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krystalr Tue, Dec-29-09 13:50

Originally Posted by FreyaAZ
I can't really say Momma, because I had <ahem> the exact opposite problem during induction. It's all part of the withdrawl -- your body is reacting badly to carb starving -- so at least you know that your LC plan is working! It will pass and you'll feel better soon, I promise. Hang in there.


Ha. Me too. I still have a hard time, but I am still following induction since I have a bit to get rid of. I'm hoping as I start to add more carbs in and work up the ladder, things will..become easier :D

MommyP Tue, Dec-29-09 14:23

Lotsa great tips here, but I will say this about packaged low carb foods. YMMV, truly. (Your Mileage May Vary) Depending on how you use them, they work for some of us. I don't have an Atkins bar every day, but I do eat them on occasion, like when I feel like treating myself. I have never noticed any problems with them, but I do feel like they could slow me down if I just ate them willy-nilly. Having one once in awhile isn't going to mess me up, but you can tell just from this thread, I seem to be an exception. I knew from past Atkins experience that frankenfoods aren't Induction-friendly.

Plan for those moments when hunger strikes outta nowhere. Prepare yourself. Have lots of safe treats on hand. Cooked bacon, boiled eggs, cream cheese celery, cheese sticks, and, if you're a freak like me who loves salads, always have a bag of baby spinach or prepared lettuce (or both) onhand and some stuff to put on it.

And (I can't stress this enough) try to keep in mind that THIS IS NOT A DIET. It's a lifestyle change. If you're doing this just to drop some pounds and then go back to eating the way you always have, you'll end up like me. This is my second Atkins journey. My first went exceedingly well. I lost all my weight, stayed on plan for about a year, but I gave in to temptation (my husband and his family), and regained almost all I had lost in a matter of months. Don't even go into this if you're planning to do as I did. It's really depressing to realize that you trashed everything you worked for for a long time in a matter of months.

MommyP Tue, Dec-29-09 14:29

Originally Posted by Citruskiss
5. - Don't head out to the mall or anything without eating something first. This'll minimize the chances of caving into the fast food at the food court or what have you. If you're going out, either bring some food, or eat something beforehand. This isn't to say you won't eat out, but you can head off potential problems by eating before going out. It's a heck of a lot easier to order the right thing in a restaurant or fast food place if you've already had a couple of eggs for breakfast. Don't let yourself get caught feeling hungry at the wrong place and wrong time.

Ohhh... Good one!

cvn69nva Tue, Dec-29-09 14:52

another tip... START A JOURNAL!!
this way if you are having a problem we can back track and help you.. also you can release your vents out in it...

GlendaRC Tue, Dec-29-09 17:37

I think it's been said a couple of times already but, if you really can't cook, take some lessons. Sign up for a night school course, or for a course through a local kitchen shop. You don't have to cook complicated stuff - there's a lot of induction-suitable recipes right here in the "Kitchen Forum" that have just a few ingredients and very simple methods, but you must, at least, know the language!

For example, in cooking a teaspoon or a tablespoon (shortened to tsp & Tbsp) are NOT the same spoon you stir your tea with or eat your soup with - they are a specific size spoon and come in a set of "measuring spoons". These are basic things you'll learn if you take a beginners course and learning them can spell the difference between liking your results and tossing them!

Also, some people really do have to learn to like themselves. It's very hard to keep doing something as difficult as learning and sticking to a new way of eating just to improve the life of someone you don't even like very much!

And it really is important to read a few low-carb diet books - I'd suggest borrowing (from your local library) at least Protein-Power, South Beach, and Dr.Atkins New Diet Revolution (2002 or earlier version)- then pick the one that you can live with, and buy your own copy - you'll refer to it often! They all work, but they all have slightly different rules, especially at the beginning. Each plan has a web-site, which is a great supplement to the book, but they are definitely not a replacement for the book!

Come back to this forum daily - read the posts, contribute your ideas, ask questions and get involved! It will all help keep you motivated.

Best wishes on your journey to a new, healthier, slimmer you!

bchouest Wed, Dec-30-09 09:11

I Need A Friend!!
What a horrible way to start this off... LOL!

This is not my 1st or even 2nd time attempting this way of life. The 1st time my Dh was not very supprtive he also wasn't openly unsupportive just made lots of comments. The 2nd time was when we 1st seperated again friends were not very supportive. THIS IS MY TIME... But i do need a friend
:help: .. I need someone to talk to, and share with; to walk this journey with. I'm starting 2010 and leaving all the sludge of 2009 behind. If anyone is out there and they are looking for a buddy to help motivate each other and keep the prize in sight please think of me!!!

cnmLisa Wed, Dec-30-09 09:32

Originally Posted by bchouest
What a horrible way to start this off... LOL!

This is not my 1st or even 2nd time attempting this way of life. The 1st time my Dh was not very supprtive he also wasn't openly unsupportive just made lots of comments. The 2nd time was when we 1st seperated again friends were not very supportive. THIS IS MY TIME... But i do need a friend
:help: .. I need someone to talk to, and share with; to walk this journey with. I'm starting 2010 and leaving all the sludge of 2009 behind. If anyone is out there and they are looking for a buddy to help motivate each other and keep the prize in sight please think of me!!!

The first thing I would do is to start visiting your journal. It looks like it hasn't seen the light of day for almost 2 years;)

There are 1000s of people on this site who will be your buddy and give you the support (and sometimes the quick kick in the a$$) when you need it.
Wether it's a SO, friends, or family, you will encounter unsupportive people (and we're just not talking food). The question is, are you strong enough to take that first step, and then the next, and then the next....

This always sticks with me---Dieting is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard.

Progress not perfection.


bchouest Wed, Dec-30-09 11:04

Thanks Lisa,

I have phoned a lady that works out at my gym who is also trying to get back into a more "Regular" schedule. she and I will start meeting monday morning ~ 5 am. I'm excited abou tgeting everything back on track... And you are so right it's hard dieting and hard being fat. I choose the FORMER!!! i was sooo much happier when I was exercising and eating better - I have a bad habit of letting people steal my happiness!! My New Years revolution is to own my Happines!!!


svince6 Wed, Dec-30-09 11:26

Originally Posted by bchouest
My New Years revolution is to own my Happines!!!


Hear! Hear! It looks like a Freudian slip with "revolution." It is more of a revolution with this type of lifestyle change.

bchouest Wed, Dec-30-09 11:45

Your right, Stacy!!! LOL!!

kc1970 Thu, Dec-31-09 12:28

Originally Posted by bchouest
I'm starting 2010 and leaving all the sludge of 2009 behind.

Me to me to! :) Like you I have done this before - a long time ago! I am starting totally fresh.
Best of luck, see you around!

pookeysmom Thu, Dec-31-09 13:41

I'm back again...............!
Hi Low Carbers!
I'm so happy to be back to this lifestyle & this website. It's been a while. And I've tried so many things in the mean time while I was gone, but why oh why do I keep forgetting to remember this is what WORKS for me???!!!! Geeesh!!

I too quit telling people I'm on Atkins or SB, because I don't want to have to explain or hear them say "Again?" blah blah blah.
So my standard reply will be what many others say "I'm cutting out sugar & bad carbs & eating healther." That's that.
Then I'll let the scale do the talking & watch my fat clothes fall off - YeeHaw!

I've got to get back on track today, before I gain back the weight I worked so hard to get off.

The thing is........I've never reached goal. Ever. On anything. In my life. I can lose 30-35 lbs & get to looking good, but I've never reached my goal & I can't figure out why.

Anyone else have that issue?

Do we get sick of having to "do something" and want to go w/ the flow for a while until we're gaining again, or are we afraid of success?


AZDweller Thu, Dec-31-09 13:48

Originally Posted by pookeysmom
The thing is........I've never reached goal. Ever. On anything. In my life. I can lose 30-35 lbs & get to looking good, but I've never reached my goal & I can't figure out why.

Anyone else have that issue?

Do we get sick of having to "do something" and want to go w/ the flow for a while until we're gaining again, or are we afraid of success?


Not sure, but I've decided that it's a WOL. I'll be eating low carb when I'm 46, 50, 60, on until it's over. If they put me in a nursing home and tube feed me, I'm requesting Atkins shakes. :lol: Maybe by that time, they'll have figured out that the weight-loss mentality of this era is so screwed up, but more than likely, I'll have to beat them with my cane until they comply! :lol:

serenity77 Thu, Dec-31-09 13:49

what a great thread....thanks for all the tips.

and from Lisa ...."This always sticks with me---Dieting is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard."......I love this! I'm putting it on my fridge right now.

cnmLisa Thu, Dec-31-09 13:56

Originally Posted by serenity77
what a great thread....thanks for all the tips.

and from Lisa ...."This always sticks with me---Dieting is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard."......I love this! I'm putting it on my fridge right now.

I can't take credit for this--I saw it in someones sig one day! But boy does it hit the nail on the head, and clear out the bull$hit:p

NancyLC wrote a post about choice---I'll see if I can find it, because that's what it boils down to when you look at the gnats a$$. Choice. (and we're NOT talking people with health issues)

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