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Tigra1965 Mon, Dec-02-02 03:36

Dear All

thanks for your postings - they have been very encouraging and I got back on track yesterday.

BAspider - it does say in my CAD book about the entry plan and you must stick to this for 2 weeks. Also it does mention about the salad etc... but I was out yesterday - so this was not an option for me at the time. I am trying to address this from today, by having a salad at lunch and also some before my rm tonight.

Tokenyanke - yes I can do it and thankyou for your support. Its really hard when you've hit the low point of the day and you begin to think all sorts of reasons why this cannot work for you - but it can and I know that.

Right I'd best go prepare for my class.

bye for now :wave:

Zuleikaa Mon, Dec-02-02 06:37

CAD is the book with the entry plan and, in fact, the different meal plans ranging from 1 CM to 2CMs and a snack with the daily RM. On either plan you should not eat if you are not hungry!

As to the 1/2 protein and 1/2 CM veggies, that is a CALP recommendation. Many CAs alter the composition with continued weight loss.

Also the 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 with beginning salad is a CALP requirement. Only one of CADs plans require you start with salad. While both books recommend balanced RMs many CAs lose well with unbalanced RMs.

CAD/CALP, I believe, is a program that has to be tailored to the individual's body chemistry. Some CAs lose weight well on 1 CM and 1 RM a day, some only have the 1 RM, and some need 2 CMs with the RM. Some CAs can use shakes and limited AS and some CAs cannot. Some CAs still have to deal with allergies to certain foods and MSG that can cause cravings while on CAD/CALP and must eliminate them from their food list. That's why we always suggest that you listen to your body and find your own balance. When it's right for you, you will lose weight, have no hunger or cravings and feel great!

JoaniePA Mon, Dec-02-02 07:26

I think some of the confusion for me over some of these "rules" is that there are two distinct sets. CAD and CALP are different in some pretty significant ways for me. For example, on CAD summer squashes are allowed for your CM vegies, and on CALP they are not. On CAD a piece of low carb bread is permitted with CM as long as you have a very LC meal. The 2 cups of salad on CAD are not for all of the CAD plans -- there are four different plans, depending on your weight loss. I got very, very confused by all the conflicting comments on this board and another I was on until I realized this.

Anyhow, when I re-read my CAD book and kept it close at hand while reading these posts it really helped me sort things out.


plum Mon, Dec-02-02 08:06

hi Julie...

I am going to relate my experience just in case it has a bearing on your "binges"

I recognised straight away that broccoli, snow pea were causing me problems... but this last week I have discovered that eggs and cream are trigger foods for me. Weird, isnt it.... but egg makes me starving and cream makes me "unsettled" ( yes I know, but I cant explain it any other way !!)

Im pretty sure these will be ok for me at RM but time will tell. Ive stopped my early morning coffee and cream these last 2 days and feel even better :)

I know you keep a detailed food diary so if trigger foods are a problem they should soon show up ?? So you are half way there already. I dont think these binges are a disaster because they are teaching you where your problems lie.

the only thing otherwise is to suggest you look at the addiction/allergy thread. In case you get the bloating side of things ? hope not :) good luck.

skyspinner Tue, Dec-03-02 08:52

Re: Julie
Originally posted by BASpider
I've been gone for awhile and come back to people talking about the "entry level" for CAD/CALP. Have the Hellers written a book detailing this?


Also, another rule is to not go more than 15 minutes between bites. The meal can last no longer than one hour, but you can't stop eating for more than 15 minutes.


I found the Entry Plan in CAD, not in CALP. Check there for full details.....

And I have not heard of the 15-minute rule of eating....where did you find that? I sure wouldn't want to miss a rule!!! :)

BASpider Tue, Dec-03-02 09:41

I got out my CALP book and is has the "Basic Plan" which is followed for 2 weeks. I guess the terminology confused me. You add options after that, the Basic Plan is quite easy, rather than the more difficult induction of Atkins.

The 15 minutes I heard initially on Oprah from Rachel Heller. It was common knowledge on the CADIS/Yahoo thread. It prevents multiple insulin releases. Rachel Heller said in order for them to go to a movie and eat popcorn, they'd eat and munch on CM foods till they got into the movie and got their popcorn (their carb of choice for that particular RM.)

Tigra1965 Tue, Dec-03-02 12:23

Had a big decison to make
Hi All

You've all been wonderfully supportive and I really appreciate it all. But I've ad a big decision to make and i hope you will bear with me.

My private life is so stressed at the mo (a separation is looming) - and I really cannot concentrate on CADing all the time. I manage for a couple of days then go off again - so I have decided to do CAD on the days that I can and what ever on the days I cant - I hope this makes sense to you.

I dont want to totally rule out CAD because i want to get back to it full time - but right now this is the only commitment I can give.

:q: Do you think this will be ok until I'm feeling stronger? or should I stop all together?

I worry that if I stop then I will not get back into it - but if I manage to do it for 3/4's of the week then it will be easier to slip back into at the right time.

Hope I'm making some sense

bye for now :wave:

AlluraD Tue, Dec-03-02 12:28

Just wanted to tell you that I am thinking of you and wish that things work out for you in the best possible way. Sometimes there are other things that take priority and you need your energy to focus on them.
For me I think keeping some sense of "control" would make me feel better about myself and my confidence etc..
Whatever you decide there are lots of friends who are here for you~

nawchem Tue, Dec-03-02 14:27

Hey tigra.

Ever hear the saying food will not solve this problem?

I don't think you should take a break. I don't mean to be tough, just honest. Do your emotional eating at RM. Don't expect that you'll be perfect or have some huge sudden weight loss. Dont put any pressure on yourself and have no expectations at all, just follow your plan. Eating out of control has never really made me feel better just fat.

Make it simple and just think 1 day at a time. 2 lowcarb meals and RM, it doesn't take that much time or energy away from anything.

Stressful times are when you really need to make an extra effort to take care of yourself .


nawchem Tue, Dec-03-02 14:38

Its me again. I was just thinking about all the stress you're under. I've been dealing with stress myself. My dr. has me taking a sleep aid, walking 1 hr everyday and yoga 1 hr everyday, and in the evening I take a bubble bath or jacuzzi. I was reading the stress hormone cortisol causes food cravings, fat storage, sleep problems, you start breaking down muscle, and you get wrinkles ( my hair is falling out big time and I slept only 3 hours a night for 3 months). Also I'm supposed to avoid caffeine, chocolate (I know, I know).

So that probably is part of the reason the program is hard for you right now. Anything you can do to physically reduce the feelings of stress you have will help you stick with the foodplan too.

Try to think of somethings that are really relaxing that will help take your mind off things for a while.

I hope everything works out just the way you want it.

BASpider Tue, Dec-03-02 16:18

I went off plan while I was in the process of moving and it didn't kill me. BUT it's been hard to get back on plan.

When I was separated, I didn't eat much. I just cried a lot. It's been 9 years and I'm still pissed sometimes. I concentrated on taking care of myself. What that entails for me will be different for you, but you are your priority.

In your shoes, I think if I could stick to the plan 3/4 of the time, that's what I'd do and count my lucky stars it was possible. It takes time for this WOL to be second nature. To do it in the middle of one of the greatest stresses of your life and to do it perfectly would be a bit much to ask of anyone.

PS Make sure you get your cooking utensils! I didn't get a lot of mine (long story.)

skyspinner Tue, Dec-03-02 17:12

Hi, Tigra.....IMHO, staying on plan as best you can would be of enormous benefit when everything else is making you feel bad, because being off plan usually makes CAs feel even worse.

I was off plan this past holiday weekend, and wow, did I feel awful! It was wonderful to get back to it yesterday and I feel so much better today.

Besides, your personal problems are not going to be resolved in a week or two, so why let them sabotage your excellent progress so far? We are fond of saying that it's a lifetime thing, and lifetimes come complete w/ problems! :)

Just do your best. Stay on it when you can. Be kind to yourself when you can't. Come out the other end of this time of trouble in better shape than when you went in.

Best of luck w/ this.....and yes, do get your stuff back! :lol:

Take care....

luv67fire Tue, Dec-03-02 17:52

Sometimes when stress is doing me in, CAD is the only thing I feel in control of. I can not control all of the things that happen around me or to me, but I can control what I am doing. It may be 100% different for you, but for me, if it feels like my life is falling down around me, I need something to hold on to, even if it is something like a diet or way of eating.

However, you know what is best for you, and I can only wish you the best....

Hang in there, hon!

RedLisaP Tue, Dec-03-02 19:16


About that microwave cheese snack - that sounds kinda yummy - does it matter what kind of cheese you use?

luv67fire Tue, Dec-03-02 20:18

Yes it is yummy!! I have only used cheddar, but hear it does ok with other cheeses. The only cheese I know it is not supposed to work on it swiss... maybe because of all the holes?? Lol!!

Try it out, it is SOO quick and easy, and is a great crunchy snack. Popcorn is my downfall, and I've actually brought a small bag with these in it, and it served as an awsome movie snack!

Have fun!

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