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Zanthor Tue, Dec-18-01 06:56

The human skin is an amazing organ which can weigh around 7lbs on an "average" sized person.

I don't recall where I read that, but I've read a LOT and sometimes thinks stick in my melon ;). So assuming the average sized person they are talking about is somewhere in the high 100's I'd say it's quite possible to have a some extra weight tied up in skin after you've been up there in weight...

I'm new to this, in fact I'm just about to biol water to make some poached eggs (This is because they are harder to screw up, I suck at flipping eggs!) for breakfast... and reading these posts like this are really REALLY helping my motivation!

Started out at 452 and am now down to 216. I stand 6'1" and have a large frame.

Dear god man! You must feel great about yourself, I saw the part about the picture, and I think the mirror can be warped by the mind easier, but when you seperate it into a photo it's much easier to realize the truth! I know in a year I gained 50lbs and while my pants got tighter I couldn't see the difference in the mirror, thou in photos I certainly can tell.

Everyone tells me I shouldn't lose anymore...they say I am starting to look too lean.

I think this would be a natural response from many people. They are thinking relatively, you have cut your weight by 50% in a single year, to many they probably see you and think "Oh my god! Thats not possible, he needs to stop dieting or he's going to be sick!" Even if they don't think it on purpose, deep down it will effect their thinking just a little! You must admit you have some AMAZING results here!

Again, I thank everyone here for posting, it's hard to share about this sort of thing, and reading other folk's success is really revving up my drive to go at this and make it work!

zellie Tue, Dec-18-01 07:27

Hi Zanthor,

Loved your message and welcome! If you are new, you will learn. No question is a silly question. I had to learn a completely new WOL :) I had to learn to cook all over again, and I HATE cooking!!! I was a junk food/take out queen. :D

I also think people are "jealous" of success stories, so they encourage you to "Have a cookie". They want you to break down and see you fail.

I am 10 lbs from goal, but I have more "dragons to slay" (cigarettes, more exercise, reach goal, and maintain for the rest of my life), before this journey is over. :)


GregInOkla Tue, Dec-18-01 19:06

Just found the answer to my original question about the loose skin and possible surgery. Unfortunately, I have developed a fairly large inguinal hernia. Went to see the surgeon who will do my hernia repair. When asked about my loose skin, he said it would definately require surgery to remove such a large way was excercise gonna tighten up that much skin! Never had any surgery before and NOT looking forward to the hernia surgery (this friday,12/21). At least maybe I'll lose the last 5 lbs. afterwards since I won't be allowed to eat the day of the surgery and probably won't feel much like eating for a few days.
Keep up the good work guys...I know you can do it. Just keep in mind that this diet DOES work. I never dreamed it would ever happen for me, but it has. Don't do this for anyone else, do it for yourself. When others try to persuade you to cheat, even a little bit, just say "no". When first starting this way of eating, I told my family and friends that I was going to be selfish about it and ignore their attempts (intentional or otherwise) to sabotage my weight loss. They still insist, however, on offering me cake, cookies, ice cream, etc..... LOL. One of these days they're gonna figure out this is a lifetime WOE for me!

zellie Wed, Dec-19-01 05:37

Good Luck with your surgery, Greg

texas-newf Wed, Dec-19-01 07:00

Good luck with the surgery. Thanks for the motivation and I'll be keeping a good thought for ya when you have your surgery.

Take care,

PJ in Miam Mon, Dec-31-01 12:21

Loose Skin
Wow, I'm really impressed at your weight loss. Congratulations, you rock!- be proud.

It is so inspiring to hear of success and see pictures of before and after. I've spent the last four days reading internet stuff about low-carbing, like 10 hours a day (my brain is frying :)) and I can't get enough of that. I'm in Oklahoma also, and am just starting out with about the same amount to lose as you already did, so I'm encouraged by your success.

It's also cool to hear it from a man, because I notice that in general, the low-carb sites and links seem to have a great deal more women than men, and while weight loss is weight loss, I think each gender has its own cultural needs for bonding with similar others.

I have known a number of people who have done low-carb diets, and in every single case, if they truly did it properly they lost tons of weight as desired (given they didn't have some major undiagnosed health issue).

And if they didn't follow it properly, they didn't lose weight (usually they did initially, then ceased). Most of those blamed the diet and would tell everybody they did everything right and it just didn't work for them... but really the issues is that they just wanted to be in denial and avoid counting carbs in all sorts of things, no matter how specific Dr. Atkins was about that.... the programming of our culture overwhelmed them and they started rationalizing that hey, vegetables and salads are good for you, so as long as they're eating things good for them.

Those which succeeded ALL seem to say, "Just do it. Read the whole book and follow the instructions properly." That reminds me of a saying, "Success is a matter of luck. Ask any failure." (Of course, winners will say they were successful because they worked for it!) It is inspiring to me that there is such a down-to-earth "follow the instructions and it will work" concept to all this.

Now, about the loose skin. I worry about this, as I'm female and it's an even bigger deal for women I think (maybe that is just my bias). I have asked many people about this and searched archives all over the web for comments on this.

Here is what I've gathered, for whatever it's worth:

Supplementary Selenium is said to be very good for skin. Too much can be bad.

All forms of antioxidents which fight free radicals are said to be good.

Oxygen in the form of lots of water is said to be critical, as is oxygen in the form of better or specialized breathing (see "Oxycise!").

Actual Vitamin E oil on the skin is said to be good.

Body building is said to be good.

All of the above combined together over a period of time is said to be great. I have read some people saying they lost large amounts and the skin DID shrink down decently over time but it really took time.

I don't know. I'd love it if you'd put the ideas into practice and let us know, so by the time I get to serious weight loss I'll have some great advice about it. :)

My own very subjective response is that I would try all these things for a period of time before surgery on the skin (I assumed the surgery you mentioned was for the health/injury problem not the skin). I really hate the idea of surgery if not necessary. Skin isn't dead stuff, it's a multi-layer very alive organ filled with nerve endings and chopping sections of it off is hopefully a very last resort.

When I was pregnant (and heavier than I am now), I had extremely high blood pressure, and I was so IMMENSELY bloated that literally I was like a tube. I didn't have fat ankles, I didn't have any ankles period, I had the figure of a penguin. My upper arms were simply massive beyond belief. After I had the baby, my blood pressure dropped to normal literally in a period of hours, and the docs gave me a massive diuretic to get rid of all the fluid. To say my skin hung was an understatement. When I put out an arm, you could see the bone at the top, and then this huge sack of skin like six inches long, and then the fat was down at the bottom like some sand in a bag... many inches of skin just swinging, it was so horrible, I looked at it and I cried. The doctor told me it would not go more than partly away. But it did over a couple years, without me doing anything to that end. I think maybe (checking out my arms here) the skin is not as pulled-tight as it might have been otherwise, but it did shrink. I've known friends who were very overweight AND got pregnant, then had the baby AND lost weight, leaving them with a helluva lot of swinging skin in the gut area; over 2-3 years it shrank, and again probably not as 'tight' as it might have been otherwise, but they didn't need surgery.

The stretch marks -- ah, my body is a road map. Probably not a whole helluva lot we can do about that. :(


GregInOkla Tue, Jan-01-02 00:48

PJ, I agree with you about not wanting any needless surgery. I will wait at least a year to see what happens before I consider any cosmetic surgery, and even then I doubt I would do it. By the way my hernia repair surgery went great. Its been 10 days now and no more pain or discomfort. Happy New Year to all !! Greg

Victoria Tue, Jan-01-02 18:25

Glad to hear your surgery went well...I'm sure you are relieved that is over.

About the loose skin...I hope you are right PJ. I don't think I'd ever have the courage to do surgery, so I hope it shrinks up as I lose. I don't care to be perfect (don't ever plan to wear a bikini), but it would be nice if my belly didn't hang down. :rolleyes:

I know exercise will help a great deal. I'm still trying to get motivated enough to do it. I would like to start walking. That's what I would like to do, but everyday I find one more day goes by where I haven't done it. I know as I get smaller, the exercise gets easier. But I want to get to where I am doing it regularly. I know it makes me feel much better, and it is so good for you health-wise.

Have a wonderful New Year! Victoria

LC_Dave Sun, Feb-03-02 08:56

Good to see the Surgery went well!

Congratulations on the Weight Loss Greg!

You are definately an inspiration to me!

LC_Dave :thup:

DWRolfe Sun, Feb-03-02 10:20

Congratulations Greg!
Wow, I'm going to have to check out your journal. I suspect you're going to be my LC inspiration!

When I first started this WOE, I did so thinking it would be a way to drop 50 pounds or so while I thought about what I would do to get all the wieght off. It honestly didn't occur to me that I could lose all the weight I want by eating this way.

After reading success stories from people who have lost 150 lbs or more, I see that it is possible. Maybe I don't need to have my stomach stapled or go on a supervised liquid diet as some have suggested. I'd much rather lose weight this way.

Thanks for the inspiration. I hope you're feeling great!



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