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Terry-24 Sat, May-12-07 22:19

12 May 2007

Skipped the Y today?!! Feeling deprived *and* guilty: I guess I have indeed become a gym rat. Failed an Induction Challenge, so in a funk. Start fresh tomorrow--

Terry-24 Sun, May-13-07 16:18

13 May 2007 BFL (mod.) Lower Body workout
  • warm-up: Swiss ball crunches, 80; push-ups, 15
  • bb squats: 50# 12x1; 60# 10x1; 70# 8x1; 80# 6x1; 50# 12x1; // leg press (sled): 180# 12x1
  • stiff-leg deadlifts: 45# 12x1; 55# 10x1; 65# 8x1; 70# 6x1; 55# 12x1; // db lunges: 15# 12x1
  • calf-raises (Smith): 60# 12x1; 70# 10x1; 80# 8x1; 90# 6x1; 75# 12x1; // seated heel raise: 30# 12x1
  • abs: floor crunches (all bwt): basic 12x1; knees up 12x1; heels up 12x1; bicycle kicks 12x1; flutterkicks 30; diamonds 8, 4; flutterkicks 50 // oblique heel touches: bwt 12x1
total DFA workout time: 47:00min // extra leg work:
  • knee up lunges, w/ 10# db: 12x1; 2-riser step w/ 3# for 12 step arm raises (front/lateral/ 12x2; 2-riser step lunge 12x1.
  • warm-up walk: 0.58mi over 10:00min ~ 3.5mph, incline 7.0
  • elliptical: 2.57mi over 35:00min ~ interval hill profile (levels 14-18)
HR: 143 (Avg); 163 (Max); +2min=132

Terry-24 Mon, May-14-07 14:52

14 May 07 BFL (mod.) Upper Body workout
  • warm-up: Swiss ball crunches w/ 8# med.ball 60; push-ups 15
  • bb bench press: bar only 45# 12x1; 55# 10x1; 65# 8x1; 75# 6x1; 55# 12x1. // push-ups: bwt 12x1
  • seated cable rows: 45# 12x1; 60# 10x1; 75# 8x1; 80# 6x1; 60# 12x1 // wide-grip lat pulldown: 75# 12x1 (final wts=sloppy)
  • seated db press (on Swiss ball): 5# 12x1; 8# 10x1; 10# 8x1; 12# 6x1; 8# 12x1. // db lateral raise (on Swiss ball): 8# 12x1
  • alt db curls: 5# 12x1; 8# 10x1; 10# 8x1; 12# 6x1; 8# 12x1. // bb curls: bar only 12x1
  • triceps kickbacks: 5# 12x1; 8# 10x1; 10# 8x1; 12# 6x1; 8# 12x1. // bench dips: bwt 12x1
DFA time: 40 min

  • warm-up walk: 0.60mi at 10:00min ~ 35-3.8mph, 5.0 incline
  • jog: 2.22mi at 25:00min ~ intervals 5.3-6.0mph]
HR: 158 (Avg); 166 (Max); +2min=126

Terry-24 Tue, May-15-07 16:21

15 May 07 BLF (mod) Lower Body workout

warm-up: walk: 0.59mi over 10:00min ~ 3.5mph on 8.0 incline // Swiss ball crunches (60); push-ups (15)
  • bb squats: bar-only warm-up 12x1; 50# 12x1; 60# 10x1; 70# 8x1; 80# 6x1; 50# 12x1 // sled leg press: 180# 12x1
  • stiff-leg deadlifts: 45# 12x1; 55# 10x1; 65# 8x1; 75# 6x1; 55# 12x1 // db lunges: 15# 12x1
  • (Smith) calf raises: 60# 12x1; 70# 10x1; 80# 8x1; 90# 8x1; 80# 12x1 // seated heel raises: 35# 12x1
  • floor crunches, knee-up, crossed heels-up, bicycle kicks, reverse crunches, bicycle kicks: 12x1 each
  • Roman chair oblique twists: bwt 12x1
DFA 48min // extra work:
  • bench step-ups w/ dbs: #10 12x1; #12 10x1; #15 8x1; #20 6x1; #12 12x1 // db squats 12# 12x1
  • dirty dogs (elbow, hydrant, circles, straight-leg and bent-leg pumps, elbow-smack): 12x1 each
  • v-legs: 30x1
Total weights workout time: 1:05min

warm-up: Swiss ball ab crunches 80 // walk 0.59mi over 10min ~ 3.5mph
jog: 2.66mi over 30min ~ 5.2-6.0mph
HR: 147 (Avg); 168 (Max); +2min=118
17 May 2007 BFL (mod.) Upper Body Workout
  • warm-up: Swiss ball crunches 60; push-ups 15
  • bb bench press: bar only 45# 12x1; 65# 10x1; 75# 8x1; 80# 6x1; 65# 12x1. // push-ups: bwt 12x1
  • seated cable rows: 45# 12x1; 60# 10x1; 75# 8x1; 80# 6x1; 65# 12x1 // wide-grip lat pulldown: 65# 12x1
  • (Swiss ball) db press: 5# 12x1; 8# 10x1; 10# 8x1; 12# 6x1; 10# 12x1. // (Swiss ball) db lateral raise: 8# 12x1
  • alt db curls: 5# 12x1; 8# 10x1; 10# 8x2; 12# 6x2; 10# 12x1. // bb curls: 15# 12x1
  • triceps kickbacks: 5# 12x1; 8# 10x1; 10# 8x1; 12# 6x1; 10# 12x1. // bench dips: bwt 9; 3
DFA time: 50 min

warm-up: walk 0.58mi over 10min ~ 3.5mph, 5.0 incline
jog: 2.71mi over 30min ~ 5.2-6.0mph intervals
HR: 164 (Avg); 178 (Max); +2min=130
cool-down: wak 0.49mi over 10min ~ 3.0mph

Terry-24 Sat, May-19-07 21:01

19 May 2007 BFL (mod) Lower Body Workout

warm-up: Swiss ball crunches (80); push-ups (20)
  • bb squats: bar-only warm-up 12x1; 50# 12x1; 60# 10x1; 70# 2x1; 60# 8x1; 70# 6x1; 55# 12x1 // sled leg press: 180# 12x2
  • stiff-leg deadlifts: 45# 12x1; 55# 10x1; 65# 8x1; 75# 6x1; 55# 12x1 // db lunges: 15# 12x2
  • (Smith) calf raises: 60# 12x1; 70# 10x1; 80# 8x1; 90# 8x1; 80# 12x1 // seated heel raises: 35# 12x1
  • abs: floor crunches, knee-up, crossed heels-up 12x1 each; bicycle kicks: 12x2
  • Roman chair oblique twists: bwt 12x1
DFA 59min // Notes:
  • Need much cleaner bb squats; too much wobble, press thru heels
  • increase start-weight on calf raises by 10#
  • use step platform for db lunges

Terry-24 Mon, May-21-07 12:18

20 May 2007 BFL (mod) Upper Body workout
  • warm-up: Swiss ball crunches 80; push-ups 20
  • bb bench press: bar only 45# 12x1; 65# 10x1; 70# 8x1; 75# 6x1; 80# 6x1; 65# 12x1. // push-ups: bwt 12x1 // bb bench press: bar only 45# 12x1
  • seated cable rows: 45# 12x1; 60# 10x1; 75# 8x1; 80# 6x1; 65# 12x1 // wide-grip lat pulldown: 75# 12x2 // chest flyes 60# 12x1
  • seated db press (on Swiss ball): 5# 12x1; 8# 10x1; 12# 8x1; 15# 6x1; 10# 12x1. // db alt. lateral raise (on Swiss ball): 8# 12x1
  • alt db curls: 5# 12x1; 8# 10x1; 10# 8x1; 12# 6x1; 8# 12x1. // bb curls: 15# 12x1
  • triceps kickbacks: 5# 12x1; 8# 10x1; 10# 8x1; 12# 6x1; 10# 12x1. // bench dips: bwt 12x1
  • extras: one arm bent-over row 10# 12x1; 15# 12x1. // overhead pullover: 20# 12x2
  • assisted pull-ups (Gravitron): (counterwt 70#) 12x1; (60#) 10x1; (50#) 8x1; (40#) 6x1
DFA time: 1:04 min

  • elliptical: 0.50mi at 10:00min ~ level 18

Terry-24 Tue, May-22-07 14:12

22 May 2007 BFL (mod) L.B. W/o
rt knee: PF pain
Wimpy workout, with lack of confidence over knee pain.
  • warm-up: Swiss ball crunches (80); push-ups (20)
  • stiff-leg deadlifts: 35# 12x1; 45# 10x1; 55# 8x1; 65# 6x1; 55# 12x1 // back hyperextensions: 10# 12x1; bwt 8x1
  • (Smith) calf raises: 60# 12x1; 70# 10x1; 80# 8x1; 90# 8x1; 80# 12x1 // seated heel raises: 35# 12x1
  • bb squats: db warm-up 10# 12x1; bar-only 12x1; 10# 10x1; 20# 8x1; 30# 6x1; 10# 12x1 // db suitcase deadlift: 15# 12x1
  • abs on bench: floor crunches, knee-up, crossed heels-up, bicycle kicks, jack-knives: 12x1 each // heel touch obliques: bwt 12x1
DFA 52min

  • warm-up walk: 1mi over 10min ~ 2.5mph
  • bicycle: 7.12mi over 30min
HR: 128 (Avg); 136 (Max); +2min=102

Giant Tue, May-22-07 18:26

Originally Posted by Terry-24
Try on olive bar (Whole Foods, some other chain groceries)--there's quite a variety out there, far beyond the sad bloodshot green eyeballs in jars. I quite like Greek olives. The good thing I've found about changing the way I eat is finding new things to like to eat--

Terry-24 (still a newbie, and hope it's okay to post to your journal uninvited--)

Hey Terry. Thanks for the tip on olives...I'll check it out.

Stop by my journal any time. Looks like you had a pretty good workout. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself. I was at the gym today and got freaked by the weights so I just stuck to cardio.


Terry-24 Thu, May-24-07 14:37

24 May 2007 Finally back to work-out; taking a whole day off yesterday seems to have thrown me, plus the P.F. pain in my knee Tuesday. That's gone, so need to get back on track.

BFL (mod.) Upper Body Workout
  • warm-up: Swiss ball crunches 80; push-ups 20
  • bb bench press: bar only 45# 12x1; 55# 10x1; 65# 8x1; 75# 6x1; 80# 6x1; 55# 12x1. // db bench press: 10# 12x1. // chest flyes: 60# 12x1
  • one-arm row: 25# 12x1 // seated cable rows: 60# 12x1; 67.5# 10x1; 75# 8x1; 80# 6x1; 65# 12x1 // wide-grip lat pulldown: 75# 12x1, 60# 12x1
  • bb military: bar 12x1; 15# 10x1; 10#x2 8x1; 15x2# 6x1; 15# 6x1, bar 6x1 . // db lateral raise: 8# 12x1
  • alt db curls: 5# 12x1; 8# 10x1; 10# 8x1; 15# 6x1; 8# 12x1. // bb curls: E-Z bar only 12x1
  • triceps cable pushdowns: 20# 12x1; 22.5# 10x1; 25# 8x1; 25# 6x1; 20# 12x1. // bench dips: bwt 12x1
DFA time: 52 min

  • warm-up walk: 0.60mi at 10min ~ 3.6mph, 5.0 incline
  • jog: 3.27mi at 35min ~ intervals 5.3-7.0mph]
  • cool-down walk: 0.62mi at 10min ~ 3.8mph, 5-8 incline
HR: 169 (Avg); 186 (Max); +2min=140

Terry-24 Fri, May-25-07 15:40

25 May 2007 PT appt: 55 min, mostly questions and notes
  • work on pausing at bottom of squat
  • swap in BOSU ball ankle work instead of seated calf raise to work major calf muscles and stabilizers
  • lower wt to work on form for triceps cable pushdowns: start at 12.5#
  • training for 5k (04-Jul): need to run 3.2mi 4x/wk: goal is under 35min total
Results from 04-May Lange caliper measurements:
(3 trial average): triceps 21.9 ; suprailiac 21.8 ; quadraceps 24.2
  • b.f.% = 27.7 wt 152.8 ; lbs fat = 42.3 ; lbs lean = 110.5
I'm trying to figure out a rational (i.e., less-wishful) goal weight, so looking at various "healthy weight" ranges for my height:
BMI = 18.5 to 24.9 => 106 to 143 lbs (avg 124.5) ; American Council on Exercise uses b.f.%: Fitness level = 21-24% => avg 22.5%
based on target wt/body comp: lose 8 lbs lean mass; at 22.5%b.f => wt.132 ; lbs fat=30 ; lbs lean = 102
It's not realistic to expect I can get to 124.5 wt: it would require b.f.% at 21 and losing 12 lbs lean mass, some of that much-needed muscle. So resetting my goal/stat to 132. Tick, tick, tick

Terry-24 Sun, May-27-07 17:22

27 May 2007
Okay, starting to train (!) for a first 5K on 4th-July: morning runs along lake trail. Need 4 runs per week at 3.2mi.

26-May running -- I can say running now? -- the lake trail (about 4.7mi?) Padre Bay to dam entrance in 53:44
HR: 183 Avg; 195 Max
27-May, lake trail to Cowles Pt only (about 3.5mi?) 40:04, w/ turn at 20:03
HR: 166 Avg; 183 Max
27-May Gym: BFL (mod) Total body w/o
  • warm-up: Swiss ball crunches (80); push-ups (20)
  • bb squats: bar-only 45# 12x1; 55# 10x1; 65# 8x1; 75# 6; 65# 12x1 // sled leg press: 180# 12
  • stiff-leg deadlifts: 45# 12x1; 55# 10x1; 65# 8x1; 75# 6x1; 55# 12x1 // db lunges: 15# 12x2
  • (Smith) calf raises: 60# 12x1; 70# 10x1; 80# 8x1; 90# 8x1; 70# 12x1 // BOSU ball heel stretches: bwt 12x2
  • abs: floor crunches, knee-up, crossed heels-up, flutterkicks, diamonds, floor obliques 12x1 each; bicycle kicks: 12x2
  • Roman chair oblique twists: bwt 12x1
  • bb bench press: bar only 45# 12x1; 55# 10x1; 65# 8x1; 75# 6x1; 55# 12x1. // seated flyes: 60# 12x1
  • seated cable rows: 60# 12x1; 65# 10x1; 67.5# 8x1; 75# 6x1; 65# 12x1 // wide-grip lat pulldown: 75# 12x1
  • seated db press (on Swiss ball): 5# 12x1; 8# 10x1; 10# 8x1; 12# 6x1; 8# 12x1. // db pie row (front and lat raises together): 5# 12x1
  • alt db curls: 5# 12x1; 8# 10x1; 10# 8x1; 12# 6x1; 8# 12x1. // bb curls: EZ-bar plus 5# 12x1
  • triceps kickbacks: 5# 12x1; 8# 10x1; 10# 8x1; 12# 6x1; 8# 12x1. // bench dips: bwt 12x1
DFA time: 1hr:38min
extra: pull-ups (Gravitron counterwt=60#) 12x1; wide-grip chin-ups (counterwt=90#) 12x1

Terry-24 Mon, May-28-07 11:45

28 May 2007
Taking the day off, after training run and total body workout yesterday. Need to get diet better planned: carbs at 40g, calories up to 1400?

Allergymom Mon, May-28-07 15:44


I am the type of person that I dont eat much before a race. Specially a 3.something mile one. I do drink a protein shake the morning of the race (eas shake) and it gives me the energy along w/o filling me up..of course I do lots of water as well..Running the half I should of done a carb up better. I paid dearly for it..There is a half marathon in Durango, CO close to us that sounds so good..But duh? what am I thinking..I am still healing from the foot/sciatica nerve problem..Its a drug..Its so addicting..

Do get some running in outside and maybe if you are treadmilling get some inclines in..If you know the course thats better if there are any hills etc. Your adreline alone will keep you going. Wear appropiate clothing along with good shoes..You learn from race to race what to expect etc..

Happy Memorial to ya


Terry-24 Tue, May-29-07 10:10

  • 26-May lake trail (about 4.7mi?) Padre Bay to dam entrance in 53:44 ~ HR: 183 Avg; 195 Max
  • 27-May, lake trail to Cowles Pt only (about 3.5mi?) 40:04, w/ turn at 20:03 ~ HR: 166 Avg; 183 Max

29 May lake trail to Blaze bench (past San Carlos Bay; mi?) 24:09, w/ turn at 12:03
HR: 157 Avg; 177 Max

Allergymom Tue, May-29-07 10:51

Good Morning..

As you've done the longer distances, any advice about runner's toe?

Have never heard of runners toe..Improper shoe fittings? I do wear a gel insert in mine..I have noticed over time that my middle toe on my right foot the nail has gotten thicker..I really think that is the friction of running..Sometime cramping but that could be caused by dehydration.

My feet usually dont give out on me..I so have to watch my back tho..

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