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Ms Arielle Sun, Nov-07-21 05:00

Getting enough magnesium......

Magnesium oxide is the common pill form available, but is poorly absorbed. Mg citrate is better, and I can find with some searching. Much easier source is concoction of carbonated water and milk of magnesia. Recipes can be googled.

JeanM Sun, Nov-07-21 06:14

Kinda scary.

JeanM Sun, Nov-07-21 06:19

I have read that all the "bone building" drugs can never be stopped due to rebound spontaneous fractures. If you stop one drug you have to start another to prevent this from happening. I conversed with a lady in another group that lost molars due to fosamax weakening her jaw bone.

Zuleikaa Sun, Nov-07-21 08:09

I would never take the "bone building" drugs. The quality of bone with them is very poor, fragile, porous, and prone to fracture.

JEY100 Mon, Nov-08-21 06:16

Eating dairy may protect aging bones

Since August 5, 2020 I let go of the limits on dairy with a Keto plan and now feel so much better! Minor symptoms like thin hair, brittle nails, are maybe due to better thyroid function, but more calcium may have also played a role. I now eat more green vegetables, yogurt, fermented cottage cheese, and realized how much I missed them. Ted Naiman has said in interviews that women often have a hard time getting enough protein with meats and fish, but low fat dairy and whey protein powder is more digestible. I was raised on a small dairy farm, so obviously I have the genetic background to do well with it. :) Before you limit dairy to break a "stall", be sure it is not the fat that should be limited. According to Marty Kendall's research, "People following a low carb diet typically get less vitamin K1, folate, calcium, Vitamin A, vitamin C and magnesium while they will be getting plenty of vitamin B12 and amino acids " I didn’t start off monitoring all the micronutrients, but the foods I ate likely fixed these slight imbalances, definitely calcium.

JEY100 Thu, Nov-18-21 06:13

New article from Mark Sisson, Maintaining Bone Density as you Age. No surprise, not a drug but food and exercise.
Part of the reason I feel healthier now, eating more nutrient dense foods, is by having increased protein and collegen, adding back fermented dairy and lots of vegetables, after having limited those for a decade on low carb. How I increased the bone density supporting nutrition Sisson lists is in my success story...all with Food, not supplements, with the exception of Vit D in the winter.

JeanM Thu, Nov-18-21 07:54

Thank you. Gp referred me to a spine specialist, my appointment is on the 23rd. I have been getting more symptoms that concern me. I will go to the appointment with an open mind.

JeanM Thu, Nov-18-21 09:09

Do you use a specific brand of cottage cheese?

JEY100 Wed, Mar-15-23 05:03

Referring to Mark Sisson’s article above in post #21, I hate to jinx anything, but I took a hard, fast fall onto cement floor, landing on both shoulders, right hip and wrist and am almost fully recovered two days later. If bones need resilience, or bounciness, I have it for now.

Who knows why, but…..I do lift heavy things on weight machines, and walk, but not run for consistent weight bearing
I increased my protein from about 100g to now 135g (as of last month tracking, it’s not my goal of 145g but it was 46%!! Protein by calorie…very good for a 72 yo women. After limiting dairy for almost a decade on keto, I now include a lot of FF yogurt, cottage cheese for bioavailable calcium and co-factors and add 1 scoop of whey protein powder. I often add 1 scoop of chocolate collagen (1/2 serving) for flavoring.

I have been taking Vit D supplements for years maintaining 80-100ng. Last April was 88, with tons of sun in the summers and a 5,000 gel cap Sept-May. I also use Mary Kendall's Optimised Electrolyte Mix in 1L water everyday. This is a cost effective way to get these minerals.
And last but not least, I have optimized my diet by targeting 60g net carbs with a wide variety of colorful vegetables.

No more 20g total carb plans, nor carnivore, nor fasting longer than 16 hours for me. Not only do I get all those bone-specific nutrients by eating colorful vegetables, I lost to and now maintain an ideal healthy weight because I don’t have "carb hunger". I wrote about this issue with VLC in my journal over the past few days, why calorie intake is lowest at 10-20% carb, why I would eat more and not lose weight at 0-10% carbs.

Ps: Jean, I use the 2% Daisy cottage cheese from Costco. Trader Joe's has a FF organic cottage cheese but buying at Costco is easier and less expensive for me.

Ms Arielle Wed, Mar-15-23 08:33

Thank you for sharing your injuries .....and recovery!!

More tidbits Ive been thinking about.

We forget, or not told, about the flexible matrix of bone. Its a collagen base fortified with several minerals. Not just calcium. Calcium and phosphorus.

To build the bone requires a litany of nutrients to support all the pathways that contribute to bone building. And exercise stresses the bones to build more bone.

Ive been making homemade sauerkraut, to the probiotic s. And the K2. Just a small serving at a time.

GRB5111 Wed, Mar-15-23 09:39

Just listened to a Mikkipedia podcast about bone health with Dr. Charles (Chad) Price. Fascinating and reflects some of the points made on this thread. All of us should be aware of how to preserve, enhance bone health as we age regardless of gender. Also, Mikki Williden has some great topics on her podcast and is one of the best interviewers I listen to. Good stuff, enjoy:

JEY100 Wed, Mar-15-23 10:14

Mikki is great, I heard Dr Price last week so had bone health on my mind as I lay on the porch floor trying to decide it I had broken anything.

Being part of Marty's more international groups I have added a number of new people to follow on podcasts, Susan Birch and Mikki Williden from NZ, Dr Pran (digestive health), Matty Lansdown and Optimizing Nutrition from Australia.

Good to see you here, Rob :wave:

GRB5111 Wed, Mar-15-23 10:39

Originally Posted by JEY100
Mikki is great, I heard Dr Price last week so had bone health on my mind as I lay on the porch floor trying to decide it I had broken anything.

Being part of Marty's more international groups I have added a number of new people to follow on podcasts, Susan Birch and Mikki Williden from NZ, Dr Pran (digestive health), Matty Lansdown and Optimizing Nutrition from Australia.

Good to see you here, Rob :wave:

Thank goodness you weren't hurt badly. It's something I keep in mind while I try and defeat sarcopenia, build muscle, and strengthen my bones by throwing around weights with a full-body workout 3 times a week. Since I started taking resistance training seriously using it like a prescription, I've felt great and quickly noticed improvements in balance, ease of movement, and energy. It's something I need to do on a regular basis and am already looking for gyms in the locations where we travel. It's just as important to me as my WOE.

WereBear Wed, Mar-15-23 13:02

Originally Posted by JEY100
Referring to Mark Sisson’s article above in post #21, I hate to jinx anything, but I took a hard, fast fall onto cement floor, landing on both shoulders, right hip and wrist and am almost fully recovered two days later. If bones need resilience, or bounciness, I have it for now.

I'm so glad! I've been reading about it lately. Now getting a bone scan soon.

One month into my Sally K Norton program, which includes the minerals calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Plus something for silica, BioSil by Natural Factors.

Since reduced or eliminated many of my other supplements.

JEY100 Fri, Mar-17-23 06:18

Originally Posted by WereBear
I'm so glad! I've been reading about it lately. Now getting a bone scan soon.

One month into my Sally K Norton program, which includes the minerals calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Plus something for silica, BioSil by Natural Factors.

Since reduced or eliminated many of my other supplements.

I'll be getting all my tests early April, my Oncologist is the one who now wants Vit D each year, and had me do a bone scan two years ago. I told him then I would not do more follow-ups since I will not take any bone medications, but now I will ask for one to see if any improvements by adding to more nutrients from diet.

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