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Atrsy Thu, Aug-01-02 05:52

Ela, if this AAB doesn't work, we may all look like those ladies before I see a weight loss!

He Jude, did you see those shoes? They are my shoes! I even have the cane to go with them.

My goal is to just do what I've been not doing because what I've been doing isn't working.


Wendye Thu, Aug-01-02 07:11

Hi Carol --- shoes are so important don't you think - they can make such a differnence to an outfit but my dear - your taste needs to be tweaked.

I mean comfort is one thing but I think you need to jazz up your shoewear just a tad - so I am sending you some that a a little more exciting than those brown pumps. If you got some silver tinsel to wrap around the wallking stick - you'd be a real fashion sensation!!!

Here you go Artsy Atrsy. If I had a cat I reckin she'd eat these up :lol:

Atrsy Thu, Aug-01-02 09:52

I agree Wendye, those brown pumps won't go with my slinky dress when I get all buff! But those silver ones are fantastic. My daughter has some wired silver garland with stars on it. That would be perfect for my cane (I'll have to get that can back out of storage) and I could crochet a silver elastic scrunchie for my hair!

You guys would have laughed at me this morning. I was thinking, "Now how am I going to get my exercise for the AAB when it's 95+ degrees in the shade and the humidity is so heavy you could cut it with a knife"

Soooooooo, I went to the grocery store. I pushed that cart to the far corner of the store and proceeded to walk up and down every aisle--dodging the old people in the way and never stopping to check anything. I kept a nice fast pace until I got to the starting place again. Then I went back to the far corner and began my shopping. It was a 15 min, fast paced walk in the air conditioning!

I just stopped at home for a cold drink while I put those eggs away and now it's off to another store for their $.29 chicken legs.


Click, click (that was me clicking the heels of the silver shoes, but the magic didn't work)

fern2340 Thu, Aug-01-02 12:29

Originally posted by Wendye
Hiya Fern - welcome - we sure do like having new faces - not that yours is new - just new here.
You've got 4 t-bones - that's quite impressive. Welcome aboard - all you need to be here is a sense of humour and a will to melt those pounds away!! It also helps to be just a shade crazy :eek:

Thanks for the welcome Wendye! A shade bit crazy.... it seems I have come to the right place!!! :)

I have edited my post to add some August goals that I forgot!

LORI JO Thu, Aug-01-02 17:18

Did someone say...

There's no place like August... there's nothing like a blitz... Oh, Auntie Wen!

I hear you about the exercise, Carol. In this heat and humidity it's hard to exercise or eat. Thunderheads have been building up all afternoon and I'm hoping for a cool rainstorm. Nothing yet, just more humidity. For exercise today I steam cleaned the downstairs carpet. By the time I was done, I was sure I'd have to steam again - to get out all the sweat I dripped into the carpet. I also thought I had lost at least half my body weight in sweat, but no... ;) Tomorrow - the upstairs!

That was very clever of you, Carol - to use the grocery store's a/c and get a work out at the same time!

I also was good today - August 1 - no nuts!!


ERSmith45 Thu, Aug-01-02 17:53

Lori Jo your avatar is back!!! Atkid finally let her go... and for what price.... hmm.... ;)

Carol, I sure know what you are talking about when it comes to heat and humidity!!! Texas has a good grip on both those subjects. That store thing was a good idea. People in Texas do Mall walking. Some of the Malls have markers on the walk ways to let you know what the distance is. The young, healthy and crazy still take to the streets. :rolleyes: I can't do the Mall thing, cause people piss me off if they get in my way. I could just see me now....

That's why we carry these dumbells.... Ya, just smack'um upside the head and they get right outta your way!!

disneybebe Thu, Aug-01-02 18:25

Linda & Marg- Welcome to the AAB!!

I remembered to take my multi-vitamin, hair & nail supplements (3 huge capsules :eek: ) and cod liver oil capsules yesterday :thup: Good, huh!?

But I forgot to take my anti-depressant. I wanted to take it when I finally remembered but it was already 9:30pm, and I have to take another one in the morning. So I didn't take it.

I'm gonna put all my pills on the table (in a Hello Kitty pill-case) b4 I go to bed everynight :idea:

Hope everyone is having a great LC day!

Bebe :wave:

Wendye Thu, Aug-01-02 19:07

Hey great idea Bebe - and you have reminded me to go and take my vitamins - thanks Here's something for you!

Lori Jo - you loveable lil brat - Oh dear - what did you have to do to get the mystery man to release your image --- I hope you didn't have to sell your soul :eek: Well I guess that is actually funny.

Today I feel lighter - must be all that magnetic resonancing in the MRI machine. They did fit me in - just left my head out!!!

Mall Walking in Texas - Ela!! - and I thought my 86 year old dad invented that. They park on the top level of a large plaza and make their way down to the bottom level (about 20 minutes or so) and then my mum who is younger - walks back up to get the's cool/warm dependeing on the season.. and it's down hill - good for dad's heart and it's flat level walking surface. And when they get to the bottom - they have refreshments at a cafe..... sounds good to me!!

Carol - thanks for the advice on the photo in my journal - I usually try to unobtrusively get to the 'back' of a photo but at was not possible - next time I will orchestrate it much better - but htanks for the tip.

Gotta go - I'm off to lunch with other friends

Atrsy Thu, Aug-01-02 19:23

I used to walk at the mall. They open early for the walkers. It was a funny site to behold! They walked in droves! All those old people. I could hardly keep up with my knee the way it was.

Maybe I should go back there to walk. It is just a few miles farther than the grocery store, but with the price of gas, I figured I could kill two birds with one stone and just do it at the store.

Glad the MRI went well for you, Wendye. Now lets keep our fingers crossed that the results are good too.

fern2340 Thu, Aug-01-02 22:08

Ok... August 1st went well for me today!
I drank 6 1/2 L of water, did Am cardio, took in between 10-12x my bodyweight in calories, and ate 169g of protein.... these 4 goals reached! I remembered to take my multi-vitamin but not my anti-oxidant or CLA. THere is always tomorrow!!

And I believe someone said shoes!!!! Oh how I love shoes!!

Rosebud Thu, Aug-01-02 22:24

It's 2/8 (yes, I know you foreigners do it backwards! :p ) here, and my August blitz has started fairly well.

The little fairy was obviously flying over Brisbane last night and he very kindly took 2 pounds away from me. Thank you, dear Mr Whooshy!

Atrsy Fri, Aug-02-02 07:00

You Aussies have it lucky! You aren't fighting fluid retention from this terrible heat and humidity!

Send that whoosh fairy to Pennsylvania, and Florida for LJ


disneybebe Fri, Aug-02-02 07:30

Wendye- I have a Hello Kitty tee just like that! Will try to post a pic of me in that tee :D

Carol- An ex-boyfriend of mine used to carry 4 bags of rice (8kg a bag, that's 32kg altogether!) & walk around the supermarket whenever we go shopping for groceries together. He always headed straight for the Rice section first. And he'll put them back after his "workout", LOL :p :p

Have a great weekend.

Bebe :wave:

Wendye Fri, Aug-02-02 09:12

Bebe - did you say RICE ---- in a low carb forum!!!! :lol: :nono:

Well I guess if I can say what I did in your journal :nono: - you can say rice just once! :lol:

disneybebe Sat, Aug-03-02 09:55

Wendye- Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice........
I'm sorry but I just couldn't resist. I'm on Paxil mind u. So pls don't yell at me, sweetie :p :p

Hope Plum will be back soon. I miss her :rheart:

Hasta la vista baby!!

Bebe :wave:

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