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Ororo Mon, Dec-10-01 04:18

Another Weight Gain
2000 calories yesterday, 75% fat and another gain of 1/2 pound.

Of course. No one can make me eat. My only concern is that I was losing 1/2 - 1 pound per day doing it the "wrong" way. Now, I'm in Induction and gaining weight where I had not been. Previously, I had been down to having lost ten pounds. That trend has definitely been reversing itself. I've also noticed that I've got the munchies more often, too. Prior to two days ago, I was completely satiated at 1500-1700 calories. Perhaps, not all bodies are made the same. After 4 days of euphoria, these setbacks are incredibly discouraging. A few days ago, I was making plans for Miami Beach. Today, well . . .

Harley Mon, Dec-10-01 07:10

Hi Babs
funny you should say that about the calories. Ive found that if I cant have the foods I really like/am addicted to then I actually have to make an effort to have enough calories. Food as food doesnt really 'do' it for me. I am a snacker of sweet things by choice. I cant stand fat on meat and have been off oil for so long that I dont like it (apart from chips!) I have to force myself to eat on this diet because 'allowed' food doesnt interest me. However with my brand new attitude (ggl) I am thinking of all the yummy cheeses I can have.
However my cholesterol level is worrying me with all the fat I am eating (yes, I know it is supposed to lower it but I must admit to being a teeny bit disbeleiving here)
I love red wine and have lately been treating myself to a glass every so often.

Harley Mon, Dec-10-01 07:16

Hi Ororo
I cant really advise you about the weight gain as I dont feel I know enough but might be able to help with the snacking craving. I think you need to find the best way to accomodate the diet to your needs. For eg. I found (after ages) that I need to eat something every 2 hours, it's only something small but enough to fill me up (I also have digestion problems and eating this way is the best for me) I found that every 2 hours I get nervous and cranky and when I eat (protein) i feel much better. But it has to be protein. When I started the diet and stuck to 3 meals a day I found that on days when I had 2 meals I felt awful in the evenings, cravings and snack mad but whenI had 3 protein meals I felt ok.
Hoe this has been helpful
Good luck

Mindyd Mon, Dec-10-01 08:29

Calories are key though...
I can't believe how wonderful the website is! That makes it so much easier to keep track of calories, percentage of proteins, not to mention carb grams - I never realized how few calories I was eating, though I felt full all the time.

My weight was stalled and when I picked up the calories it started coming off again - whodathunkit? It almost seems like a chore to eat so much now - I never would have thought I would be in that position. But it's worth it when I go clothes shopping and can now buy a "large" instead of "x-large" or 14 instead of 16 - and I'm gonna keep on going baby!

This forum has helped me so much it's unbelievable - thanks to all for your words of encouragement and advice!

Natrushka Mon, Dec-10-01 08:53

Re: Another Weight Gain
Originally posted by Ororo
2000 calories yesterday, 75% fat and another gain of 1/2 pound.

Ororo, I can understand your frustration. What you're eating is as important as how much you're eating. How about starting a journal and listing your foods (quality and quantity). Are you keeping your water intake up?

Eating extra protein to boost calories is hard; it's very filling and there's only so much you can handle. Adding an extra tbsp of olive oil to your salad, frying in more butter, using more mayo; these are small things that are mostly fat and make a compounded increase in calories. Listing what you've been eating and how much of it would help in pinpointing what's going on. A brief 'dieting history' would also be in order; did you yo yo diet in the past? have you been eating too little protein for a long time? Are you taking any kinds of medications?


Ororo Mon, Dec-10-01 13:32

Gaining Daily
Gee Wiz!! I just wrote this really long message and erased it by mistake.

The gist was as follows:

I've been drinking AT LEAST 80oz water a day. (64oz + 8oz for every 25lbs to lose) Over the past two days, I've had 96oz and 112 oz of H2O, respectively.

I started dieting in early November. I was eating 1500 cal/day and exercising for about 1.5hrs - 2hrs. I lost 8lbs that way. And, I gained 4lbs back during Thanksgiving. I managed to get some of that off again. However, I wanted to lose weight more quickly and, more importantly, to be able to maintain after having lost. So, I decided to start lc'ing.

Before last Tuesday, I got most of my protein through fish and a soy protein drink. I started eating beef again to increase the amount of fat intake. I cut out the soy protein shake because it had to many carbs. I was still eating around 1500 calories and up to 1800 on some days. But, I felt full. I rarely needed a snack. I lost 3.5 pounds.

After learning that my calorie and fat intake were insufficient on Friday (?), I ate some pork. My fat and calorie intake have skyrocketed. BUT I HAVE STOPPED LOSING WEIGHT. In fact, I have gained 1.5lbs.

I've planned my meals for today. I've already had lunch.

Breakfast: 1tbsp wheatgerm in 1 cup soymilk; 1 cup soymilk to drink; 1 tbsp flaxseed oil

Lunch: 1 6.5oz cheeseburger (20% fat beef); 1 salad - 1 cup iceburg, 1 cup spinach, 1 tbsp capers, 1.5tbsp Italian dressing with oil & vinegar.

I am absolutely stuffed at this point.

Dinner: 8oz boneless catfish baked in butter
salad - same as previous with stuffed green olives added.

According to, this puts me at 1639 calories. 67%fat, 4% carbs, 29% protein.

If I am full after all this, I'm not certain why I should attempt to cram more food down my gullet if doing previously so has only caused me discomfort, added weight and lost time.

Natrushka Mon, Dec-10-01 13:59

Re: Gaining Daily
Originally posted by Ororo
According to, this puts me at 1639 calories. 67%fat, 4% carbs, 29% protein.

In terms of percentages, Ororo, this is good. This is where you want to be. 70% fat. This is better than the 48 - 55% you first mentioned.

If you were exercising 1 1/2 - 2 hours a day and only eating 1500 calories no wonder you lost weight. Are you still working out to that extent? What kind of exercise are we talking here? Weights? Basketball?

From 1500 to 1900 is 400 calories; whether you increase that with pork or with 3 tablespoons of butter or salad dressing (preferable) is up to you. But I can tell you that one is much more filling than the other. I'd also try to incorporate a little more protein with breakfast. Incidentally, according to recent research you shouldn't be including the flaxoil in your calorie totals; it is generally agreed that flaxseed oil is used for purposes other than fuel by your body. (Yeah, I know, there goes 120 calories and 13 fat grams off your total)

Have you tried eating more frequent smaller meals throughout the day?


Angela_NZ Mon, Dec-10-01 14:18

I was eating 1500 cal/day and exercising for about 1.5hrs - 2hrs. I lost 8lbs that way.

Hi Ororo, :wave:

It occured to me that if you were eating insufficient calories, and not much protein/red meat, plus exercising this much each day, you body was probably burning muscle as well as fat for fuel . Now that you have upped your calories and your bodies getting the protein it needs, I'd hazard a guess that the weight gain is your body replacing the muscle you lost back when you weren't eating enough. There is always some muscle breakdown during exercise, and if you don't eat enough your poor bod can't rebuild it.
Remember- Your body can't store fat in the abscence of insulin spikes (ie carbs), you could be eating 16 or 17 times your body weight in calories each day and not store fat- as long as you keep your carbs down. (this I know from personal experience! :D ) You may not lose fat either, but you won't store it. Cool huh?

Hope this is some help

Harley Mon, Dec-10-01 15:11

Hi Ororo
Oh dear.
Your type of weight loss and gain sounds a lot like a friend of mine.
I will probably get yelled at by more veteran carbers but if you dont want to eat more then dont! I havw also worried a bit that my calorie intake is low but I am beginning to find a way of eating that suits ME and I think you have to do that. Do take advice and get as much info as you can but you must start learning what your body needs and respond to that. It isnt easy and it does take time. Dont force yourself into eating more than you want or things that you dont want. Try to look at low carbing/dieting as a health issue, a path. Set yourself small goals and concentrate on the journey and not the end.
Keep going and be strong
All the best

Sh'ra Mon, Dec-10-01 16:05

EEEEEKKKK! No wonder I didn't lose as much on "induction" as I hoped to! I just entered my stuff into Fitday (finally went there after Nat and the rest of you talking about it). I'm getting WAY too many carbs, and apparently have been! Boy, they add up fast.

I'm gonna use this resource more often, and stick with a big juicy steak tonight :D

Ororo Tue, Dec-11-01 04:02

Thank God, No Gain
Well, I decided not to overstuff myself yesterday, and I didn't gain any weight. Who would have thought that after three days of losing weight, I would be so happy just to maintain. Perhaps, some people don't need an overabundance of calories. I guess DANDR or lc'ing is not one size fits all.

I'm going to go back to what I was doing and perhaps I can actually start to lose weight again.

Thanks Harley for your encouraging words. I also want to thank those of you who attempted to help me. I realize that no one meant any harm despite what has happened.

Good luck to everyone.

Harley Tue, Dec-11-01 07:34

You're most welcome.
Not leaving us I hope?


Ororo Tue, Dec-11-01 09:34

Hey Harley,

I'm not sure. I like the list, but it is linked with this current setback. Maybe I will feel better once I've lost the weight that I've regained. I know that I will think twice before taking advice again. :confused:

wangeci Tue, Dec-11-01 09:52

Think about the advice though
Although you were losing weight eating only 1500 calories and exercising, the weight you are most likely losing is muscle which is not good. It may be easier to get your fat and calories in 5-6 smaller meals rather then 3 meals. Nat really knows what she is talking about as other veteran low carbers that have given such advice here. I hope you don't leave, but you need to see the FACTS behind the advice, this is not only their opinion, but fact.
Good luck with whatever you choose to do, and I hope you lose the weight you would like.
Cindy :sunny:

Harley Tue, Dec-11-01 10:03

Hi Ororo
You sound upset, lost, desperate, disapointed etc etc. I really know how you feel as I have spent most of the time since Feb feeling like that (been dieting since then apart from 6 weeks break for marriag & honeymoon) I know what you are going through. Especially being on a low carb diet where instead of getting sympathy and understanding etc as you would on a 'conventional' diet you get weird responses and no sympathy etc. Apart from the fact that everyone is convinced that you are crazy of course. I will say what i said before. Listen to everything everyone has to say (whether written or verbal) think about it and try different things. listen to your body, find the sensible voice and dont listen to the destructive 'I want/I deserve' voice. Perhaps (members dont shoot me!) low carb isnt for you and if it is maybe Dr A isnt the low carb diet you need to be on. Write everything down - a diary, either on the site or on paper; what you ate, carbs, cals how you feel, what you weigh. try also to measure yourself as sometimes you lose on measurements and not on the scale.
I dont think you should leave the site because even if you are an observer and not a participant you are still part of a community that want to help and really understand what you are going through, you wont be alone.
Again this is my opinion only and again I have yakked on for too long.
Whatever you decide, do the best for yourself and lotsa luck.

If you want to 'talk' etc contact me

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