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Carol CA Tue, Dec-17-02 18:48

Nutritionists mean well, I'm sure. They're just parroting back what they'd learned in college...and from government charts. I thought Angeline stated it very eloquently.
Imagine that your entire career has been based on a lie, that almost everything you have learned in school is wrong and that you have been dispensing bad, even dangerous, advice ever since you started your job[...] I would be in denial big time too.
Wish I'd said that.

Great thread! :agree:

tigersue Thu, Dec-19-02 16:22

I only have to remember my own nutrition classes when I was in nursing school. It didn't make sense at all. I was on a very popular low fat diet, and we were doing dietary logs. I was low calorie, low fat, low vitamin and mineral intack, low on protein. I couldn't see how anyone could get the nutrition they needed from their diets, even when off the plans and still eating "well". (low fat, low protein, moderate calorie). After reading SP everything clicked that I learned 16 years ago.
At that time, cholesterol problems were pretty much a genetic problem, that only people who would need medical intervention were people with family history of high cholesterol. There was a study about the cholesterol in eggs that is good for you that went unnoticed by the medical community.
Diabetes has increased.
What has changed from 1984 to now that has increased the health risks in this country, hummmm, could it be the low fat, low protein diets?

Ava Sun, Dec-22-02 23:07

"the Italians who have twice as much carbohydrates in their diet would be worse off than we are. But they have half the obesity compared to us" Me thinks Italians-Americans may twice as much carbohydrates in their diet but isn't it Italians in Italy who have half the obesity compared to us?
"Critics also point out that the study was funded by the Dr. Robert C. Atkins Foundation, a private nonprofit organization that funds research on carbohydrates and was founded by the author of the Atkins diet." You will remember how bitterly he was attacked in the past for not conducting studies on his diet. Now that he is doing so, he is being fell upon for it! Damned if you do, damned if you don't!
"But study or no study, health professionals say Atkins is simply an unhealthy approach" Ha! Ha! Ha! Don't confuse me with facts: my mind is already made up!
"Hepatitis C is effective at helping people lose weight, too, but..." Doesn't it sound exactly like Ornish who always says, "AIDS too is a great way to lose weight but..."?
"they can't keep the weight off, and there certainly is no proof they can keep it off with the Atkins approach" maybe they should visit this board once in a while: don't they have Internet connections in their ivory towers? I do!
"Judith Levine, a San Francisco registered dietitian with the American Heart Association, said the study will simply serve to further confuse an already-confused public. "It's such a scam," she said." Ha! Ha! Ha! Don't confuse that puppy with facts either: the truth has been revealed to her, she knows!
"We just need more data." They always say that! Why don't they form a committee too? That's known to be very effective, isn't it?

Sharona Sun, Dec-22-02 23:28

Re: It does make you go .. hmmmm!
Originally posted by PoofieD
I am still trying to figure out why we made the leap of having diabetics, who we KNOW have impaired sugar metabolism and told them to eat a diet 75 percent of which breaks down into sugar.

When my husband was diagnosed with diabetes back in 1976, his diet was far more low carb than it was 10 years later. This was pre-food pyramid, and he had some control issues, but not a lot. Fast forward to 2002, and my husband was having wild fluctuations of his blood sugars, mostly to the high level. He was told he had become brittle (extremely difficult to control blood sugars.) We are looking at a man who has had diabetes 26+ years of his life. The average life span of an individual diagnosed with type I (insulin dependent) with his history is 31 years. This past summer, after Gary Taubes article, I started (out of sheer desperation) on Atkins. After the first 5 days of sugar/white flour withdrawal, all of a sudden I had such a surge of energy I couldn't believe it. I literally feel 20 years younger. We shortly realized that I was basically eating the way my husband had when he was first diagnosed with diabetes. So we started an experiment....he started doing it too, and monitored his progress closely. We knew he had a doctor's appointment in about 2 weeks, and so it was initially an experiment. According to the way he would have insulin reactions, he would reduce his insulin. By the time he saw his doctor, he had already reduced his main daily insulin dosage by 20 units, and she was thrilled and reduced him more. We found a book on the internet called "Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution" and that has also helped him tremendously. He has reduced his cholesterol, triglycerides, and his blood sugars are almost always in 'normal' range, now. :D

What boggles our minds is the struggles he has been through. :eek: How many of the effects of diabetes, the painful neuropathy (process of nerve endings dying, on about 20% of diabetics experience pain with this), loss of muscle in his hands, frozen shoulders, a cataract on his left eye, the abnormal growth of blood vessels in his eyes (the kind that cause blindness) would he have avoided had the doctors kept up with the low carb diet, that would have kept blood sugars in a more normal range???? :mad: Hopefully by doing it now, it will stop ongoing deterioration or slow it and we pray that it will add some years to his life, with good quality. Thank God that we found this when we did!


Lisa N Mon, Dec-23-02 07:33


Thanks for sharing that. My dad is a 90 year old retired physician. When I started low carbing for my diabetes (thank you Dr. Bernstein!!), we discussed it at great length. His most interesting comment is that when he started practicing medicine in the 40's, low carb was the diet of choice for diabetics. Of course, they also prescribed low fat along with it, but they had the basic right idea. He still doesn't understand why the recommendations were ever changed except that with the advent of insulin being more common, you could use the insulin to offset the higher blood sugars that the carbs gave you. Just goes to show you that all the studies and progress in medicine aren't always a step in the right direction. He's been watching my progress with great interest as well as my own doctor who completely supports me in what I'm doing. can't argue with great numbers like mine. Ask any doctor out there how likely it is that you'll get back off medication for diabetes once you start it just by using the ADA diet alone and they'll probably tell you that it's very uncommon.

icedancer Thu, Dec-26-02 20:29

Great Article!
We are getting fatter and fatter and someone once said "insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result"..
We have turned into a country of insanity!

That's a good one Poofie!
Of course what most people say is not that the diet failed, most people say, "It must be me, I'm so weak, I'm a failure!" :daze: They just don't know yet that the Low Fat High Carb diet is what set them up for failure!

You know, I'm happy, cause I remember all the crap Dr Atkins has had to endure over the last 30 years, and I see how the cracks are opening wider and wider, and soon I can see that all that has been said against the Low Carb way will be reversed......

....... then we'll just have to contend with everyone saying, well of course low carb is the way to go, we never really said anything against it! :rolleyes:


PoofieD Thu, Dec-26-02 20:41

Dear Sharona
You ask some good questions..
Perhaps not in time for all the damage done to your DH.. but someone else.
I sure hope he is doing okay. My dad is facing the Neuropathy and other issues from the diabetes...and this is all difficult for him.
So luck to you and your husband!

Lisa N Fri, Dec-27-02 07:08


there is still hope that some of your DH's diabetic complications may reverse themselves if he maintains tight control of his blood sugars. Dr. Bernstein reports in his book that this was his experience, so don't give up hope just yet. :thup:

Quinadal Mon, Dec-30-02 11:38

I'm a hospital nurse, so I see what they feed diabetics in the hospital. More often than not, I see COOKIES, juice and fruit in syrup on ADA trays!

They ADA diet is a tool to promote complications of diabetes, so doctors can make more money!

Carol CA Mon, Dec-30-02 12:48

They ADA diet is a tool to promote complications of diabetes, so doctors can make more money!
Quinadal... are you serious? If so, that is scarier than hell. My pre-existing white-coat phobia just spiked!

PoofieD Mon, Dec-30-02 20:30

You should have seen what they fed my Diabetic father after his Stint procedure....
it was the definition of a high carb nightmare.

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