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groovygirl Wed, Jan-02-02 21:05

Ooh, I'd like in on this! I haven't seen 199 since 1990. I've got 19.5 lbs to go. (and I'll just sit and cry when I reach it).

I know its just a number and all (like age), but it really does mean something! It is a milestone! It's a marker of achievement (for people who are losing vs. gaining).

So, whaddya'll say? Can I join you?

Cheryl R Wed, Jan-02-02 21:11

Groovy Girl...
we'll be sittin' here crying along with you...then ya'll get to hang around til the end of the year and cry with me...I stil have about 70 pounds to go....
Welcome to 199 group

groovygirl Wed, Jan-02-02 22:20

Hurrah, I made it in!

You know what, Cheryl? I know you can do it. We all can do it. We all found this woe, didn't we? We all found this site, didn't we? We all found this thread, didn't we?

Well, then there must be a reason for it.

Cheers to the 199'ers! I raise my glass of.....right now it's decaf raspberry all of you! Three cheers for the 199'ers :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

sunsight13 Thu, Jan-03-02 03:59

I am really ready to see under 200 again. In 1997 I lost 55 pounds and weighed in at 162. I was hiking and really enjoying life. Starting in January 1998 life took one of those miserable turns. Within three months my best friend died, I was laid off from a job I loved, and moved across the country, away from friends and support, to a new job that paid better. I hated the job and the place. I was there for 17 months and the scale went up to 230. I moved to Italy for a job and even though the place was better the job sucked. I didn't gain any weight there but neither did I lose.

Now I am in Germany and life has calmed down tremendously with some good stuff happening. My biggest problem now is SAD, as it is dark and dreary most of the time. I would like to defeat it this time with diet and exercise. Started back at the gym last night and have been really good for 4 full days now. I am on my way down, down, down, to below 200 and then onward.

So I am ready to join you guys in the spiral to 199. Good luck to you and keep on LCing. Susan

John2001 Thu, Jan-03-02 08:27

All right! ! !
This is great, the group is getting bigger everyday as we are getting smaller ;)

It's good to have a group of people all striving for the same target, at the same time.
Some of us are close and others in the middle of the journey.

I agree, we will all be crying as person after person hits this goal!


pinkcaddy Thu, Jan-03-02 08:55

I weighed myself today. I have been in induction for 7 days, am in Ketosis and have gained a pound. I am really retaining water as well. I am going to try drinking lots and lots today. AAAAHHHH!

groovygirl Thu, Jan-03-02 12:06

Welcome Sunsight13!

You sure have a lot of guts to be moving round the world for a job! If you can have the determination to do that, you can surely get down to at least 199! (We have similar stats, I notice ;) ) You've all the support you could ever want right here.

I haven't noticed yet if you are keeping a journal. Do you want to post menus/want feedback? I've read where some people gain a little bit and then their whoosh is phenomenal!! Drink, drink, drink, by all means. I'm waiting for that whoosh!

and John:
We won't have any excuse for water retention after all of the tears we'll cry for each other after we hit the big number, eh?

Hang in there gang - we are doing great! :clap:

Ricamortys Thu, Jan-03-02 15:19

I just started my Induction yesterday. I have not seen 199 on a scale since 1990. I look forward to making the journey with some people who understand what I am trying to do. :) I look forward to seeing some success stories unfold in this forum.

I think I will be one of them.


tonmur Thu, Jan-03-02 16:03

Count Me In!!!!!
You can count me in as part of the group. I can't wait to see 199. I am 100% dedicated. I am doing it for myself to once again let my outside beauty match my inside beauty. I am doing it for my wonderful husband for all the love, support and belief he has in me and has shown me and I am doing it for my two daughters. I want to be able to get down in the floor and play with them and show them that mommy can be as roudy as they are.

I will succeed.

:thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup:

John2001 Thu, Jan-03-02 17:58

Like these positive thoughts here
I really like the fact that everybody in this forum is:
100% commited, has a very positive attitude, and all of us have
the same goal!

I have gone back to a very strict regiment again. I want to get there, hopefully, by the end of the month. (Jan.)

Beginning in Feburary, I will start working out again. (after a 10-yr break) Before I start adding muscle weight, I really want to see that magic number of 199!

Keep up the good work folks, we will succeed!

Cheers, John

justme Thu, Jan-03-02 19:16

Geeze what it would be like to hit the 190's.........

Good luck to ya all !!!!!!!!

Cheryl R Fri, Jan-04-02 00:24

You are really close...we will all cheer you on...but ya'll will have to stay around for me to do it...It might be awhile..

OK...our group is growing.....yipee

groovygirl Fri, Jan-04-02 01:00

So, 199 is in sight for all of us, right? I want it so bad, I could taste it. Tastes like ham.


So, apart from sitting on the floor and having a good cry (which is what I am gonna do) when I see that number on my are you going to reward yourself for all of your hard work?

groovygirl Fri, Jan-04-02 01:04

Hey Cheryl,

Do you really think we'd all leave and let you celebrate 199 all by your lonesome? It will be here before you know it. :rheart:

sunsight13 Fri, Jan-04-02 01:55

:cheer: Hi guys,

I am excited about a group with the same goal. I will be cheering you on :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I have been really dedicated to eating correctly since the 1st and go back to the gym tonight. Going three times a week minimum.

Taking jobs overseas and moving to new countries seems so much easier then losing weight! I know others think that is adventurous and risky but it is what I love to do - travel and see the world. And a new job is a new job, no matter where it is, so might as well be in a new country that I haven't lived in.

Losing weight is so tied into all the negative emotions of my childhood and eating is so soothing & sedating (especially carbs). It makes parts of life easier, however, it also cuts into my health and fun stuff, so here I am working my way (or weight) down the scale.

I am just glad I have other dedicated "losers" to do it with. Thanks for the support and I look forward to our victories!


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