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kkhlavinka Mon, Feb-19-01 07:23

Claudio, it can be very hard to get a doctor to listen to you when you have a problems like yours. I had some similar problems to what you are describing and it turned out that in addition to a slow thyroid (which was being treated already), my cortisol levels were too high due to a very low level of DHEA. Either one of these problems could cause the symptoms you indicate.

DHEA is a steroid that occurs in large abundance in your body and is the "mother hormone" to many others. I suggest that you read about it but proceed with caution because it is potentially dangerous if you do not need it. Your doctor can order a test to monitor your levels or you can order it from the internet and send it in yourself. Please note that if you are under 40, you probably do not need it. In the USA, DHEA can be purchased at a health food store, but it is a presecription item in many others.

Another possible cause of your problem could be an underactive thyroid. Have you had it tested?

I went undiagnosed for years and it took an open-minded practioner to discover the truth.

fay Tue, Aug-07-01 09:33

Hello Claudio,
I know this might be a bit late since most of the posts on this thread are from Jan/Feb.

However, I wanted to share that I have CFS and have had for the last 11 years. I am also a patient at the Atkins Center in NY, and it was Dr. Atkins himself who diagnosed me.

Virtually all other doctors I've dealt with (due to moving had other doctors too) have tried to tell me it is depression, anxiety, etc. Well, it isn't.

Each person required different nutrients/supplements for their individual condition, but I recommend that you get the book;
THE VITA-NUTRIENT SOLUTION, BY DR. ATKINS. In there you will see what is recommended for each illness and how much.

If you cannot get stuff locally in Buenos Aires you can order online.

Good Luck

fiona Sun, Aug-19-01 07:17

My 2penny worth
Hi every1

I've finally got round to reading this thread from the beginning. Like Fay I decided I'd put my two cents worth in. It is a subject very close to my heart - in fact so close that I sometimes shut myself off from it.

{Doreen: I think the most perfect meal is ANYTHING prepared by someone ELSE. (And someone else washes the dishes too!) } LOL Do. I used to think that until I took control of my own life and decided what I put in my body had to be prepared and cooked by me so I could be sure I was not being manipulated by the Food Industry, Cheaper cuts etc. Totally agree about the "someone else washing up!" ;)

{Doreen: Have you tried green tea? } I have. I drink at least one or two pots a day. It's great. Worth giving it a go. Unlike Caffiene gets rid of toxins instead of building them up

{Doreen: ... doctors ... miracle ... "No, it was hard work, and I did it myself". } Oh yes Doreen I totally agree with that. It is such a long story I won't go into it but I "hid" from doctors for many many years because I just KNEW (in my heart) that what they were telling me was b**ls*** and would not make me feel better. It did make me feel very isolated and hopeless and took me longer to figure out what was right and have the courage and confidence to persuade the doctors to help me do it MY way. They will listen to you if you are strong and listen to your own body. If they don't then do what I did - go with your gut feeling; listen to your heart, your instinct.

{Kkhlavinka: I have read that some people have a problem with depression on this diet. } For me this diet has been the BEST anti-depressant I have taken. For five years of my life I had every type of cure pumped into me for depression. I only got worse and finally decided NO MORE. Whatever happened I was NOT going to take another anti-depressant. It was hard because I still suffered from (very deep) depression from time to time but didn't dare tell anyone. Since I started this diet my depression is practically non-existent.

{fay: Virtually all other doctors I've dealt with (due to moving had other doctors too) have tried to tell me it is depression, anxiety, etc. Well, it isn't. } Exactly. Because doctors have gone through years of study and learning it is easy to put them on a pedestal. I learned that I knew better what was happening even if I didn't have the medical lingo and understanding that the doctors had. Also that BECAUSE of their training doctors can sometimes be very close-minded and rigid in their approach - not their fault: they spend years training to do just that.

My advice Claudio is to take control of your own life and your own body, take tiny little steps every day and do whatever it takes to make you feel better for that day. Eventually you will figure it out. I had to begin to love myself enough to be committed to my own wellbeing. NO-ONE else can do it for me however much they would like to.

Anyway that's my contribution to this thread. Hope it helps.
Take care
Love, Light, Healing, Peace, Energy, Vitality and Laughter.

fay Tue, Aug-21-01 04:00


Just curious, do you have CFS or FM?


fiona Tue, Aug-21-01 13:21

Don't know
As I have spent half my life avoiding doctors because I did not want to be "sectioned" and force-fed all manner of drugs I don't really know.

I go through phases when my energy levels are very very low - especially during Winter months. I go through phases when it feels almost impossible to shift that mood but it does shift.

I insisted (and finally after nearly a year of waiting) am receiving Homeopathic treatment on the NHS. Their approach is quite different. They treat the whole person not the symptoms. It is working much better for me.

Together with the diet which I also believe is an incredible help. I have got to do what is right for me as an individual.
Take care.

Claudio acuņa Mon, Feb-11-02 09:43

Hi there. I am back after all this months. Hotmail have elimated all my email accounts and I lost your track. You may see my posting putting claudio acuņa in the yahoo search engine. I am introuble with aspirine yet. I think I have no candidiasis nor leaky gut.. Greetings.

Claudio Acuņa

Claudio acuņa Mon, Feb-11-02 10:00

Hi there . I am back.. Greetings.

Claudio acuņa

Claudio acuņa Mon, Feb-11-02 10:29

I think that the aspirin is killing me. AmIi exagerating??. Greetings.

Claudio Acuņa

Claudio acuņa Mon, Feb-11-02 10:34

The aspirin is killing me. Am I exagerating????.

Claudio Acuņa

Claudio acuņa Mon, Feb-11-02 14:17

Hi there. What happend to my recent postings????. Greetings.

Claudio Acuņa

doreen T Mon, Feb-11-02 23:35

hello Claudio,

Your postings got a bit mixed up, but it seems to be fine now :thup:

I'm glad to hear that the leaky gut and candidiasis are not a problem any more. As for the aspirin .. well that depends on how much you are taking. One or two is not a problem. Taking many aspirins every single day can cause bleeding problems in the stomach, kidney problems and can make the blood very acid.

Why are you taking a lot of aspirin?


Claudio acuņa Tue, Feb-12-02 09:35

Why are yuo erasing my postings????
Hi there. I do not understand the reason why you are erasing all my recent posting in this forum.

Claudio Acuņa

Claudio acuņa Tue, Feb-12-02 09:48

Hi there
Hi there. I see some changes in the forum after my disconection. I take aspirin because I am an adict to the aspirin. Since fifteen I think. I got my adiction trough the cafiaspirin. It is a real adiction too hard to avoid. It is not a joke. Aspirin is cheap and is everywhere. In my standard days I use to take a pill in the morning and a pill in the afternoon. I suffer a lot if I do not take my pill. From time to time these pills made me sick. In recent days I got a new ability. I can replace the cafiaspirin by a double portion of simple aspirine. The sole aspirine is not a great relief but do not produces the terrible side effects that produces to me the cafiaspirin. Incredible thing, don't you think. Greetings.

Claudio Acuņa

doreen T Tue, Feb-12-02 09:49

hi Claudio,

Nobody has erased your recent postings. If you look right above this, in the long list of messages, you will see all of the postings you made yesterday.

The final message from yesterday ... asking where were all your posts.. you posted to a very old copy of this thread of messages about fatigue and depression that was in another forum on this message board. I chose to move your post here to this thread, because it is the EXACT same as the other one, and in fact has more messages and postings from other people about this subject. I understand if it seems confusing to you at the moment, but I believe it would have been even more confusing to other readers if the postings were in 2 different places at once.

All of your postings from yesterday are here :)


Claudio acuņa Tue, Feb-12-02 10:23

I see
I undertand now what are you doing with my postings. No problem. Greetings.

Claudio Acuņa

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