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Glendora Mon, Sep-15-14 20:52

Thank you for the input and for giving me strength, or adding to my strength. I do have a little and it's getting stronger.

I just emailed MIL and told her Cols has been sick after visits the past several times and that I would like for them to pick the kids up after I give them breakfast, so no McD's or going out for breakfast, and whether I should send along snacks and lunches for them if the choices I emailed to her (yes, I emailed her a list...actually, I've done this several times so far) are difficult to prepare.

That was snotty and insulting and I hope she took it that way.

Yeah, I'm down to b*tch status now.

Tough. I'm not going to kill my own kid or let anyone else do it.

Cols had a tantrum in the lunch room today. I had had a talk with him about food and his stomach aches and tiredness, and about how we are all going to change our diet to get healthier. Then this morning I told him and showed him exactly what I was packing. It was, hmmm, let me think. :p Cheese slices, a yogurt, pepperoni slices and...something else. I don't remember now...carrots? Anyway, it was enough cheese slices and pepperoni that he should feel very full. These are foods he LOVES (normally).

Well, his teacher emailed me...Cols looked at his lunch and said he wanted bread. Then he asked his teacher if he could buy. We have money in the school lunch account, but the teacher wisely told Cols that he had to eat what Mom had packed. Cols demanded bread and then threw his yogurt across the lunch room!

Full-on addicted. Just like me... :(

I spoke to him about it after school. I told him these are foods he loves and there is no problem with them. (I mean I'm not making him drink spinach shakes, LOL. Not that there's anything wrong with that.) He asked if bread is unhealthy and I told him that yes, for many people, bread IS unhealthy. He whined that some other kids bought lunch and I said, "Yes, and others didn't. Right?" I told him, "What everybody else does doesn't concern Mommy. What concerns me is YOU and you not having stomach aches and not being tired."

So far so good. He has eaten quite healthfully today, and no gluten at all. And no chippy snacky things. (I did give him snacks, obviously. Ironically, when he got home from school, he wanted yogurt, then a piece of cheese.) We did have GF pasta for dinner tonight (well, DH and the kids did...I had sauce over cauliflower). We had it with meatballs and instead of two heaping plates of spaghetti, as is Col's norm, I gave him, hmm...I think like a third of a cup? But with meatballs, so it was quite a substantial meal overall. I only cooked so much GF pasta and it worked out perfectly because the kids only got that smaller amount of pasta, but there were plenty and then some of meatballs, ;) and the kids asked for seconds of those. So that balanced pretty well. :)

That was far and away the carb-iest thing either kid ate today (and of course I am on minimal carbs) and they enjoyed it all tremendously, and they seem full and happy and not whiny or cranky.

It's going to take some getting used to, but pretty soon this should be the norm and they are for sure not being deprived.

ETA: Oh yeah, breakfast. They asked for bacon. Well, first they asked for cereal...and after a mutual stricken look when I told them that we are all out of cereal (didn't tell them at that moment that that means forever), they decided on bacon. Not bacon and eggs. Just bacon. LOL. With a glass of milk. I can live with that.

Next stop: vegetables! My littlest eats them like crazy but Cols is a problem there. But one step at a time and I'm so glad I finally decided to put my freakin' foot down. We don't all need to die because I decided to look the other way.

Nancy LC Mon, Sep-15-14 21:16

Yay! You go! Don't let MIL sabotage you again. It is time to put foot down firmly. She isn't allowed access if she's going to thwart your efforts.

Glendora Mon, Sep-15-14 21:20

Nancy, she is SUCH a pain in the ass and all her kids avoid her. She literally calls each of her three (age 40+) "children" at least once a day, sometimes twice.

I sh*t you not.

*I* don't call my husband that much. Because I realize he's, you know, working. Number one. And number two, I trust that he can physically walk across the room without hurting himself and not run out into oncoming traffic or anything. Being 43 years of age and all.

She is all about control, control, control but by God, she is NOT going to control this issue. This is MY child. She had her turn with little kids. Step aside, granny! Time to take off the "I can screw up the kids any way I want" hat. That ship has sailed.

Dear God but I'm a piece of work sometimes. Ugh. But I mean. Really. I'm just done with this garbage. She can throw as many tantrums as she wants, I can handle them, I get them from 8- and 11-year-olds too. ;)

Seejay Mon, Sep-15-14 22:18

Man you go! This is great . Might as well make a stand on this hill, it's a good one. I like how your son is listening already. And hm, can you ramp the carbs down gently so he isn't thrown into withdrawal? wheat and carbs both at the same time. can he have v8 or something, it might make him feel better. He would not be fat adapted at all yet

My grandson doesn't like veggies either. He's coming to visit for a while and I'm going to have some fun with that, with his mom's permission :) . I'll tell him I don't like them either, but we need to find some we like because it's good for us. I hope to look in food magazines (ugh) and find things we can try. So far, I just LOVE this German recipe for bacon, onion, and green beans. You cook the green beans for 30 minutes in the bacon and onion so they're soft and delicious. None of that half-raw tender-crisp nonsense for me!

tomato slices broiled with butter are good at breakfast. :) or even sauteed in butter. weird but good, they don't need breading either.

Glendora Mon, Sep-15-14 23:00

Thanks for the suggestions, Seejay!

I don't think his carbs are super-low...he is getting a lot in his yogurt, some fruit and so on, and of course, with some GF pasta tonight.

I don't intend to have him go LC per se...or my definition of LC. I don't want him in ketosis or anything. I am really just trying to get him down from super-carbs at every meal and snack, and definitely away, I hope permanently, from the super-injection refined carbs. I just added things up in my head and he had about 90-100-ish grams (yogurts, couple glasses of milk milk, pasta, etc.) that very low for a child? I really have no idea.

I don't intend to have him go LC like I'm doing, though. I definitely don't want him to go through carb withdrawal; as you said, he's already likely going through wheat withdrawal.

JEY100 Tue, Sep-16-14 03:05

For anyone with kids, check out Pinterest for Paleo Kids snacks, lunch ideas, etc. With its Cross-Fit connections, Paleo in general has younger people, many with families, so there are Extensive selections of Paleo Cookbooks with kid-friendly ideas. Even books written for kids why it is better to eat grain and sugar free, e.g. Eat Like a Dinosaur from Most Paleo bloggers also post their kid-friendly ideas with great photos on Pinterest, some not even recipes, just ideas to put together gluten free snacks.

Seejay Tue, Sep-16-14 08:25

Originally Posted by Glendora
Thanks for the suggestions, Seejay!

I don't think his carbs are super-low...he is getting a lot in his yogurt, some fruit and so on, and of course, with some GF pasta tonight.

I don't intend to have him go LC per se...or my definition of LC. I don't want him in ketosis or anything. I am really just trying to get him down from super-carbs at every meal and snack, and definitely away, I hope permanently, from the super-injection refined carbs. I just added things up in my head and he had about 90-100-ish grams (yogurts, couple glasses of milk milk, pasta, etc.) that very low for a child? I really have no idea.

I don't intend to have him go LC like I'm doing, though. I definitely don't want him to go through carb withdrawal; as you said, he's already likely going through wheat withdrawal.
Sounds good to me. That's what I hope to target for grandson if I get to help. The Paleo for Kids sounds good too! Specially the pictures.

Glendora Tue, Sep-16-14 08:32

Paleo, great suggestion, Jey!

By the way, I wish there were a "like" button because all of these posts have been thoughtful and helpful and I know I haven't mentioned everybody in my replies. But they mean a lot.

Glendora Tue, Sep-16-14 08:33

Seejay, are your grandson's parents on board with lower refined stuff for your grandson? How old is your grandson?

JAnn Tue, Sep-16-14 11:26

Originally Posted by WereBear
THIS is why you are absolutely right to take charge.

I applaud all of your moves and yes, you not only have the right to do this, you have the OBLIGATION. If it means the grandmother has supervised visits, so be it. (Sounds like your husband has felt the sting of her "I'm always right" philosophy in his own life.)

If one of the children had a peanut allergy, would Grandma be buying them Payday bars "because they love them so!" When they get older and want to drink bourbon will Grandma be okay with that? People give in to their children's urge for treats because it's cheap and easy. But there are other cheap and easy ways to have fun and if Grandma needs a list, make her one. In all caps. :)

You can see how upset this made me, and they are not even my kids. Go Mama Grizzly Bear on the uncooperative all you want.
I am wondering why they even get the visits. Would you send your kids off to them if you knew they were going to be sexually abused? Then why send them off to be physically abused, for that is what they are doing.

The only way to out maneuver a control freak is to out control them, and you have that right!

(Sorry, but this is a little emotional for me!)

Seejay Tue, Sep-16-14 13:41

Originally Posted by Glendora
Seejay, are your grandson's parents on board with lower refined stuff for your grandson? How old is your grandson?
I think yes. His mom might still be afraid of fat. It's only the mom right now, dad left and is MIA (long story). Grandson is 7.

I'll have to walk a fine line to make sure I'm not taking on his food and fitness - that's his mom's job - but still share and we all learn. Heck, I can learn what a 7 year old likes from his picking out paleo food from pictures. I hope.

Glendora Wed, Oct-15-14 09:53

So I thought I'd post an update.

My Colsie is getting trimmer!!

But first, MIL update: I put my foot down. I flat-out told her Cols is getting sick every single time he visits there. I told her he CAN NOT eat the way he's been eating there and informed her that he has been missing school due to this and that the school is calling about it. I had been telling her more casually than this, but she doesn't get casual (or chooses to ignore casual, anyway).

She got kind of scared and she backed down and gave me her promise. She has a CLEAR food list (again). Those foods and THAT IS IT and if she doesn't abide by it, obviously, I will know, and visits will reduce. I wasn't mean or threatening, but her reaction was a new one by me so we shall see. In the meantime, they haven't had the kids for two weeks and won't have them this weekend again as they have been out of town.

I weighed Col about a week ago (I try to be VERY casual about this...I DO NOT want him to get a complex or think he has to "diet" per se) and he was the same. But his pants are falling down and his shirts are hanging down, rather than pulling tight across his belly. He is definitely smaller! And feeling tons healthier. No calls from the nurse recently and he has more energy and has been playing outside.

He is eating plenty. I refuse to restrict him and have him feel hungry. Restrict meaning total food-wise. However, with our changes (the whole family is doing this except my husband), Cols is obviously feeling tons better.

Seejay Wed, Oct-15-14 10:29

This is the happiest report! Well done you! and without the restriction and super casual. Well except with MIL - hope the new reaction is the start of new behavior, wow.

Glendora Wed, Oct-15-14 22:16

Thanks, Seejay! Yes, I think so too.

JEY100 Thu, Oct-16-14 03:07

Wonderful update! Good news about MIL getting on board and your son feeling better. Has he made the connection with which foods make him feel better and which make him sick so he will know when to pass on certain items in all situations? Thinking season is upon us starting with Halloween. You might need to make the extra effort for baking treats he can have when others are filling up on junk and gluten items. Thanks for sharing the good news of his extra energy and health with us! :thup:

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