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sunshine2 Tue, Mar-28-06 08:54

I need to find out if there is a suppliment I should be taking while working out, trying to build muscle, lose fat. Don't know much about suppliments. I guess I will go search the board and see if there is any discussion on it.

Thanks Shushu for swinging by, yes, I'm still cheat free and love it.

sunshine2 Tue, Mar-28-06 23:44

Tuesday March 28th PM

Cardio only
Elliptical machine
35 min
2.51 miles
327 calories

sunshine2 Thu, Mar-30-06 13:37

Wednesday March 29

TOO TIRED - Too stressed
Took the day off
No W/O

sunshine2 Thu, Mar-30-06 13:40

Thursday March 30 Afternoon Exercise

Took a long lunch and went to the gym

10 min treadmill (warm-up)
Leg Ext - 30 lbs 2 x at 12 reps
Squats - 80 lbs 1 x at 12 rep

30 lbs 2 x at 12 reps
35 lbs at 12 reps

Standing Calve raises 27.5 2x at 12
seated calve raises 80 lbs 1x at 12

Inner thighs
70 lbs 3 x at 12 reps - very difficult

outter thighs
50 lbs 3 x at 12 reps
20 min Elliptical machine

Leg presses
1 x at 12 rep

bench - 1 x at 25
machine 2 x at 25
Obliques - 3 x at 50 lbs

Elliptical - 20 min (1.41 miles)

Some days you feel like you have had a great workout - today was not one of them! I just felt like I didn't work my muscles to the high points (or to the fullest). But oh well, I did exercise. Saturday morning will be a full hard core LBWO!

If ANYONE reads this, and knows ANYTHING about suppliments, please give me your input - I need to know some advice on what suppliments I should be taking to build muscle - burn fat! I know there are some out there, but just not sure how much I should take and what I should take. Which ones are good?

I'm pretty new to all this working out stuff, however, I am getting better! I'm on my 5th week - and each week I can see my muscles starting to form, (underneath the fat) I can see the inches disappearing and my strength is increasing.

galatia Thu, Mar-30-06 15:36


I have a question for you, I'm pretty new to the working out and was wondering - what supplements should I be taking to build muscle and burn fat - lots of it.

I'm on my 5th week of working out consistantly, doing 5 days a week, but aiming for 6.

I take a multi-vitamin but thats it. Any suggestions?
Hi there. The only supplements I take with any regularity are my multi-vitamin and creatine. Lately I've been taking DHEA and 5-HTP. I use protein powder for after weight training and mix the creatine 5 gr. with it. As far as fat burners, I have no suggestions for that.

Did someone fix your weight training plan for you? I'm glad you are making some nice progress. :)

sunshine2 Thu, Mar-30-06 16:19

Originally Posted by galatia
Did someone fix your weight training plan for you? I'm glad you are making some nice progress. :)

Kinda/sorta - I met with a personal trainer (my gym allows 2 private visits) - He suggested doing warm-up for 10 min then weight training - he suggest 2 x a week for upper and 2 x for lower - then do cardio for 15 min (if I want) I'm trying to do cardio 5 x's per week, the days off of weight training I do about 30-45 min of cardio. Any suggestions?

I've heard Creatine is the suppliment to take - I drink a protein (Designer's Whey Protein) after my workouts (usually an hour after) so I think I will start mixing some creatine in with it as well.

I am seeing progress, but being impatient, I want it now! But it is coming. I am proably going to do a BFL (Body For Life) challenge 5/1. But in the meantime, I'm just getting used to exercise and making it a WOL.

sunshine2 Mon, Apr-10-06 07:14

Day 1 of 84 - BFL challenge

Weight when I took measurements 202 - dropped 6 lbs in one night - holding a ton of water - but finally released it!
Beginning Weight as of this morning 196
Waist 38 3/4 (OMG)
Hips 45 1/2 (yikes)
chest 40
neck 15
calf 15 1/2
thigh 25 1/2 - this is just plain sick
Body Fat % 42.36 (this can't be right, its totally obese)
Lean Body Mass 114
BMI 32 (not sure what BMI is - but thats my number)

Goals - first and foremost, I gotta lower the body fat % - that is just rediculous and its sick that its that high. I want to be realistic, so I'm hoping to get the body fat % down to 33 % - My ultimate goal is to get it in the 20's, but will be happy for now if I can get it in the 30's - I will then work on getting it lower.

Second goal is to complete this 12 week challenge - I don't want to be a quitter I want to say I did it. No matter how much weight I lose or don't lose, I know that in 12 weeks if I stick to the program, I should see some results.

Begin time 5:23 am
Ending time 6:30 am (53 min - 5 min was warmup time)

Treadmill 5 min (warmup)


Incline Dumbbell Press 12x ~ 3lbs (6 lbs total)
10 x ~ 5 lbs
8x ~ 8 lbs
6x ~ 10 lbs
12x ~ 8 lbs
Duimbbell flyers 12x ~ 8 lbs
*not sure I hit the high point, might want to go up to 10 lbs for the last 12 reps

Side Raises 12x ~ 3lbs (one in each arm in all)
10x ~ 5lbs
8X ~ 5 lbs
6x ~ 8 lbs
12x ~ 5 lbs
Seated dynbbell press 12x ~ 5 lbs

Wide Grip pulldown 12x ~ 12.5 (really easy)
10x ~ 25.0
8x ~ 37.5
6x ~ 50.0
12x ~ 37.5
One arm dumbbell 12x ~ 8 lbs (probably need to go up to 10 lbs next time)

dumbbell extensions 12x ~ 1 lbs (start iwith with 2 lbs next time)
10 x ~ 3 lbs
8x ~ 5 lbs
6x ~ 8 lbs
12x ~ 5 lbs (might do 8 next time)
Machine triceps 12x ~ 30 lbs

Seated dumbbell curls 12x ~ 3 lbs
10x ~ 5 lbs
8x ~ 8 lbs
6x ~ 10 lbs
12x ~ 8 lbs
Hammer curls 12x ~ 8 lbs

It was a pretty good workout, I hit my high point on several of the exercises, will modify my next UBWO which will be on Friday

sunshine2 Tue, Apr-11-06 07:10

Day 2 of 84 (BFL CHALLENGE)
Cardio Day
Begin time 6:00 am - Ending time 6:20 am

Elliptical 20 min - hit my high point! Felt GOOD!

sunshine2 Wed, Apr-12-06 07:32

C1 - DAY 3 of 84 - Wednesday, April 12
Begin time 5:24 am
Ending time 6:31 am


5 min warm up - bike

Leg Extensions
12x ~ 10lbs
10X ~ 20 lbs
8 X ~ 20 lbs
6 X ~ 30 lbs
12x ~ 25 lbs
Squats (machine)
12x ~ 100 lbs

lying leg curls
12 X ~ 10
10 x ~ 20
8 X ~ 25
6 x ~ 30
12x ~ 20
Dumbell lunges
12x ~ 8 lbs (killed me)

CalvesSanding Calf raises
12x ~ 12.5
10x ~ 25
8x ~ 25 lbs
6x ~ 37.5
12x ~ 25 lbs
Angled calf raises
12x ~ 8lbs (might need to move dumbbells to 10lbs next time)

Ab Roller
12,10,8,6,12 (did Oblique machine ~ 50 lbs - 12x each)
decline sit-ups
12 x's (NEVER AGAIN - killed my back) Incline bench was too much -
Felt the ab workout was not all that it could have been - next LBWO will need to revamp my ab workout - not happy with what I did today.

Inner Thighs
Hip Abduction
1 ~ 30lbs
2x ~ 50 lbs (next time last 12, move to 70 lbs)

Outter thighs
Hip Abduction
3 ~ 50 lbs

My legs feel shakey this morning, I know I had a pretty good workout. I can feel my hamstrings burning already - so I know sitting down tomorrow will be a bit painful.

sunshine2 Wed, Apr-12-06 07:50


3/8/06 to 4/9/06

3/8 Waist 41.5 4/9/06 38 3/4 inches lost = 3 3/4" (yay)
3/8 Hips 48 4/9/06 45 1/2 inches lost = 2 3/4 "
3/8 chest 43 4/9/06 40 inches lost = 3"
3/8 calf 17 1/2 4/9/06 15 inches lost = 2 1/2"
3/8 thigh 29 1/4 4/9/06 25 1/2 inches lost = 3 3/4"

In one months time, I lost a total of 15 3/4" - Very happy with that!

sunshine2 Thu, Apr-13-06 13:20

C1 - Day 4 of 84, Thursday April 13th
Neck in horrible pain this morning - slept in, body needed the rest.

Worked out on empty stomach during lunch - 12:15 - 12:40pm

Elliptical Machine 22 min (I think I hit a 9)

Will work harder next time on hitting my high point.

Legs feel tight today.

sunshine2 Fri, Apr-14-06 07:51

C1 - Day 5 of 84, Friday April 14
Bengin time 5:39
Ending time 6:35

5 min treadmill

Incline dumbbell press
12 - 3lbs
10 - 5 lbs
8 - 8 lbs
6 - 10 lbs
12 - 8 lbs
Dumbbell flyes - 12 - 8 lbs

Side raises
12 - 3 lbs
10 - 5 lbs
8 - 5 lbs
6 - 8 lbs
12 - 5 lbs
Seated Dumbbell press 12 - 5 lbs

Wide grip pullovers
12 - 12.5
10 - 25.0
8 - 37.5
6 - 50 lbs
12 - 37.5 lbs
one arm dumbbell 12 - 8 lbs

dumbbell extensions
12 - 3 lbs
10 - 3 lbs
8 - 5 lbs
6 - 8 lbs
12 - 5 lbs
Machine triceps 12 - 35 lbs

incline dumbbell curls
12 - 3 lbs
10 - 5 lbs
8 - 8 lbs
6 - 10 lbs
12 - 8 lbs
Hammer curls - 12 - 8 lbs

Shoulders were worked hard and Biceps, next time will need to work back harder.

sunshine2 Mon, Apr-17-06 07:22

C1 - Week 1 - Day 6 - Saturday, April 15 2006

Elliptical Machine 20-HIIT

Sunday - FREE DAY - No exercise!

sunshine2 Mon, Apr-17-06 07:28

C1, Week 2, DAy 8, Monday, April 17, 2006

5 min warm-up Recumbant Bike

Leg Extensions
12 ~ 10 lbs
10 ~ 30 lbs (did this on accident - meant to be 20)
8 ~ 25 lbs
6 ~ 30 lbs
12 ~ 25 lbs
leg squat machine / 12 ~ 100 lbs

lying leg curls
12 ~ 10 lbs
10 ~ 20 lbs
8 ~ 25 lbs
6 ~ 30 lbs
12 ~ 25 lbs
Dumbbell lunges 12 ~ 8 lbs (definitely hit a 10) burned!

Rotary Calf machine
12 ~ 50 lbs
10 ~ 60 lbs
8 ~ 65 lbs
6 ~ 70 lbs
12 ~ 60 lbs (next time raise all the weights)
angled calf raises - 12 ~ 8 lbs (next time go to a 10 lbs)

Ab roller
Ab machine

Inner & outter Thighs on Hip Abduction
12 ~ 30, 12~ 50, 12 ~ 70

sunshine2 Tue, Apr-18-06 07:51

C1 - WEEK 2, DAY 9 OF 84, TUESDAY APRIL 18th
Tired this morning, but got up and made it happen! I love the new me!

20 min Elliptical Machine - HIIT

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