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Rocky_Cdn Thu, Apr-01-04 12:12

Originally Posted by shortstuff
After dinner both she and her mom complimented me on the menu. My answer? I'm so glad you both enjoyed your Atkins' lunch and dinner. I sincerely hope you both don't have heart attacks on the way home.

DEAD SILENCE!!!! :lol:

Hee hee - I can almost picture the expressions on their faces!

It's too bad that happened to you, IVannaBFit (great name!). Keep your head high and let your progress show the way.


DeanaJane Thu, Apr-01-04 12:19

Originally Posted by Hilary M
"Are you always this rude to complete strangers?"

I think that is the best answer. Not putting her down for her choice. Don't stoop to her level. But bottom line, why are you being rude to me? I don't even know you nor did I ask for your opinion.

I'm fortunate with one of my co-workers. She is a skinny minnie. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But she has been my best supporter here at work. The other day she walked in that morning and patted me on the side of my hips. (my problem area) and said you are doing so good, look at you. I was so happy. She has been great this whole past 9 months. She is my little chearleader at work.


madpiano Thu, Apr-01-04 15:33

I am soo glad that I have nice co-workers. Right next to me sits this girl who is so skinny, you could get splinters of her. We went to the pub tonight and she ordered Potato Wedges for the whole table. She asked me what I was allowed to have on my diet before she went to order it and then asked for extra bacon and cheese on top, so I could share !!!! I thought that was sooo sweet. She is allways compliments me on my weight-loss as well. She really keeps me going.

Another girl is on Weight-Watchers and it allways cracks us up when we end up eating (mixed salad with grilled chicken breast) and drinking (Vodka/Diet coke) the same stuff.

I really like my co-workers. Posts like this show me how horrible other places can be....

fridayeyes Thu, Apr-01-04 15:51

RobsGal - How much have you talked to your doctor about the stomach pains you get when eating high-fat meals? This is sometimes experienced by people who are having gall-bladder problems. Stones take quite some time to develop, but the problems (blockages) often manifest during fat-loss diets (of all kinds).

If the pains continue to happen, or next time you see your doctor, the possibility of gall bladder problems might be worth exploring.



LMmama Thu, Apr-01-04 18:27

look at it this way--- if your new co-worker keeps up the comments to all the strangers at work, she may not be working there long! lol

Marge Thu, Apr-01-04 18:36

I just sweetly smile at people when they comment on all the bad things about Low carbing and say, "It's not about losing weight, it's about getting my blood sugar under control. The fact that I am losing weight and have more energy is just a side benefit"

danakins Fri, Apr-02-04 05:18

I'd say, "Well then, will you at least come visit me in the hospital when I have kidney failure?" ;) Leave em speechless.


adkpam Fri, Apr-02-04 08:07

It always reminds me of the Woody Allen movie, "Sleepers" where he wakes up hundreds of years later and they are telling him, "No, no, fat is good for you!"

This is what a lot of people are struggling with. I know when I started low carbing, it was freaky. It turned everything I thought I knew about food "upside down and inside out." But once I did the research and read the book, it made so much sense to me I had to....CHANGE MY MIND.

This is such an insurmountable hurdle for most people (not to mention thinking for themselves) that they never do it.

I always figure it is their loss (or not, in this case.)

I usually say, "Oh no, I did the research. You know the media often blows things out of proportion."

Hedgey Fri, Apr-02-04 09:28

I like to use one I came up with when 'discussing' my new WOE with my mom. I modified it a bit for the buttinsky stranger situation:

"Yeah, I ate low fat-high carbohydrate for years too, until I read the report about how that's exactly what farmers feed their hogs to fatten them up for the butcher."

That ALWAYS leaves 'em with their mouth hanging open! :D

I double-checked that info with some farmer friends of mine and they verified it whole-heartedly. Nothin' fattens up a critter better than limiting their fat and pushing starches. The farm stores around here sell stuff called "finishing" feed. It's what you feed the animals in the last few months before market. Guess what kinds of ratios are in there??? I'll give you a hint - go take a look at that stupid USDA food pyramid...

146pounds Fri, Apr-02-04 09:39

Penny for your thoughts! No thanks
Wow, I am definietly not alone. I am constantly protecting myself at lunch time when my co-workers berate me for my daily food choices. I completely want to vent at them for their uneducated remarks and unsolicited advice and comments.

Whats helped me the most is by checking the number of Lo-Carbers that are using this network. There are tons of us, and the thing is, it's working---and fast too!

So I suggest in a couple on months you mosey down to her desk and ask "How's the kiss of death working for you. I'm sorry I mean the low calorie thing?"

pinkpen Fri, Apr-02-04 09:57

I can't get over the nerve some people have in general. From commenting on your food to unsolicited opinions on everything else, you know?This person hardly knows you, yet has the nerve to step in and talk about something as personal as your weightloss plan. :nono: What a jerk.

I've a friend who is very anti-Atkins and is now wondering hwo the heck I'm losing weight. We go out, I have a fabulous salad loaded with spinch, chicken, ham, turkey (what is that called - the cobb salad?), a diet coke or like the last time we went out for pizza. I ate the topping and just simply said "eww..I don't like this crust" as my way out. We've known each other long enough that my not eating the crust wouldnt' freak her out at all. Hahahaha! Anyway, she's about 80lbs overweight and asked me the other day what I thought about Atkins. I started to say I thought it was great and WHAMMO she started attacking the diet. At the end of her "SERMON" she came out and asked me "Mavis, I know you're losing weight. What are you doing eating pizza? You can't do that!" I laughed and said "I can't? (chew chew chew) Someone call the diet police!" That shut her up.

Another line I've used on my own mother, after once again focusing on every morsel I eat was "Surely you can find something more interesting to talk about than the size of my a**, mother." Then I changed the subject.

If ms.low-fat brings it up again, I'd look at her like she was insane and ask her if she has anything else to talk about ."Is that all you talk about?" :p


Marg140 Fri, Apr-02-04 10:27

I'm constantly surprised how people make comments like that. After eating the exact same thing as a friend, without the bread of course, she made the comment "I hope your'e not going to do this "diet" too long, because it is so unhealthy. I started laughing out loud, I've never ate better, and I told her I will be doing this "diet" for the rest of my life.

I think our friends want to keep us the same weight, because they are afraid we will change on the inside too.


eve25 Fri, Apr-02-04 10:33

you know, everyone has their own opinions but i cant imagine EVER having the nerve to say what these people say!!! even if i saw someone eating ice cream and snickers bars everyday for lunch i would never open my mouth...its not my business #1, and #2, why would you want to make someone feel bad???????

i will tell you though, i dont think i ever had a negative response to atkins from people. apparently around here EVERYONE is doing low carb!!!

kayshay Fri, Apr-02-04 10:41

Okay, here's my vent about my anti low carb friends--we recently went on a weekend beach trip and everyone brought their own food. When we got hungry and put out an array of our foods, everyone ignored their high carb foods and gobbled up my pickled asparagus spears, deviled eggs, celery w/cream cheese, nuts, strawberries and sliced, chilled grilled meats. It was an interesting experiment--put out a spread of high and low carb foods, and watch how people will naturally choose what I truly believe we should all be naturally eating. This also educated my friends that Atkins is not just a "bacon and cheese" diet as many people think.
I read a book about the brain a while back, written by a neurologist who talked about the "caveman's diet" and how it accelerated evolution. Yep--the diet she described was pure Atkins--and she also recommended eating wild game wherever possible because of increased enzymes or something but I digress...

Ivanna--excellent topic you started as were the replies, but I think you are a class act for letting her thoughtless comments just hang in the air. It's good to know what kind of person you're dealing with on only the second day she's supposed to be adapting to your team!

Marge Sat, Apr-03-04 18:02

Just browsing throught some exercise books at the local bookstore and was surprised how many of the exercise gurus actually mentioned modest fat and low carb intake for muscle building & fat lose, a couple even mentione "Ketosis" like it was a good thing.

Interesting, even the experts are catching on to what works for us.

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