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patriciakr Fri, Jun-27-14 07:49

Whee! Mini-whoosh
New one day low this morning, second one this week. My weight today is 191.4!!

C'mon 180s!

patriciakr Sat, Jun-28-14 09:32

Whoosh whoosh baby!
Wow. I didn't expect a whoosh week, but I guess I am having one.

Today is my 3rd new one day low this week. My weight is 190.0 :)

Having my breakfast - 1 egg over easy in 1 tsp. unsalted butter with 1 ginormous white mushroom, 1 slice chipotle white cheddar melted atop the egg. 1/3 caf and 2/3 decaf coffee with 1 oz. half and half.

patriciakr Sun, Jun-29-14 10:06

Only because I slept way late, new one day low this morning is 189.5. I sure hope to see that again this upcoming week, at my usual awakening time :lol:

Enomarb Sun, Jun-29-14 13:30

hi -
back from a 2 week vacation- had a great time but lots of temptation food wise. CARBS are everywhere- but my motivation is keeping healthy and staying on plan.
I had eggs in our rental apartment for breakfast everyday except one. That day we ate at the hotel DD was staying in-
had eggs, salads, and breads and sweet cakes and made it a very carb heavy RM. Most days we are lunch at home too- salami and cheese and veggies (mostly eggplant and cucumbers). Days we had lunch out I could remove the bread or order the meal on a plate. One day it was so much food that my lunch was also lunch the next day.
Dinners we had out every night. I had protein and carbs every night- and tried to add in veggies too.
DH had his usual candy and sweets but I was okay avoiding that. Didn't have any desserts the whole trip except for that one blow out breakfast and at the wedding we went to with DD.

I got home today so I will weight tomorrow.

PAT!!!!! You are amazing!


Enomarb Mon, Jun-30-14 03:16

slept 8 hours and feel pretty good- I get awful jetlag.
Weight is the SAME as when I left!!! I LOVE THIS WOL!!!

Just had a coffee- not hungry enough to eat yet and would like to get back on a normal schedule so I'll eat at 6 am.

Last night had spinach salad (large), trout with butter and lime, and corn on the cob for my carb. DH added candy for his dessert- chocolate.

Today I will have leftover trout for lunch CM. RM dinner will be grilled smoked beef sausage, coleslaw, salad and bread for carb.

I also have a steak in the fridge thawing out. Will have it tomorrow or Wednesday.


patriciakr Mon, Jun-30-14 07:11

Yes! Over 80% done.
I did my average today and see I'm now at 81% of the way done (to the old goal of 150).


never2late Mon, Jun-30-14 17:09

Do you have any idea why CAD has the warning for diabetics?

patriciakr Mon, Jun-30-14 18:08

Originally Posted by never2late
Do you have any idea why CAD has the warning for diabetics?

I'm sorry, never read CAD. I don't recall if there is a warning in CALP - do you eno?

I have used calp to keep myself as pre-diabetic, but that is different from when you are diagnosed as having type 1 or 2 diabetes.

Enomarb Tue, Jul-01-14 05:14

I think the main issue for people with Diabetes and the Heller plans is that you MUST limit your carbs at RM- cannot be a high carb meal. On page 98 of my CALP(hardcover) it says CALP "HAS BEEN USED WITH GREAT SUCCESS TO CORRECT BOTH HYPOGYCEMIA AND ADULT-ONSET DIABETES." The Hellers do recommend that you be closely monitored by your MD if you are taking meds or insulin.

There is an area on this site for DIABETES- I'd recommend you take a look at it. When it comes to diabetes, less carbs is better. Period. And complex carbs are better than simple carbs.
Controlling carbs and losing weight (if you are overweight and have Type 2) appear to be the best ways to manage this disease.
Same with Fatty Liver- or NASH. There seems to be a link between carbs, especially Fructose, and NASH.

Had grilled sausage, coleslaw, spinach salad and bread for RM. DH also got ice cream but I didn't have any.

Tonight RM will either be a steak or a bahn mi sandwich- whatever DH picks.
My CM lunch will be the last of the leftover trout and either spinach or coleslaw.

Have a great day-

never2late Tue, Jul-01-14 07:04

I am a Type 1 who continuously experiments with the different low carb plans.
Trying to find something that works.
Dr. Bernstein, even though a Type 1 himself, addresses Type 2 more and has mostly Type 2 followers.
I follow the threads and have his 3 books.
Thank you for the replies, I do follow this thread daily.

maryh Wed, Jul-02-14 09:39

Hi Never2Late.. :wave:
I'll just share my experiences with the CAD.
I used the CAD principles as best I could & it did help me get out of both the obese & over-weight categories!
I'm not diabetic however I do get hypoglycaemia very easily
(When I have PMS,( my hormones are a big culprit) if I have a green tea at the wrong time, if I've exercised
too much, if I've taken alcohol,(the worst)/ went too long without eating anything,
also if my diet is too low carb I get symptoms of hypoglycaemia)

The CAD worked most successfully for me when I did try to keep the carbs 'safe' for in not have any that are 'triggers' or 'trouble-makers'
as I'd call them like for example 'biscuits/ breakfast cereals, or milk chocolate'.
I tend to always want to over eat those; whether following CAD or not so
I need to stay away from those things permanently because they cause
a lot of trouble & make it hard for me to have any kind of normal eating habits.
A typical amount of carbs for me in my RM; when following the CAD would be ( A tortilla wrap with around 23 g of carbs, to have with my salad, salad dressing, (7g) a Yogurt with around 13g carbs, & 2 squares of dark chocolate (maybe around 6g); so around 49g-60g of carbohydrate total.
This looks like so many & TOO many carbs to a lot of people who follow these kind of programs but to me it kept me 'sane' & didn't seem to negatively effect my energy levels/ appetite.

When I tried to do the CALP, I found it really hard to do.
I remember feeling like I was going to pass out! I think maybe I didn't eat regularly enough. (I didn't want to/feel hungry but then I'd start to suffer the effects :eek: ) I also struggled to include protein at each and every meal.
Perhaps if your following this you could make sure to eat something every 3 hours or so or include more CM snacks?

I'm still struggling with this to some extent also 'never2late'
because the symptoms of hypoglycaemia has knocked me off plan more than once;;; between wanting to pass out, feeling nauseous, lacking in energy big time or just feeling extremely irritable after a CM meal & feeling
the need for carbohydrates. Headaches also.
I also felt my concentration wasn't the best at times either.

I'm still looking around for a Plan B to help with all those symptoms I mention above.
I'm considering experimenting with the level of Carbs in my CM meals..
for example ( including <9g of carbs per meal instead of <4g)
but then it would no longer be considered that I'm following the CAD.

I do want to veer more towards the CALP plan but I haven't been successful so far. Sometimes it feels like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.. :lol:

So I'm still struggling with this which is probably why I don't always post here as often.

Enomarb Wed, Jul-02-14 14:40

hi MaryH-
what do you do different on CAD and CALP?

never2late Wed, Jul-02-14 15:54

Thank you maryh for the insight.
I am drawn to this slow, but steady plan and would like to get it to work into my way of eating.
I'm not concerned with how long it takes.
Your having the hypoglycemic challenges indicate you will become a diabetic.
Some hypoglycemic diabetics never switch to hyper but have lots of problems along the way.
I have a book that I'll dig out and post title to on here from when I was a hypoglycemic.
In many ways that is more dangerous and being a Type II diabetic.
I'm a type 1 due to pancreas removal.
That is what changed me from a hypoglycemic to Type 1.

maryh Wed, Jul-02-14 16:00

Hi Eno
On CAD; I would have a RM that usually included a salad & have it with carbs (as I mentioned above, probably totalling 50/60g of carbohydrates).

On CALP: I had another serving of protein + vegetables (cooked) + 1 serving of carbohydrates...around 25-30g. Less than my normal amount so that it balanced better.

The main difference between CAD & CALP for me would just be at the RM, everything else was the same!

I haven't given up on this way of eating & will keep on trying!

The problems I mentioned on my previous post also do throw me at times but I know how the CAD has served me up until now so I will try to
focus and re-enforce the positive wherever possible.

maryh Wed, Jul-02-14 16:50

Thanks never2late, I would be interested in that book as I'm still
reading up a lot about this topic. :)
Sorry to hear you had to have your pancreas removed; that sounded quite drastic! I'm sure it was all for a good reason why you had to undergo this procedure.

I've had those blood sugar problems all my life; I was v. over-weight as a child & lived on breakfast cereals -(cornflakes with sugar) and breads.

I know any type of blood sugar issues need to be gotten under control
I will ask my doctor next visit whether he thinks I'm at risk of diabetes;;
& will order one of those A1C/ hbA1C tests.

I did love the CAD as it felt that I wasn't exactly 'dieting'.
I felt like I was eating like a normal person with Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Not too much snacking or anything in between.
By and large I do find it a God send.

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