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Jeep#17 Sat, Feb-06-21 06:24

I made it to 1 then had a ribeye that was very filling. Had my RM at 5. I didn’t eat much because the steak filled me up.

Happy, good idea bout the CM stash. Hard boiled eggs are so great to have on hand. All sweets for the food at the gathering would have been rough.

Welcome Carlie,
Glad to met you! This WOE is about the easiest to stick to of the LC plans. I like it because if I go off plan it’s easy to get right back on😉

Today black Coffee then probably a cheeseburger for lunch. Happy, I did buy some lettuce for a salad. Your always having them and now I’m craving one. I will have it with my RM so I don’t have to worry bout the carbs in the tomato and red onion.

I made more of my HM Ranch dressing and this time it came out thicker. I added a couple of tbsp of sour cream to thicken it up. Can’t wait to try it😋 I might add some baby shrimp to my salad for some extra protein.

Enjoy the day girls, sooo cold here definitely in deep winter 🥶

SuzeQ Sat, Feb-06-21 19:21

Carb in CM
I have many carbs are allowed in the CM? I used to eat this way and my mind is a blank now.


Happy girl Sun, Feb-07-21 03:36

Originally Posted by SuzeQ
I have many carbs are allowed in the CM? I used to eat this way and my mind is a blank now.


Hi Suze! <3

So glad you asked, good question.

The Short answer: Up to 4%
Beware of trigger foods, AS and glutamates, hidden sugars and filings.

Best source is the literature.

Cheat Sheet "ZULEIKA’S CAD/CALP CHEAT SHEET" (bump it up)

[B]Here are some Frequently Asked Questions FAQ's from the Drs Hellers page:

Hi to Mo and Jeep! :wave: 💕


Enomarb Sun, Feb-07-21 06:40

Hi and Happy 2021 (I HOPE!)-

I haven't been on the site for months and came today and am so happy to see the new activity and wanted to pop in and say hi and welcome (back) to CAD and CALP.
I have been on CALP since 2003- and it has totally changed my life. If you find old posts, I started CALP to see if losing weight would lower my cholesterol. I had been on a very low fat diet for years following my doctor's orders. When he accused me of lying about my eating because my numbers were getting worse (after more than 10 years of low fat) I decided that when something you're doing isn't working you can do it harder or do something different. I chose different- and after reading a bunch of books I picked CALP and CAHHP as the plan that would be best for me. LC made sense to me- especially the geeky science stuff about insulin and insulin resistance- (I really liked the Protein Power books and some of Atkins too) but I knew myself and too many rules and restrictions wouldn't work. My DH also told me "I'm not changing my eating!"- so CALP worked as I could do the RM for dinner and give him his carbs and eat mine for RM. After 2 weeks on CALP I turned to my DH and told him that I felt 'normal' for the first time since I had my son, who was 15! I lost weight- cholesterol never really changed- but I feel so good on CALP that the rest is history.
I never go off plan. I eat 3 meals a day, no snacks. I eat 2 CMs and one RM. I try to balance my RM with salad then protein, veggies and a carb. I limit sugar and alcohol to typically 2x/week. I exercise daily- during Covid I take a long walk and skip the gym.

It does take discipline- but I have already decided this is my WOL so I will make it work. It's my body and my responsibility- and my choice.

In the beginning I did A LOT of planning- it was a very very steep learning curve for me - I planned all my meals and shopping and eating out (like looking at menus online before we went out and picking out my meal and not even looking at the menu at the restaurant) and daily reading of LC books. I found this site months after I started CALP- and until the last few years came everyday and posted. For me, failing to plan was planning to fail. I took it very seriously. In the beginning I would say to myself that if I really wanted something I could have it- at my next RM. Foods that others were eating that looked great and I really wanted (chocolate croissant anyone?) - I would and still say "it's just food and I've had it before and can have it again. Not worth going off plan and getting sick over this". That helped. And treating myself to something- like a fancy espresso or bottle of water while they ate helped too. I could be and still am a bit flexible- if I want a cappuccino or a flat white I'm not going to stress over the milk or cream in the drink- but I know it's a treat. If I really want a certain carb with RM and a drink and the meal isn't balanced but carb heavy- I will have it knowing it's not a daily thing but I can be flexible as it's still in my RM and my other meals were CM. In the beginning I wasn't flexible at all- I had to be strict to make it stick.
I also am convinced that I would be diabetic and sick if I hadn't found CALP- and I know if I go off plan that will happen to me. It is a slippery slope going off plan- there are too many people who taught me that.
Now I don't need to plan as much- but I still make sure I have what I need for my CM breakfast and lunch and my RM dinners. I haven't gone out to eat at all this past year- and that led to more weight loss. I hadn't really realized how much I was eating for my RM when I ate out. Eating all my meals at home has tightened up my eating plan.
There isn't really a lot for long term maintainers here- and maintaining day in and day out is boring- but I think this plan is fantastic and I wanted to just say hi and tell you YOU CAN DO THIS.

Happy girl Sun, Feb-07-21 08:47

Originally Posted by Enomarb
Hi and Happy 2021 (I HOPE!)-

I haven't been on the site for months and came today and am so happy to see the new activity and wanted to pop in and say hi and welcome (back) to CAD and CALP.
I have been on CALP since 2003- and it has totally changed my life. If you find old posts, I started CALP to see if losing weight would lower my cholesterol. I had been on a very low fat diet for years following my doctor's orders. When he accused me of lying about my eating because my numbers were getting worse (after more than 10 years of low fat) I decided that when something you're doing isn't working you can do it harder or do something different. I chose different- and after reading a bunch of books I picked CALP and CAHHP as the plan that would be best for me. LC made sense to me- especially the geeky science stuff about insulin and insulin resistance- (I really liked the Protein Power books and some of Atkins too) but I knew myself and too many rules and restrictions wouldn't work. My DH also told me "I'm not changing my eating!"- so CALP worked as I could do the RM for dinner and give him his carbs and eat mine for RM. After 2 weeks on CALP I turned to my DH and told him that I felt 'normal' for the first time since I had my son, who was 15! I lost weight- cholesterol never really changed- but I feel so good on CALP that the rest is history.
I never go off plan. I eat 3 meals a day, no snacks. I eat 2 CMs and one RM. I try to balance my RM with salad then protein, veggies and a carb. I limit sugar and alcohol to typically 2x/week. I exercise daily- during Covid I take a long walk and skip the gym.

It does take discipline- but I have already decided this is my WOL so I will make it work. It's my body and my responsibility- and my choice.

In the beginning I did A LOT of planning- it was a very very steep learning curve for me - I planned all my meals and shopping and eating out (like looking at menus online before we went out and picking out my meal and not even looking at the menu at the restaurant) and daily reading of LC books. I found this site months after I started CALP- and until the last few years came everyday and posted. For me, failing to plan was planning to fail. I took it very seriously. In the beginning I would say to myself that if I really wanted something I could have it- at my next RM. Foods that others were eating that looked great and I really wanted (chocolate croissant anyone?) - I would and still say "it's just food and I've had it before and can have it again. Not worth going off plan and getting sick over this". That helped. And treating myself to something- like a fancy espresso or bottle of water while they ate helped too. I could be and still am a bit flexible- if I want a cappuccino or a flat white I'm not going to stress over the milk or cream in the drink- but I know it's a treat. If I really want a certain carb with RM and a drink and the meal isn't balanced but carb heavy- I will have it knowing it's not a daily thing but I can be flexible as it's still in my RM and my other meals were CM. In the beginning I wasn't flexible at all- I had to be strict to make it stick.
I also am convinced that I would be diabetic and sick if I hadn't found CALP- and I know if I go off plan that will happen to me. It is a slippery slope going off plan- there are too many people who taught me that.
Now I don't need to plan as much- but I still make sure I have what I need for my CM breakfast and lunch and my RM dinners. I haven't gone out to eat at all this past year- and that led to more weight loss. I hadn't really realized how much I was eating for my RM when I ate out. Eating all my meals at home has tightened up my eating plan.
There isn't really a lot for long term maintainers here- and maintaining day in and day out is boring- but I think this plan is fantastic and I wanted to just say hi and tell you YOU CAN DO THIS.

Hi Eno!
I am so glad you passed by today. I was thinking of you earlier this morning.
Don't know if you remember me. I have recently reread the books, got a new CALP copy again and reread it twice now. I too love how it feels, it is really for life. <3
I too enjoy a cappuccino at times eating out as a treat or now at home once in a while.

May God bless you richly Eno.

SuzeQ Sun, Feb-07-21 11:10

This has always been a super good group to be in. I am "old", 81, and struggle with my weight always. I have a hard time doing low carb (Atkins/Keto) because it never feels really good or even produces results. I have to lose 15-20 lbs., and if I even lost 1lb a week I would be thrilled. I never eat until noon-1pm, and then dinner. I have a difficult time just eating big pieces of protein and it just doesn't settle well. That said, CAD always appealed to me and for the life of me do not understand why I just didn't stick with it. I have been on this site for a loooong time and just keep gravitating back. What's up with that? Just give me some sort of good result and I am yours forever, lol! Anyway, restarting today and hope to stay on the train with you.


SuzeQ Sun, Feb-07-21 11:17

Eno, I remember how great you always were in this group and it's so nice to recognize someone! Please come by with your great insight more often!!

maryh Sun, Feb-07-21 22:06

Hi y'all.
Just wanted to stop in and wish you all every success in your diet journey.

I used to chatter on here on the regular also and hold the CAD/CALP lifestyle in high regard. It helped me gain some modicum of control in the past.

Have not followed it in recent years but CM's are still what i'm aiming for.
Where i'm at now is to treat myself as though i have some sort of diabetes (although i don't officially have it) and i am learning from Denis Pollocks 'beat diabetes' youtube channel.

I realised i could not 'stick' to the CAD/CALP principles, i could not stay super low carb (4g per meal or less) for my CM's, i still had cravings,(esp. hormonal/stress related) no appetite for protein foods,
I had low energy, i also could not do intermittent on Mr. Pollocks advice, i got myself a Blood sugar meter to see what was really going on and low and behold i was having for real 'hypos' of blood sugar and that was why i was a big FAIL on all those accounts.
It was not a matter of my being undisciplined. I REALLY needed to fall off plan.
So where i'm at now, (just 2 pounds over-weight last time i checked 3 weeks ago, not bad considering i was not diet focused, i was kind of just 'rolling with the punches'
I was working a very physical job where i was always walking, moving and on my feet for hours and i learned a lot on how what i ate affected my energy.
Having energy was the only thing i cared about and sometimes that meant eating sugary things like a biscuit and even some chocolate.
Although CM meals and snacks were what i was 'aiming' for during the working day.
So the CM i 'aimed' for may have just been more on the lower Carb side rather than 4g exactly.

So for me its kind of a goldi-locks effect, i just cannot go too low carb and high carbs do not suit me either. A sandwich for lunch would have me weak as water and super hungry an hour or two later for example.
Butter Bob on youtube i found good too, here i learned i possibly put out too much insulin at times. (He recommends fasting too but i got to take it so slow and so careful if and when i try this, if i do attempt fasting, it would possibly just mean low overall calories, not no food for hours on end. )

So to cut a long story short, i may not be a stellar CAD/CALP er success story, however i 100% believe in aiming for CM's that work for you. (As low as you can stand)
Hope that makes sense and helps someone else out there. Definitely don't give up on the idea of CM'S even if you cannot do them perfectly or are a CAD/CALP failure like me. They do help and help a lot.

Hope you all stay safe , healthy and well in 2021.

Jeep#17 Mon, Feb-08-21 06:16


I’m down another pound and very happy with that!

Had a great weekend and stayed on plan, didn’t get much exercise because it is so darn cold out and going to be colder this week.

Welcome all the newcomers seems a lot of people coming back to CAD/CALP and that’s good to see.

Today I’m going to get out some of my old exercise dvd and start using them till the weather gets better. I prefer to be outdoors but I love how exercise lifts my mood.

I’ve been tossing around the idea to try the new apple Fitness+
You can watch on your iPad or iPhone or Apple TV. You can pay monthly or once a year I believe. I’m going to try out my dvd first and see how that goes.

Stayed up later then usual last night watching the super bowl so I’m having a little extra coffee this morning. I’ve been wondering if my coffee is messing with my insulin in the morning and was thinking once it was gone I “might” give it up.
I’ve been drinking it for so long and I would really miss it but feel I can get used to anything.

I would have to taper off so I don’t get the headaches, they are the worst. I say this as I’m drinking my larger cup of coffee lol

Happy girl Mon, Feb-08-21 11:16

Chasing after Wind Vs. Elated with new inspiration
Hi girls!
Welcome back all of you! :rheart:

I just went all in for CALP 4th of dec. 2020, total reboot. I treated myself
to reread the books, CALP twice now, so glad I did. Elated with new inspiration. Thank God.

Congrats Jeep, good job. So happy for you! 🌟 :rheart::rheart::rheart:

Elated with new inspiration:


Big hug/Happy

SuzeQ Mon, Feb-08-21 11:37

I enjoyed all of your posts. Here is a question for you....have any of you ever calculated how many calories your RM is? Yesterday I had a casserole made of stew meat, potato, onion and topped with cheese. OMG, for 1C lettuce, 1T ranch dressing, 4oz of meat, 1C. potato, 1.2C onion and 1/2 cup cheese it was
900 calories, not to mention carbs. Is that how your RM's are going, lol? I don't eat B., just coffee with cream, L. is usually a collagen shake (2.8 carbs) and then my carbs come from dinner (39 grams).

Someone on the board used to post all of their RM's and it was a big help. She had a whole diary featuring her meals. Prolly long gone, lol!


mojolissa Mon, Feb-08-21 11:49

Hello all-
Glad to have some new people on here! I didn't realize that this WOE ties in with intermittent fasting so well. By combining these methods, I can eat what I want and still lose weight! It really is too good to be true (but it is true) :agree:
I do have to remember, not to eat outside of the 1 hour rule.
Watch for items that trigger hunger.
Do not snack- If hungry make it a CM meal
Drink water - instead of diet soda
Sleep - go to bed at a decent hour - it is so important for health as well as weight loss.

Hope everybody had a wonderful weekend and a great week ahead!

Happy girl Mon, Feb-08-21 11:56

No need to count cal.
Originally Posted by SuzeQ
I enjoyed all of your posts. Here is a question for you....have any of you ever calculated how many calories your RM is? Yesterday I had a casserole made of stew meat, potato, onion and topped with cheese. OMG, for 1C lettuce, 1T ranch dressing, 4oz of meat, 1C. potato, 1.2C onion and 1/2 cup cheese it was
900 calories, not to mention carbs. Is that how your RM's are going, lol? I don't eat B., just coffee with cream, L. is usually a collagen shake (2.8 carbs) and then my carbs come from dinner (39 grams).

Someone on the board used to post all of their RM's and it was a big help. She had a whole diary featuring her meals. Prolly long gone, lol!


Hi Suze.
Good question.
I never count calories. Not mentioned in the books I've read so far either. Drs Hellers (CALP/CAD authors) never counts them either ...

Many still post their RMs I have, you can check out my journal if you like <3. I never count the carbs either in the RM I eyeball- balance. I'd be careful about the shake though. But you probably heard that before :) hidden triggers, AS ... I'd save that for the RM.

Hi Mo, good to see ya! <3

BF decaf + 2 oz cream

CM the turkey slaw in sallad

RM sallad, soy beens, chicken leg quarters fried in the fennel oil, almonds butter, lemon + a little rice, chocolate croissant <3
it hit that "happy" spot. Love feeling so complete and fulfilled from a meal, only on CALP do I feel this way.

SuzeQ Mon, Feb-08-21 12:18

Happy Girl: Thanks so much. The shake formula I use is raw spinach (1.7), Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein (0Carbs), Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Protein (2 gr), Almond Milk (1.1), Total: 4.8 Contains no sugars at all.

I hope that's OK but can eliminate the spinach to get lower. I use this about 3xweek and other days usually egg/bacon.

You said 4% carbs allowed in CM, or did you mean 4 carbs???

What do you think?

Happy girl Mon, Feb-08-21 12:52

Originally Posted by SuzeQ
Happy Girl: Thanks so much. The shake formula I use is raw spinach (1.7), Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein (0Carbs), Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Protein (2 gr), Almond Milk (1.1), Total: 4.8 Contains no sugars at all.

I hope that's OK but can eliminate the spinach to get lower. I use this about 3xweek and other days usually egg/bacon.

You said 4% carbs allowed in CM, or did you mean 4 carbs???

What do you think?

4% is correct.

Sounds like a very creative and healthy drink Suze!

Sounds ok if you don't feel any reactions.
The almond milk is a beverage some are sensitive to if it has a sweet taste/savoury taste even if it is sugar free, it can trigger some.

Here is a post on it.

Ever tried egg-milk? Just hot water, butter (virgin coconut oil or MCT oil works too) and eggs. Eggnog is cool as well. :)

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