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JimR-OCDS Fri, Apr-26-02 10:52

No one get's out of this world alive, regardless of what diet you follow!

Sandy34683 Sat, Apr-27-02 16:09

Dr. Atkins health
DwRolfe: :p

Thanks for the information on Dr. Atkins.
I am glad to hear he will have a speedy recovery.

I'm glad to see the media is not taking this opportunity to blame it on his theory on health. I am a strong believer. I recently had an EKG performed during checkup. The doctor asked if I was a health (excercise buff). Which I am not. Rather live on atkins than excercice. He said "you won't be dying from a heart attack any time soon. He also said, I look much younger than my age. It's atkins living to thanks.

Hope you are doing great. You take a great photo.

wbahn Sat, Apr-27-02 18:47

People definitely like to think in overly simplistic terms and the media definitely likes to cater to that desire.

Ninety percent of smokers never develop lung cancer. But ninety-nine percent of non-smokers never do. Yet the notion that "smoking causes cancer" is completely engrained in the public's mind and the unreasonable extension that ALL smokers will get cancer is generally there at least subconsiously.

The fact that a person had A and then a person developed B does NOT mean that A led to B - no matter what the pseudoscientists tell the pseudojournalists.

alpmartin Sat, Apr-27-02 22:14

Thanks for getting the info on this page. I had heard a short blurb on the local radio station, but my local newspaper did not carry the story so I had no idea what had happened. I am sure that the media had a ball with it.

By the way, what is the status of the suggestion of a group get-well (and stay well) card?

jujubaby Sun, Apr-28-02 13:09

The famous Pritican man died;Dr. Davis of no sugar fame died
Rachel Carlson died: a famous heart specialist Dr. De Francis of St Vinvents Hospital in NY died of a heart attack; etc. etc, etc.

I really appreciated the news and I would like to share somehting with you all:
My younger brother who has been thin all his life; was a body builder, camper; woodsman etc. had a myocardial infarc when he was 46 years old. He had bypass surgery soon after for blocked arteries. He went on a very strick diet of no salt, no sugar and no, no, no fat, not even nuts or olive oil. Ate fruit, fish and veggies.
He had 8 angiograms and had a second bypass. Tuesday he will undergo another angiogram and who knows what else.
When he hears that Atkins had a cardiac arrest, I know he will enjoy that.
The toss of the dice has a lot to do with how long you get to be on this earth. Some people may feel his diet failed him. But he looked pretty good, was thin, rich and free of operations, cancer untill this.\

I wish him and my brother speedy recovery.

sylvia Sun, Apr-28-02 16:32

dw rowlfe
I just found out that dr atkins had his attack .I was at first shocked until I gogt the facts from your post .I think this man is amazing ,thanks to him Iam wearing no mal sized clothes and getting alife . I am tired of people telling me that this Wol is wrong while THEY dont lose weight and are far from healthy and happy . dr atkins and thousands of others KNOW that way works and Iwould say that he might have been in alot more dangerous position had he not been following this plan.---I really hope he gets better soon .he is my hero too.! :cheer:

Melberry Mon, Apr-29-02 01:58

We only had the Dr Atkins story on a couple of the news broadcasts and now it's gone very quiet (the media are more interested in the punch up between two footy teams last night!). I will be interested to hear if anything is said at the seminar I'm going to Wednesday night. Among others, Dr Sandra Cabot is talking about Syndrome X and of course her diet is a similar version to Atkins (albeit with more carbs and no dairy). The comment is sure to come up.


captxray Mon, Apr-29-02 12:21

Thanks, Donald!
I was just reading in another post about Dr. Atkins and read about his heart problem. I was shocked, but knew that I would find the information somewhere on this site. And, there you have it! I'm glad he is alright! If it hadn't been for his incredible diet and wonderful artery health, he might not have lived through the heart disease he has. It's too bad that the health food industry (and many uninformed doctors) has taken such a wicked stand, and Americans, in general, have been so brainwashed into believing that the greatest avenue to good health is bad for them. Of course, this points to the need for medical schools to stress nutrition more...and for Americans to pay a little bit of attention to other types of healing besides Alopathy (that's medical doctoring for you who have never seen the word). Until medical doctors become better informed, and people quit putting all of their trust in medical doctors instead of their own body signals, we will never see a change in the overall pattern. But, each of us can do something for ourselves to promote our own better health. That is what living in a free country is all about.

Cheryl R Sat, May-04-02 21:48

Why is it so shocking to the matter what eating styles you have that a 71 year old man had a heart attack... even if it was or wasn't an actual heart attack. The man has been in great health...and it's not like he's 50 anymore.

Dr. Atkins will always be my hero.


captxray Mon, May-06-02 10:07

He's a great guy!
Although I'm not on his Atkins Diet Revolution diet, he is responsible for almost all of the other diets in LC eating even getting a slight hearing. He has done more for the improvement of nutrition in this country...and the world, in general, than any other living human being...the trouble is , the world is resistant to change. What do we expect after five thousand years of bad food traditions? Most people don't like to change the traditions of their parents, and grandparents...after all, that would show them that those who went before us, were wrong. Most of us put our parents and ancestors on such a pedestal, that to admit that they were misinformed is just too much to handle...hence, what we see with the state of nutrition worldwide. It's not necessarily everybody's fault, either. Mankind...along with our old friend the dog, had pretty much wiped out the large animal population...our ancestor's main source of food. If Mankind hadn't gone to a grain-based diet most of us wouldn't be here to go back to our old WOE. Or, in the words of my ex-wife..."Ray, get a clue. Most people are idiots!"

TeriDoodle Tue, May-07-02 07:27

Dr. Atkins responds on his website
Here's a letter to the Atkins website registered users.... in case you're interested. I think it was posted last night or today (5/7/02):

What Is Cardiomyopathy?
Dear Friend,

I imagine that many of you have read in newspapers or heard on television or radio that I had a medical emergency a few weeks ago. I did have a brief episode when my heart stopped beating, but it quite certainly was not a heart attack. This medical term applies to chest pain or heart irregularities caused by blockage of the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart.

Instead, my problem was caused by an infection of the heart. In fact, two years ago, I was diagnosed with a condition known as cardiomyopathy, the causes of which are generally unknown. However, in my case we know that the cardiomyopathy was caused by a chronic bacterial infection picked up during an overseas trip some years ago. Cardiomyopathy is a condition in which the heart’s ability to pump blood is weakened because of enlargement, thinning and weakening of the heart muscle and is in no way related to diet.

To borrow a quote from Clyde Yancy, M.D., University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and a member of the American Heart Association National Board of Directors, on CNN, “Despite the obvious irony, I believe that there is a total disconnect between the cardiac arrest and the health approach he [Atkins] popularizes.”

Mainstream cardiologists typically regard most cases of cardiomyopathy with great concern because of a lack of effective drug therapies; however, such is not the case with practitioners of complementary medicine. I am one of many such patients who have shown positive results. With the help of natural therapies, including co-enzyme Q10, carnitine, taurine and magnesium, I have experienced a steady improvement over the past two years.

How has that improvement manifested itself? Well, in practice, I went from having difficulty climbing stairs to being able to play tennis with—and beat—far younger players. And clinically, echocardiograms continue to show an improvement in the “ejection fraction” of my heart, a measure of the effectiveness of each heartbeat.

At any rate, I was healthy enough to be discharged from the hospital after just six days later and to appear “The Today Show” eight days after the episode. Many viewers told me that they could see I was back to my normal combative self.

I am determined to turn this little setback into something positive for all of us. If enough of you request that I do so, I will elaborate on how complementary medicine practitioners are managing cardiomyopathy in a future issue of this newsletter. Please let me know if you would like to hear more about this condition. And if my story raised any other questions, please e-mail us with your requests and we will be glad to respond.

Some of you have expressed concern as to why you are hearing about this for the first time. My family and I have viewed this as a private and personal family matter that has had no relevance to the Atkins Nutritional Approach™. Unfortunately, the spate of rumors of the past few weeks made it clear that I needed to speak out to reassure my millions of followers that if anything, my diet has made me strong and able to successfully combat a condition that is generally beyond the care of conventional medicine.

Robert C. Atkins, M.D.

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