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Marlaine Sat, May-25-02 22:56


The really cool thing about BFL is that you are going to improve by leaps and bounds because you are challenging yourself like this.

I think what appeals to me about BFL is that it's challenging and it yields results. It's about that "satisfied" feeling you mentioned. We are meeting the challenge and doing it for ourselves.


AngelaR Sun, May-26-02 07:38

5 minute warm up

Not happy with this first full UBWO. Don't know if the weights are too light or if my positioning is all wrong. Only hit my tens on the shoulder exercises. Had to do motions very slowly and hold much long to feel any of the muscle groups.

Chest - DB flyes, DB bench press
Shoulders - Side raises, Bent over raises
Back - DB rows, bent over Rows
Triceps - lying dumbell extensions, kickbacks
Biceps - DB curls, hammer curls

Hamstrings still aching from yesterday. Started l-glutamine yesterday, but made the mistake of getting tablets instead of powder. There're only 500mg each, so that's a lot of pills to swallow twice a day.

Looking for used weights in the paper. And a proper bench.

Natrushka Sun, May-26-02 16:42

Angela, learning your necessary weights is a crap shoot the first few times out of the gate. We often tend to underestimate what we can lift. Yes, most women are weak in upper body moves, but we do lift heavy things all the time!

Figuring out what is a good starting weight and moving up from there is a somewhat backwards way of getting to your ojbective - muscle failure. In a few days, when your arms are not sore (if they should be sore later, it often takes 24-36 hours for DOMS to show up) try each move again, but just for a few reps. Try to figure out your maximum weight for 1 or 2 reps. Then work backwards. 6 reps would be 90% of that, 8 would be 80%, 10 would be 70% and 12, well 60% ;)

If you can get down to your local library you can probably pick up a video or two on how to lift these puppies - I saw a few when doing some searching for a friend here in Ottawa. I'm not sure if you saw them or not but there are a few good links I've posted around on demos - ( and ) These should help you ensure you're doing the moves right - it does take some practice :)

We're all here cheering you on!

AngelaR Fri, May-31-02 05:41

May 31
Week 2 day 1

Nat - thanks for the links. One of those I already picked up from one of the threads in the exercise forums. Thanks for the other. :p

Back form a 3 day business trip.

Yesterday was my free day. Tuesday and Wed I worked out in the hotel gym. Lower body workout went great. I love that workout. It's because the first group is step-ups...holding onto weights and stepping up onto the weight bench. It's like doing a super stairmaster - as much aerobics as it is resistance training for my quads. For some reason this is may favorite.

Instead of doing the aerobics workout on Wednesday, I did more upper body. I'm having trouble with this one. I was very lucky because there was a very nice fellow in the gym who was doing weights too, and started talking to me when he saw me flipping thru the pages of the BFL book. He actually helped me out with some pointers on form and technique on most of my upper body routines. That was so nice of him.

I think I need to switch to using my rowing machine for some of my upper body routines until I can get a real set of weights and a bench. The weights I have at home just aren't heavy enough. I'm not feeling anything, and I hate doing the routine. On the rowing machine I know I can really work my biceps and triceps.

Started 2 new food/nutrition things.
soy protein shakes. The only whey protein shake I could find was at Bulk Barn, and it had 19 carbs for 2 scoops. I passed on that one. I like these soy shakes. I think it was Nat who said they make a nice delivery vehicle for other goodies (l-glut and flax seed oil). I've gone off of the liberty yogurt for a while, and am putting my daily ration of raspberries into the shakes instead of the yogurt. My body needs a shake up anyway..a switch off of yogurt will be good for a while.

I've read the stickies and other posts on protein shakes, and it seems to be 6 of 1, half dozen of the other as to whether to use soy or whey.

There is a GNC about 45 minutes drive away, so I'll head out there on Saturday. I need to get some powdered l-glut. I'll check out their protein shakes.

Marlaine Fri, May-31-02 21:50


I love those step ups too. Did them as a primary exercise for a while and have been doing them as secondary this round. I'm probably going to make them the primary again starting on week 9 simply because I enjoy them AND I feel like I make great progress doing them.

It's wonderful to find exercises like this that we really look forward to doing, isn't it?


AngelaR Sat, Jun-01-02 05:23

Marlaine - I just wish I could find the same kind of "I luv them" exercises for my upper body workout. It will just take some playing around until I get it right.

C1W2D2 - 20MAS
20 minutes on the rowing machine. This silly thing hasn't had more than 1000 strokes in the 10 years I've owned it. It's getting it's fair share of use now. Today I was able to adjust the tension form the lowest setting to setting 2. This I could really feel in different muscles, depending on how I grabbed the "oars" or whether I slid the seat or sat still. This was more of an experiment than a 20-MAS...but I did find some things I could do for triceps and biceps that are more satisfying than the weights. This is resistance training anyway, so .... :p

I mentioned in my other journal that I have been ravenously hungry since starting BFL and have had no problem getting 5 or six smaller meals in. Protein shakes help out.

oooh almost forgot...there has been a 2 inch measurement change on ribcage, tummy and hips. This is the first downward movement in almost 3 months. There was a 1 inch increase in my right thigh. over 3 measuring spots, it could be tape reading error, or some migrating fat, or some muscle development. Not worried at all about that 1 inch..I think it's a good thing.

Marlaine Sat, Jun-01-02 08:04

Hi Angela....

It may take a bit of time, but eventually, I'm certain that it will all come together for you. In the meantime, here is My Favourite Triceps Exercise. I love the way this one feels!


AngelaR Sun, Jun-02-02 06:55

Challenge 1 - Week 2 - Day 3
My heart and mind were not in my workout today. Don't know why, cuz I love my lower body workout. Only hit my tens on the crunches.

Quads - step ups and plie squats
Hamstrings - deadlifts
Calves - calf raises and 1 legged calf raise
Abs - crunches. Finally got these right and boy can I feel them!

Went to GNC yesterday and picked up some vanilla flavored soy protein mix. It has quite a strong taste, and is pleasant on it's own. The vanilla is too overpowering to add raspberries into. But, it's a good alternative for my evening shake when I'm already at my carb limit and can't use fruit. The fellow in the store was quite helpful, and has just finished his first BFL challenge, so we had a pleasant conversation.

Yesterday I had a 3000 calorie day and 188 protein just to manage the hunger. My normal non exercising upper calorie limit would be just over 1900. Keeping an eye on upper limits to make sure I don't undo the good from the exercise.

Today is a gardening day. I can already feel my quads aching so it's going to be a tough one.

Marlaine - I'm working on that tricept exercise. It's in my UBWO. It feels awkward right now. It will come in time. Thanks for the tip.

AngelaR Wed, Jun-05-02 17:00

Having some problems with change of morning routine. When I started BFL I was on a mixture of vacation wrapped around some business travel. It was easy to work out first thing in the morning. Now that I'm back home and into my regular workday routine, I'm having a wee bit of trouble getting my butt moving in the morning to work out. Have swithced my workouts to before supper, but I know the morning ones are more effective.

By experimenting with different grips and such, I've been able to find satisfying bicep tricep and shoulder exercises using my rowing machine.

My copy of Dan's book arrived today! Got some reading to do.

Natrushka Wed, Jun-05-02 17:33

Effectiveness and timing
Angela, if you cannot fit the weight lifting workouts in early in the morning don't sweat it - literally! The goal of the lifting is to build muscle that will eat body fat. You may actually be stronger later in the day. Feeling stronger can result in greater gains in muscle and consequently better fat loss. I recently began having half a protein shake prior to lifting to ensure I was not in a completely catabolic state (as you are after fasting through the night) - I feel stronger when I do my workouts now; I know I sure hurt a lot more afterward.

What is key is that you get the workouts in; make the program work for you.


AngelaR Thu, Jun-06-02 16:20

C1W2D7 - Free day
Nat, I guess it's all about finding out what works best for each of us, rather than being obsessed and frustrated when doing things "by the book". I actually DO enjoy morning workouts better. Not just because of the workout, but because I feel more alert, clear headed and energetic for the rest of the day. I just have trouble some mornings facing up to it.

It was a free day today. Body was resting, mind was racing with random thoughts and observations.

- still having a bit of trouble getting my mind wrapped around eating higher carbs, and upping calories to about 2000. Not having problems at all with protein levels since introducing protein shakes. Deep down I'm still afraid it will make me stop losing . I have to let go of that.

- read Dan's metabolism book last night. Interesting reading, although it will take several readings to absorb it all. My conculsion is jump starting my metablism is great info to have tucked away for use if it is required.

-Resisted the temptation to try a kickstart because I have slowed down to losing only 3 pounds in the last 3 months and only a couple of inches (yea, I know pounds are not important) I have no reason to believe anything other than normal body adjustment is happening. I was at this weight for about 10 years before I went higher. Exercising, drinking plenty of water, and keeping those calories up will eventually pay off. As Nat and Marlaine say, BFL is a 12 week program. You won't see results right away.

(Note to Self-remember to come back and read this post on the days you are feeling frustrated and turtled because you have nothing to feel frustrated about. Stop being so darned impatient!)

-been daydreaming about what I will look like, feel like at the end of the 12 weeks. That will be in mid August. Those daydreams make me smile because I know I'll get there one achy muscle at a time. ;)

AngelaR Fri, Jun-07-02 15:52

Wow!. Can't believe this is the start of week 3 and I've stuck with it and am still enjoying it!!!


Quads - Step ups/plie squats. Only hit my 9's on these. need heavier weights desperately

Hamstrings - Deadlifts - still having trouble with these. Did all the sets and had to really focus on my hamstrings.

Calves - 1 legged calf raises. Couldn't finish the last set. Calves were burning and there was just nothing left to push up with. I LOVE that feeling!

Abs - Crunches. Still hate these. Couldn't finish most of the reps
10/12, 9/10, 8/8, 6/6, 10/12/6/12 As much as I hate these I know they are the only thing I can do right now to help out with the little watermelon I'm carrying around. One day I'll be thankfull that I hated these enough to keep at it. ;)

Still haven't found used equipment in the paper. Posted wanted notices up in all the coffee rooms at work hoping someone there would come thru.

I love the feeling after a good workout!

itsjoyful Fri, Jun-07-02 21:45

Hi Angela!
What a great suprise to have you around my gym log. I figured I'd come answer over here.
To answer our questions, I had to go through my log to try to peice it all togeter. Back in November I was attempting to work out on a fairly regular basis in the gym at my old apartment. I was using ALOT of machines. In fact, now that I think about, all my LBWO were machines, even calves. I've always carried an "athletic" build so maybe that's why the heavier weights. It may also have to do with the running. I've been running for about 5 years now so maybe just the activity has helped? I'm not sure.
I will tell you that the difference between week 1 and week 4 are pretty big. I'm going to look for my first week papers, and I'll let you know what the differences are.
I hope I've helped. I can imagine it's a bit frustrating to be doing this on your own with only support from here. You are doing a great job and I visit your log often. Even if I'm not posting, if you notice your log has been viewed, know it was me giving you a huge RIGHT ON!
Let me know if there is anything else I can help with. Have a great weekend!

AngelaR Sun, Jun-09-02 07:31

C1W3D2 and D3
D2 - 20 MAS -skipped involved with helping my husband install the new statellite dish and get it running. Before I knew it it was noon and we hadn't had breakfast. Scrambled the rest of the day to get groceries and clean house for company that was coming for dinner.

FINALLY I FOUND THE GROOVE FOR THIS!!! Slight positioning changes, and doubling up on the reps for the routines where my weights are way too low really helped make this worthwhile finally!!

3 minute warm up to a tape, which the brand new VCR promptly refused to eject.
3 sets of 12 step ups with no weights to continue warmup.

Flyes using 5# for all reps. HM10s on the final set. Dumb bell bench press. doubled the reps to compensate for light weights

Bent over raises
12 ~ 3.5#, 10 ~ 2#, 8~2#, 6~3#, 12~3#, side raises 9~3#. HM10s

Pullovers. Tried these for the first time as a ch ange because the rows were doing nothing for me with my light weights. I LOVE THESE. They are hard and I hit my 10s. Rows 12~5#

Extensions and lying extensions. Doubled the reps. didn't HM10s, but really could feel my triceps for the very first time since doing UBWO

Curls and hammer curls, double reps for all sets with 5#. HM10s on the final set

My arms and shoulders feel like jello now. After 2 weeks of fighting with this UBWO I finally found adjustments that make me feel the right muscles. This was a STELLAR workout! :D

AngelaR Mon, Jun-10-02 14:41

Didn't get my butt moving in time again first thing this morning. Worked out after work, before dinner

Walk/jog intervals outside. 5 minute warm up walk, 20-mas, 5 minute cool down walk. As punishment for not doing it this morning, and for having a smoke after 8 hours off I took the route that is downhill outbound and uphill homebound. HM10s since my running endurance is still pretty low. It was worthwile, and sure beat just plain walking for an hour.

I must ahve done something right yesterday with the UPBW. It's the first time my arms and chest are really sore.

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