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wcollier Mon, Sep-13-04 18:52

Monday Sept 13 - Low Carb Day

Workout: Treadmill HIIT - 25 minutes, 7 intervals

Meal #1 - Protein Shake, fish oil
Meal #2 - Raw almonds
Meal #3 - Turkey breast, salad w/ olive oil & balsamic vinegar
Meal #4 - Turkey breast, cucumber slices, fish oil
Meal #5 - Ground beef w/ LC BBQ sauce, green beans, fish oil
Meal #6 - Cottage cheese w/ peanut butter

Calories: 1391; Protein 151g (44%); Carbs 19g (6%); Fat 76g (50%)

red1cutie Tue, Sep-14-04 21:07

Hi Wanda! Hope you had a great Tuesday and didn't have to work too hard.

Be safe

wcollier Wed, Sep-15-04 07:53

Tuesday Sept 14 - High Carb Day

Meal #1 - Protein shake, steel cut oats, blueberries, stevia
Meal #2 - Turkey cutlet, butternut squash
Meal #3 - Chicken breast w/ LC BBQ sauce, baked beans (SF and no AS), cucumber slices

Workout - Chest/Back

Bench Press - 24x6/45x4/55x4x4/60x4
Barbell Row - 45x4/65x4x3/70x4x3
2 circuits - 30 minutes

Meal #4 - Protein shake, steel cut oats, blueberries, stevia
Meal #5 - Chicken breast w/ LC BBQ sauce, green beans w/ olive oil & tamari sauce
Meal #6 - Protein shake, raw almonds, fish oil

Calories - 1814; Protein 149g (33%); Carbs 182g (40%); Fat 53g (26%)


I used the Olympic 7' barbell yesterday for my SLDL and thought I was going to let go of the bar. I'm used to a curl bar, which gives me a better grip b/c the bar is smaller. Do those lifting straps solve this problem? If so, are there any tips I should know about before buying?


liftnlady Wed, Sep-15-04 09:40

yes they help..I bought these gloves with a hook on them and it helps is a link

mle_ii Wed, Sep-15-04 14:07

I use the lifting straps for dead lifts and shrugs, sometimes cable rows and lat pull downs depending on how heavy I want to go.

There's not really a lot to the straps, at least the ones I use, so there's nothing really to be concerned about when buying them. As for using them you might want to ask some people about it when you get them. I imagine the hooks (that liftnlady mentioned) are easier to use, but the straps might be more versitile. I've never seen these gloves with hooks so I can't say much on them.


mle_ii Wed, Sep-15-04 16:13

Bummer about the straps. One thing that helps me when I do dead lifts when I don't have the straps is to alternate your hand grips. So my left palm is facing towards my body and me right palm is facing away. This will lessen the tendancy of the bar to roll out of your hands. Then if you do another set switch how your palms are facing.

And "luckily" the colitis I have is not a full blown colitis. I have Lymphocytic Colitis. It appears that the symptoms can be lessened by diet and other means. Well, at least for some it can. I think the low carb diet is helping and I'm going to try to eat gluten free products as much as possible to see if that helps as well. I'm also lucky in that my symptoms aren't as frequent and as bad as they tend to be on others with LC.

Yeah, I avoid drugs as much as possible. About the only drug that I like is Nyquil for colds. LOL Other than that I avoid any and all drugs, even including stuff like asprin and ibuprofin unless I "really" need it.

I'm going to give probiotics a try once I find out more about them.



liftnlady Wed, Sep-15-04 16:15

good suggestion on the grip...that is what I do...I had not thought to switch them though I will try that. You will like the straps if you get them, I used the hooks a few weeks ago and was able to finish my 135 SLDL's without a problem, usually my forearms give out.

sorry to hear about your problem MLE, but you seem to be working through it pretty well.

wcollier Thu, Sep-16-04 13:08

Wednesday Sept 14 - Medium Carb Day

Meal #1 - Protein shake, steel cut oats, blueberries
Meal #2 - Chicken w/ LCLF BBQ sauce, butternut squash
Meal #3 - Chicken w/ LCLF BBQ sauce, green beans, raw almonds

Workout: Quads
ATF Squats - 30x4/70x4x2/80x4x4
One Legged Calf Raise - 35x6/85x4x2/90x4x4
2 circuits

Meal #4 - Protein shake, steel cut oats, blueberries
Meal #5 - Cottage cheese w/ peanut butter, green beans, fish oil

Calories - 1443; Protein 150g (41%); Carbs 132g (36%); Fat (including fish oil) 38g (23%)

I need to find something other than oats to eat. For some reason, it gives me heartburn.

I hurt my knee doing ATFs yesterday. It seems ok today, but I'll have to keep an eye on it. This knee problem is very frustrating.

Things are crazy right now. We may be moving our Cosmetic clinic, DH's medical clinic (along with his 2 sisters) PLUS our home into one big house. My head's reeling, never mind that we're upgrading our laser. Sure wish money grew on trees. It's got me in knots right now. I'm a terrible risk-taker.

Anyway, I gotta run. Hopefully I'll get back on tonight.


liftnlady Thu, Sep-16-04 13:10

how about cream of wheat or rice, or malt o meal...not as much fiber. maybe it is the steel cut oats have you tried the quaker ones.

wcollier Fri, Sep-17-04 07:26

Thursday Sept 15 - Low Carb Day

Weight: 146.6

Rest Day

Meal #1 - Protein Shake, fish oil
Meal #2 - Cottage cheese, peanut butter
Meal #3 - Chicken salad w/ olive oil & balsamic vinegar dressing
Meal #4 - BBQ'd chicken, green beans, fish oil
Meal #5 - Cottage cheese, peanut butter, fish oil

Calories - 1292; Protein 128g (40%); Carbs 20g (6%); Fat (including fish oil) 76g (54%)


I had to take a rest day yesterday since we had to travel down to Kitchener for a laser demo. I'll do my cardio today instead.

There is no question now that fish oil makes me more thermogenic. It happens on my LC days when my intake exceeds 2 T. Cool!

Lift, I used to get hearburn from oatmeal (even the regular). I find that the refined items like cream of wheat etc. empty too fast from my stomach. I don't get the heartburn from one meal, but after several meals, so I might get away with the oats for breakfast and then find an alternative for post workout. I used to have butternut squash with my shake post workout so that's always an option.


liftnlady Fri, Sep-17-04 09:25

hey there Wanda...hope you have a great Friday aand weekend as well. The butternut squash thing sounds like a great idea, or even yams would work. Any low glycemic carbs for the most part I think are ok.

wcollier Sat, Sep-18-04 06:23

Friday Sept 17 - Low Carb Day

Cardio: Treadmill - 40 minutes (including 5 min warmup & cooldown)

Meal #1 - Protein shake, fish oil
Meal #2 - Cottage cheese, peanut butter
Meal #3 - Chicken, green beans, fish oil
Meal #4 - Hazelnuts, fish oil


Things got away from me yesterday and I got stuck in the afternoon without food, but I wasn't hungry anyway. Either my stomach's in turmoil or all this fish oil really makes me not hungry. I think it's the latter. Normally I get hungry under stress.


wcollier Sun, Sep-19-04 07:20

Saturday Sept 18 - High Carb Day

Weight: 145.2

Meal #1 - Steel cut oats w/ cottage cheese, blueberries, stevia
Meal #2 - SF Baked beans w/ LC BBQ sauce & chicken
Meal #3 - Chicken breast, Black Japonica rice w/ tamari sauce, cucumber slices

Workout: Shoulders & Lats

Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 12x4/16.75x4/20x4x5
Pulldowns - 40x4/65x4/70x4x5
2 circuits

PWO Shake - Protein powder, soy milk, pumpkin, SF caramel syrup
Meal #5 - Chicken salad w/ lettuce, cucumber, fish oil & balsamic dressing
Meal #6 - Cottage cheese, peanut butter & stevia

Calories - 1609; Protein 149g (38%); Carbs 148g (38%); Fat 43g (25%)


Did I mention how much I hate this program? :lol: Yesterday's WO was tough psychologically. I felt a bit weak and then I felt nauseous again after my circuits. It must be the circuits that do it to me.

BUT, I think it might be working! I'm probably a bit premature, but in 1 week, I've lost 1/2 lb which included a huge cheat meal, which should take me 2 weeks to recover from. I'll know better in the next week.

I did my measurements yesterday, but there haven't been any changes so far. Stupid sure demoralizes people. Since my weight gain, it stated that I'd reduced muscle mass from 94 lbs to 61 lbs and increased body fat from 25% to 67%! Huh???? I don't think so! What's wrong with that site!!!!! I knew my body fat was always overestimated (even at 25%), but 67% is ridiculous. :rolleyes:


liftnlady Sun, Sep-19-04 10:21

hey wanda...good job...the circuits can make you naseaus..I know the ones I do for my program do the same thing. I found my bodycomp to be highly take their info with a grain of salt.

Your question in my log abut losing was more of my decision, I had maxed out at where I wanted to be at 144 so I felt like taking a little back off and then keeping the progres up after my surgery. The reason I gained weight in the first place was cause I was put on the BC pills that were really high in estrogen and progesterone...they casued me to put on about 10lbs and no matter what I did that normally worked, they weight would not go back down. So, I decided to capitalize onthat gain more weight and add some now I am cutting back down and we will see what is I am at 140, I am gonna try to get to 135-138 by Ocotber 6. :)

liftnlady Sun, Sep-19-04 16:11

I think I was eating about 2500 a day...with some days over that if I was more liberal with cheats, I actually lose pretty easy when I am not on the it should be no problem to get back down to the 120-125 range once the surgery is done. I am excited to see what my body will do without allthe extra estrogen..I would like some hardening up on my lower body and hopefully better muscle building capabilites. The tough part for me is not the is getting back into doing cardio regularly....I hate cardio.

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