Jan-17-03 17:07

Ice dancing
Well, you'll never know if you don't try! Skating in general, is fun, burns calories, and is something very special. Most who really try it get addicted. I have known many people who started over 50 and became very decent skaters! Just start out with some group lessons, take it slow and easy! It's fun, just make sure you keep it fun though, cause some people get so serious about everything, even low carbing! :p

Any way, glad to meet you and I'll be sure to check in on ya!


icedancer Sun, Jan-19-03 01:24

Saturday the 18th workout!
My workout today consisted of:

a) 30 miniutes at lunch cardio
b) plus 10 mins of db work
c) 10 mins of medicine ball shuffle!

and d) my most favorite exercise of all time ....................................
............... watching the State Farm US Skating Nationals on TV!!!

Whoo whooooo!!!

Man I feel buff now!


Sillychili Sun, Jan-19-03 03:10

...the sound I will be making as I skate around the rink! Thanks for the vote of confidence. At least I think it was...I will let you know how it goes. I don't plan to get to is too short, besides I am too silly. Have a great long weekend and incredible workouts. Sillychili :spin:

icedancer Sun, Jan-19-03 12:18

Hey Sillychili!
Did you see my pictures I posted in my regular journal?? On about the end of page 5. I did a composite of 3 pictures, 1997, 1998 and now.... they aren't the best pictures in the world, I'll have to redo them but it gives some idea of what I've been through!

Later, and have fun, even if it is just "thinking" about skating, dream on!!



Natrushka Sun, Jan-19-03 15:17

I heard there were some carbs 'round these parts ;)

Came by to see what you were up to, Toots. Feeling a little bit of synchronisty going on here - I just got off the phone with my mother who was gushing about my nephew (her frist and only grandson) who was out on the rink in the back this afternoon. Seems he's a regular Kurt Browning in the making - although his Dad still had his heart set on hockey ;)

So how was the post carb up workout?


icedancer Sun, Jan-19-03 15:27

Post carb workout
Well Nat, don't rush me! Believe it or not I'm at work still, and I don't get off for another 7 hours, then I'll go to the gym, so you won't hear about it until tomorrow! I work 14 straight days of 13 hours and then I'm off for 14 days, it's a differnt schedule than most. Some days I do a lunch time work out but we had some lunch time training today, so couldn't. But plan a big one tonight!



Natrushka Sun, Jan-19-03 15:33

Re: Post carb workout
Originally posted by icedancer
Well Nat, don't rush me! Believe it or not I'm at work still, and I don't get off for another 7 hours, then I'll go to the gym, so you won't hear about it until tomorrow!
I can wait ;)

BTW, Carl, don't freak when you see the scale moving the wrong way - it can take up to 2 days to show up, but it's only water! (I know you know this, but it never hurts to see it again)


icedancer Mon, Jan-20-03 14:25

What a rush!
I don't know if it was psychological or what, but I felt a little like superman last night during workout. I had carbed up for 2 days, and rested every evening, talk about feeling decadent! :blush:

Then last night, I started with my usual wind sprints, and before I knew it I had been going for 45 mins, and felt great! I felt I could have gone on and on, I had been looking forward to extending my usual 15 mins to 30 mins, but I just blew right passed that and finally just stopped because I wanted to get to the weights!

I started with bench, I had a good pump going from the sprints, so I decided to do a quick 10 at 150 for warmup, it felt like nothing, so for grins I set it up to 200 (my personal max) and pumped out 11 before giving out, I upped it to 225 and rested for 2 mins and did 8, then loaded it to 250 and just got 4 before I lost form!

Talk about pumped! I have never lifted 250 before in my life! :D

With that done I spent about 15 mins on the ground doing crunches.

Then to the db's for additional arm and core body work.

I must admit to soreness this morning, as a matter of fact I am so sore it is funny! Every time I get up from my office chair the arms and shoulders, well, they need some rest, that's for sure!

This morning, I woke early and did 30 mins, of stop/start drills, great for acceleration type work. Legs aren't sore, but feet are a little tired, I think tonight I will just work on the back and glutes. Maybe the Hamstrings just so I don't get out of balance, cause my quads are like massive!

Fun fun fun!


icedancer Mon, Jan-20-03 14:30

I conviently "forgot" to weigh myself this morning.... Nat's warning about the scale going the wrong way must have been in my subconscience. Well, I'm not a slave to the scale anyway, but I sure like how I feel today!


Natrushka Mon, Jan-20-03 14:43

Re: What a rush!
Originally posted by icedancer
I must admit to soreness this morning, as a matter of fact I am so sore it is funny! Every time I get up from my office chair the arms and shoulders, well, they need some rest, that's for sure!
whoohoooooo Carl! Feels good to be sore, and it feels good to be strong! That soreness and the strength are directly related to those glycogen reserves, with more glycogen you have more lactic acid build up and more pain, as well as more strength.

Good job on the workout and on not dealing with the scale today, who needs that, right?


icedancer Mon, Jan-20-03 15:12

Who's afraid of the big bad scale, big bad scale, big bad scale?
Not me that's for sure.... But I will keep a wary eye on it, part of me getting so fat in the 1st place had t do with not owning one for so long, if I had one, then I might have been shocked sooner!

But seriously, I'm surprized by a couple things. One is how thin I feel in the mid section today, I know I've still got some fat going on there but man I feel svelt today! :D
The other strange deal today is the lack of appetite I have today, which is so totally differnt. I am usually pretty driven by a very strong sence of hunger, this morning I was totally not hungry, went to the cafeteria, looked at the breakfasts, said "nyeeh" ( is that how you spell it?) :) and went back to work. Then I got to feeling guilty, you know, keep the nutrient stream going, level blood suger, stock the furnace to burn extra cals by having a higher metabolism.... so finally I went back and got one hard boiled egg..... ONE, so weird! Then at 10 I went back and got 1 slice of Jalapeno Jack cheese. Now at lunch I went and felt like I did at breakfast..... so I got a half cup of cottage cheese and one more egg. This is such a good thing, I usually have a hard time dealing with my desire to over eat..... I feel like an island if you know what I mean??? And my beaches are erroding, and I don't want any environmentallist coming over to try to "fix" me!! :daze:

Tonight though, they are serving spare ribs :yum: So, I wonder how my appetite will be then...... :rolleyes: we'll see.

Hey Nat, you every experence any thing like this?? I really feel a surpressed appetite! It reminds me a little of how I've felt before on about the 10th day of a water fast. A little euphoric, not only no appetite but an almost, "I dare you to even feel hungry" type feeling. I feel thin for the 1st time in a long time.....

I wonder if the injesting of carbs after a month of none, stepped up my metabolism, and now without them, I've become a fat burning machine?? Just speculation....

I might just have to weigh myself tomorrow morning.....


Sillychili Tue, Jan-21-03 19:04

so did you did you?
Did you weigh yourself? Inquiring minds want to know! I was hoping for some feedback on my work out..if you ever have an extra minute will you peek in on my log. It may not make much sense but I just don't know the names of some of the things I do.. I only see my "trainer" or as she is called at the facility I use "wellness coordinator"...once a month and I just saw her a bit over a week ago and felt the need to add more stuff. Thanks for anything you care to offer. You are awsome...thanks for the postings for a wannabe like me to be inspired by!!!. :dazzle: Anita

icedancer Tue, Jan-21-03 19:13

I have to admit.....
1 Attachment(s)
.... I did not this morning weigh myself. It was one of those days, I think with the residual soreness, I just didn't feel like making it to the gym this a.m. But never fear! I plan a workout tonight, and I'll make it a point to weigh in the morning, that's the only time I weigh myself, just habit I guess. Today, I've got a little of those "I'm heavy into induction BLUES!" Feeling a little sluggish... a little tired, but dinner is only an hour away, so I'll pop over to your journal then, talk to you in an hour or so!


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